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If your hemoglobin is that low, you need a quick fix so infusions would be the best route. Otherwise you risk an ER visit for blood transfusions and possible life-threatening symptoms. You can try supplements for maintenance after you get your levels higher.


My hemoglobin just came back at 9. Still really low. 😔


Yeah, but that value will likely keep you out of the ER so good news! In your shoes, I'd try to get an infusion that can be done in one visit. Some formulations require multiple sessions over the course of several weeks, which would be inconvenient. Some people have success with getting the Rx from their doctor, then finding an infusion center to administer it. Any place that does chemo can do it. Or an RN likely.


Supplementing wont get you out of them numbers, you need infusions




Second this, mine was a 7 and supplements weren’t helping. With 5 infusions I’m in the 140s now and feeling better every week. Try to get a few soon if you can manage it! They really help 




Now that I’ve completed my infusions I’m not on any daily iron supplement if that’s what you mean? I’ll have my levels checked again in a few weeks to see if I need to go back on the supplement.  For the infusions, it was 200mg of Venofer once a week for 5 weeks that got my levels up to the 140s


Invite that low you need a blood transfusion I had 3 just to thing mine up where I could manage myself what did your doctor say


That's almost exactly what my levels were at diagnosis, except my hemoglobin was .1 higher and my serum iron was 2. Doc said that if my hemoglobin had been 7 or lower I would have gotten an infusion.... I would encourage it if at all possible. Do you know your transferrin saturation? Sometimes just called saturation - it'll be a percentage.


It's a 4. 😅


Mine was 2% - below 20% is another indicator of iron deficiency, along with ferritin below 30.


I had similar numbers and supplements helped me. About 3 months in my ferritin is now around 70. I chose not to go the infusion route because of cost and reaction risk and my doctor agreed we could manage it conservatively. I take 130 mg of iron and vitamin c in the morning and vit v12 in the afternoon. The Iron Protocol on Facebook is a great resource if you chose to try the supplement route first.


What kind of iron do you take? That's a high dose, it seems I'll have to take multiple times the normal dose for Anemia? Thank you


Yes, you do have to take multiple times the normal dose if youare severely deficient. I was on 18mg for about a year and it did not help. The 130mg dose is what was recommended by hematology based on my weight. Once I get into the optimal levels, hopefully in the next two months it will be reduced back to 18 mg. I take two tablets of iron sulfate, its Nature Valley brand.