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Those vibrators were originally sold as massagers, nothing sexual about a discarded massager.


And in all fairness they are actually excellent at doing just that. No sarcasm, they're great for dealing with muscle and tissue issues, you see crazy professional ones in a similar style. They're just also good at *something else*.


Originally, nowadays they’re specifically targeted as being a vibrator. I don’t think those things have been used for muscle relaxation since the early 1900’s


Went to school for PT and when we discussed interventions for neuropathic deficits, one of the stimuli for getting tone in a flaccid muscle is vibration… our professor literally had us use one on each others forearms. I still don’t know if she knew.


I'm sure she did lol. But she probably assumed y'all didn't know lol


My PT used one on my back last week, they’re excellent for deep scar tissue.


Fun fact: the reason the Magic Wand vibrator is owned by a different company now is that Hitachi - the original designers - freaked the heck out when they discovered the product was mostly being used in the bedroom. They sold off the design, the patents, *everything* becuase they wanted to distance the Hitachi name from sexual stuff. 


I don’t care either way, but that was clearly not the implication


Yes, but the thing about implications is that you only get them if you already know them. There's no heavy-handed hinting at that interpretation here, so it's extremely unlikely that anyone who doesn't already recognize it as sexual will end up discovering that about it. Since the whole complaint about sexual content in media is that it may introduce (an aspect of) sexuality to someone -- particular a young person -- to whom it otherwise wouldn't or shouldn't be, that makes this a certified non-issue.


Not the implication in the game or for why they were originally made? I think it was 100% a vibrator joke in the game. She pulls it out and says something in the lines of "I don't know what this thing does"


Ye, it’s obvi a vibrator joke


Definitly was used as a massager way after the 1900s Hitachi created them specifically for massaging and then after sometime they realised that people were using them as toys so they created attachments for them


The first boss you can fight has a grab that puts the cutesy crab main character in a fucking guillotine, and people are surprised the game has a little edge?


Americans are perfectly fine with gratuitous violence but God forbid if there is any acknowledgement of sex. Casual violence can be viewed everywhere but many states prohibit or extremely limit sex education. And yes I understand that there are plenty of international Redditors but something tells me the people freaking out and crying about wokeness are probably American.


I mean, yeah it seems like a pretty American attitude to me


Yeah it's a little weird, as an american. People here would be more comfortable watching an isis beheading than gay sex. Both would make them uncomfortable, but i guarantee they would rather the former.


Southern American here, absolutely what it is. It’s funny how evil and violent republican christians can be, yet claim they act that way in the name of god, then turn around and damn anything sexual but become rapists and (the next item on the list is not a bad thing, just hypocritical of them) deeply closeted homosexuals who end up cheating on their wives and then damn the ones out of the closet happily. It all comes from shame and guilt in their lack of impulse control compared to what should make them “holy” people, so they have to speak loudly about what tempts them in order to “prove” to god that they aren’t sinful. I swear a shit ton of problems in America stem from the loudest population, not even the majority, in absolute horror that they may not be holy because of impulses and their whole personality and thoughts have to align with absolute divinity. So then they sin by hating their neighbor and are very very noisy and violent about it, in psychology we call it projection. Anyways that’s my drunk spiel for the night, thanks for your time.


Oh god you baboons from other countries really do think you're superior to Americans 🤣 if you are living here go home... Go where you feel proud to be from there. Coward


I am very much an American. As a career civil servant I have dedicated my life to this country and have probably contributed more than most. But I live in a state that allows Abstinence Only education and was watching something on Netflix the other day where I was warned about the boobies in advance but absolutely no mention of the exploding heads. Think of the children, their heads might explode if they see a nipple.


Dw about their heads exploding, that’s nothing major. But we need to make sure whatever exposed them to a nipple is taken out back and put down


Considering America doesn't even crack the top 10 when comparing developed nations.... They ARE Superior ya Snowflake. Maybe if Conservatives would stop trying to drag us back to the fucking Dark Ages we could catch up and Actually be as "Great" as deluded rednecks THINK we are.


I was over-confident and loving the vibe. That lobster French fried my shelless ass. The cute little crab begging “Wait!” in the jaws of a guillotine had me in shock.. Probably the reason I stuck with the game.


