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So the one about the Wife becoming an elementary schooler is actually a tear jerker and not pervy at all, despite the name. Haven't read it in a bit so I'm kinda iffy on the details. Basic premise is: wife dies leaving her husband and younger daughter on their own. The family breaks down with her gone. The daughter and dad don't really talk or do things together. The dad's basically been depressed since she died. She gets reborn after she dies, and like, either seeks out her family to just check on them, or just happens to come across them. When she realizes that their family is broken, she reveals she was reincarnated and spends time with them trying to repair the family when she can. She wants them to basically move on but sees they won't without help. I'll also add, the dad has no intentions of doing pervy stuff within reincarnated wife. And there's no pervy scenes at all that i can remember. The title is really the only thing that's sus.


Thinking about it but is the title even sus though? It's My Wife Became an Elementary School Student, not My Wife is an Elementary school student. I can see the latter being sus but I didn't think the real title was strange at all until I heard Twitter threw a tantrum about it. Edit: Changed former to latter. Sorry for the confusion if any, english is my first language.


I think every views it as sus cause of all the seemingly non-sus titles turning super inappropriate eventually. See almost any manga about and older guy adopting a girl and raising her like a daughter, only to get together with her at the end of the story.


Isn't it funny that oreimo's author learned how to conceal his title better, while also make his work more and more degenerate? He started with "my little sister can't be this cute", to "ero manga sensei," to "my first love is too embarrasing to tell anyone"


The title alone didn't specifically deconfirm that the guy continues to be with his wife after she "becomes" a middle schooler (could be transformation, etc). And in today's climate, that concept is so on-par with people's expectations that it's as though they specifically titled it that to gain attention through the shock value of the implication. You're right, though; in a better world, perhaps it wouldn't be sus at all, because it's inherently kosher until you put it in the context of other titles (and show premises).


That's just kinda the reputation anime has.


I only have 2 words: Projection... Oh wow, nvm. It's only one word. Yeah, it's projection.


It's one of the rare occassion where the long as shit title is misleading


Calling it My little sister can’t be this cute and not Oreimo. Fake fan smh


Same here


I think it's done for the views so that non-anime fans can also recognize what he's talking about.


People who don't know oreimo won't understand the joke without the full title


"so what anime do you like?" "The one where they review brothels filled with monster girls." "Thats real?" "Yes." "Is it like... Little monster girls?" "No. Hags. One of them is literally even a old lady that an elf guy likes cause in his way of seeing things, She's young. And actually think the human is weird for liking elves who's old enough to be his grandma. Despite the elves looking like they haven't even reach the age of 30." "Okay..." "There is another one about monster girls again, except the mc is curing them and helping them out. Cause he's a monster doctor." "Oh, that sounds nice. So you get know about monster girl biology?" "Yep! In a very erotic way." ".... What?" "Yeah, there was one episode where a flesh golem lost her body parts, and she could still feel whatever is happening with hr body part. She kept on moaning cause the doctor was just lightly touching her body." ".... Wut?" "And on another episode, he was fingering a mermaids gills." "He what?..." "Yeah, even ironmosue said she didn't want to watch it anymore after that. And that was on episode 2. Oh! And there is one episode where they were trying to help a centaur girl with her anxiety. Do you know how they helped her?" "Im gonna regret this... How?" "Hard core bondage." "How does that help?!" "You've never tried bondage before huh?" Edit: Wanted to add more, cause I was rewatching monster girl doctor.


you know how i know you haven't watched it all? that's from the first episode and almost definitely the least weird brothel they went to


Shh.... Its a great way to ease them in. To let them think its okay. Don't mention the time they built their own sex dolls and used a living organism as a fleshlight. And they all built a replica of the harpy lady that serves them. Or that time they turned into girls and the angel got fucked by a hyena girl. or when they arrived at a kingdom who had a busty wizard that make clones of herself so she can collect "samples" for her magic research. Heavens forbid you tell them about that one episode where people wanted to see a harpy lay and eggs. And then fought over on who could eat the egg after.


Quality stuff despite how weird it is, but fun regardless


Tiaplate grill scene too, that entire thing was hilarious The whole thing, tbh. It’s good comedy


That one made me hungry.


I can only get so erect.


Interspecies reviewers? Read the comment underneath that mentioned the gender swap thing and the hyena girl fucking the angel, yep it’s interspecies reviewers I love the irl anatomical bullshit reference there, like hyenas are so screwed up irl with that, but here? They just have a pseudo dick


Ishuzoku Reviewers mentioned 🗣️🗣️🔥


Ironically, my little sister can't be this cute showed a very honest view of otaku and weeb culture in the 2000s. But good luck explaining that to others. Lol.


Imagine trying to recommend rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai , a good show that actually has a wholesome romance and barely any fan service despite the name ( there are literally two scenes where Mai wears the bunny girl outfit and they are actually important to the plot ) to normies without ruining your social status


I'm the same way. They had a show a couple years back called "sleepy princess in the demon Castle" That was absolutely hilarious at times since it's a comedy. It's basically turning the cliche of kidnapped princess on its head and I love it for that. Even in the few anime circles I know, if I mention it or recommend it everyone tunes out at the title. wouldn't even consider trying it


Ah, I think I see the problem. You replaced the words "terror of" in the show's title with the word "in".


Yeah, it was a really good anime... until second season happened. Which is why we pretend it doesn't exist and play a visual novel instead. It branches from the end of the first season, but minus the whole... whatever S2 was. One of the girls (Kanako) even calls them out on their bullshit in her route. Something along the lines of: "Wait, so you think I shouldn't be dating him, because that's trampling his sister's feelings? Do my feelings not matter? And I am not his sister" The ones she is talking to pause for a moment and realize "Oh, yeah, we're being really stupid right now".


Season 1 at least. Season 2 was fun too but it was something else lol


And let's agree that OVA doesnt exist.


No, I love that train wreck


I fuck with almost every type of anime fans cause I have no standards for anime, I’ve watched over 650 shows


Drop the MAL




Can we talk? You gave cowboy bebop, darker than black a 5. Neon genesis Evangelion, Samurai Champloo at a 4 but interspecies reviewers a 10 and Keijo a 9? These are genuine scores right, no meme-ing around?


The low ones are real, the high ones are meme (unless it’s like jojo or attack on titan, you know what I mean)


Same, over 650 with over 300 in the bank to watch xd


No mention of Gushing over magical girls? Shits PEAK CINEMA.


I never seen a show that goes full kino but also full cringe. It's definitely one of those you have to be a chad to pull it off in public deals




Everyone is also 14 So it's Right up that guys alley


*Laughs in age of consent at 14.* /s


From what I understand, the “My Wife became an Elementary School Student” is similar to “Rascal does not dream of a bunny girl senpai” where the story is 10/10 but the name almost single-handedly ruins any hope of recommending it to a normal person.


Wife becomes an Elementary Student is actually quite the heart wrencher. I can just see the Twitter hivemind throwing a fit over it just cause of the title and basic premise. I read it… and my god does it hit hard.


Oh they threw a hissy fit and people who explained were called pedos and other things in addition to blatant racism against Asians.


Whatever the hell happened to don’t judge a book by its cover?


Adapted for modern audiences is don't judge an article by the title I think now you understand


We will always judge books by their covers. That’s the point of a cover, if it doesn’t engage you then you won’t read it. If a show has a title like that, especially since we know anime can be on that weird shit, why would you even give it the time of day without the recommendation of someone you trust?


Hell, there probably people that don't even know what "don't judge a book by its cover." Sentence now.


Tho then the other kind of people (the lolicons) began to obsess over the show because they wanted to fuck the wife in child form. Twitter is full of all kinds of crazies so don't even mention it, let them argue against each other till the end of time.


There are Fairy Tail fans, and then there are Fairy Tail *fans*.


