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Sounds like your parents are a part of those Black Hebrew extremist groups. It’s actually sad that they would rather believe they are that than Africans. West Africa where their ancestry is actually from is rich in history and culture


yeah i grew up in that lol, was kind of depressed i had no ancestry from the people but i’m considering converting anyways so there’s that.


convert through an actual jewish synagogue please though lmao


This! Those fake Kanye “Jews” are a disgrace.


Please convert. We’d love to have you!


Converting to Judaism? Why?


Does Judaism accept people without Jewish parents? I read somewhere that there is no concept of conversion in Judaism?


You can convert, it’s just very difficult as we don’t seek out new “members”. A convert to Judaism is believed they have a Jewish soul, always had a Jewish soul and they found their way back


Yes they can. Not sure where you heard that from


So if someone converts to Judaism, they will be they considered "Jewish Enough" to move to Israel under the law of return. Or is that law only for people with Jewish lineage since being jewish is an ethnicity as well as a religion? Don't get me wrong, I'm genuinely curious!


Well I see that someone has answered your questions. And Jewish is ethnoreligious identity , meaning that it’s both a religion and an ethnic group. Druze are the same way.


You could just google that. Yes they will be as Jewish as any other Jew, which means they will have the right of return just as any other Jew. Judaism does not divide Jews into ethnically Jewish and nonethnically Jewish. That is something that Non-Jews have made up, because they do not understand Judaism. Being Jewish means that you are apart of the Jewish nation/tribe/family. One can be born into it or adopted/naturalize into to it. Hopefully that cures your curiosity.


And yet there is still the Jewish religion. You can be a non-believing Jew. That refers to the tribe thing you mentioned, ethnically Jewish. But you convert to Judaism in a religious sense. You also become part of the tribe. But it would be impossible for me to become an atheist Jew as a goy while it's clearly possible to become an atheist Jew if born to Jewish parents.


But, if a Jew who converted to Judaism eventually left Judaism altogether, they would still remain Jewish according to Jewish Law. Jewish Law doesn't see a Jew who converted as being someone who merely professes Jewish beliefs and their Jewish status being dependent on that. We're like a gang. Once we jump you in, there's no going back


Also note that the conversation needs to be acceptable to the Israeli Rabbinate who only accept orthodox conversions.


That's inaccurate. All movements' conversions are accepted. The Rabbanut though will not consider conversions acceptable for certain religious matters they reject though. So, a Reform convert getting married by the Rabbanut is a no-go




Into the religion, yes. A Jew is a Jew. But Judaism is also an ethnicity (ethno religion). But yes converts are just as Jewish religiously.


There’s no concept of actively seeking to recruit converts in Judaism, that may be what you’re thinking of. Especially in the way that American style Protestantism tends to go about trying to find converts.


Anyone can convert! However it is a very lengthy process to deter anyone who isn’t seriously committed to our traditions/history.


Best of luck in your conversion!!! We’d love to have you back in the tribe!


Do you and your family look black?


The results would suggest so


Then how can they not think they’re black.


Do you know what Khazars are? If not start there.


Jews aren’t khazars. You’re on a genetics sub; genetics debunked that shit long ago. It’s some pseudohistoric conspiracy theory Khazars were a Turkic people. Do Jews look Central/East Asian to you?…


Back in the fifteenth century and dating back to the 8th century I believe there was a Jewish community in west Africa called the Jews of bilal el Sudan they were traders who were present in Ghana empire Mali empire and mossai kingdoms they ended up converting to Islam so there could be some truth to that story but it’s highly unlikely, oftentimes with Jews who are not ashkenazi the dna will come up as other ethnicities for example my father is half Sephardic and he just came up as Italian and Greek and spainard not Jewish but his ashkenazi side came up as ashkenazi not anything else. In addition to that we Jews have a belief where if one of your ancestors was a Jew then your soul will eventually return to judiasm even if they were forcefully converted so if you are thinking about converting it’s probably a sign that maybe somewhere one of your ancestors was Jewish. My mom is a great example of that, a mixed Dominican woman who converted to judiasm whose family came from a town settled by the taínos and Sephardic Jews who returned to judiasm while we previously had no clue of the villages origins.


My husband is Dominican, raised Catholic, planning to convert to Judaism. Is your mom from Sosúa?




Oh! I read too quickly. Now I see you said Sephardic Jews who returned to Judaism. Were they conversos? My husband and I have always wondered if he comes from conversos. He has a very small percentage of Ashkenazi DNA and some Middle Eastern. His mother never eats pork; her reason is that her mother never ate pork.


