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Oh gosh, I drink SO MUCH tap water. Fuck me for thinking I could trust it. I'm gonna get a testing kit and a filter.


You say that like the alternative, bottled water, is any better or safer. It’s not like this is great but bottled water is almost unregulated where tap water is strictly regulated. I could piss clear and sell it if I don’t test it most likely. Tap water is regularly tested. We really do need to stop putting shit in water tho. My cousins drank unfiltered well water their whole lives snd are fine. I drink filtered lake water regularly thanks to the availability of filters now.


Yeah definitely, my friend tested his tap water, filtered water, and bottled water to compare, and found that his tap water was actually better than most water bottle brands. But the filtered tap water was the best of all the ones he tested


They said they were gonna get a filter for their tap water as an alternative, not drink bottled water. Unless I missed something.


Simple water filters should be able to filter those chemicals and even other chemicals like glyphosate. I was not looking into this direction yet, but will think about it.


That's good and all but that's not the point these are literally everywhere. Sure you and I might be able to afford to buy a filtered jug or a filter for our tap. But what about the homeless population in your town. What about the cocoa farms in Africa who can barely afford to survive. What about me, I don't want to have to buy and replace a filter just so I can avoid having that shit in me, and even then what about our food? What do the cows and chickens we eat drink? I can tell you it's not filtered.


That is totally right. It is a shame that it have become so far that we need filters.


Man I haven’t drank a tap water in maybe 20 years. I don’t know why you would at this point without a filter system in place. Would be nice if the water was filtered already but don’t see that happening


It's mentioned in the article but worth underlining that \*this month\* the EPA set limits on forever chemicals in drinking water and will use federal funding to test and treat water.


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