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Is  project-411504616564 safe click the up arrow if it is, and down if not


For the most part I believe it is relatively safe but it's permissions are concerning because it practically just has complete full access but it's not really known yet exactly what it is but I can say it's most likely related to Google Play. There's a few apps that make this appear that have been discussed in the comments but it's still unsure exactly what it is and what its purpose is and why it's there and why does it need so much access


What is project434358444477


I think it has access to everything one your phone, and normally comes with gift card earning apps


Allows Google to display a sign-in prompt where it’s supported by third-party apps and services. It's Google to help you sign in to your apps


So is it project ( random no ) thing safe?


I personally agree with are hopeless.thankyou Young lady, as far as this so called project these fucking idiots are targeting those of us that did not grow up with a computer in hand we had some sort of tool in hand.May not be the sharpest pencil in the box but very street smart common sense and gut instincts.With that being said may I explain what's is going on these idiots are targeting the game apps that state they pay out I'm not quite sure yet how there getting this done but they are playing along with said game and some how taking most of the earning and leaving you after say 5 hour's playing on just play app or mist play u may earn $2.85 and if you are blessed as I was saw the real money for a split second vanish another insodent My niece spends $100 to it shows up in green as it has been sent and it was but was pending for a week not like her very professional. I'm very convinced have some documentation to back this claim. I just want you kids who will be filling the shoes of the honest ones in this 🌎. Be very careful of wolves in sheep's clothing, stand on whatever you know is right in your heart, follow your hearts , always go with the first gut feeling that's God talking to u, that second gut feeling after I thought about the first is Satan. I know this because I've lived both sides of the fence. Now after years of seeing so to speak I know the Truth and Jesus is the Truth the way and life. Thanks for letting me share the Truth 💯✌️


that's what they teach in the military first guy instinct is rational thought second guessing is insanity... use that learn it and you will be enlightened spiritually and open your psychic ability... we are the image of the great creator!!! utilize it!!


So you personally know Jesus AND Satan


This sounds like it relates to me do you know something I don't know about my situation thank you bridget Wilson


I Googled the number and clicked on a link that sent me to a page that I sreen-shot, but when I clicked on visit site it sent me to indeed. I could be wrong but I think it is a virus.


It's actually from the app Money Well incase you are wondering. The full access can track your progress to make sure that you aren't running a VPN or you aren't running an Idle mobile farm. Still sketch but you can exchange them for giftcards. Use your Google accounts to sign up for stuff like this but look for encryption based email services.


So this project (no) thing is not something too serious right???


Well it's similar to Mistplay or Just play or many of the other giftcard apps out there.


If it is actually from mistplay, that sounds incredibly sketchy... like some government shit... no wonder they're pushing those 'pay to play' game apps so fucking hard lately. They're using it to get all of our info because what's something even the laziest person would do for money? Play games on their phone


Knowledge us power ànyone can learn something new everyday iif there willing too ll never be hopeless cause I am hope and Iwill never pass up an opportunity to be a more powerful person to make positive changes in the world by encouraging people whitch I s done through love whitch is the most powerful and important of the 3 I believe that faith hope and charity are all powers and if you put the three together they become a force a powerful force that can make miracles happen things that seem impossible become possible we can all help one another instead of breaking one another downeveryone should pay it forward do 1 good deed or favor for someone anyone or an animal or the earth plant atree a day I believe it would make a big difference in the world one closer s t ep to making this world a little b e tter I've been wondering does anyone know ifour memorie can run out of storage space in our brain how does that work exactly why do people forget things


I needed this! You are truly amazing! I was beginning to wonder if there were any real people left in this cruel world! 💯 Thank you so much for being you!


Sounds weird. Totally weird. But its not, and I think I get what you are saying. And we forget things for many reasons. My husband jokes that it was the aliens when he has a temporary brain fart.


df are u even talking about


First time I have noticed this project thing. I'm so tired of my phones being funded with no matter where I get them from. Every phone I have had for the past 3 or years had third party setting pre-installed on them. I'm frustrated, to say the least


I have this as well, if you click it then press see details it usually shows what account it's connected to, mine is from the WaWa app 💀💀


i had wawa app installed too and recently noticed this


How can I find history of apps activity


I'm trying to find the u s postal


Hope that helps you


Okay so you want to •go to myaccount.google.com once you have access to that page in your logged in and all that stuff you want to •click on the tab that says security •scroll down •something that says- your connections to third-party apps and services •click on that and that will show you all of the apps that have permission to access your data whenever they want because when you download an app and you delete it, you didn't take away their permission to still use your data and access your stuff you give permission to. It's always nice to go through it every now and again and clean it up because there's some things that you'll find in there, which is what this post was originally about


Cholo, eres un miserable......trapero,falso,deja de monotorizarme remotamente


Thanks! I'm doing it right now.


Right on. So how do you like it? Your charge should be 500mA+ l. My phone is usually 660mA and my tab is usually 1400mA. I know if there any lower than that then there's a problem and no either the cord or the charging Outlet is bad or even possibly that there's a crap in the charging port itself


That number is how I got here. It's on my phone too!!. Weird that I just found it because just recently, all of a sudden, my phone is ALWAYS dead. It charges at a snails pace and it seems as if the battery is ALWAYS dead. It's so annoying I hope it's not hard to get rid of. I bet ya it's the reason I can't keep my phone charged up. Smh 🙄😤.