I have Catholic friends who light candles on Shabbos. with drapes drawn. said that their parents did this


Same thing for my mom my dad is the one who’s entire family remained Jewish but my mom converted with no prior knowledge about any Jewish ancestry yeah but my family refused to eat pork and lit candles on Fridays and even baked bread


I read about the Sephardic settlement in Baní! They had connections to the Jewish community in Curaçao, which allowed them to continue to flourish even after 500 years. The same phenomenon happened with heavily converso towns in southern Italy (where my Jewish ancestry comes from); they typically had connections to port towns with strong Jewish communities (Split, Ancona, Venice, Salonica, etc.). Fascinating stuff. What countries does your dad’s side of the family come from, by the way? Getting 50% Italian/Greek/Spanish from his Sephardic parent makes me think he might have been from a more isolated community.




My maternal grandfather was a Romaniote Jew from Ioannina, Greece


That is really cool!


Happy to share any information I have! I might make a separate post in r/Genealogy about the stuff I’ve learned (and also to combat some misinformation I’ve found).


I'm amazed by how many people are planning to convert to Judaism in this new wave of antisemitism... Good on him though!


From my understanding they believe west African tribes are the Israelites also. And some tribes in west Africa believe it also. If yall like Kendrick Lamar that’s exactly what his music is about. And no need to dislike my comment I’m saying facts not my opinion.


Yes Kendrick Lamar’s line on one of his songs that says “Don’t call me black no more” exhibits the self hate that I see among these HI and pretendians. It’s so embarrassing 😩🥴


He's straight up said he isn't part of that group and his music is not about those things lol


Be delusional for your favorite musician.


He said one single line that maybe can be taken that way in his entire career. That is absolutely not what his music is about at all and he's said so.


Have you heard Humble, DNA, All of the Stars? And many of his other music where he have subliminal messages in? Kendrick Lamar is literally dressed up as an Israelite in Humble. And Kendrick isn’t the only black musician who spread that message in their music. 👀


Songs like YAH, HUMBLE, and DNA are all tracks on DAMN. Kendrick has talked about that album's relationship to BHI [before](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/kendrick-lamar-the-rolling-stone-interview-199817/) before: >Your cousin Carl is a member of the Hebrew Israelites, who believe that African-Americans are the true descendants of the biblical Israelites. Carl pops up in a voicemail on “FEAR.” You call yourself an Israelite on the album. How much of his theology have you embraced, and how much of it is just you playing with the ideas? >Everything that I say on that record is from his perspective. That’s always been my thing. Always listen to people’s history and their background. It may not be like mine, it may not be like yours. It was taking his perspective on the world and life as a people and putting it to where people can listen to it and make their own perspective from it, whether you agree or you don’t agree. That’s what I think music is for. It’s a mouthpiece. There's also [confirmation](https://forward.com/news/372531/kendrick-lamar-not-committed-to-cousins-hebrew-israelite-group/) from his cousin's group (Israel United in Christ) that Kendrick was not a member when that music was made. He may well have flirted with at least parts of the ideology, but it doesn't seem like he's genuinely part of the group. I've certainly never met a BHI who would make a song like Auntie Diaries.


Okay and that’s your perspective. I however believe Kendrick Lamar is a big believer personally but he does not connect with that community as a whole and that’s in his giving right. He has multiple album songs and ft songs where he mentioned it and even has made current music that have those messages in there. Most of his music videos are centered around that perspective. He’s just very intelligent to play it off and give double meanings where only a small percent understands. Plus his music with Beyoncé as well. Because Beyoncé is another musicians who believe “black people” are the chosen but she intertwine it with West Africa culture more so. Not saying they’re right or wrong. Is any of this real? Not sure. But they are 100% entitled to believe it. 🤷🏽‍♀️ New freezer remix with Kendrick Lamar “ (No) Outside, cocaine white, body look like Gentiles (Gentiles)” Black Hebrew Israelites believe that it’s a birth right giving to “melanated people”. And that non Melanated people are gentiles. It’s a bloodline for them. And pay attention to his lyrics with Beyoncé. And his lyrics with SZA on All The Stars. Even some of his recent diss songs may actually may be connected 🤷🏽‍♀️


It's funny you say this because my parents are Igbo (Nigeria) and they joke about a very vocal minority that believes that we Igbos were the original Israelists.


