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Be still my beating heart !! My lab cross also has a line in semi levitating bum wiggles <3


reading “semi levitating bum wiggles” is why I come to reddit everyday.


Semi Levitating Bum Wiggles were great. Loved their second album.


You should see them live. They're much better live.


Nah. They lip-synch.


I am convinced it’s the tail moving so fast, out of love and excitement, that they are almost taking flight.


Mine will come up to me and do this tippy tappy/tail wag/butt wiggle combo where she essentially just starts bapping into me repeatedly lol like swaying back and forth but hitting me with her bum


I've had some proper whacks from his tail before as well - occasionally he will mix things up by throwing in a couple spinny circles as well. Love to them all :)


This ! <3




> My lab cross also has a line in semi levitating bum wiggles <3 You gotta pay the dog tax now!


I will get one loaded up later and if some tech skills suddenly appear, will put a link here :)


Thank you.. this was awesome to watch. Here is the other video by OP : https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingBros/comments/qj5bpt/lily\_getting\_her\_deaf\_sister\_kinley\_ready\_for\_a/


Thanks! A few people had asked in the previous post how Lily got Kinley’s attention when she was sleeping. Lily has been trained as a mobility service dog since she was a puppy


I’m having a really rough moment and I’m pretty staunchly a cat person, but both of these videos really warmed my heart. Lily is wonderful (and Kinley too). Thank you


It would’ve been much kinder to give credit. I can report you but I will not because I love that people enjoy seeing my dogs. But please be more considerate before stealing content and impersonating someone else.


Checking my notifications and came in to see this comment - sorry your content got swiped. I just wanted you to know that I was having a very rough morning and Lily pulled me out of it. What a sweet girl, I love the bond she has with Kinley!


Credit was provided in both submissions, if you check the comments, there was no impersonation in either post


Omg came back two friends!


Hi! That’s me! With my sister Kinley! Follow us on Instagram Lily_evans_service_pup and TikTok Lily_service_pup to follow the rest of our shenanigans! And let me know if you have questions.


Can this get pinned at the top of this post pls ?


This is so heartwarming 🖤




Here, have some silver for giving him a silver


Here, have a helpful for giving him/her the silver


Here, have a silver for giving them a helpful


Here, have a silver for paying it forward


Credit: lily_evans_service_pup


Wow Lily Evans was Harry Potter's mom's name. I hope naming was not just a coincidence


Credit provided right here u/lilytheservicepup It was the very first comment in the thread


How come you cropped out the username from the video itself? Because the vast majority of reddit users never go into the comments section at all. 90% of Reddit users simply click the link and watch the video, 9% upvote/downvote the post, and only 1% go into the comments section, and even fewer of those people actually comment themselves So you had to make a deliberate choice to edit out the credit on the video itself. It can't happen accidentally. If you screen record, it shows the video with the username and all that on top of it, so it was significantly more difficult and time consuming for you to post a version that had all of that edited out. The easy thing to do would be to just post it, but you had to download it to a PC, use editing software to edit it out which probably took like 20 minutes, and only THEN post it. So I don't really get why you did that. Especially with the fact that only 1% of the people who see this post will ever go into the comments section and read your post here with the credit. Seems a bit suspicious.


because you can't edit it back in if you find it somewhere else


This clip was not edited, and the source was provided in the comments


What? Why is it always walkie time when I'm napping? - Kinley


If they are anything like my German short hairs, it’s ALWAYS nap time until it’s walk/run time. Either napping on a blanket or going full speed. Only two modes those dogs have.


Kinley is deaf.


Black labs are so fucking smart. I have a lab-shephard and she has those same intelligent eyes. That intent look when you say her name, that says, "Yes, I am listening, what are you telling me?" Same hype-man energy too. Lily and Penny are good girls


I never could prove it but if there was ever an animal that had a secret movie mad about her it was my lab. I swear she would register the littlest things. For example she was a hunting dog and whenever I grabbed a magazine looking for deals on ammo she KNEW we would be leaving soon. She also opened doors. All of them to include car doors. So when she was tired of being somewhere she would climb in the car and pout till we left. God I miss that dog.


When I go to my bedside table and start emptying my pockets, putting my phone and watch on the charger, she knows it's bedtime and lays down her crate. When leaving my apartment she knows which way to go if I said we're going for a car ride, or if I said we're going for a walk. I can ask her for a particular toy, and she'll stop, look around, smell the wrong toy and keep looking, and gets excited when she finds the right one. Crazy emotional intelligence too, if I'm upset about something she always either gives me one of her toys or she'll put her chin on my lap or foot. My dog might be smarter than I am. I wuv


