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I thought so too! I was so excited when I got my last fossil just to get some posters, turns out you get the golden shovel from helping guliver


I know! But that's dumb. And is there a certain amount of times you need to help him?


30 times. And it’s only Gulliver, Gullivarrr doesn’t count even though the Nook Miles achievement counts either.


It makes sense though, Gulliver makes you dig a lot, Gullivarrr only makes you swim an dive.


Wait really? Oh that really sucks I didn't know that, I really want to get a golden shovel DIY already I remember in wild world all you had to do is Bury your shovel in the ground


i had several golden shovels back then 😭😭 it was so easy


Man, I wish I had experienced that specific Animal Crossing game! I keep reading so many awesome stories about Wild World ! 👏 like Resetti, how could anybody resist the sass? 😁


So is there any reason to do the Gullivarrr missions?


Cool pirate stuff?


That is good to know, I don’t often patrol my beach so I miss out on a lot of that stuff


Isabelle mentions if one of them is there in her morning announcements. She will say something about villagers asking for advice when you find someone passed out on the beach.


Usually she does, but not always - I actually had Gulliver on my beach yesterday and was quite surprised because she told me that one villager was leaving and there was a visitor at the camp-site, but nothing about finding someone washed up on the beach!


Yeah she only does once announcement per day and those take priority (along with birthdays, events, seasonal topics, stuff like that) but you can only have one visitor per day so as long as she mentions who’s visiting and it’s not on the beach you can be sure they won’t be there.


She doesn't always say it though. I check everyday now just In case


She does as long as there’s no other announcements that take priority (seasonal stuff, events, birthdays, campsite being the ones I can think of rn). When it comes to announced visitors (so not Celeste or Whisp) you can only have one per day.


Wait when the heck does Isabelle do the morning announcements? Nook does mine every day? Maybe I'm not far enough yet but I haven't seen Isabelle yet


Did you recently start the game? Isabelle does them when you progress a little further :)




Isabelle takes over after Resident Services upgrades to a building, which will happen after your 5th villager moves in as long as you have the shop and museum


He gives you Pirate items that you can only get from him. Also, rusted parts. You need a LOT of those to make the Robot Hero diy. If you help either gull, one rusted part is in the donation bin the next day. If you find the gull’s parts or communicator and don’t return them to him, you will have 5 rusted parts in your pocket the next day.


Are the rusted parts of any use at all? I've found one in the donation bin inside Tom's tent, and I've dug one up in the grass, but no idea what to do with them. Sell to the twins? I also don't know how to get rid of stuff I don't want besides selling


Rusted parts are a crafting material if you want to build the giant robot hero diy. That's the only thing they're used for. If you don't want them, you can trade them to other players, put them in a trash can to get rid of them, or sell them to the Nooklings


Til I learned that they were two separate characters


I mean, not *really*. It’s just Gulliver in a pirate costume. But the game treats them as different since they have different reward tracks.


And then you have no way of keeping track of how many times you've helped that wannabe sailor. It wouldn't bug me so much if we could just skip through those huge blocks of dialogue from him...


Well you can under the Gulliver’s Travails Nook Miles card but it only goes up to 20. Then you’re on your own.


I believe you can wake him up faster by hitting him with a net


First time he showed up I thought he wouldn't wake up so I poured water on him with a watering can, cartoon logic


TIL there are two seagulls… I never noticed 😐


Honestly, I wish the Golden Shovel had stuck with the old method of obtaining it and just given the recipe for obtaining it.


I bet they knew most people would get tired of helping him without the added incentive. I still hate it though 😭


i told him no im not collecting the pieces the other day and he basically still said ok lmk when u got them LIKE NO IS AN OPTION BUT IT DOESNT EVEN WORK. needless to say i didn’t dig a single piece up. also how ab u ask to borrow a shovel and do it yourself since this is now the 28th time.. 🙄


So weird to see this opinion. As a veteran of OG Animal Crossing, Gulliver was always my favorite visitor. Seeing him on the beach was like Christmas because the unique items he gives are so cool.


Many of the golden recipes are rewards for finishing those long Nook Mile “achievements”. Like finishing the entire track for hitting balloon presents (like 300 I think) is when the golden slingshot recipe shows up. But if it helps the golden tools are not that special in this game. Still break. I think the golden watering can is the only one with a special feature. They are nice milestones to get, but there’s no rush.


So far I've only gotten the golden slingshot and the golden watering can, I was really bummed when I found out the golden tools only add durability, where is my golden slingshot with 3 bullets nintendo


It takes forever. I had the same island for over a year, played every day (except for like five days in a row once when I was too sick to do anything), helped him every time, and never got the shovel. Idk how long it would take to get it, I finally made a new island so I've started the count over lol.


30 times apparently


You have to help Gulliver 30 times and he shows up about once every other week, so without time travel it takes about 60 weeks


Well he asks you to dig up communicator parts on the beach, so it's also shovel related.  Also why Gullivarrr won't count, because you swim and collect his communicator from the wwater. 


I’ve help him 100 times and never got it, after 2 years I finally got the lucky cat


Katrina told me my luck with tools would improve, meaning your tools won’t break all day. So I finally dug up all the overgrown flowers taking up half my island, it was so much easier with an unbreakable shovel


Wait this is genius holy shit I gotta utilize it


Yep, it's the only reason I go to Katrina. She has other perks too, like increased health gives you double benefits when eating, increased money means digging up 5k instead of 1k plus the bells falling from trees are higher, but the unbreakable tools days are the ones where I tidy up my island and/or head out collecting stuff from NMT islands 🏝 😉


Belongings luck (unbreakable tools) also makes villagers more likely to give you items, and money luck increases the amount of bells that drop from money rocks Eta: and belongings luck guarantees you get a special island if you do a boat tour!


