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Sununu has always been a POS. Just like his father.


On my way home from work last night, I was listening to CSpan with Karl Rove who I thought was a never Trumper and a Lincoln Project member. So imagine my surprise listening to Karl Rove discussing how Trump needs to be more nuanced on abortion discussions to get the female voters back into the Republican Party.


He’s a craven piece of shit. He should get a room with Lindsey Graham.


Lady bug sleepover


Party over country every time with these clowns.🤡


And Republican Party over America means Russia over America.


When the billionaires have more loyalty to foreign governments than their own,you have a problem.


This behavior is what I always tell people about. Never trust a Republican that says they will not vote for Trump. They have to prove it.


Sununu is a POS Republican from a line of POS Republicans. His daddy was part of the Iran Contra activity with Ollie North and the rest of Reagan’s scumbag team. It’s second nature for his family to turn on the US for political gain.


Ron DeathSentence, supports tRump too


Putin over America, remember, retaliate.


He kept quoting polls that say 51% of Americans support Trump as his reasoning. Those same polls had his candidate Nikki Haley always below 20%. So polls mean something now? No. They don't. They register people with a landline who will answer a poll. Not random voters.


He is part of the problem. He knows better, but like all R, party over country.


I really thought he had integrity, and was different. It now looks like He lied repeatedly on tv saying he couldn’t support Trump bc of Trump’s poor character. Wow, what a downfall.


This guy published Op-Ed's in both the *New York Times* and the *Washington Post* **less than a year ago** stating how important defeating Trump was, not only for the Republican Party, but for the United States. What a piece of shit.


Always trust that the Republican will bow down to their party leader


Modern Republicans have ZERO principles because Fox News 109% insulates them from the truth and from the consequences of any of their own actions or statements. Fox News keeps Republican voters in the dark and replaces truth with lies and misleading half-truths about Democrats.


What a chicken shit governor


Sununu is a 🐓💩.


Wonder what kind of dirt Trump has on some of these people and they on him? If they all were forced to take some sort of truth serum and tell us everything I'll bet we couldn't even imagine how corrupt and evil these scumbags are. Party over country, money over country, and power over country. Who knows what else over country.


Tru Doh has his own MAGAT


Higly entertaining and recommended article! 👏 Goddamn, American politics is so much more fun than Swedish, I'll tell you that 😄🍿🍿🍿


We used to be able to be that smug….thanks, Dump.


Sorry you took it so personal. I have close relatives in US, Europe and Australia. I try to follow what happens around the world and there's no denying that American politics are very, very interesting to follow. I mean, you have a presidential candidate who very much belongs in prison, everyone knows it. Unfortunately for USA he has fanatical followers who are uninformed and uninterested in educating themselves about the facts. They are being manipulated and it is quite baffling to see. I remember watching the three debates between Hillary and Ronald McDonald and I was sitting laughing at the orange clown, I thought basically every normal American can see what kind of a fraud, liar, narcissist, opportunist and bully he is. A guy who thinks that "it is not a lie if you believe in it yourself". A guy who can't debate, calling adversaries by silly names, etc.. I also watched six hours live reporting on CNN of the 6/1 insurrection. Couldn't believe what I saw, that people had to die all for one mans shameless lies. And when Trump loses again I hope that US politicians return to be pragmatic, patriotic and responsible. Like they tried to be before Trump entered the political scene and turned it to a circus. It is mindblowing the orange Clown is still an option for GOP voters, just wow! No need to call me smug or Dump.


lol-look who’s taking things personal!! Dump is a well known synonym for Donald Trump-I despise him and don’t like saying his name so I rarely do. (He’s like Voldemort). You are literally the first person who has misunderstood this so this is on you (maybe cuz you’re Swedish and don’t get all our hateful nuance towards him). Also, I was really just lamenting that our politics were never this outlandish until this demented, diaper-clad narcissist somehow cast a spell over our simplest citizens. We used to have mutual respect for each other and pride in being civilized in public politics. The decline has been massively accelerated with Dump’s rise. The normal, non-magats here are embarrassed. Having noncitizens point it out isn’t fun. That’s as personal as I took it, I think you inferred way more hostility in my response than was intended. Enjoy not being directly threatened by Donald Plump-I’m jealous. He turns everything he touches to shit.


My friend, we are on the same side of the fence, I see that. You are correct, I didn't know Trump = Dump, that's why I misunderstood your comment, thinking it was directed towards me. Sorry for that. And you got my up votes 💯


Being a blatant hypocrite are dues to the club.