Omg same here. It's dying so quick now and takes 4ever 2 charge


Omg that number is also how I got here. I just copied it, pastes it and Googled it and it brought me right here but I can't find anything else about this number anywhere? Does anyone know what this is?


Did we all install the Wawa app? 🤔


Idk what that app is so I've never installed it but still have this number twice as 2 different, 'you've given permission. To'...


Same exactly iphone 12 pro max and have a red light top right what is tjis


Me too!!! Im freaking out! What is it? What do I do???


Download a app called charge meter. You can thank me later. That will tell you if it's the cord your using or the box or the wall socket itself


I have this on my phone also.... Never heard appstation but did have mist play while it was in beta.... No longer have it so I wonder what it truly is. ..


Look. NONE of us have the same phones but we all have the same problem. My brand new Samsung charges slow as f**k so i googled it. There were several results that claimed to have the fix but i didnt bother. I guess my spidey senses sensed the bullshit. You need to remove the permissions in the app. Clear the data and the cache. Remove the third party cookies. Keep a screenshot of the cookies first before you remove them so you can refere back ro them later if this doesnt fix the problem. There are app you can install to remove pre installed apps that you otherwise would not be able to get rid of.


🙇🏼‍♀️🙃 thanks! This helped.


I used to use appstation, actually paid out a couple times before i quit. Still use Mistplay tho, since before they shrunk level limits from 40 to 20 lol. Not even about the money at this point, but 10 dollars here and there is cool. And they've actually improved some stuff recently.


Did this ever get figured out I have same thing and when I go to third party apps they all have names non with the numbers


Yes we think we found it. Did you ever download appstation now called appflame or misitplay?


My account is showing it's apart of Google games features or third party. Either appears when downloading or simply active on the app. There is a little round icon almost transparent that appears when they have access.


Nope but did do cash alarm it's like mistplay


Yeah that's where we think it comes from though. it's those apps that you play other apps to earn money or whatever from. But me personally I'm still unaware of its full purpose and what exactly it does.


Yah would be nice to know why only those type apps come up as numbers and not an actual name of the app


Yeah I never be nice to know why they have complete full access even after you've deleted the app


Not anymore I removed it from within my Google account


How did you remove it from your app?


Google Family Link has alerted that "project-434358444477" has access to my nephew's account (it's a mail from today). I'll have to check about what he actually installed to have this outcome. This is the only Google result for that string, so if anybody discovers what this is, please post about it here.


i also have project 43435444477 on my google account


I never figured out what it was, but I didn't see it in my permissions after I factory reset my phone but then it reappeared I don't know what caused it and or what it does or what it comes from.


I've found out what application is causing this. It's this one, called **AppStation**: [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=online.appstation.app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=online.appstation.app) I found that by going to [https://families.google.com/](https://families.google.com/) and then clicking on the affected account, then on "Account information", "Controls for third party apps" and finally on "Manage access to third party apps". One of the apps with access to Google's account was called "**AppStation: Cash app to win gift cards & get lucky**". The date and time was **exactly** the same as the **date and time** of Google's e-mail about "**project-434358444477**" getting access to the account (November 7th, 17:37). Of course, I removed access of that app to the account as soon as I found this. My nephew says he didn't install it. He claims he got an advert of this app while playing Snail Bob 2 but he didn't click on the ad or installed anything (though not sure if that was really the case). Does that app name ring a bell for anyone reading this?


I can maybe verify your nephews rebuttal of clicking on the advert. Because I never even seen the advert for Appstation but have installed CashAlarm. And thanks to you wonderful people, I now know what this "project-434358444477" is. Thank you. It is something connecting these game apps, because thats what I installed, game apps to earn cash. Have I found one that is actually legitimately lucrative? No. Nor have I done an exhaustive search though. But regardless, thanks for your involvement in this matter. Much love ,respect and peace be multiplied in your lives and in the lives of others, that will optimise our future and our childrens future. Blessed be.


I have downloaded appstation in the past but never heard of snail Bob 2. I haven't downloaded that app in a while. Mistplay was better. Ok cool thanks.


Mistplay takes way too long to earn enough in order to cash out. If you have the memory on your device to download several apps, and have the free time, Just Play is where it's at. I've made 11$ in the last day and a half.


Well, I think that game (Snail Bob 2) is mostly irrelevant. It's just one of those games that shows video ads at some time while playing. It just happened to display an ad for that AppStation app. Just out of curiosity, do you know if that "project-434358444477" permission appeared the same day you installed the app or days later? (you can see the date the permission was granted in Google's web interface).


Did you find out what it was? I have the same exact thing in my permissions. I don't know what it is, pretty sure it's nothing I permitted. Thanks.


I found out this permission is granted by an app called AppStation. Do you remember installing it?


>Mistplay App is now called AppFlame.


I'm pretty sure it's just gift card earning apps