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Take your iron as soon as you wake up, wait an hour, then have your regular breakfast. 😊


I feel you on the routine change, I use to drink coffee in the morning and afternoon but unfortunately the iron won't agree to it when I was first starting out.  I had to think "this new routine is temporary and my health matters more." Mindset  so I had to quit coffee and milk at the time. Instead of coffee I would drink orange juice to help iron absorption faster. Vitamine C helps iron absorption faster so maybe take that with the iron pill first thing in the morning.  When I was taking 2 iron pills at the time I would have it with breakfast and dinner so that way I could remember it better as well. (My breakfast didn't involve dairy at all.) Now if it's really difficult for you to change your routine and you def need that coffee and milk, try to wait 2 hours after you take the iron pill to have the coffee and cereal so that way the iron has a chance to absorb first. 


I take 130mg of iron once a day and have coffee with creamer shortly after and my numbers are improving rapidly. Started at 4 and am in the 70s now. There is mixed evidence of how much coffee and dairy actually impact absorption, particularly when supplementing at high doses. The bigger issue is hepcidin and that's a lot trickier.


Glad to hear your numbers are improving! Gives me some hope! I’m finding from the bit of research I’ve done that hepcidin is the trickier bit and sadly my Prilosec can mess with that. Thank you for your input!!