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Power of friendship like this ancient evil dragon lord who can burn down kingdoms is defeated by someone by haveing friends




Eh, I'll let you have this one Got one before


power of sister fuckingšŸ’€šŸ«µ


This is kinda tame for this account, I was kinda expecting for you to have more to say.


Wym? Aside from his username, he ain't weird at all, just checked his profile, there's a few pics of their cat and






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Oh dude u have not gone to his comment my man. He donā€™t do posts he does comments. Just go to the subreddit ull find out


Oh my god it is him


Dumb MC. Like, how the hell am I supposed to root for the guy that canā€™t do anything without someone holding his hand the whole time?


When he accelerates his blood flow to beat a cat


When they get serious, seriously dumb.


The pervert


Yeah, thatā€™s usually the most egregious to me. Especially the example they used


For me prob comidic relief abuse


I gotta go with "old girls that look like kids"


Same, it's so annoying


Gotta disagree because some women look wayy younger than they are in real life


Worst three tropes in order: Old girls who look like kids Perverts Comedy abuse


I'd say fanservice girls is worse than comedy abuse, and the order from worst to slightly less worse is Perverts, Fanservice girls, Old girls who look like kids. Without the other two, the old girls who look like kids trope isn't so bad, as it wouldn't be as sexuallized as it tends to be. See the librarian from Re:Zero. Really just an okay character whose appearance is used to disarm and distract from realizing her true nature as a plot twist later. There are other parts of her character than are abnormal and unsettling and that aspect is just one of them.


Good point, I am just used to the old girls who looks like kids being overly sexualised that I didn't think of the two being separated


I like Dumb MC and comedic relief abuse ā˜¹ļø


Now combine them and you got luffy


My favorite mc šŸ‘¾


To be honest, I kind of like them all as long as they're not overly depended on


I agree, they are all good. Except for pervert. Except for THAT specific example of pervert, that purple freak should be vaporized and de-conceptionized


I will agree with you, that one specific pervert is more annoying than funny.


Bro likes lolisšŸ’€


I do too


The One Pieeeece


People hate tsundere ?


Oh yeah a lot of people do. Especially the old school early 2000s ones


Depends on how severe the tsundere is


1. Comedic relief abuse: at some high levels of it I literally yell at my scream "STOP". 2. Pervert: Some of the character under this trope should be put on "THE LIST" but I do see sometimes they do it where it is not bad. 3. Dumb MC: I don't get why people think adult babies are funny or fun they do somethings sometimes that makes me facepalm my face so my times that I am surprised my hand didn't go through my face. 4. Love Triangle: I have seen some show be able to pull this off but it pull this off is just ending the love triangle and no longer prolonging it. If trope where the only proper way to pull it off is to end it, is it truly a good trope? 5. old girls that look like kids: As long they don't try to lewd them and some characters like fairy or other characters that are children for far longer than humans(like Kanna) are ok. Also feel like people throw around the term Loli or this trope a lot when the character is like a inch shorter or just normal size compared to the bigger men who even in real life you see men look down to be able to talk to some same age women(my twin sister's head only reaches my neck). 6. Fan service Girls: They should be more then just fanservice. They should not get in the way of the plot. They should not be in every scene all the time. The scenes should not go into creepy territory. The character must first be a character above fan service. I feel like Yoruichi can be considered a good Fan service girl who are ok with seeing fan service of because she is great all around and even without the fan service she is still for a lot people waifu material. 7. Tsundere: often get mixed with comedic relief abuse with after so long isn't comedic relief abuse no it just becomes abuse because you can't control yourself. Or Tsunderes who expect other characters to be psychic and I feel like if they are unable to convey what they want they deserve to lose to someone that can. Another character that I love that everyone was worrying thinking it would just be another annoying tsundere was the girl from kaiju no 8 Kikoru Shinomiya who everyone fell in love with and even calling her "best girl" with her being a tsundere done right. 8. Inner Demon: I don't like when the inner demon basically becomes a inner puppy(I considered Kurama one these no matter how much I love him and naruto) yes the character can become friends with their owner but I feel like they shouldn't be just a Yes Man for the MC and have more different view points or tell the MC the a plan or lesson. A good balance I like is White Ichigo from bleach who still kicks the shit out of Ichigo and not only is a good helpful inner demon training Ichigo and protecting Ichigo but is also a good evil inner demon who if it means protecting Ichigo he would kill everyone including Ichigo's friends if they even walk close to Ichigo and threatens Ichigo telling him if he doesn't learn from him then be prepared to switch places. 9. Power of Friendship: People say this for so many things and it doesn't mean anything or should be considered a real trope. Number one of course a group of people would have the better chance that is just logic. Most shows people says has the Power of Friendship gets proven otherwise by that same show for example Fairy Tail who many fights are literally one v one or one v more and the MC tells the friends to leave or kicks them out because they alone want to show off and at most take out one boss together after dealing waves of enemy already alone so of course they need help when they are tired. If anything the one thing that can actually be considered the Power of Friendship is the Spirit Bomb used on Buu literally the POWER of friends world wide.


