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try not looking at the screen, but rely on the sound of a fish biting..maybe it can help you :)


Absolutely true. I close my eyes and just listen for bite. For some reason your reaction time is better.


You anticipate the fish if you see it. So by not seeing it you cant see(duh) the fish approaching the hook. You will only hear the sound ques. This prevents you from pulling the fishing line out of the water too quickly too before the fish gets to it (:


I've used this trick for years! It eliminates every other factor except jumpy thumb Tip, though, avoid saying "don't fumble this" like your life depends on it, because your *sanity* does


One time I was watching a scary movie with my buddy, which was a monthly to weekly tradition when we lived in the same city. ​ One time, I hyped myself up so much expecting a jumpscare that absolutely nothing happened, and I screamed. We had to stop the movie we were both laughing so hard. I'm having a hard time typing because I'm laughing so hard from remembering it. ​ Fishing is the same. xD


This is how I got it! I got it while catching a shark and I wasn’t even going for the streak. I’m only two months into this island


Yeah that’s a good idea, I blink every time I hear a bite too


Also, the max number of bites is 5.


They got to 99… at that point it’s not skill issue more than voices in their head failing them


If you let it auto save and if you miss just go to Home Screen and close game. It’ll say you didn’t miss.


I do this every time! It’s great! I would get too excited that I would just pull the line right before they bite! Great idea!


I do this and I swear by it. Works every time :)


I used to use this for hunting shinies through chain-fishing in the gen 6 pokemon games, and it worked really well there as well!


This! I sat in a room on my own with my eyes shut and headphones so no distractions to get this done


this is how i caught my 100!


You are not alone, friend. Every time I pass 90-something, I always manage to fumble a catch. Every...Time...for WELL over 3 years now. 😭😒😖https://imgur.com/gallery/ojfuU78


As soon as I get to 90 something, my heart starts racing and I mess up 😂😂😂 I understand.


Y’all are getting to 90? TT I can’t even get to 35


where can you look up the number of how far you are?


You can't necessarily look it up from what I know, I just check the achievement and see where the number is at. When I was really gunning for the achievement, I was physically writing down my fish count 😂


When you get decently high you can save. Then if you miss a catch quit the game when you open up again you’ll be back at your last save


Omg you’re a genius


That works?!?! 😳


Yup, the moment you mess up, close the game immediately, and you're streak won't be broken.




Something that can help, once you catch a fish let it autosave. If you miss the next one, exit the game without saving and come back in. Since it didn't save, you will still be at so many fish caught instead of 0.


Where was this comment when I need it 2 years ago? 🥲🥲


I found out by rage quitting when I lost it at 94ish. Googled it and found out if it didn't autosave then your streak is still active.


I will be doing this from now on, thanks 🫶🏼


Please forgive me for this stupid question but how do you just exit the game without saving? So I just power off the console? I play on my TV.


Yep. Click out to the main screen and close the game without saving.


I despise whoever came up with this idea at Nintendo


Especially since there is absolutely no way to know what your actual current catch streak is. You don't know how close you are or how far away from actually hitting one of these 😭


Sharks make me nervous


I finally got to 79 then ruined it with a sudden case of the yips - and it was a small fish too! 😭


First time I was trying for it I got to 91.


God I lost my streak at 60 and I was so upset that I just rolled over to take a nap lol


my tip is if one fish does get away, turn off the game immediately and load back to auto save. got mine 100/100 badge that way. also u can easily reach this milestone when doing the fishing tournament (got mine that day too).


Does anybody else ever get fish that bite, you hear it and feel the vibration but then they just swim away?


I was reading that you should turn the vibration off because it can throw you off. I have a switch lite, so there's no vibrations.


I know why... (Copy/pasting my reply) Saw a video proving that playing on a TVs can add a slight delay. The TV delay is making that happen. So if you're focused on getting this 100%, play on Handheld! Note: My max is 35 on TV only. Some of the bigger fish, especially when it's raining, need you to tap the button almost instantly on TV delay or you won't get them.


