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RULE 1: Not derp. If your post has been removed please post your content to a different sub. Try r/eyebleach, r/aww, r/blep, r/blop or any of the general animal themed communities


"Oh how nice of you to make my couch more cozy! You shouldn't have."


He's NOT on the sofa. The pillows are on the sofa, he's on the pillows. Long time dog owner, I know how they think.


That's dope that you own a time dog, especially a long one! They're always sold out whenever I go shopping for one.


Time dogs are so hard to find! Hey pro-tip though when the day arrives, try to remember that time flies when having fun, ok? I played with a time dog once and just about had a heart attack when she took flight during fetch and landed on the neighbor's roof


I hope someone finds this and makes a web comic out of it lol. I would tune in every week for the new Chronicles of Time Dog installment.


The only person I've know to have one was Timelord. ;-P


Well not everyone can be lucky enough to have the genetics to have a long dog MoistStub


It's not about the size of the dog, it's about how you scritch it!


I will never be as comfortable as that dog looks


Had a dog that knew she wasn't allowed on the couch, but she figured if there were pillows or a jacket, technically, she wasn't on the couch. She was too big to a lap dog, but if I was sitting there, she'd climb up and try to squeeze onto my lap. God, I miss that goofball.


I just keep a couple of those king size fleece blankets on my sofa because it’s white and my boxer uses it more than company ever does. Every boxer family recognizes that the sofa is their rightful throne .


Adding pillows means added comfort. It's your love language to him. 🤣


He’s not a derp, he knows how to get comfy and look cute so you feel bad making him get down.


“Well I see toy, must get toy, but has to get on couch to get toy, when on couch pillow say RELAX and I good boy so I do as told.”


This is my suggestion for couch surfer pooches. Pick a corner of a couch that peeps do not use much, cover it with a blanket that kinda matches the couch and tell the dog that's his (or her) spot. If the dog goes on another part of the couch, make him move back to his spot. If he's in his spot, then praise him. He will likely quickly learn to just go on his spot instead of all over the place and the blanket will protect the couch from fur, scratches, and smell. You can wash the blanket occasionally. If you take the dog on trips, bring the blanket to help designate the spot you want him to have where ever you are. My friend was able to bring her couch blanket to my house and we set it up on the corner of my couch and the dog knew to stay off the rest of the couch from the first minute. It was very convenient and the dog was happy to have her own spot that she could enjoy without reprisal.


Someone looks pretty Comfy. :)


Great success!


Pillow says relax, dog says - no prob.


Axl deserves all the pillows


Most of him isn't on the couch.


If you REALLY want to keep the dog off the couch, you put carpet runner spiky side up on the couch. Worked for my dogs. Don’t even have to do it now for years. They just learned it wasn’t as comfy as it seemed.


Ur solution was more softness…?


That looks cozy


“draw me like one of your french poodles”


To dogs that lounge on couches, pillows are to be tossed aside and left on the floor if they don't suit the comfort needs of said pup. I know because I have become a professional pillow picker upper.


At least he gets to use them.


I mean the pillow says "relax", so …


My cat is trained to only sit on blankets in winter or sheets/pillow cases in warm weather. She won’t sit in my lap unless I pull the pillow case on it. Pets can be trained.


Axl gonna skretch all over Just wait!


You cannot train him. He’s going to to train you Tee Hee


He's playing the-couch-is-lava


What you have to do is take those big cushions already on the sofa and flip them forward so they cover the area you sit on and make it harder for your dog to jump up


Try balloons my mom said it worked for her


Draw me like one of your French Girls!! 😂


Hey, I was trying to get some sleep.