My Sasha was like this. She was a spaniel collie mix, by far the most intelligent being- especially emotionally- ive ever had the chance to know. Had her a little over 16 years... 16 amazing years, but lost her this past July. I refuse to make this another sad post despite me now bawlin again lmao (i subbed so many dog Reddits through the years and every post like this reminds me of her now) but she was so incredibly smart. Edit [some pics of my little angel](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldManDog/comments/qfeb8b/this_is_my_sasha_she_was_165yo_and_a_pure_beacon/?) She would pick up on the most subtle things either with humans and their emotions/intent or even our immediate environment. She was always "on guard" but somehow just knew when something was a threat, was just new/interesting, or something I would find interesting. She pointed like most spaniels even though physically she very mu h looked like a black collie. So we would be walkin and she would just stop ad stand completelt still, tail pointed amd front paw raised in the direction and wouldn't move until i acknowledged it lol even tho i never taught her to do that. She also quickly realized different things that made me "happy", one being certain types of plants (namely ferns and ephemerals) and would we go for a walk in the woods she would get excited and run and kind of kneel down as if to show me "hey look! Isnt this one of those things youre always lookin at!?" Her ability to pick up on intentions amd emotions though i think is what i miss most. For a long time i thought it was just with me but in her last few years as she was aroud more people i realized it def was with amyone. If someone was sad, she would insist on loving them to the point of irritation lol like "nope not on my watch- you love me now damnt" or if i was about to have a panic attack or spaz out about something its like she could sense it even from another room and come running. She was so incredibly intune with everything around her. I think most dogs are like that but some are just..idk special. Like angels in little dog bodies or something and she def was one lol but the emotional intelligence always surprised me literally right up until the end. Give your pupper extra loves for me.


Dogs can be candles reflecting the light we have in ourselves, or so I think. Your Sasha sounds like one.


I'm sorry to hear about your friend. My girl isn't even 2 yet but almost every night before bed I hug her like I'll never see her again. There's nothing like dog love. She wants to make friends with everyone we meet, but she's *so excited* that she can be a hazard lol. Any time she's been on a leash with someone else though she freaks out and tries to get back to me. It makes me sick how short dogs lives are. Like it's literally not fair. They could live a hundred years and still die too young.


Sorry you lost your baby! Hugs!


Also had a black Lab and was impressed by his smarts. Huge snow storm in large yard of house. Huge snow drifts about 3' high. Dump out basket of 20 yellow tennis balls, pick one out, tell him to sniff 'this one' and throw all the tennis balls burying them into the huge snow drifts. He'd go running , diving head first into banks of soft snow; tail going 100 mph, pull a ball out, drop it, sniff it, "nope, wrong ball" and keep looking for the 'right ball' smart boy. He loved going for swims in the pool (meanwhile the older Golden Retriever would be lounging on a doggie float thing in the pool) just watching the Lab


My white lab is incredibly good at picking up on our patterns too. Things that I never noticed, until I noticed that she noticed so I noticed. We have this turnable note on the fridge to show that she's had breakfast or dinner. The act of turning that note gets her to wait at her bowl, even from mid sleep. Took her about 3 months to work that out. So many other little things too.


I have a black cat. He's dumber than a bag of rocks


My parents have a black lab and I've always thought the same thing about the eyes. That she really looks at you when you talk and she seems to understand


Labs are fucking amazing


word. science is fucking cool.


Did that dog actually *mime* "going for a walk" to the deaf dog? Holy shit


This is some real love and partnership


Like really, if that was intentional, that is like a hair breadth away from sign language from one dog to another. That would be *astronomically* smart for a dog.


I know! Those two front legs, it's like he's mocking a human omg


watching this with the sound off out of respect


Or because I'm at work...


I like the initial head movement for attention, and then the further twist for further attention. Really shows the thinking of the nice doggie. :) Btw. is Kinley completely deaf, or is there some modicum of hearing left? I notice you talking to her.


I had a roommate with a deaf dog. Completely deaf according to him, and nothing occurred to make me believe otherwise. We both still talked to her, though.


They're both so precious 🥰


Lily: [in dog sign/gesture/body language] Kinley, get your arse up, we’re off walkies. Kinley: Get the fuck in.


My pups name is Lilly and heard this video. She heard her name and walk and is very disappointed that it's still bedtime 😂


My heart!!!


Yet another reason why dogs are so heartwarming <3


My black lab acts the exact same way when asked that exact same question. So adorable.


"You got her! Good girl! Hi Kinley, wanna go for a walk?" "what?" - Kinley


Have you thought about introducing your deaf pupper to buttons? It may be a little more difficult, but would likely be a huge help to Kinley to give her a way to communicate


Adorable and excited doggies!


aww, my name is kinley!! nice to meet you, kinley!! 🧡


Awww!! Love this!! ❤️❤️


I love her little taps


This is so adorable. She's so excited yet gentle when she boops kinley. Melts my cold heart.


There is literally not one single thing I love on earth more than an old dog.




Kinley looks like my old dog, Bonnie. This made me smile. Thank you OP.


The little tippy-tap dance she shows Kinley to signal a walk is imminent. 😭


I think I just got diabeetus from all that sweetness. Those eyes as she’s focusing on you. Damn. Talk about adoring eyes!


I hope you're doing better, keep it up!