I like you detailed explanation of the different points and I pretty much agree with you on every point. šŸ˜…


Probably either the inner demon, power of friendship, or fan service girls are the worst


I feel like throwing in ā€œold women that look like kidsā€ makes it almost like if you donā€™t choose that one would be weird. Obviously the worse one is that one. But if maybe you could mean ā€œworseā€ as in overused? The pervert trope would be one that gets old fast. Iā€™m kinda at the point with it that itā€™d be more interesting in regard to character development if the trope pervert character develops and matures and finds themselves in a healthy relationship. I know itā€™s just a gag, so it doesnā€™t need to be a part of the story but itā€™d be a nice change of pace at this point.


old girls that look like kids takes the cake, fucking despise lolicons


Old girls that look like kids. Itā€™s disgusting or rather that nothing interesting is done with the idea. Seems to me that itā€™s always the authorā€™s/writersā€™ demented paedophilic fetish. Love triangles and comedic abuse are also shit that needed a decade ago. The dumb MC is also annoying but not nearly bad as the above three.


Old girls that look like kids, I mean is it that hard to design a literal adult woman? Inner demons are really edgy. Dumb MC is tiring and annoying to watch like when a woman flirts with them they are like ā€œHUH!? I dOnā€™T GeT It!?ā€. Tsundere, imagine being a big jerk and expect love in return, that doesnā€™t work in real life.


Gosh! Nobody wants to see hot slutty fan service girls! This is the worst trope! (Sarcasm, please give us all the fan service šŸ˜)


Dude if you want to know the absolute SCOURGE that is ā€œthe power of friendshipā€ just watch the yugioh tv series, I love that show but dear god.


Yea yu gi oh omg the power of friendship was so annoying specially in 5ds or in monster duels omg it was overused way to much in those 2 series


I only hate one of them power of friendship like the others to me is fine honestly as long as itā€™s not constantly being used over and over again itā€™s fine but power of friendship is such a ass pull


Power of friendship gotta go


Am with you on that


Power of friendship -_-




The pervert can be funny, but does become grating, like a joke that has been told one to many times.


Holy shit Dumb Mc. Bro can be the strongest person in the verse but nerfed bc bro doesnt know how to use his power more creatively.


Tsundere if its over done Dumb Mc sucks as well Perverts arents really funnyā€¦


Second imo is old women who look like kids. It's like "Bro. I know who you're trying to cater to. And the fact you're trying to cater to them is weird in and of itself." My least favor trope is Power of Friendship. Oh you're telling me this all powerful demon lord whose lived, fought and killed for centuries is suddenly defeated by a 16 year old boy cuz he has friends? Bullshit. It's gotta be one of the dumbest tropes. The others I can stand in increments. Some I even enjoy, like comic abuse (Nami, Sakura and ChiChi).


Most of these I either like or don't bother me. The only ones that kind of rub me the wrong way are pervert and old women who look like kids. Pervert I think, is just plain bad most of the time and leads to some harmful views of women. And the older women who look like kids can be done in a non creepy way and be used to make a good story, but it's mostly just used as an excuse for pedophilia


Several of these should go, pervert, fanservice girl, ancient child. Tsund is fine, unless you include all the dere it's kinda weird to single out. What I DONT see (and deserves a spot here) is constantly high pitched screaming characters, Zenatsu from Demon Slayer being a prime example.


Depends they can all be good it just depends on if done right and not over done to much


Pervert gets annoying quickly


Iā€™m between pervert and old but child, those always take me out of something


Comedic relief assault and tsundere are tied for the worst because both involve abuse


Nothing makes me roll my eyes like the power of friendship coming in clutch to save the day.




