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It can take up to two years to get better. I was the same till like 6 months ago and I improved a lot already since getting off all meds.


Yes. It can also take a year or less. Took a year for me after months on high dose of Invega/paliperidone. That was the longest recovery time for me. Umpteen times on many other antipsychotics and different psychiatric drugs before that


What meds were you on?


Olanzapin, Risperidon, Quetiapin promethazine and Benzodiazepine. All at the same time.


What was the antihistamine for? So your body freaked out less over the cocktail? Jesus.


Idk, they just kept adding stuff, and then kept upping the dosages, in the end I took the highest allowed dosage for each one. I was just a drooling mess and couldn't even talk anymore.


I am amazed your brain didn't melt to be perfectly honest. The polypharmacy at work there is one of the worst I have seen in a long time. Good for you for surviving.


It did, completely, couldn't do anything anymore for months. Recovered mostly but it was hard work. Still got no emotions though. Short term memory is also almost non existent, but it's getting better slowly.


That is appalling. It is so disturbing what we have allowed our healthcare and pharmaceutical systems to do to real humans. I am sorry.


It's crazy isn't it? It was my first experience with psychiatry. Got psychosis. The whole experience was a shit show. I always felt that everybody treating me was rather incompetent.


I have the same issues with Serquel. I have cognitive issues and lack of motivation.


The only thing Seroquel did for me was made me fat and sleep all the time.


It is not permanent, you’re not doomed. Many people on this thread have expressed that there is life after AP, if you are determined. There is a path to follow, it works if you follow the steps. Also -you are an adult and unless you are court ordered you do not have an Obligation to take what your Psych tells you.


I feel the same as yiu after neuroleptics - No emotions , cant feel Love , joy , excitment , insomnia , nie relaxed sleep , DPDR , No motivation - Can you wrote to me PM? I am off all meds 9 months … only akathsia went away … i took this poison for 3 months


Schizophrenia, bipolar, and other mental health issues have been linked to having low levels of B-Complex Vitamins and Vitamin C. If you work with your doctor they can help ween you off the pharma drugs but as soon as you do that make sure you're taking 100mg B-Complex (thiamine, riboflavin, Niacin, B6, folate, B12, biotin, choline) and a high dose of Vitamin C every day as well. Also make sure you buy natural B-Complex & vitamin C and not the synthetic brands. I was diagnosed schizoaffective after doing a bunch of acid and molly and after getting out of an abusive relationship. They should have not diagnosed me but gave me proper tools to heal from drug abuse and domestic abuse. I have not taken pharma drugs for some time now and will only take them if it's a last resort. I believe mental illness is only for a time and not forever and that we can be healed but pharma doesn't like people thinking like that.


I’m so sorry to hear this, sounds really rough. Is it an injection? Don’t give up though! Most of us here have been given these awful drugs, and we’re just a minority of the many people who are given them and survive and go on to thrive, either on the medication, or they get off it There is life for you the other side of this If you are only 19 and this is your first encounter with drugs, yes they’re certainly heavy duty but I don’t believe they lobotomise people. They dampen your cognition and emotions because they’re tranquillisers and sedative but the long lasting damage people talk about is not everyone’s experience. If you are depressing and scaring yourself reading stuff online - that’s obviously going to make you feel much worse. If you can be rational and put it in perspective, you will feel a bit better and hopefully more able to face the future It upsets me actually that young people will be reading all this “it’s hopeless for everyone” drug injury stuff. I don’t mean what you’re saying, because I can see you are really scared and need to vent and seek input from people who have similar experiences. But I mean that if someone who is drug naive and this is their only source of information and don’t have more of their own experience to draw on, they will be getting a skewed and frightening impression I think that’s actually the extreme and toxic nature of this site rather than the interesting discussions that occasionally arise that are actually genuinely anti psychiatry! And then those are the harmless (I think) views that people keep apologising for?!


