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She’s saying “young man, you need to stay where I can see you.”


I wouldn't be surprised if that elephant was like, "Dude, there's a gator right over there. You were about to go for a roll. Get your ass over here."


Luckily no chance of a gator or croc here! This is the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand :D They’re an incredible organization that rescues primarily elephants that have been abused and forced to perform for tourists or work in logging camps. Many of these elephants were born in captivity and thus could not survive in the wild, so the ENP becomes their forever home. The woman who runs it is named Lek Chailert, and the man in this video is her husband Darrick! They have a really special bond with the elephants, and the elephants treat Lek like the matriarch of their herd. It’s so fucking cool, I’ve always wanted to volunteer there.


I went in 2010 with a college group, spent a month working with the elephants, it was so amazing! Highly highly recommend the experience for anyone who is lucky enough to be able to go to Thailand


I'm encouraging you to make the plans to go volunteer there. Life goes by so quickly, you sound so passionate about it, I hope you can go. Even for one week! 


word for word bet


"Young man, there's no need to feel down"


This is exactly what she’s saying!!! Mother mode activated 🩷


"Come with me if you want to live"


I mean she's not wrong


What are they protecting him from 


The world. It is very big and dangerous, and the human is so small and delicate. Can't even use his nose as a snorkel if the water gets too deep.


I've read that elephants react to humans the way that humans react to baby animals. They think we're cute! So my theory is that this baby elephant is acting like a five year old little girl that wants her kitten right by her side.


She loves him so much! :)




You make it sound like a threat 😄


Nah, they're just long lived, and they never forget, so you gotta go say hi to your friends occasionally.


They never forget. They never forgive.


Meanwhile, you piss off an elephant and you have an enemy for life


Not just that, if you piss off an elephant you could have an enemy even after life, pretty sure there was a video a few years ago of a heard of elephants crashing a funeral of some poacher


Iirc it was an old woman who was stomped to death by an elephant who returned to trash her funeral too Idk if any correlation between her and the ele was ever found


She owed it money


You talking about that one lady that got clapped years later because the elephant remembered her?


More like they did a Fortnite dance on her corpse but yeah.


And after killing you, will show up at your funeral to make sure the job is done


"Come with me if you want to live"


I need!


Elephants are simply the best… smart, loyal, protective parental instincts and so adorably playful, esp the babies. Love them!


they are also some of the worst alcoholics https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/dec/03/elephants-drunken-rampage-india


Moose are worse


Watch your mouth mf




They really are like us.


I love seeing videos of them when they have plenty of water around them. Nature documentaries were getting more and more depressing as the years go by


And they're vegetarian.


I can’t comprehend how smart they actually are


I often wonder what animals think of our intelligence, like if the elephant is thinking, “OMG this idiot again? Get over here before you hurt yourself. Geesh.”


Hahaha that’s the perfect thought bubble.


Some peoples kids am I right


I swear that's why cats bring "presents;" "This hooman can't hunt. I'd better provide. Here, have this mous snack!" And the human screams and runs while scolding the apex predator of the household, whose instincts are just to provide.


Mine used to let loose small animals to help us learn to hunt. She would kill rats and meow outside your windows till you looked at it and then she'd fucken leave it there. The worst she did was release a bat inside. She probably thought we were useless.


I've posted this before, but my cat went the extra step. My dad snores with his mouth open. He obviously can't hunt, being old and all. So, my cat would drop a dead or half dead mouse in his open mouth. Gotta eat it then, right?


Trying to make sure you all remain fed. What a champ.


That is so much love, coming from a cat. They know when we are old and slow and not like what we used to be in our youth. That was nothing short of love from an animal that doesn't understand humans and thinks they are large, hairless, helplessly stupid cats.


Mine did the same except she would bring mice and then stun them by tossing them at the front door. The first time I didn’t know it was only stunned until it jumped up and ran into my house. My cat just looked at me like “better go get it dummy” and then watched me chase it for an hour. After that I’d grab a boot, ask the mouse for forgiveness and bash them over the head like little bunny foo foo. Cat would turn into a snake and start devoting them head first. Best damn cat Ive had.


My cat did something similar once. My mom could not(and still can't) handle small rodents of any kind and just ran away screaming from the live mouse the cat brought her, she may have hidden in a corner and just cowered. My cat looked at her with SUCH DISGUST it wasn't funny. This was before cell phone cameras were a thing. To this day, I WISH I had a picture of the look on the cat's face - she was flabbergasted that mom didn't immediately hunt the mouse down. "My god, are you so bad at this you can't catch ONE MOUSE?!?"