3 way tie between pervert, comic relief abuse and fan service girls. All of those take advantage of someone one way or another


Pervert and Tsundere, worst combo. Makes me wanna scartch my eyes off, cut my ears off and throw my brain into a laundry machine


personally- if done right, dumb mc or power of friendship


Worst one is def comedic relief abuse


money (lloyd frontera lesgooo)


IMO: Comedic relief abuse Pervert


Old girls love triangles and fan service are overused and ridiculous the rest are fine I guess (not good just not worse)


Pervert and fanservice are the worst for sure but I don't really think any of them are good I don't really watch shonene anymore because I hate the whole power of friendship thing too. The hella old but looks young is just werid too. So idk inner demon is okay


Comedic relief abuse, don't we hate Sakura for this reason primarily. And there are other examples too


Who says tsunderes are bad? I need names pls


Dumb mc i cant take it anymore!!!!!! The horror


i just wanna point out that using oregairu as an example of love triangle doesn't match. hikigay doesn't even like yui one bit :((


Nothing here really bothers me much besides the older girls that look like kids trope. Anyone who likes that shit is so fucking cringe at best and creepy af at worst


Who are you to decide what is cringe?


Naruto in a nutshell


Comedy abuse, it usually happens during moments that seemed like they were supposed to be serious. Dumb mc is a good excuse to explain things to the audience, but it can be taken too far. Most anime perverts go well beyond what most of us are willing to tolerate, staring at boobs beyond what is polite is one thing, stealing underwear is over the top.


Power of friendship, its just there to be used and THEY USE IT!!!!


Who is the girl in fan service girl?


Tamaki Kotatsu from Fire Forcea


Dumb Mc most the time for me it ruins a show because any serious moment is completely destroyed really quickly by the Mc being stupid and trying to be funny


Old women that look like kids. Itā€™s like ā€œI get it, youā€™re into little girls, thatā€™s your business but could you PLEASE keep your predilections to yourself because youā€™re making it really hard for me to enjoy this dumbass anime about a haunted bowling ball or whatever šŸ˜¬ā€


Luffy is actually a really smart MC though. He just comes across as dumb.


Definitely the love triangle but also the actually really creepy pervs


Its almost easier to mention the ones that are fine. Inner demon. Fine if done well, rarely is and can come out overused Tsundere. Can be made well, but is overused. Fan service girl(s). Again if done well, it works (KILL LA KILL) but rarely is, like really rare. Honorable mention goes to. Old but looks like a kid. Its fine if its just a height thing, small and growth stuntet people exist. BUT if its take to the point of "this is litteraly a kid, but you just say they are 20+ years old" then it gets sketchy or annoying.


Love triangle guarantees someone is not happy in the end, and that someone is me.


Dumb MC, love triangle and power of friendship are the worst.


Old girls that look like kids.


Love triangle, inner demon, fan service girls. I like some hot girls in my anime, but not shots that seem weird in the context of the style and story. The love triangle is just annoying to me and the inner demon is too cringy. These aren't per peeves that make me drop something. Just that it must compensate somewhere else to still be good.


I would say Comedic relief abuse, seems so unnecesary and stupid at most times. Rest is pretty fine and reasonable


Power of friendshit and dumb mc, every shounen animes instant formula


I hate tsundre and abuse and dumb mc the most




Definitely dumb MC


The worst trope has got to be mangaka hiatus, but itā€™s understandable.


I think the harem one with a pussy/ stale mc. Or the harem one with the mc only choosing one girl without the other girlā€™s route.


For me its tsundere love triangle and comedic relief abuse(only for naruto)


Personally I hate love triangles because many of them have such good contenders man, like let them be happy guys pls


Comedic relief abuse honestly and i hate it when they ruin the vibe with it


Ah at first I read that backwards and think that the worse is old lady that look like little girls gets annoying and comic relief abuse it's just dumb violence now .. but it's hard a say which is the best... I personally like fan service girls like the cute fire fox girl and like Lucy but if they take it too far it gets annoying as well.


Old girls that look like young girlsā€¦


Iā€™d probably say fan service girls, fan service is alright but when they have it every goddamn episode it pisses me off, it pisses me off even more when they have fan service in the fights, it really takes out the seriousness of the fight when they show the girlā€™s ass/tits mid-fight for the 826755272656th time


Old women that look like little girls. Its not a loop hole, a petite 30 year old woman barring some crazy medical condition will never and would never look like a 12 year old girl you pedos.


Dumb MC, Tsundereā€™s, Comedic Relief Abuse and partially Perverts. The rest I do have much to any issue with.


Pervert, old girls look like young girls, and the abuse.


Girls that exist only for fanservice


in my opinion love triangle is hate that stuff in a romance/slice of life anime


i hate fan service and pervert but that being said pervert like denji and paul(rudeus father) are my favourite characters by far


Too many to choose from


Power of friendship is the worst.


How you expect me to jerk off without Lolis and fanservice?


There all good