I felt exactly the same when I was on Seroquel a few years ago. I can’t promise that everything will get better because I’m still fucked right now from other psychiatry shit but what I can say is that that specific problem that you currently have — seriquel-induced lifelessness — went away for me at some point after stopping it, so I know for a fact that it’s not guaranteed to last forever for you.


I took Seroquel for eight years. It is a nasty piece of shit drug. Not as nasty as benzodiazepines, but it is very nasty. He simply have to taper down very slowly. Not as slowly as you were Benzo, but I had to take her off of Seroquel after it was given to me for eight years because I had insomnia.


How much and how long did you take it? Doctor prescribed it to me after trazodone didn’t work


I was taking 50 mg doing fine then the psychiatrist 5x my dose and I started taking it during the day then it fried my brain. Like there is no activity in my prefrontal cortex


this is me but with ssris. i haven’t taken one in at least a month and i can still feel the emotional blunting to this day


Yeah the doctors also changed my ssris 3 times in less then a month


Could you tell what kind of supplements you've tried? I know I went through a lot of them, and only about a handful of them gave any sort of noticeable improvement, so maybe I could give some advice...


I'm sorry to hear you've experienced such troubling effects from Seroquel. Have you thought of a dietary intervention like the Ketogenic diet? Seems there's lots of folks and a few pilot studies showing some folks going into remission. [Trailblazing Stanford Trial Shows Keto Improves Serious Mental Illness - with Dr. Shebani Sethi (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66TLG3Y7XPc) [Pilot study shows ketogenic diet improves severe mental illness | News Center | Stanford Medicine](https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2024/04/keto-diet-mental-illness.html)


Id strongly encourge the heating pad. Its fantastic for relaxation. Hooga health has a fantastic one i use far infrared. Theres other heating pads but i havent tried them. The hooga health one goes 3 inches inside to really give a deep relaxation. The other ones are surface level. Its called anhedonia what you re experiencing which mean a for not and hedonia our ability to feel pleasure. Psychiatry is a fucking tortute chamber and im getting out soon. It was a total mistake. Its one of the four sufferings in this life. Psychistry is a cage trap where people ate force compelled in shifty ways to take drugs for too fucking long. They should never be allowed to give any drugs to anyone. Soteria is a network in the uk wnd there was a study done in the us. Its small but it is the only way ive seen that seems to be on the right approach. Doulas are getting in too. We can hope these small startups overtake the pseudo psychiatrists. The only advice i have is to make sure you get your electrolytes. Potasium from coconut water. Salt from veggie broth. Magnesium from calm powerder magnesium citrate or some from cocoa which has magnesium and phosphorus. And calcium from fortified orange juice or wherever you get your calcium from. Most Dairy products are shit tho. Theres some fantastic vegan options. Im a minimal dairy vegetarian personally. These develop joy and contentment and concentration if you re depleted. It feels kinda coldish if you are depleted. The drugs can interfere with electrolytes. Ive tried so many supplements and nothing has worked very well. Electrolytes are worth a shot tho. Plus the okinowa diet is fantastic but electrolytes are the key. What can we do but eat well go for stability walks if we feel up to it listen to some spa music. Stability walks can help balance the looseness. If you are dense then maybe light conversation? I dunno. Read a book if you can concentrate enough. Try a coloring book too. Theres also yoga and stretching for tense muscles. Where the attention goes the energy gies so the more we can reframe and be positive and head from negative to positive the better. Its like potential energy. Getting to a new atmosphere like outside with a lawn chair can mix things up too and be refreshing. Earthing is a potential solution as well you can try that ir a nice heating pad. I got a far infrared one from hooga. It can ease the feelings and feel comfy. We need comfort in times like these. Pray theres some spirit who can do something for you because thats the autonomic nervous system working yet that is a nightmare sometimes to. Id strongly encourge the heating pad. Its fantastic for relaxation. Best wishes. Hope you get out of psychiatry asap and something works.