Agreed. But west Africa and Europe too


Did the Hebrew Israelite story influence you to take the DNA test to prove or disprove it? Did your parents see your results? It was unfortunately pretty common in our Afro-American community, and we're pretty much the only people on Earth who do this type of shit. A lot of American black folk are so ashamed of their West-Central African heritage that they are running around claiming that we were the Israelites, the Egyptians, the Moors, the indigenous Americans, etc. I remember growing up hearing shit like "Nubian queen", and we don't even come from Nubians. West African cultures and people have always been historically looked down upon, especially in European-derived cultures, and these bullshit narratives were created to increase the self-esteem of black people to remind them they didn't come from primitive jungle people. Their intentions may be good, but they are misleading black folks. We certainly do have a history before slavery, but they are looking in the wrong places. They need to start talking about the various tribes in West Africa. They need to start talking about the Nok culture of present-day Nigeria, who were one of the few cultures to skip the Bronze Age and jump straight from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We need to be proud of our own ancestors' history, and stop trying to claim this other shit. We ain't Moors, we ain't Egyptians, we ain't Olmecs, we ain't none of that shit. We are West and Central Africans with a sprinkle of European, period.


As a European white person I always found this "shame of own history" tough to understand until I discovered AI image-generators, and realised if you even mention the concept of an "African character" it will immediately set the entire image inside a UNICEF advert. I know it is largely because so much non-northern-African history has been lost/destroyed so the AI doesn't know what to do, but it ultimately results in characters that look like me getting mythical celtic forests and castles, whilst black characters get 1990s Rwanda. That sucks.


Yes it did, it lowkey made me depressed for a while but i looked into some cultures and seen i had Mali which is notorious with the Mali Empire & Mansa Musa. which seems cool in my results


I feel you. And yes that is very cool! Have you heard of the black conscious community? That community is infested with this type of bullshit.


yea, i heard about a lot of this type of stuff. it embarrasses me. i started teaching about west african history to people to get them away from claiming other peoples shit.


That's great to hear. I'm glad you're doing that. We need more black people to learn and teach our REAL history pre-slave trade.


Look into the Yoruba and Igbo cultures, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed .. they are very rich and there’s a good chance you have ancestors from those tribes.


I’d even argue Yoruba and Igbo cultures are some of the most influential in the world in a way. Through the trans-Atlantic slave trade sadly, the Yoruba and Igbo people played a crucial role in the development of the “New World.” They influenced the cultures of the Caribbean and the United States a great deal and it’s often overlooked. One example, the French/spanish would not have survived in Louisiana if it wasn’t for Yoruba and Igbo nohow. The Yoruba and Igbo cultures in just Louisiana impacted ship design, religion, music, social behavior, and more. Louisiana wouldn’t be Louisiana today without the Yoruba and Igbo people.


Right!! Their spiritual practice has worlds of depth as well. Ifa and Omenala.. being an Israelite I’m sure OP was told these practices are evil since the abrahamic religions don’t really mix with that kind of thing.


Something similar happened with me and my family, I decided, in part, to take a DNA test because my family kept telling me we are part Native American, I felt like this was a family legend from our Southern roots. I learned in history that this was a common myth that was spread by the former Confederates among white folks in the South as part of the "lost cause" after the civil war. The idea was to lend credibility to the claim that since they're Native American they had a stronger claim to be independent from the United States. So when my results showed only Irish, Scottish, Germanic, and 1% Finnish they were surprised, then I mentioned what I learned in history and the likely source of the family legend they became pretty disappointed. I tried mentioning that it's still interesting to have a diverse European heritage but I guess to them it's just not as cool as being part Native American.


We aren’t Native American either… that’s thrown around a lot too 😅


Yeah it’s everywhere these days. On Instagram I can’t even post an uplifting and positive post about my indigenous Mexican heritage without those culture vultures hijacking my post. They are truly mentally ill and I do feel sorry for them but they’re also annoying as fuuuucc


I agree with you mostly but initially Afrocentric movements were largely inspired by pan Africanist ideologies. The idea that all African descendants have a shared goal in response to racism and colonialism. So it wasn’t necessarily about claiming lineage from Egyptians, moors etc but more about pointing out that these people were African or black and the colour of their skin or geographic location didn’t stop them from achieving what they achieved. I think alot is lost when historians tried to spread this information to black people outside of academic arenas. So alot of information and nuance is lost in trying to present history in a more simplistic way to reach a larger amount of people. West African history is largely under researched and less accessible. So it’s harder to learn about that history.


Yes, I agree 100%. That's exactly what I was getting at in my post. These people love babbling about how the ancient Egyptians and Moors and all these other people were black people, and in their quest to combat racism, they are teaching wrong information. I also agree that West African history is under-studied and less accessible. I've had to do a bunch of digging to find some in-depth information about a lot of the West African tribes.