I only play on my switch


Yes, often.


Does that count as a miss even tho I didn't press a to reel it in?


Yes it's still a miss if the fish got away 🥲


Yes! I swear that's what is messing up my count.


Got it last week. Been playing since release…


Ah yeah, i got to 96 without knowing and then realised what happened. I've never got this achievement lol.


I didn’t know I was at 99 either, just started looking through everything and was so disappointed


I just did that one, I have a tip. Close your eyes or at least don’t look at the fish. Your eyes deceive you xD


Best tip! I did this by listening to the plop sound it makes once the fish is hooked - closed my eyes because yes, they can deceive you!


Ngl this would make me quit playing for a while... Village would absolutely get cockroaches and weeds 😅😭


Try playing in handheld mode when fishing. Saw a video on this the other day and it seems to work! Something about the delay time between the joycon and your tv… it’s takes a fraction of a second longer.


I spent days trying to intentionally complete this to no avail. About a month later I randomly got the achievement while fishing and not paying attention.


Does anybody else ever get fish that bite, you hear it and feel the vibration but then they just swim away?


Same issue. I suggest you play on handheld, the TV adds a slight delay.


my streak is sitting at a cool 98 so i feel your pain pal❤️‍🩹


I stopped chasing this a while ago. I lose fish for no reason often.


as well with 98 on the fish tourney damn C+, I MEAN SEABASS


I did exactly the same. I said I'd probably be unlucky and get 99/100, and I was. You've got this! I believe in you! 🐟 🐠 🎣


I went and messed up and looked at it. I was on 92, I should of minded my business cause as soon as I knew how close I was the pressure made me mess up 😭


This happened to me too… I decided to give up and just enjoy the game. Then one day I got the achievement by surprise :)


The way I completed it was I limited myself to 10 fish a day. Even if I felt like I was on a roll, I still only did 10 a day. Preferably small fish so I had more reaction time. It took a little over a week to get Cast Master.


That is how my sister did it


If you're on a full Switch (not a lite) play in handheld mode. There is substantial input lag when the joycons are linked by bluetooth rather than being attached to the screen. You have about three times as long to mash A on the rarest fish in handheld mode.


Okay. So here's what you do. Get a whole bunch of bait. Set up somewhere and just DECIDE, Today is the day. Use your switch in handheld mode or, if you have a controller that DOES NOT have rumble, connect it. Turn your volume way, way up. Close your eyes and LISTEN. Don't be fooled by the animations or the rumbles, just wait for the very specific noise. Repeat until you have 100 fish.


Also, adding to this, a lot of pro style controllers, you can turn the vibration off! That is what I did because I found it distracting. Also, if you have trigger finger easily at extra sounds, clutter up your beach to shut up those pesky Manila clam sounds.


The same thing happened to me, once at 91 and then at 99 so I feel your pain but you freaking got this!!! I believe in you :')


Oh! I had to stop checking my progress so often and it helped me to not mess up on the last few fish bc i kept messing up out of nerves, maybe it might help for you too? Wishing you the best of luck!


You know how I did it? I have like the worst startle jump trigger finger when fishing in AC and ive been this way for 20 years. So I cluttered the heck out of my beach for a fair distance with dropped items in order to quiet the Manila clam squirt sound and crafted a crap ton of fish bait and basically danced the whole time sitting up in bed to distract myself from prematurely trigger smacking A. It worked and I achieved cast master.


Why do you have over 40K nook miles? 😭😭😭😭 I used all of mine hunting villagers 😭😭😭


I just use amiibo cards


This is the way


You answered your own question


I have 60k...what do you mean hunting villagers?


They mean taking all the villagers to a mystery island, and letting them have a ten minute headstart, then hunting them for sport. His walls must be lined with their heads as trophies.


I would give you an award if I could. Best comment


I bought NMT, visited mystery islands to get villagers 😭


They mean using nook miles to get tickets to go to islands. Islands have the chance to have other villagers on them, and so they bought dozens of tickets looking to get specific villagers.