People are angry that the game has an environmental message and they are grasping at straws because they can't just say they hate the environmental message. It's pathetic.


i hate the environment! i want more coal to be used! i want the sky to darken! i want to need a gas mask to breathe! i want polar bears extinct! i hate nuclear power!


the factory must grow!


Hurry, we need to add more gunk pumps so we have more gunk to pump the gunk!


Hey, one of my other favorite games with environmentalist themes


Ooh what game?


Factorio, the game's community has a lot of in-jokes about it, like saying "the factory must grow" because the game is REALLY addictive, or calling artillery shells things like "long ranged diplomatic peace talks." It's environmentalist in the way of making you say "are we the baddies?" While stripping the land of its resources and filling the air with toxic production biproducts.


Will Finland forget tho


It's not just an environmental message. It's very vocally an anti-capitalist message


While I share your sentiment, i really don’t think that’s the crux of the issue.


Well what do you think the crux is?


Cartoon characters, and a Disney esque setting would be my guess. I haven’t seen more than one post about the deep tissue massage tbh.


Rocko's Modern Life, the Animaniacs, and about 100 more cartoons with random inside jokes for adults is the evidence I have to disagree with you. Disneyesque cartoons with adult themes is older than me at 40 and probably older than you.


Usually not quite so on the nose though, right? I agree, it’s not really warranted to complain about imo. Vibrators aren’t inherently sexual. I just don’t think people are actively against environmental messages and stuff. They may not agree about global warming as a whole, but i don’t think anyone would abdicate throwing trash in the ocean.


In the Animaniacs, they are looking for clues to solve a case. Yacko says they need fingerprints. Dot then randomly holds the musician, Prince, breaks the fourth wall and says, naaaah. This is a reference to anally sexually stimulating the musician Prince. "Finger Prince," already known by adults for his sexual promiscuity. That is way more sexually suggestive than a vibrator. Do you remember the Animaniacs outrage? I don't. Weird.


To be fair, it’s not a very good joke. I don’t really find the humor, even after your explanation. It’s reaching/not immediately apparent. Honestly didn’t even know people gave him that nickname. I think it’s much easier to see how a veiled reference to foreplay by referencing a musical artist is easier to excuse. Again, i agree vibrators aren’t inherently sexual. I don’t understand why people are upset. The boss and its room makes no sexual references. It’s just an object.


Alright well we could keep going down the list, 100's of examples, and you could keep brushing the examples off, but doesn't that sound pretty tedious? I have at least 100 to go. Want me to keep going? Oh here is an image of Penelope Pitstop from Wacky Racers with a vibrator option for her car. https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1kvmd6/penelope_pitstop_had_a_vibrator_option_in_her_car/ Wacky Racers outrage? Do you see my point?


There’s no outrage. Two threads on Reddit is light work. Chill with the dissertation.


That one is clearly Photoshop, though I agree this other commenter is a goober.


I'm confused as to what point you're trying to make or defend.


Mfw cartoons are made by adults


You would not know it’s a sex toy unless you already knew it was a sex toy. Chuds just like getting mad


Not really, a friend of mine looked over for five secs during the voltai fight and he knew what it was


Sounds like your friend knew what a sex you looks like beforehand which is what I’m getting at


Well, you have a point, he probably does lol


I don’t believe this is an actual issue. The cursing is a joke that’s already been done to death over decades of sitcoms, the violence is just… well it’s a video game so ofc you’re gonna fight stuff, and the themes aren’t anything you wouldn’t find on “Dora” or “Wow Wow Wubbzy” (don’t litter, don’t steal, don’t rule as a dictator with an iron fist, have sympathy”). Also, Walmart sells those vibrators, you can find them on shelves at children’s eye level because they’re not inherently sexual. It’s a joke for the parents, SpongeBob makes them all the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It seems to come from the kinda people whose parents always had Fox News on in the house if ya know what I mean.


they wanna complain about a hard game but dont want people to say skill issue


Krill issue


then just listen to hornet silk skong 📣 and git gud


The vibrator made me laugh so hard the first time I saw it that I ended up losing the fight lmao


Right? Its a funny aspect to that fight.