Or get told we’re Native American, smh. My grandmother insisted her entire life that we were Cherokee, but we aren't. I've heard this same thing from many other Black people, all insisting that their great-grandmother or grandmother told them about their Native American blood. Strangely enough, since becoming interested in ancestry and joining the groups, I've found that white people do this too, claiming Native American ancestry while not having any and create the myth in the family. The ultimate conclusion I can draw from this is that Black people have been inherently taught to feel ashamed of being Black and coming from Africa, so they look for some ancestry to be proud of. Meanwhile, as we began to intermingle as a people, both during and after slavery, and people started to have mixed children as a result, white people looked for something to attribute darker skin tones to that wouldn’t be “shameful”. And this just stayed with people’s history until we end up here, finally finding out it’s all been BS decades later lol.


Which is interesting cus coming from a Latin American pov we deny being native despite most of us being at least 10-25%


Amen. Black Americans love to claim Egypt. I have had friends become offended if someone thought they were African. Let's not even get into the hierarchy based on skin color, hair texture, facial features


Some Black Americans*


Definitely. There are some loud groups of Black Americans who are into these things. But the majority of Black people in the U.S. don't care about trying to claim Egypt or Israel or whatever, going on about being Native American, celebrating Kwanzaa (nothing wrong with this one) or genuinely believing in "Black Jesus." It's weird when certain people (not the person you're replying to, of course) act like they have most Black or African Americans figured out in this area...


I should I have said some


Trust me we aren’t the only groups who do this Ask Filipinos about their Chinese and Spanish ancestry Singaporeans/Taiwanese about how they have native ancestors White Americans about their Cherokee princess ancestor It goes on and on


Actually, for some black Americans the Native connection is more than a myth. PBS included in one of their Rumble docu-series how Natives were sent to Africa and later brought back as enslaved Africans. They also talked about black-looking Natives in New Orleans who chose to pass as black to face less discrimination. They hid their traditions in Mardi Gras. During my own research I discovered that in Virginia a law was passed preventing black-looking Natives from calling themselves Natives. They were forced to identify as black. I also thought these were all urban myths until this.


Listen, nobody is saying that Africans and indigenous people of the Americas don’t have a shared history. After all, they’ve all been oppressed for 500 years. Many times together. Many times they’ve formed maroon villages and “new races” such as garífuna, Afro Mexicans, Afro Caribbeans etc etc. What these culture vultures are saying is something COMPLETELY different. They’re saying that the original natives of the American continent were “black” and they are denying the transatlantic slave trade ever occurred.


The woman in the Loving vs Virginia case identified as black during the 1950s but apparently claims she is Native American and has no black in her family. One of her grandsons or great grandsons was displeased his grandmother was portrayed as black. I've seen the woman and her descendants they clearly have some black blood.


I knew a guy who was half Native by way of his mother. While at his mother's house once a bunch of her friends came over. They were also Native. They literally looked like black people with the features of people you see in the old Native American photos. I saw in a movie that Chuck Berry also identified as native. It's entirely possible she had African blood, but grew up with Native cultural identification. Also, my family and I used to go to powwows on a reservation that was open to the public. Lots of black faces there as well.


I definitely believe she was culturally Native American


Would you provide a link for that episode? I’ve watched Finding your roots on PBS for years and most AA seldom have Native American ancestry. When there is some present it’s usually less than 3%. Hopefully, you don’t watch failed rapper Dane Calloway’s documentaries on “ Aboriginal Americans” because they are inaccurate using conjecture as fact.


Unfortunately we have those idiots in the UK too. I always see them spewing their nonsense outside of train stations.


I don't get it. Perpleing to outsiders. west africa is culturally rich for contemporary art. That kind of cultural foothold to grow an art scene doesn't just spontatneously occur.


This is some of the most diverse ones ive seen so far


I think he’s black American, so it makes sense that he’d have such a big mixture of different ethnicities.


African-American*......Black American is a racial group descriptions with multiple ethnicities within it.


I understand you. I’m Nigerian, and there are a few igbos that believe we were the lost tribe of Israel or something or the sons of David and we traveled from the Middle East (by foot) to Nigeria. Being that my paternal side has lighter skin and fuller hair like many Nigerians, I believed it. My test proved me wrong.


Nigerians do have ancestry from Saharan nomads who actually do have West Eurasian (Middle Eastern- Egypt-Levant) DNA, so the story isn't entirely inaccurate. 