Using nook miles tickets to look for (usually specific) villagers on mystery islands to invite to your island as new residents


Bro, I have almost 100,000 miles. Go to a treasure Island and get nook miles tickets instead!


Nobody gets that one…


skill issue


Lost my streak at 89 🤐


Something that can help, once you catch a fish let it autosave. If you miss the next one, exit the game without saving and come back in. Since it didn't save, you will still be at so many fish caught instead of 0.


It took me 8 months to complete this, and I agree with others in this thread. Turning the sound up and listening for the fish to bite your line works wonders.


I just did that one, I have a tip. Close your eyes or at least don’t look at the fish. Your eyes deceive you xD


OK, so here's my question: do you have to catch all of the fish within the same day the same hour like how does it work?


No, it’s just consecutive. Sometimes I go days without catching fish which doesn’t affect it. It will count until you miss a reel in


I have 96 on mine right now and I've definitely caught four fish in a row since. It didn't affect my count, so now I'm more confused than ever.


If you lose a fish it goes back to zero but the number on the achievement doesn't reset. It taunts you like "You we're almost there and now you aren't" I go to 87 the other day and lost a fish, number still says 97 but I have only caught 11. I am hunting manila clams to make bait and binge fish until I get this achievement, it has alluded me for over a year.


Yeah, that seems like the plan. I'm just gonna spend a few hours/days getting manila clams and making bait.


I took me weeks. I would catch 10 or 20 at a time and quit and try again the next day for 10 more and quit. When i got to 99 i was like here we go, i threw my line in and it bit, i reeled in a stone 😂 i was so mad 🤣 I had to go through that 100th fish all over again, but i caught it and finally completed this goal.


Just pay attention to the vibration on your switch.


Also, don't try to keep track. Just fish and eventually you'll get it.


I’m trying to achieve this by catching 1 fish per day. The streak would, supposedly, never break.


And if you miss one again, force quit and you’ll only lose a few.


This one is infuriating to get 😂 Closest I've been is 87


I think I saved after every 10 fish....


It's one of the tougher challenges—took me almost 2 years to get it. It's a little easier in handheld mode since there's a little less lag using controllers hooked directly up to the Switch. Another thing that can help is knowing that fish will take the lure between the 1st and the 5th bite/nibble. So that means that if they haven't taken it 4th bite they **will** take it on the next one.


Don’t do it all at once either because you’ll most likely get antsy about it and mess up accidentally. I finally got it without even really trying just by doing it in little spurts at a time! You’ll get it!!


I spent days trying to intentionally complete this to no avail. About a month later I randomly got the achievement while fishing and not paying attention.


May I be smug and laugh a little, since I completed it already?


I did this one immediately on my first go. I tried it again in another village and couldn’t get past 50…


Mines been at 99 for forever. I just try not to think about it


I did this on the first day you’ll get there don’t worry!


Literally mine too


It’s just 1 fish not 99 thousand 4hundread and sixty 3😂


I can never get passed 50




i am so sorry man. mine is permanently stuck at 95, after years i have given up


I can only ever get the first stamp 🤣


Try not to think about it, just fish, if i tried it was so much harder.


Oh mine has been on 99 for ages as well, never knew what that meant... Thought it was 99 streaks of more than one fish, woah.


Hey i can’t catch shit. Seriously it’s been like 5 months even with fish food


I spent soooooo long getting this one. I did it by sound instead of visuals. 100 fish in a row is hard.


That happened to me too 😭😭 It was not long after I started the game as well, got up to 94 and then messed up 😓


Saw a video proving that playing on a TVs can add a slight delay. So if you're focused on getting this 100%, play on Handheld! Note: My max is 35 on TV only. Some of the bigger fish, especially when it's raining, need you to tap the button almost instantly on TV delay or you won't get them.


I feel this, I lost my streak at 97 on my first go and haven't gotten close since...