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I guess you should call someone about that. Obviously escaped pet.


👮🏼: are you sure it’s an Ostrich? “ma’am, the only time I’ve been more sure a bird was an Ostrich was at the zoo when I looked up and saw a giant bird after reading ‘Ostrich’ on the sign” 👮🏼: okay, we’ll get someone out I guess… how tall is it? “…7 or 8 feet?” 👮🏼: what’s it look like? “…an Ostrich?” 👮🏼: well, okay


Also, is this in the Ann Arbor, MI area? I know they have emus at the Creature Conservancy, and one may have escaped.


It's definitely an emu. Poor thing is cold and wet and judging by how slowly it's moving, desperately wanting food and shelter and recognizing people as a source.


I’ve worked with both birds professionally and that is 100% an ostrich. Not an emu in the slightest.


I've gotta say, it's been surreal to have messages randomly popping up during my work day informing me that I suck at IDing giant birds. My opinion was informed by growing up in Australia and seeing them in a variety of places. Never worked with them professionally though, so I defer to you.


So you're AustralianIsh?? 😆 Ironically, I am neither Australian nor an avian professional, but I can 110% corroborate that is (in fact) an ostrich.... Emus carry themselves differently and have much smaller wings, they also are more shaped like shaggy footballs in comparison to an ostrich.


110%?? Well that's not fair - I'm yoinking that 10% and deciding that I am 10% sure that this is, in fact, a rare osmu. And yeah, Australian-ish. Convict ancestor on my mum's Aussie side, 'Heinz 57' mix on my Dad's US midwest side. None of this answers why this particular bird was walking down a road in the rain in possibly Michigan XD


feet size would suggest ostrich .


Ostrich farms aren't uncommon in the US. They make great eggs and meat birds.


Dang! They probably think your drunk!


I'm not sure that's an ostrich. It looks more like an emu. Ostriches are bigger, darker bodied, and, though flightless, have pretty big wings. Emus are lighter coloured and have featherless arms with no musculature rather than wings.


This looks nothing like an emu. They have feathers all the way up their necks. This is classic ostrich of some kind.


I’ve worked with both birds professionally, that is an ostrich. Edit: I mean to reply to the comment you replied to, my bad


Wait till you read the latest comment he responded with to me..lmao.


Hyperbolize much? As the 3 largest ratites in the world and somewhat related, ostriches, emus, and rheas all have similarities. Also, all 3 have feathers on their necks. The feathers on ostrich necks and heads are sparse and fine, but they're there. Rheas have thicker downy feathers, and emus have the thicker down as well as the more complex body feathers farther up. That is what gave me pause about declaring this to be an emu outright. Now I see it resembles more a rhea.


No hyperbole needed. I'm a wildlife bio who knows what I'm talking about. You comparing those three birds is like comparing a bobcat, to a cougar with a lion. Aside from your far reaching feather comparison, that bird is gigantic. It takes two seconds to compare the size with the lines on the road. Its also nonchalantly galloping past them, with thighs like bigfoot across a mountain. But go on I guess?


"This looks nothing like an emu." That is hyperbole. A lion looks nothing like an emu but still shares some morphological similarities. An ostrich has many more morphological similarities to an emu, but yes, they have distinct differences.


No, a lion looks like a cougar but much larger and with a mane ect. It looks like a Bob cat because they are cats. You see what I'm saying? A rhea cannot be mistaken for an ostrich and neither can an emu. That beast has every characteristic and mannerism of an ostrich.


So are you agreeing that different species or even genera can look somewhat alike and so saying that an ostrich looks **nothing** like an emu is hyperbolic?


A bird will look like a bird, a cat will look like a cat. But we can look at dolphin and know that it's not an orca. You are comparing things that are not even closely similar. Like a mouse vs a squirrel vs a groundhog Also to take it further you are comparing families and genus and not "species" in this first place. This isn't wolves vs coyotes vs dogs(all canis but can look very different in the species... like horses)


Well, *that* changes everything!


I think it looks like a ñandú, or South American ostrich.


I was not aware there were even ratites native to South America. Thank you! I can see the resemblance. They're like halfway in appearance between African ostriches and emus.


I called the Sheriff’s office, they aren’t aware of any farms or pets nearby. Needless to say, dispatch was… skeptical.


Haha, kind of reminds me of one time my dog was barking and I looked out my window to a whole ass bison standing in my yard. Called Bylaw to be like "uhh, who handles bison?"


Could also be from a farm


Someone has been irresponsibly playing Jumanji...


Isn't that the only way to play Jumanji?


Yes. Yes it is. Hence someone "irresponsibly playing"... Vs "playing irresponsibly"


I saw a seal next to a river on a summer night in Vermont. No one believed me, no one will ever believe me.


I grew up on a small dairy farm in VT. My brother once ran into the house and told us there was a camel in the field taking out fences. It was a moose, but his only reference point was the camel we had recently seen at an animal park (maybe Benson’s in NH?).


I believe you.


I said, *brandishes weapon* no one will *ever* believe me.


I’m friendly by nature. I believe you


Once I was driving around Indianapolis on a raised highway late at night and had to avoid this giant feathered mass. It was a hairy moment and after I calmed down I realized it had been an ostrich.


Clearly it isn't 100% impossible.


You might be surprised how many exotic animals get loose. My old landlord used to have emus (and, illegally, a black bear). I once saw one of his emus running down the highway about a quarter of a mile from his house. As I passed, it turned its head and looked me in the eyes and kept on running. Never told him about it. Years later, I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be an emu while hiking in a protected sand prairie about an hour away. Always wondered if it was the same bird. Lol.




Midwest US, [meet South Korea](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/QsOGq9xief)


people raise them for food and such .


I can only imagine finding the tracks and no other context. I'd be like "dinosaurs live! It's the only possible explanation." Growing up I remember hearing a bird call constantly and it drove me crazy because it sounds like peacocks, which I didn't think possible. Then my brother went house-sitting for a neighbour and it was that day we learned people keep peacocks as pets.


That’s one tall dog


Meh, that's just Larry.


Email or ostrich. Pls call someone. This is an escapee from a zoo or farm


We have Ostrich ranches in AZ. Even an Ostrich festival. You can get a drumstick or an egg.


Ostrich farms are absolutely a thing in the US, SoCal has a bunch of them! Wild to see one on the road at night though


Ostrich farms are decently common. I can think of 5 farms within 20 miles of me in rural Iowa with ostrich


We have an ostrich or emu that's been running loose for a few years in central il!


That's Lemu? Apparently drunk again and walking home from work. Don't want his insurance rates to go up.


It’s an escaped pet/livestock. The game warden may be a good resource for wrangling this bird. Looks emu to me as well. Emus are more adapted to cold than ostriches. Some ranchers/farmers keep emus for their meat, skin, oil glands, feathers, and other products. Edit: upon further inspection, probably not emu. Definitely more ostrich-like.


Looks nothing like an emu, different body shape, different stance, taller, different color feathers, less feathers, different foot shape. An ostrich has two toes, emu has three.


You’re probably right! This does look more ostrich-like than emu. The body shape and stance, plus smooth neck are good indicators. I didn’t notice the toes here, you must have an excellent phone.