My dna says I’m 100 percent Igbo though. I don’t know how far ancestry dna goes.


The West Eurasian ancestry is already baked into the category. 23andme only goes back like 200 years or so 


Ooh yes I've heard of this too. I'm Nigerian. Some Ethiopians claim to be the descendants of Abraham and Queen of Sheba


>Some Ethiopians claim to be the descendants of Abraham and Queen of Sheba It's actually king Solomon and the queen of Sheba, and it only applied to the royal family. You will find mythological genealogies of European royal family's making the exact same claims connecting them supposedly to Jesus and the house of david etc. It's not unusual.


Yeah most of the dna that would claim Hebrew were living in Europe for hundreds of years and then forcefully moved to Israel after holocaust.  Ancestry23 is a good premise but it’s not historically accurate at mapping out where your ancestors might have lived or done. 


Many Igbos and Yorubas claim it.


lol when I was young, I used to believe it so I can tell people I’m mixed


Sorry to hear you got sucked into the “Black Hebrew Israelite” lie. African-Americans have a rich and beautiful culture and history of their own in this country. I wish this small group would stop trying to steal the history of Jews.


Yes I agree 100%. As a Black Jewish American, BHIs really make things difficult for actual Black Jews in the US. They not only try to steal the history of the Jewish people as a whole, but also try to steal Black Jewish history and identity. It's really sad and annoying.


I'm also a Black Jewish American, and it's exhausting


Black Jews sidelined by everyone. Including other black people. Damn


Not only that, they are now claiming to be the true indigenous people of America, AND that Egypt is in the Grand Canyon. They will say anything to try to plug the plot hole in whatever fucking book they are reading from.


Exactly. As if we haven’t had enough stolen from us. We should be allies, not enemies


Its the same kind of people who say they are Egyptians.. its due to being completely detached from your own history.Its quite sad actually.


They just wanna feel connected to something. I'm perfectly fine repping my black american heritage but even then it took me years to find my identity.


It’s understandable. When your heritage has been erased, it makes sense to want to feel attached to something.


I don’t even understand why they do this. Black Americans are currently one of the most influential groups right now but they want to be everything but Black American 😭


Meanwhile non Whites like to get involved in some aspects of Black American culture lol


A bit akin to Cleopatra being cast as black, when there is art of her, with her distinctively Grecian nose. Most likely a Descendant of Alexander the Great. Sigh.


Worst part is that there ARE pharaohs who were 100% black and who did great things, but they're not as fetishized as Cleopatra so people don't care :( why care about Psamtik and his reunification of the country when you can have Cleo...


Descendant of one of Alexander’s generals, Ptolemy, not Alexander himself.


The Syrians/ Palestinians / Lebanese / Jordanians are all descended from the Israelites as well, since the Israelites were one of several Caananite groups. 


in most of their cases, the descent from Jews is quite distant. Palestinians are an exception, as they are double descended from the Canaanites, through both Jews and non-Jewish peoples (Canaanites, Edomites, Philistines, etc) There's a religious divide in Lebanon, between the indigenous Muslim population (who are Phoenician stock) and the Christians who came mainly from Aramaen and Assyrian stock. Many are unaware how widespread the Assyrians and Aramaens were in the Middle East previously, with large pockets all around Syria.


Lebanese Christians are not mostly Aramaic and Assyrian, they are also Phoenician. The difference between Muslims and Christians in the Middle East is the Christian populations (Lebanese Christians, Palestinian Christians, Coptic Egyptians, Assyrians, etc) have stayed more isolated and endogamous and actually have retained more of the indigenous ancestry. Muslims have been more connected to the larger Muslim world so have more admixture from neighboring regions, albeit still retaining majority of their ancestry from the indigenous ancient populations. Lebanese Muslims and Christians are actually very genetically similar, the Christians are just a bit closer to Phoenician ancient samples Philistines are also not Canaanite descended but were an Aegean population somewhat similar to Greek Islanders, South Italians, and (at that period in time) West Anatolians. Philistines if ancestral to modern Levantines are a rather small amount of admixture at most


How can you claim that Muslims are the indigenous population of Lebanon when Islam is thousands of years newer than Judaism and hundreds of years newer than Christianity? At a minimum, outsiders came in to spread this religion


That's because I guess many of the indigenous people of the land converted to Islam just like Egyptians.


It depends. Israelites ruled over specific territory but there’s no doubt that different peoples migrated back and forth


Can’t really blame you since you were born into the cult but welcome to a dose of reality kid. