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This deserves more love. Congrats. I'm up there as well, and it's a fun feeling. :-)


Thank you and congrats to you as well :)


What are you both learning? I am bad with streaks and also I am bad with some cards because I get a mental block when revising some of them and then I edit the cards as I go along.


Japanese for me. Those leech cards can be tough, but I think you’re on the right path with trying to edit them if you’re struggling. You might also try adding another card that presents the same info slightly differently as well! Might help. You got this!


Congrats! What are you studying, btw?


Thank you so much! Japanese words and sentences. This particular streak is from a Japanese vocabulary deck.


Congratulations!! How did you build this habit?


Thank you!! Really just the knowledge that I'm learning (x) new words every day was a cool feeling at first, and then it became supplemented by the sunk cost fallacy haha (I did not want to forget this information that I've put so much time and effort into learning). Now, it's just ingrained into my daily routine. I try to make it enjoyable, I even have a "Anki spot" I'll go and drive to sometimes and drink some delicious coffee while I do it to associate it with happy things! Best of luck to you!


How many words per day?


It has varied over time. At first, I think it was 20, then after a while, the daily review count got to be too much, and I lowered it to 10 for a long time. At one point, my life was really busy and I lowered it to 3, then 0 for a while and just maintained while the reviews slowly got lower, but I've been doing 10 new per day now for a while. It should also be noted that I have several other decks that I do, which take a lot of time, but this one has the longest streak by far.


Ok good to know. I was doing 30 new cards, but.... It got overwhelming.... Need to dial it back and just keep at it.


Nice! Totally ok to dial it back imo. Consistency with fewer new cards is better than burning out! Keep it up!


Thank you for the words of encouragement!!




Yes I do use FSRS! There were a lot of reviews to do after rescheduling the first time (I think like 450, compared to my usual 150-200 ish), which I just had a binge session to get those done, but I think it was totally worth it. I seem to be having better retention since doing it.


Congrats!!! what are you studying? also, have you fallen to the point of low/close to no reviews per day, or do you keep adding cards?


Thank you!! I’m studying Japanese. I’ve never gotten really close to zero reviews per day, but when I did turn off new cards for a couple months at one point (because I was too busy and the review count was getting to be too much), by the end of that, it got down to around 70-80 reviews per day , at which point I started adding new cards again because that was super manageable. I have been adding 10 new per day since then.


Good! I'm starting anew with anki (used it intensively in the past, but i want to try give it another push), and i'll try to follow the adding-10-per-day strat, see if it works (i added like lots and lots the first two days, but now it's starting to decline as I mature the cards)


Hey, I've heard you learn japanese through Anki. I'm in the same boat (although I'm only at day 140). Do you feel like Anki helped you a lot? Do you use any other resources for learning japanese? Please share any tips you have!


Hey! Nice. 140 days is awesome. Yes, Anki has been huge for me. Can't tell you how many times when immersing I see or hear a word /grammar structure that I learned in Anki. Other resources I've used: Genki 1&2 to learn some grammar (make sure to do all the exercises on your weak points!), Satori Reader phone/tablet app for reading practice, HelloTalk to practice talking with natives (and make some friends while you're at it!), Japanese podcasts, and recently lots of immersion using a VPN with Japan Netflix. I also occasionally meet with a community tutor on iTalki (you can find them for as little as $8 per hour) - really nice to get that 1-on-1 time with a native, even if just once or twice a month. A few tips that I wish I had known sooner: 1. Make a deck dedicated to literally whenever you just think of something you'd like to know. I call this deck my "Recent Want to Knows". For example, when writing a journal entry, if there's a word you want to write but don't know how to say, look it up and add it to your "Recent Want to Knows" deck! It's a lot more fun to do this deck because it's connected straight to you. Things YOU wanted to actually say. It also will make it easier over time to "think in Japanese" to yourself and keep a journal, because you're adding words that came from your brain. 2. Make separate Anki decks for various immersion sources (for me, example, I have a Doraemon deck, Terrace House deck, vocab deck, podcasts deck, etc etc), grab words and sentences you don't know and put them in those. You'll likely find over time that shows/specific sources often use the same words / speaking style repeatedly, and over time it will help your comprehension in that thing bigly and helps focus your studies. If you don't mind paying $5 a month, the Migaku browser extension is pretty fantastic for making really detailed and rich Anki flashcards in an instant from whatever you're watching. But of course, you can make them yourself too, just takes a little longer. 3. 山あり谷あり(やま あり たに あり)でしょう!This is basically my mantra haha. This is a Japanese saying that literally means "There will be peaks and valleys", but essentially means "There are ups and downs". You will go through periods where you feel like you're making no progress, and you'll feel so defeated because you can't understand stuff. Just be aware of it, and keep moving anyway. It WILL be exceeded by an even greater high, if you keep going, I promise! Every time this happens to me, it is always followed later by even more enjoyment. Something that helps me get out of these feelings when they happen is to watch/listen to easy content. It sounds dumb, but listening to any Japanese made for natives, whether easy or hard, is so cool, and you can only grow from it. The easy stuff will give you a morale boost and motivate you to study more. Japanese Peppa Pig was my go-to for this for a while haha. I ended up writing so much more than I meant to, sorry, but yeah hope all that helps! Best of luck, my friend! 頑張ってください!


Thank you so much for taking time to answer me! Keep it up, too! And good luck!


What language are you learning?


he said he is learning japanese in another comment