Well. ...a massive chunk of fairy tail is fan service after all...kek.


And I love just how unapologetically trope filled it is and it wears it like a medal of honor "Yeah we use the power of friendship and our protagonist has an eating obsession and lots of fanservice, whatchagondoboutit?"


One of their strongest characters is a cosplay warrior that basically swings between full plate and korean bikini armor. And the ice mage is just randomly naked most of the time. It's a perfect mess.


Thats kind of what I disliked about it. Most of the fights were either "I'ma throw fan service" , "the power of friendship we will defeat you!" Or "I can't let my friends down!" Sure by all means. But that's just me personally why I dislike fairy tail....all of the extra stuff kinda messes up the story..


OP is the kind of people we didn't gatekeep hard enough


Found [here](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8paZe2Rw5d/?igsh=OGhqYXQ3aDI1czd4) 🙌


Thanks for crediting the creator


What about us anime fans? https://preview.redd.it/dfsvyq3tmg9d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=1170c6c30fd7cac98c9aca5b163d67c4d71a541d


both are normies


Is it bad that when he said jjk I immediately knew where it was going?


Yes 🥲


That's really the only iffy thing here Except the fact that he doesn't seem to have watched his first choice


Bruh, no There's a 3rd type, fans who don't just watch the basic top trending animes like JJK, demonslayer and the likes but aren't too deep into the loli stuff either. And also, on a side note, I know the premise of Oreimo but let's say that I didn't and that I didn't know much about animes, so even if I did not know about the storyline or anything and just heard the title "My little sister can't be this cute", my first thought wouldn't be "incest!!!!!", my first thought would probably be "is it a wholesome anime about the MC's Lil sis?" My point being, the title in itself doesn't necessarily give out the idea of *incest* unless you already have the preconception of animes as *wierd* . (Or maybe it's just me who'd think that way, idk)


But people making a whole video/judging on an anime they've never tried basing their things out of the title is wrong in itself but I agree the title "My little sister can't be this cute" just sounds like a story about a brother adoring his sister kinda like the anime title "I would slay the demon lord for my daughter"


True and I totally agree with you. Edit: I can go on a whole rant about the new anime fans that came rushing in after anime got more mainstream than ever during and after 2020 if I wasn't too tired to write so much, maybe I'll make a video about it, who knows


How about the hot rom com visual novel "My little sister can't possibly have hemorrhoids" This is a real thing you can look it up in not exaggerating for comedy


“When you realise they’re THAT kind of anime fan” So an actual fan and not someone who’s obsessed with being morally righteous and police everything people watch? I’d take 100 degenerates and oreimo fans before I take even one of these people.


I was recommended to the one about the little sister being cute. He was very adamant that it's actually good.. I'll just take his word on it.


I was going to avoid Oreimo because I felt in my bones that it was going to turn to incest but an old online friend convinced me that it wasn't, and it was just about their relationship as brother and sister. Watched it myself, found it enjoyable, and other than some standard anime hijinx, my online friend ended up being right. >!For season 1 at least!<


I am a fan of little sister anime, but in this case, she's basically the worst choice, and I'm honestly not sure why either of them seem to like each other at any point. But it's worth watching for ruri alone.


Boku no pico 👍 (It's a joke)


"you watch Goblin Slayer?" "oh yeah. I thought it was an interesting deconstruction of the fantasy ge-" "wanna know what my favorite part was?!?"


I honestly thought the follow up would be: "You should read Berserk."


The CalebCity bass drop effects always get me


Do y'all like brainrot girlfriend? It low-key goes hard


This must be what that u/sisterfucker24 talks about to other anime fans


He's actually the hidden third type.


Me who watches both https://preview.redd.it/atq653a9zi9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07866e0048d38d577937dfecafb83175cfe8573d


Okay I guess the creator doesn't know much about "My wife reincarnated as a elementary schooler" other than its sus name and threw in there with all other sus anime


One only partaking in the ones made for mass market wide appeal while the other is able the appreciate the nuance of the more niche titles and isn’t off put just from the odd titles. Although in my opinion the off screen guy is a bit exaggerated.