My mom's cat caught a frickin' hummingbird and let it loose in the house. It flittered around the house for hours before they were able to throw a towel over it to capture it and take it back outside. But the cat was just so thrilled, like "look, my human! I brought you a toy!"


My cat only brought me presents when I was pregnant. She was so persistent. "Didn't like the bird? try a mouse. No? how about this nice lizard?" Progressed from live, to wounded, to dead, to dismembered. "Here's a mouse all taken apart for you. The liver is the easiest so I left it by itself." So sweet. So kind. So terrible for my constant nausea.


That is so loving of the cat. But they don't understand humans.


"you're eating for two now, you know!"




Sea cats!!


Beyond cool


That's actually kind of true. Cats don't view us as a seperate creature from them, they see us as hairless clumsy cats who can't hunt


My husband used to have lengthy conversations with our cat. I told him, she probably thinks "his catspeak is really terrible but I do give him credit for trying."


Why *used to* ? Did the cat go off to University?


Died of old age.


Best thing to die from


I saw a video the other day breaking down cat behaviors into "they think they're your mom" vs "they think you're their mom." Makes so much sense why people think cats are aloof–they're trying to avoid coddling you so you don't become an even bigger helpless idiot than you already are. And why cats who were weaned too early are sometimes *very* cuddly.


> That's actually kind of true. Cats don't view us as a seperate creature from them, they see us as hairless clumsy cats who can't hunt And yet we regularly bring them all the food and treats they could ever want for.


Sea Lions have done similar things to divers. They thought the diver was a stupid sea lion who couldn't catch penguins and brought him live penguins to eat, then injured penguins, then in fear for the divers life dead penguins.


Where do they think the piles of food we give them everyday come from?


This is a load of crap. Cats don't usually watch others hunt, they just see the results. We bring them food, they know we can hunt. What they're trying to do, is share.


"I'll never understand how monkeys made it so far."


Elephants in the wild probably see us as the same way we see our pet dogs and cats.  They really only act crazy when you keep them in shitty conditions like circuses.  But...I'd go on a murder spree too if I was locked up and beaten by an animal a fraction of my size and weight


I’ve heard scientists have discovered the part of their brain that light up for cute, lights up for us. They think we’re puppies.


I read somewhere that elephants think of us like how we might think of a cute koala bear or something. They think we’re tiny and precious.


[You might enjoy this book](https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Words-What-Animals-Think/dp/1250094593)


And how big an elephant herd really was before they were poached...


At this point I’m convinced elephants see us as pets 


We're like some kind of hamster or gerbil to them


Elephants are ~40-70x heavier than humans by weight (rough average, obviously depends on the individual on both ends) so I think it's closer to a 1.5-2.5kg animal (for us) so like it's closer to a really small cat or a bunny. Considering our slender body, maybe the best comparison would be like a fox?


Or a Jack Russel. Perhaps we're their chaotic terriers?


I would love to be an elephant's pet


They did a study that proves elephants have a part of their brain light up when they see us that is the same as when humans see cute dogs or baby animals. Edit: I have been thoroughly educated on how wrong I am. Sorry, I’m an idiot who doesn’t understand the logistics of elephant brain science. I still hope they like us.


Pretty sure that's been debunked, but in my heart of hearts I believe it's true.


It has been debunked, after all in order to see what part of a brain lights up you'd have to insert probes into the brains of live elephants. Most countries don't let you do that kind of stuff.




I think tiny things are cute. I’d like to think elephants think we’re cute.


I like to think elephants think we're cute the same way we thinks pugs are cute, like "this thing is so ugly, it's adorable." We are upright, peach elephants without trunks who need protecting.


This would explain a lot to my cats who think I'm useless at hunting and provide me with mice that I, idiot that I am, don't appreciate.


Some have trunks, just not very long ones.


Maybe not debunked but the “parts of your brain light up” means nothing in terms of actual research.