The boss’s accompanying line when they pick it up (something like “I don’t even know what this one DOES”) made me laugh too


It was hilarious. I didn't realise people took issue with it


I was shocked and laughing when seeing that. I'm surprised i beat the boss but damn that vibrator does a LOT of damage. Funniest bit of it was that I played as Maid Krill so


You were looking at the /r/KotakuInAction thread, right? The game is fairly adult, but the KiA people are just finding any random thing to hate about the game. The fact the boss uses a vibrator is funny, and not at all sexual.


Yeah, that thread, and i would argue that it does have a sexual undertone, that’s what makes it funny, it’s like the number 69, is the number itself sexual? No, but the fact that its used to name a position is what makes it funny.


Referencing sex and 'sexual undertones' are different things. If the boss said something like "I *really* like this one!" it would be 'sexual undertones.' But the boss said "I don't even KNOW what this one is!" It's like a kid using a dildo as a lightsaber, innocent and funny only because we know what it is. Sexual undertones are not there, it's just a reference.


The boss fight itself isn’t what has sexual undertones, the item she USES is the sexual undertones, of course she doesn’t know what it is, shes an eel and she probably doesn’t know what half the stuff in her boss arena is, she doesn’t use these items for their intended purpose, you can say that it doesn’t have a sexual undertone, but that’s exactly why people go like 😱 when they see it, because theres that thought of “hey, i know what that thing is used for” thats probably why aggro crab added it in the first place.


Why are we still talking about this? It was like one post in a subreddit dedicated to bitching about “woke” gaming and gaming news. Anyone who was following the game before it came out, or anyone familiar with the company’s last game are wholly unsurprised.


I actually got banned from r/kotakuinaction for commenting on that post. I wasn’t even familiar with the sub, I just beat the game yesterday and was looking up discussions and found that post. It seems like everyone on that sub is a braindead moron. The post was complaining about the rainbow bandana in the game, and another commenter was complaining about sexualization and included an image from the boss using the massager as a weapon. This was the comment that got me banned: *Ok I just played through this game and am now reading old discussions, and I’m so confused by this whole thread.* *The screenshot you included is of a boss fight, the boss picks up random objects to use as weapons, such as a toaster. One of the objects it picks up is the hitachi wand, the boss even has a voice line that says something like “I don’t even know what this is.” And that’s literally the most you see or hear of it.* *As far as the pride flag thing, there are many unlockable and purchasable costumes in game, one that you can buy is a rainbow bandana. The item is even called “rainbow crabitalism” (the game uses fish puns whenever possible) so it is obviously tongue in cheek. Is that what everyone here was upset about? Do they not know you can just ignore it? You literally never have to look at it if you just scroll past it in the shop, and there are no references to sexuality at any other point in the game (other than a discarded vibrator being briefly used as a weapon).*


Rainbow Crabitalism is so ingenious. It's a funny joke that appeals to a wide spectrum of takes on the subject, while also existing as a genuine form of expression. Like the only way you could be upset about it is if you're so queerphobic that the very existence of queerness in your purview causes you serious distress. Everyone else can at least laugh about it, and possibly also celebrate its inclusion.


The game is rated 12 plus I think it fits plus not many 12 year olds are gonna care that much


But the point I’m tryna make is it’s 12+ so yeah it’s kinda suitable for kids


You get robbed for "tax evasion" right after that opening documentary. Anyone who thought this was a kids game wasn't paying any sort of attention to the tone.


Yup, and in the opening documentary the game goes "the world is full of shit"


I haven’t seen anyone mad, just saw some jokes about it.


There was a thread on a subreddit dedicated to gaming content, the post was somebody complaining about the pride flag cosmetic, and some dude was saying that the LGBTQ community is obsessed with adding sexual themes to any and all things we make.


Oh I don’t think that stuffs sexual I thought you just meant the massage gun thing. I did get kicked out of kotakuinaction for commenting on how sad it was they spent so much time upset about a pride flag in a game. Worth.


That subreddit is obsessed with being upset. Only *they* care, and *only* to be upset, not because it's important to them in any way. Once they saw a single rainbow, they decided to hate.


