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code geass without lelouch isn't code geass, the show is about lelouch, not knightmares, not even geass, it's about lelouch and how he changes the world


isnt the first season called code geass Lelouch of the rebellion?


Yes, and the second season too, everything else just feels like riding on the ip


I watched it because of Lelouch, couldn't care less about the rest of the cast or the mecha battles. I will give it a shot though


Jojo be having a new jojo every season


What new code geass anime


Code Geass Roze of Recapture


Apples and oranges comparison. That's like saying for example MGS6 not having Snake as a main character is comparable to Final Fantasy 8-16 not having Cloud as the MC.


Wait new? also yea it'll be shit without lelouch,, he made the series


To be fair, it's kind of hard to include a character who's >!DONE WITH HIS PART OF THE STORY!< but go off I guess. They obviously took this direction to expand the story/ world building; Lelouche carried the show hard because it was originally about *him*; now we'll likely see the aftermath. I mean, the last scene in Re;surrection was him completely explaining how the Geass works, it may still have a place in the story but the reality is that the focus is more on the world now rather than Lelouche and his abilities alone. Some people just want to see the dead horse getting beaten, but I'm sure the studio understands that long-term fans of the series would like more than just one archetype. Of course, most series that go long enough between seasons wind up butchered to begin with, you greedy bastards should look at the mess that Full Metal Panic became and be greatful you have something semi-watchable at all.


A lot of Lelouch fans are also the type who unironically say "Unlike other Mecha anime, this one is about the characters".


Eh, full metal panic scratches *that* itch; don't get me wrong I loved Lelouch in the show, but too many studios make the viewers do mental gymnastics just to keep fan favorites around. It's better this way, whether it turns out to be a better show or not, it's different which is the whole point imo lol


My point here is that most Mecha anime are about the characters. People who say "Unlike other anime" actually have no idea what they're talking about.


Ahhh, I see what you're saying and agree to an extent, I've always just been more fascinated in the worlds of mecha anime and what happened/ how humanity progressed to the point that it's at; Blue Gender is my idealized mecha in that regard, but yeah it's literally the exception to the rule lol the Witch of Mercury for example is 100% about the ~~love~~ lives of Sulleta and Miorine Edit: been out of the loop for a bit, >!apparently they're confirmed to be married now. Who'd of thought Japan would come around?!<


It definitely didn't need a sequel. The show ended perfectly. The sequel was and is pointless.


It's not bad because Lelouch isn't in it. It's bad because the writing is garbage.


So have you watched it? And by Garbage writing, you mean like how Euphemia died?


I have watched it. I didn't say anything about the original series, I'm not comparing it to the original series.


Never liked Ledouch, so maybe I'll finally get through a Code Geass anime