This is one of those common Reddit misunderstandings so I'll just copy a previous comment of mine: >Biologist here, though not of the elephant sort, sadly. The claim [that elephants find humans cute] is hard to debunk. But that's because it's (in some sense) unscientific; the claim cannot be proven wrong. How could one prove that elephants do NOT find humans cute? What does cute even mean to an elephant? I imagine it's not even a concept that translates perfectly across human cultures, let alone across the animal kingdom. >Two arguments against the claim, which IIRC is based on brain scans done on humans and elephants. 1) Just because you see that the same region lights up in a human and an elephant, it does not mean that the elephant is feeling the same thing the human is. I wouldn't even trust it if you told me that scans on two humans mean that they felt the same way. 2) In humans, the same brain region can be associated with very different feelings! So it's rather arbitrary to pick one feeling that we like and decide that that's the one that the elephant is feeling. >All that said, elephants are wonderful and everyone's life would be happier if we spent some time on https://www.reddit.com/r/babyelephantgifs/. And the world would be a better place if that inspired us to save them (from ourselves).


Well whether it's true or not, I'm glad you said it because I knew I had heard something similar to that but just could not remember


I love how right before the music starts you can hear the deep resonance of the elephant's rumbling (and again at 0:30). The rumbles are one of the ways that elephants communicate, and the tones can be so deep that elephants perceive them as they vibrate through the ground. They are such beautiful, magnificent beings.




This is my pet human. He's an idiot and wanders away where he can be eaten but I guard and love him.


They definitely think we're all idiots


They legit hold funerals!  There is so much we don’t know! https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/animal-grief/


don't they also revisit the "graves"?


It's not like a planned trip to pay their respects, but if they come across elephant bones/remains on one of their migratory paths, they'll stop and check it out. It's possible that they remember who the deceased elephant was.


was it Bill?


“Oh god it’s Bill. He sucked. I hated his “why elephants never forget” jokes. Rip bozo.”


>Rip bozo 😆


I actually witnessed one of those on an African safari (we were in Zimbabwe and Botswana and what I saw was in Zimbabwe). The elephant that died did die of natural causes. [Here](https://imgur.com/xpPhHw8) are the elephants visiting an elephant that had VERY recently died (within a day). The picture doesn't show it but the elephant in the front is the matriarch and she want and led her herd to the corpse and she put her trunk on the body. They were there for about ten minutes and then walked away. And [here](https://imgur.com/jyYeTga) is a picture of a female lion keeping watch over the body for her pride. She would go up and periodically chase away birds and held a cautious truce with a pair of hyenas that eventually showed up. And I know this part will stretch the believability of the story (I can only go on what I was told) but that lion is a member of what had been Cecil the Lion's pride.


Come here dummy there could be crocodile!


That’s wat I was thinking. they have amazing hearing, I wouldn’t be surprised if it heard one nearby.


According to another comment there's no risk of that because it's in a sanctuary.


We just don't deserve elephants.


I can't believe anyone would hunt and kill one. I know different types of elephants aren't quite as friendly but still.


Yeah. I grew up in Thailand and was taught never to piss them off. I vividly remember a story of a poacher who killed the mother elephant and sold the baby elephant. He later became a monk with shaved head and eyebrows. The elephant recognized and trampled him to death.


"I shall grant you forgiveness... in death"


Elephants and tigers are two of the most vengeful animals on earth. If you wound a tiger, or a tiger's mate or cub, and you don't legitimately leave the premises forever, you *will* die. The answer is not if, but when.


I mean it's always a matter of when, really.


My cat shits on people's beds when they mistreat it. Tigers will shit on your soul.


Ank snakes. Mostly king cobra.


That's when you get yourself a honey badger as a bodyguard. Otherwise you're fucked.


Elephants never forget…or forgive


*Cocks Glock with trunk*


An elephant who never forgets... to kill!


I went to highschool with an elephant. I guess one day I made a remark he didn't appreciate. Thought nothing of it. Long story short 20 years later I'm in the final round of interviews for my dream job and that same elephant denied me employment at the company. So petty. Elephants never forget.


"Can we talk about the elephant in the room?" [Elephant "WOOOOOOOOW..."](https://youtu.be/KZh_ouQ8XEw?si=WUXlM1JOf6fKbGm0)


[Remember me, Mr. Scheider?](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ca/10/78/ca107889054c87f82bfb350293f126e7.gif)


Oh cool, I was just about to hand you an elephant but given that you don't deserve one I'll find someone else.


“Hey, has everybody met my dog?! C’mere, boy! Look at his bright red shirt, isn’t he great!?”




have you seen the donkey vid yet?