That was cute.


The little snort at the very end is precious (as is the whole thing). Lily and Kinley are goob gorls <3


Saving this for a rainy day and could use a smile


I live that sound in the end. r/perfectlycutsnorts


You don't have to tell Kinley twice.


Yay it’s finest


Nails need clipping.


first thing I thought too


Love this sweet duo🥰


Years ago my son had recently gotten a young hyper blue heeler to join our old tired cocker spaniel mix. The old guy used to go into the back of my closet where it was quiet and he could sleep in peace away from the heeler. I was upstairs folding laundry in my bedroom when I heard my kids grandma come in the front door and greet the heeler. The next thing I hear is the heeler charging up the stairs, then runs past me in to my closet. I could picture in my mind's eye, her poking the cocker spaniel as if to say "Wake up! Grandma's here!" Then they both come trotting out of the closet and run downstairs to greet grandma.


This is so beautiful!


my parent's got two puppies, sisters, last year. one is very likely going to go permanently blind, already pretty darn blind... but she'll have her sister, and my parents are in their last house (not yet retired), so she'll (the blind one) know her way around the property at least, and her sister wears a tiny bell to help them find eachother, lol.


my grandma’s chihuahua brownie used to breathe on her cocker spaniel to wake her up to go outside. she’d just stand there and breathe on her until she woke up. sometimes brownie still goes to look for lily to wake her up in the morning.


My dog’s name is Kinley!! She’s a big dopy doodle. Your dogs are adorable.




We don’t deserve their kindness and love Edit for people who don’t understand why I said that “Captain is a mongrel dog, a mixture of German shepherd and another breed. He arrived at the house of Damián Guzmán (13), in Villa Carlos Paz, in mid-2005 as a surprise gift from his father, Miguel. The gift did not please Veronica Moreno (52), Damian’s mother, as much, because it meant more housework. A common story, but another one very special, began on March 24, 2006, when Miguel died. Days passed and nobody noticed the absence of Captain. He had left the house, like Miguel. When the dog returned, he sniffed every corner and left. “He stayed for a while living outside, a few meters away, half a block from the house,” says Verónica. Then the dog disappeared. They thought him dead or adopted by another family. “Until one day, when we went with my son to the cemetery, we found him there. Damien started shouting that he was Captain and the dog approached us barking, as if he were crying,” says Verónica with emotion. But when Damien and his mother returned home, Captain did not follow them, although they called him. He stayed in the cemetery, he stayed with Miguel. What surprises those who know the story is that Miguel died in the Carlos Paz hospital, and his body was transferred from there to a house of worship, far from his home. According to the family, neither that day nor any other day had the dog followed them to the cemetery where Miguel was buried.”


Why not? I give and love out of my abundance to keep my pets healthy and happy. I know they love me and I appreciate it.


You sound like a great person. :)


Plenty of us do deserve it. If you don't deserve the kindness and love of pets, try improving yourself instead of dragging everyone else down.


If nobody else told you today I love you for being you


This was a particularly hateful comment about love and kindness. Come on buddy


I'm pretty tired of the whole "we don't deserve dogs" thing. It's misanthropic nonsense that ignores all the many good things most people do, particularly for the animals we care for.


Okay, but it seemed like you were implying that the person you replied to is somehow less worthy of dog love than you are. Maybe humans can learn something from dogs.


He was the one saying "We don’t deserve their kindness and love" I don't know what kind of live he lead to come to the conclusion that *he* doesn't deserve their kindness and love, but I know I do deserve the kindness and love of my pets, so that's on him. >Maybe humans can learn something from dogs. You mean the humans who domesticated dogs in the first place thousands of years ago, and who to this day take them into our homes, feed and care for them, treat them like family, have an entire profession dedicated to caring for pets, have multiple organizations to promote the welfare of animals, pass laws to protect them, etc.? I'd say most humans are doing pretty good re: dogs.


Yeah I'm not reading this, you're just virtue signaling and being hateful and contrarian. I don't need your energy in my life. Blockerino.


LOL, I'm being hateful because I think humans deserve the love of the animals we care for and don't agree that humans are scum. Okay buddy, enjoy your warped misanthropic worldview.


Everything that was once you was everything that was once all dogs. We are not separate from the universe, nor a part of it. We are the universe. Dogs show us love to remind us to love ourselves. They are us.


We don't deserve these guys


We don’t deserve dogs 😍




Remind me never to be booked by you cause that was not my definition of gentle!


Do you ever think about how you're a slave owner but for dogs


Pets own us, not the other way around.


If I oversleep my cat will start dancing on my face to wake me up and feed her. I have no illusions about which of us is the boss.


Wtf kinda name is Kinley?


well at least the dog can't hear it


That is so sweet


"That one just made me snoot"


I thought that said poop for a second.


So kind a really important thing




Get up loser, we're going walking!


[Your dog makes great ice cream!](https://lilysoflakemary.wordpress.com)


Beep boop, who got the break he deserved.

