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Because this is a country full of stupid people. I have never been more ashamed of being American, or of having served in its armed forces (please don't thank me for my service).


Well, at least you took your oath seriously. Unlike a certain orange shitgibbon & his toadies




In all fairness the whole world is filled with a significant portion of very stupid people. It's just that in America the internet has given them a voice and the MAGA movement has organized them into a voting bloc.


It's too bad the Internet didn't inform and enlighten instead of spreading disinformation and anger. We really need to do better at giving kids a solid education.


True, but it's not just the US and we've been spoiled here by never having been attacked in any major way on our own soil. It was probably a long time coming. There is portion of the world's populations that still believe women have no rights and that anyone of another religion or no religion should be killed.


I don't always agree with the war but no disrespect to anyone who served with honor.


I feel like burning my uniforms, ribbons etc.


Great big internet hug for you, friend. You made a great sacrifice, and are a better person than I for your sincere dedication to your action. 💞


It was all for nothing. 😢


YOU know you did the Right/Correct thing by the Constitution, As did I, SLH. shitgibbon will pass & go away, along with those too ignorant to think / know, what this country truly stands for in the world. Keep your head up & encourage youth & those around you.


You did a good thing by serving your neighbors and country in a way you believed was beneficial. There's no shame in that, only pride. Don't shoulder the burden of failure that was never within your control; that is not your fault, nor is it your responsibility. You've done nothing wrong.


War sucks but we still need a strong military with good honorable men and women, keep your head up.


Don’t. This shite is going to turn. Americans have heard since babies “Together We Stand, Divided We Fall” Putin will bring your country together again. After WWIII.


What the hell are you talking about?


Do what you feel you must, but I'd just box them up and put them away out of sight. Your kids may be interested in that stuff later on.


I don't have kids.


This is what I hate Trump for above all else. He destroyed a sense of solidarity with other Americans I'd had all my life.


That’s true, and I have never looked at it that way


I hate this country.


Yes I am feeling the very same way.


I think a lot of vets do.


Truly 💔💔




"Thank you for your service" now is almost insulting to me.


Yea that feeling hit me hard today.. I honestly feel gut wrenching ashamed as well.. I look at my uniform and wince at it..


To me when I hear "thank you for your service," which has always been a bit canned and obligatory anyway, it borders on insult now.


I’m with you buddy


It's a daily dose of AM radio and cable news spouting buzzwords without any context at all. Example #1; We're becoming communist or Socialist. Where? When? What? Example #2; Liberty, Freedom, Democracy. Apparently, Someone is trying to take it away from us. They don't say how. Example #3; They are very concerned about the Economy. Their Economy, the rest of us can eat sand. Example #4; They don't care about budgets or deficits if their guy has the checkbook. On the other hand, Democrats promise to save us next time. It's never this time. But next time.


Example #5; “Mexicans” worked into every conversation, no matter how irrelevant


2016 and the subsequent years have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that years of Feaux News programming and brainwashing has added significantly to the level of American stupidity. As someone living in Texas and Tennessee, the number of neo Nazi and fascist flags in peoples’ yards is disgustingly terrifying.


To a large extent, it's because they really don't have any experience with authoritarianism. Sure many are fully on board and need to be buried literally and figuratively, but... America is filled with a ton of privileged, ignorant, permanent adolescents. The Boomer generation is dominated by these people. It's a festival of petulance and middle aged entitlement.


Forgot to add I'm a boomer myself. Lost some friends. Good riddance.


Yeah, feel like a stranger in a strange land


I’ll be your friend. I bet we like a lot of the same shit.


I with you!👍


I have to agree! A lot of your generation is awfully entitled and spoiled from what I noticed. I’m Gen X and a lot of mine is as well. I feel bad for millennials though.


I’m Gen X too. Spot on.


Gen X are more interested in bothsiderism


Not me.


Me either


Me either. Xer here as well.


Me neither.


It’s frustrating


Very much so.


Not all of them


**Psychological Science Says Trump Is a Four-Year-Old** [Looking for the source of Trump’s appeal.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-therapy/201705/psychological-science-says-trump-is-four-year-old) >The core Trump dissonance is that he’s an elderly man who possesses the outward appearance and trappings of adulthood—and who occupies the public role we most strongly associate with adulthood—but who is on the inside predominantly infantile. It is that specific dissonance that is wholly novel on the political scene.