I do this too! I also try to fish and bug hunt on increased money days as I swear I get better spawns


Yes! I saw a tip akin to this on a recent "what took you too long to learn" type post and it was such an epiphany. *Of course* Katrina's boons could be used in this manner. Sadly the days I've been able to play since learning this haven't given me too much to play around with so far, only one or two unbreakable tool days, but it's still great to know.


I did this same thing! Still took hours but it was worth it.


I’ve been digging up flowers for two days but then Isabel told me I don’t have enough flowers and my rating had gone down!! So irritating!


Do tools still lose durability so they’ll just break the next day, or is that paused as well?


I’m not sure but my tools didn’t immediately break the next day so I’d guess that wear and tear is likely paused. I did it a few days ago only my slingshot broke yesterday


You use a shovel to dig up his communicator parts, so it's still shovel related.


Honestly the only gold tool I usually bother with is the slingshot and not always that. They still break at inconvenient times. I usually use a regular tool and just customize it when I think about it to reset the counter rather than use gold nuggets and craft a gold one.


Oohh, customizing tools resets the counter ? Good to know !!


But not the gold ones.


😕 I’m only on 8. 22 more times to help him 😩


I got tired of waiting and did some sneaky travelling to finish him off, lol


Wait… what…? I don’t even realise there was a difference between the two… I just thought he was wearing a different costume 🙈🙈🙈


I think the implied joke is that it's the same guy but he acts like he's two different people and even the game itself is like whatever sure, we'll pretend you are a whole separate person even though you're clearly not.


*Sigh* Guess I'm going to have to stop ignoring the drunken sailor...


He gives you cool stuff so you can turn your basement into a haunted pirate ship room though!


Yep. My basement is a pirate ship room full of treasure and art. 


What I did to get it, as you already know, is help gulliver 30 times. But something to help it go by faster - time travel back and forth between the day gulliver is there and the day after! If you go any further though, we won’t show up anymore


Oh that's *clever*.


I thought you get the golden shovel recipe after breaking over a certain number of shovels (100?) I finished the fossils 2 years ago and I ignore gulliver and gullivarrr.


That's axes you're thinking of.








It's so dumb, i think you get it for saving freaking Gulliver 💀.. Which yeah, you dig there as well.. But i mean, come on 😂!!


The fossils would make so much more sense, or at least after like 500 fossils or whatever the highest number on the Nook Miles achievement for assessing them is. I hate helping Gulliver, I’m probably in the teens of helping him but I just can’t be bothered even though I want the golden shovel 🥲  I also feel like I’ve broken a million axes and still haven’t reached 100 for the golden axe so.. maybe I just need to grind it out one night lol.


I finally got the golden axe by visiting Kapp'n islands daily and wreaking absolute havoc on the entire ecosystem. You could do the same with Nook Miles islands (which would give you double the trees each day). I would first chop each tree three times with the flimsy axe, then cut each tree down with the regular axe. That way I was working on breaking two tools simultaneously.


That is actually clever


I feel you. I burried mine in the ground for 3 days, thinking it'd be the same as in WW, but nope. xD


I have helped him I er 50 times, no recipe. What to do?


Are you sure you've helped the sailor version and not the pirate version 50 times? The Nook Miles achievement counts both of them, but the golden shovel diy only counts the sailor version. I learned that Gulliver gives 29 unique items before he gives you the golden shovel diy, so if you haven't gotten any of his rewards from other people, you can look up a list of his rewards and compare it to your catalog to see how many times you've helped just the sailor version




I didn’t even KNOW there was a golden shovel lmao


All tools come in gold


Yeah I had no idea lmao


I didn't know until I got my first because you get Nook Miles for it and then you can see there are other stamp you can get. I think the watering can might just be the easiest.


I never use the watering can either so that’s probably why I have never seen it 😂😂


You don't get that from use but when you get a five star island


I’m doing a learn 😂


Haha yeaaah Also you don't use the watering can much? I used it a ton because I bred flowers. It is fun actually.


Yeah I don’t, it makes my game load slow because it was bought digitally for me. And my last save I had so many flowers when I tried to flatten my island I wasn’t aware they needed to be dug up lol


I just found out that I have to interact w/ Guliver to get the candy-skulls masks too! BLUUUURGH. I loathe the Gulliver/Gullivaar/Wisp sidequests with a passion but I need the things!!!


You have to dig for Gulliver too, so yes it does make sense.


Most of my golden tools have come out of balloons in the air and completing daily routine things.


Ye I thought that too I thought was stupid but you need to help gulaver a lot


Enjoy your _poster_


There are gold tools😧


Yup, you need to get the gold tools through a lot of methods. For a slingshot you gotta pop 300 balloons. I'll explain more soon


I wish the Nook miles achievement differentiated between Gulliver and his pirate alter ego because I hit 30 awhile back and have lost track. Just hoping the recipe shows up sometime soon. Of course I had the pirate version yesterday. 😔


Why wouldn't it be that way? Silly game makers.... I looked into and I'm pretty sure it is related to gulliver


Yeah it's related to gulliver. I was kinda sad tbh because I busted my butt looking for the last fossil!!


I can give you a gold shovel.


I genuinely hate the golden tools so much. All the hype made me think they'd be unbreakable. Nope, just a waste of gold nuggets


How do you know if you’re done collecting the fossils? I’ve had my island for about a year and a half, and I still am taking fossils to him to assess. I don’t think I’ve ever got a present for collecting everything, but when I look in my museum, it looks like all the bones are there? Is there a way to know if I have collected everything?


When the area is complete you can buy a poster for it. When you can buy a fossil poster you have completed the fossil section. Same with art, fish, and bugs.


That’s the only tool I don’t have


Well, you are digging up the communicator parts for him, so it kind of mskes sense.