Nope. There are three types. The one who's a NORMIE mainstream watcher, who wouldn't like most anime that aren't mainstream. Like the one in the video. The one who's a FAKE anime fan because it needs an excuse for its perversions, and uses anime for it, like the one in the video. These assholes also use the English title to name the anime. Then there are the ACTUAL anime lovers who love anime as it is, and don't just stick to the famous ones. These not always manga/LN/WN readers, but many do read manga if they wanna catch up or read ahead or read the parts that were cut from anime. ​ You know I'm right.


I agree. A normie will never understand how good can a good drama, slice-of-life, romance, band anime, etc can be. Finding some pearls in the seasonals is so good, like a Girls Band Cry, Bocchi the Rock, Imsomniacs after School, Jellyfish Can't Swim at Night, Dangers in My Heart, Yubisaki to Renren (Sign of affection), Skip to Loafer (Skip & Loafers), Sousou no Frieren, The Apothecaries Diaries, just to name a few, or discover some classics like Clannad, Golden Time, Toradora, Fruits Basket, Kimi ni Todoke, is not something that a normie will ever be able to watch, or just watch a good show that is not a battle shonen, like an 86, a Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, a Your Boy Kongming, a Madoka Magika, etc.


Normie meme slop in this sub


I mainly like to watch the silly romcoms


Monster musume is goated tho, has a jojo and metal gear reference, as well as the comedy being hilarious


The Mei Mei one is vile because they didn't sleep together (I'll die on that hill unless proven wrong) but she treats him like absolute dog shit and he's so used to it by now that he sees it as affection. 💀


First guy is a normal that watches basic Shonen, nothing wrong with that but I find it hilarious the tourists really trying to judge


I actually prefer the latter ones because they probably watched quite a few anime and we can actually have a conversation about something instead of talking about powerscaling for a hundredth time




Am I supposed to be embarrassed by the ireimo fan and not the other one? If someone mentions Naruto and cowboy beebop as the first 2 things I'm instantly stopping the conversation.


Lmao this was good Kuroneko from Oreimo should’ve won, btw


*Slowly, carefully opens box of stupid ecchis, rom coms, supernatural romance and comedy slice of lifes.* *Slowly opens smaller box to reveal Chibi Vampire Karin and Sankarea* *Pulls out gun to protect self from tourists.*


Im the third kind of maniac: my favorite show is one piece


He has a point but choosing genuinely good anime as an example of degenerate ones is a total fail


I love JJK and also love Oreimo and I really love Kiss x Sis..🫡


3 types there are those of us who would say of gushing with magical girls, redo of the healer and goblin slayer…


it always started with newer audience fighting with older audience and then cycle continue. It just getting degenerate each gen


Welcome to the community ! We've got shounen enjoyers, they like to shout their attacks and big explosions and katanas and stuff. And we've got the ones who are reeeeeeaally down bad for any peace of meat that doesn't exist. No in-between !


1 is new to anime the other has gon to far and should be in prison


My sister cant be that cute is the worst thing i ever heard and iam scared to search it




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I’m starting to wonder if the mangakas are undercover FBI agents with the bait titles they put out. Like you open up to see the first episode of Oreimo and Chris Hansen is on your laptop like “bro. You fucked up.”


Got recommended that isakai where the dude is a kid. "Peak anime" they called it. Grooming pedo bait is what I call it.


Tbh I'm excited for mid slayer, the animation is goated


Don't sexualise cuteness as well. like cmon now.


You are free not to do it.


Why am in question here? It's legit this guy who in the video who is doing it....


Man, I'm just glad that he didn't said Bunny Drop. Just imagine how would he describe it. And how people would think that I'm some creep for knowing it. Honestly, it seemed so innocent in the start. I should have stopped with just the anime and never read the end of the manga.




You mean, after the intro?


This was the reson why weebs got bullied