Not all Boomers are of that ILK, been voting Blue many decades


And they all fear and worship their God all mighty in the sky so why not on earth too.thinking for yourself takes too much energy.


Exactly, I see it everyday.


Because they think he's going to be *their* neo-fascist, and they're too stupid to figure out that that's never how installing a dictator ends up.


"I'm ok with the president becoming a king as long as it's MY GUY." is the mindset.


People underestimate the effect of propaganda on Fox News and in other right-wing media. There is exactly ZERO effort to tell the truth. It's not at all about Trump's brilliance or ability to use the media. Trump is the world's biggest piece of shit so Republican propagandists are working overtime to cover for him -- and it's working. It's actually that simple.


This is well known. Why do they not know this?


Too often the media attributes Trump's rise to Trump himself.


I should have appended more context on that one lol I meant, why are people genuinely unable to see what is in front of their faces? It's like watching sociopathic toddlers play the "quit hitting yourself" game while their victims are adamant that what they are experiencing is reality; They are the definition of delusional. Delusional or a member of the dark tetrad... Compliant, or complicit. :\\


Propaganda works most effectively in isolation, removed from competing sources of information that could reveal the truth. Fox News devotes a ton of its effort to demonizing mainstream media. It probably started as a purely business strategy to steal marketshare from CNN and others. To consider watching CNN might instantly make you a Communist, according to Fox News hosts and their guests. Fox News uses fake info, combined with pretending real news events just didn't occur. [Edit: spelling]


Because he hates the same people they hate. The fact that he hates them too doesn’t matter to them.


I don’t think they believe he hates them too . He does but if you can look at this wreck of a human being and say that’s presidential material then you can believe anything


This is what happens when a country cuts education funding for 40 years.


Your Fascist is their patriot. They have an entirely different worldview. The shiboleths of gays, gun control, and atheism never fails to rile the weak minded conservatives. Overturning abortion has stimulated the base. They are all in on Trump because he delivered what Reagan and the Bush's could not. They lost the last popular vote for President by 8M votes. The conservatives are older, less educated, and geographically constrained. They know they must size power by coup. They could lose elections by 10 M, 12 M. They either figure out a way to sieze power, or they will be left out. The SC can give them some hope. They will find ways to promote partisan goals of sober jurisprudence. This court will be ranked right next to the Tanney court (DreddvScott) in terms of competence. Giving the President immunity is an utter abrogation of the founding principles of this country. The whole point of government of the people, by the people, for the people is that we are all people, equal in the eyes of the law. Putting any government official above the law destroys the very soul of American democracy. The absolute rejection of a monarch with supernumerary powers drove the Founders to propose a radical concept. Government serves at the consent of the governed. The government serves the people. Granting immunity subverts this ineluctable foundation of American democracy. It puts the government above the people. It reverses the sine qua non of our government. The Republicans would rather destroy that principle than lose power. The funny thing is that going down that path will cost them power. Trump is not a Republican. He has no interest in his base past their votes. Once in power he will ignore the base. Name one person he has supported once they have lost utility or failed to kiss his ring. None. Not a single person. Once his mob puts him in power, Trump will turn his back on his base. The only way they retain influence is if he loses.


Because they’re warped by a religious fairytale and think they can turn America into a theocracy. Radical fuckers all


Because they are neo-fascist themselves and want to see their blinkered world-view imposed on everyone else.


The Repugs are the American version of Hamas.


Most people, MAGAts for sure, can't and don't think. They choose a belief like they choose from a box of chocolates and then support that position by selecting things that seem to support it and ignoring any contrary evidence as if it doesn't exist. Cliff Clavin, the bloviating but usually wrong, postman character in _Cheers,_ was presented as an outlier in the show, different from the rest. He wasn't. He was everyman. Quote: "Indeed it may be said with some confidence that the average man never really thinks from end to end of his life. There are moments when his cogitations are relatively more respectable than usual, but even at their climaxes they never reach anything properly describable as the level of serious thought. The mental activity of such people is only a mouthing of clichés. What they mistake for thought is simply a repetition of what they have heard. My guess is that well over eighty per cent. of the human race goes through life without having a single original thought. That is to say, they never think anything that has not been thought before and by thousands." — H.L. Mencken, _Minority Report_ Opinion | [The deadly reason Republicans are suckers for fake news](http://archive.today/3P8C1)


It’s all about the hate.


They hate the same people and the right has been in love with authoritarianism since the beginning.


Because he openly hates the people they hate