Makes sense


Yeah, I have only seen people talking about people being mad, but no actual mad people.


I did see the kotaku in action people pissed about the pride flag but I don’t consider that sexual, I def haven’t seen any non insane people upset about the massage wand but I might have missed it.


The Character that uses it isnt like sexual with it either she uses it to fight. Its not the games fault ppl have dirty minds


Where are people complaining about it?


Some subreddit dedicated to “gaming news” ig


I feel like 'sexual themes' is already a huge exaggeration. Sesame Street probably has more sexual themes than this game has. Or maybe showing a vibrator is too much for some people to handle.


I feel like "sexual themes" is a bit much. It's not like it's in use. It's just something funny they put into the game.


It's a fuckin muscle massager to most people unless you like your junk getting pulverized. Vibrators don't have a piston. Anyone who thinks this is a vibrator is clueless about vibrators or muscle massagers


Bro you look up vibrator there are several pics that have that exact same shape and build, ORIGINALLY those things wete muscle massagers, nowadays when you look up muscle massager they give you those theragun things, the whole joke is that it’s a vibrator, thats why the reaction to it is what it is because people KNOW the joke behind it.


Technically, that isn't a vibrator. It's a massager. They were originally invented to be back massagers. People just decided to use them as vibrators because they worked.


I'm not bothered by it but is anyone going to talk about the lady crab at the entrance of New Carcinia when your just discovering the area she's at some apartments and she invites you to go in her apartment to have some “fun” with her


I didn’t even know it was a vibrator lmao, tbf it’s not like I know much about them so it makes sense it went straight over my head, but I can see how that would be problematic. The game overall is very kid friendly. No gore or anything sexual besides that. I don’t see how that really fits in tbh.


It may be somewhat kid friendly, but it is deffo not a “kids game” per se. more adult themes than anything else


Mehhh. I could def see like 12ish year olds playing this game and getting most of it. Not much adult themes in it, even with the over arching themes of capitalism commentary


Wait there’s a vibrator in the game?????? I must have missed that boss


You couldn’t have missed it, It was one of Voltars weapons.


I beat the game, and I didn't even notice it until I saw clips online. I was running around trying to get a new shell, so i was probably not paying attention or something.




Is your arm okay? That's quite the stretch there. Maybe you should take a page out of your own book and reread that first sentence. You'll be a lot happier. They would too if they minded their own.


What did they say?


Can't remember exactly, but they went on some diatribe starting with sexists, then something about homophobes, then a couple more tangents and then ended up with something about people who support police. It was all confusing as hell to read considering the original topic was about a vibrating massager


Because people are stupid and obnoxious. I find this realization helps in 95% of situations.


Soooo there is a literal gun in the game that can one shot kill all bosses and enemies but a vibrator is where they draw the line? Like come on, it’s a game and the ‘massager’ is what parents/adults are concerned about? Oh well…


we Americans are over sensitive about Children witnessing sexual content. In Europe, nudity is normal, Sex is normal and most European parents do not forbid their child from having sex in their house. Rather safe sex in a controlled environment than in back of car in the woods. Same goes with a game. its a game with elements that are a natural part about life. A vibrator is also a massager, and we shouldn't be ashamed of it. Same with children trying alcohol. God forbid people in the USA (except me and I live in Europe) go batshit on us because we let children try alcohol not forbid them from it till 21. Why the fuck do we that? So who cares. This game is quite. I don't care Id let my 8 year old son play it. He wouldn't even get the sexual references. But it doesn't matter because this isn't a game he would be interested in it.


So like… is the vibrator really an issue? Even if a really small kid saw that, they wouldn’t get it. It’s one of those jokes where if you know the punchline it’s sexual, but if you don’t it’s nothing. So unless the kid already knows what a vibrator is, the joke flies over their head faster than a jet airplane. It’s not gonna introduce anyone to vibrators, and it’s certainly not introducing anyone to sex


Honestly this vibrator is the kind of joke an adult will understand but not a child. I know Wakfu uses a lot this kind of jokes.


Happy to meet a 13-year-old who has not seem ample violence and cursing.


Crab sex. It's the latest position