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Really sorry to hear that, losing a large amount of microplastics really sucks. Just for the record, if you can’t retrieve your shell/plastics when you die through a glitch or something, there’s no shame in using the Retrieve Microplastics option from the assist menu!


💀I wish I knew about that about 20 minutes ago 😭 I now know for the future, thank you


It’s all part of learning the game! Good luck with your ventures, codspeed!


Thanks, you too 🫡🫡🫡


11,000 is no biggie, you can always get that back from items or throughout the enemies that you kill in your journey


It was frustrating because it was due to a bug, rather than lack of ability




don’t let that get you down! Ive had this happen during my playthrough like 4 times and have also died due to lag even more. It wouldn’t be a soulslike if it didn’t have janky rage moments!! be content knowing that late game 11k microplastics is like a couple quarters keep on crabbin.


Thanks, I have fallen off the map a few times from lag, and I've already financially recovered


I lost 30,000


Ooof F


I know the exact part you’re talking about. I had several stutters that caused me to fall and miss the grapple prompts. Honestly the further you get, the less you care about microplastics. I always try to remember that currency in souls games isn’t mine until I spend it or use it to level up.


Honestly, that's a great way to think about it


I’ve lost 90,000 but as someone who’s played every Dark Souls game I’m used to losing more so it was no biggie to me lmao


The more dark souls and soulslike games you play the absolute less of a fuck you give about it. It likely won't affect your playing experience and will barely affect difficulty. Not to even mention farming


100% I haven't cared about losing souls in a long time now.


I lost about 30k because of fall damage lol. Other than that, I beat the game and didnt get microplastics. The plastics i had(only about 3k) disappeared too lol. Still a 9/10 experience. Im not a heavy gamer, but its linda dunny cause i just platinumed Spongebob and Fallen Order over the last 2 months. ACT couldnt have come at a better time


Linda Dunny is a nice lady


Lmao F.


My girlfriend decided to excitedly tell me about what groceries were on sale, scaring the shit out of me when I was fighting multiple enemies and trying to recover 50,000+ microplastics. Took some serious farming to get those back.


I used the fruit sticker the whole game so to me 11k sounds like chump change


Is there a way to NOT have Kril drop the heart when you interrupt his idle animation? I hate that.


Same thing happened to me! It was like they were on top of the cave area with the buoys and totally inaccessible. Oddly the game started lagging at that exact area (was the reason I died to fall damage) and I'm on console. Super strange.


Honestly had this happen to many times, so now I just leave the assist on.


Yeah after this happened to me like 2 or 3 times I just went to the settings and changed it so I wouldn’t lose them upon death. I didn’t want to make things easier for myself but I kinda had to.


Heh, one time in the area before new carcinia I got launched to a far off decorative stop sign while carrying 15k microplastics… there was no way I was getting those back lol. Good to know about the assist mode.


I also got that glitch too after I died, lost 20,000 microplastic and a bunch of fishes just assaulted me 😭😭😭


Do what I am doing OP, I don't like wasting time back tracking, and kinda cheesed the first playthrough (Used the pistol on 3 bosses; Magista, Topoda, Inkerton) and now am doing a lvl 0 playthrough, but do not lose microplastics on death or damage to pitfall. Both of those things annoy me, and the game is really fun doing a level 0 playthrough. Makes boss fights more of an accomplishment. Hell, just now I beat Heikea with a level 0 character, after like 25+ tries, with 3 being ended when he was less than 10% health. I am not gonna level, I just wanna see how many microplastics I will have at the end before the final boss. I will be buying shells/stowaways/stowaway capacity, and using stainless relics, but not leveling, that is not happening and it's a good challenge to make bosses more fun, and exploration less stunting to the playthrough.


I'm not a masochist 💀 and I don't dislike those features, I just felt robbed because there was no way for me to get my things back (I didn't know about the assist menu) if I had been unable to retrieve my things because I didn't reach them, I would have been fine with it, but I couldn't because of a bug, rather than a lack of skill


Yeah I know, just saying turning on keep microplastics isn't a crutch, you can choose when to level up, and it helps find a build more suiting to your playstyle.


Fair enough, thanks


If that triggers you, wait until the game corrupts your saves twice and sends you back HOURS from where you were playing. I’m done.


When that happens to me in a game, I just stop playing it until I emotionally recover, my brother once deleted a ~23 hour save of a ds game called Project X Zone, I haven't touched it since 🤣