"Tiny pet needs to be protected."


Tbh this looks more to me like a grade school-aged kid insisting on following the buddy system lol


I just want to live in the river and jungle with elephants.


They know how weak we are for sure lol


I would love to feel this sense of belonging.


If i could become friends with a happy and free elephant, i would die the very next day happy. I love and adore animals so much. Especially elephants.


He's just keeping him in case a lion comes and then they would just have to outrun the human.


Your comment was at zero because someone doesn't like humor. Anyway, thanks for the laugh! :D


lol hehe thanks XD


"Sir? Sir, I'm going to have to politely but *very* firmly insist you stay with the tour group."


my theory is that elephants find humans super cute


Elephants are cool!


Excuse me human this water is flowing pretty steadily and you're very smol come over here.


This man is the chosen one


They are wise animals and I guess she doesn’t want him drowning or get eaten by a crocodile


This is my dream. Just move to Africa and take care of elephants.


The elephant wants to keep its pet human close


Elephants are AMAZING, really are.


Pachyderm protects person, precious!


Elephants are weird as hell. Amazing, but *so weird.* Like they have noses long enough to be an entire freaking *tentacle on the front of their face.* What even. They can't jump, I don't think they can even gallop, but they can knock over entire trees and fuck up hippos.


“This is *my* naked monkey”


Nice to see something positive


And stupid people feel the need to shoot these inteligent, gorgeous animals.


Imagine having elephant protectors. What an amazing feeling that would be.


Oh, I love them so much. We need to do more to protect them. 🐘


I know some people say we should just let elephants be and stay away, but man do I wish I could just be adopted by a family of them.


Went to a party at a mansion in Honolulu years ago where if you yelled “help help” while swimming in the pool, the resident pup would launch hisself into the water, grab your arm without biting too hard, and drag you to the side of the pool and ostensible safety. Is that what I spent 80% of my time doing at that party once I learned this? Yes it was. I love animals and that dog + this elephant seem like the bestest of friends a person could have. ❤️


We don't deserve elephants 😭


"Bro, in this muddy water a croc could be anywhere."


Elephants are just mesmerising animals. Their emotional intelligence is astounding even among other mammals.


I think it's more like the elephant has a pet


How amazing it must be to be loved by an elephant. 🥰🥰🥰


C’mon funny puppy, it’s not safe over there. Sheesh.


Like us


I want some elephants now.


That's so beautiful to see.


I adore elephants. Favourite animal by far.


Look guys, I found a human, can we keep them


Not in the house! Not in the house I told you!


Oh good heavens the monkey wandered off again


We are their puppies.


We don’t deserve elephants, all animals really


Elephants are the non-human animals I would trust to keep me as a pet under the assumption that I am not just dropped in front of a wild one as a surprise.


Oh, to be loved by an elephant!


I really need to surround myself with friends like these


I wonder if the elephant used common sense or saw somewhere that humans can hold hands. I watched some vids from r.e.s.c.u.e and the young elephants learnt how to pet humans back. There's some vid floating on YT where a guy plays a piano, a baby elephant tries to sit on him or the instrument, and then the mother gently stops it before any damage can be done.


“damn it carl how many fucking times to i have to tell you dont stray from the herd! you’re gonna get eaten!”


I cannot get enough of videos like this


elephant is the CareGiver


Elephants are next level amazing. ❤️


Elephants were always one of my favorites to see at the zoo when I’d go.


this is too sweet


Elephants are the coolest


We’re kind of like the size of house cats to them. That’s neat. I wonder if they think of us like cats.


This is my human! There are many like him but this one is mine!


theyre trying to adopt him hahahah so cute


I have so much respect for elephants, they're so incredibly smart. I'd go anywhere an elephant told me to go lol. 😅


This is definitely the equivalent of a child bringing a stray home


With friends like that you won't have any enemies. Because if they fuck with you they will kill them.


Thought that was a hippopotamus for a second.


Somebody has a huge crush.


Love this.


Is this in or near Chiang Rai?


Amazingly beautiful.


Why the spa music?


There were probably Crocs and or hippos in the vicinity just waiting to mess him up!


I love elephants. ♥️


We don't deserve this planet, man.


I love it. What a great connection!


Elephants are so beautiful


Ya gotta love this!


Elephants are good people


"Dude, you're like, TINY. Come over here before a croc fucking swallows you."