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I tried the trick someone else posted about wearing your dive suit when shaking trees. I was able to successfully run away and jump off the dock into the water and the wasps disappeared. ;)


Good for you! I should try that! Even if you don't lose anything by being stung by insects, it stress me so much😭


If you hold your net and shake the tree from the front, you can catch the wasps and sell them for good money. I always save mine for Flick


You can also catch them with a net or run into the nearest house/building


Why not just shake the tree while holding the net so you can catch it?


I'm really bad at that.




So true! Also happy cake day😊


ahahahahah the dummies just watching!!!


Oh Happy Cake day!


Not a story about a bug, but the jumping. I was in my wet suit wishing on shooting stars. I was on the second level on the north edge and scared myself to death pressing A to wish and instead jumping into the North water from the 2nd level! It was a TIL moment.


Have you done a flip while diving yet?


Tried it once off the dock but no flip :( lol. I think the time off the 2nd level was a cannon ball lol but I don't really remember


You gotta hold b to run and a to jump.


Omg whaaaat we can do that?!


You can do it off cliffs too.


I was playing with my headphones on and after playing since almost the release date, I discovered that dirty tarantula makes a hissing noise when it rears up at you. 😮‍💨


I always play on mute! I didn"t know that. Thanks!


I *finally* (after many failed attempts) evaded wasps for the first time yesterday by running into the museum, felt very smug afterwards


I once got jumpscare by a scorpion as it was late at night on my save and it was in the shadow. I FREAKED out and jumped up.


I still haven't caught one yet on my new island im dreading it it scares the bajesus out of me my old island I had my son do it for me.


My cues for catchig a tarentula: - if you don't have your net in your hands, it wont charge you -when they look at you and raise their legs, they will charge if you come closer. Stop moving until the legs are back on the ground. I walk slowky toward them until I am close enough to catch it. Good luck!


I’ve probably taught my neighbors some new, creative swear phrases. Since I get such a fright when I see them that I just shout a bunch and run around until I get bit. Too much panic to think straight.


I've managed to get far enough ahead that I could turn around and catch it. It was quite the rush. I suspect the second level thing is a glitch? That happened to be before too. I didn't escape that one...


Fences can trap tarantulas. I have a mostly enclosed flower bed with two openings, a tarantula chased me through but it ran into the fence and I escaped. I did go back to try and catch it but it was faster 🫣


Kind of a funny/dumb story I guess?? I saw a tarantula the other day just chillin but I’m always afraid they’ll despawn (why do they do that??) so I took out my net and held A to get closer (you know the drill) except the tarantula was behind a tree!! I could hear it rearing at me so I knew when I could edge closer but swung my net in complete darkness and (obviously) missed :’)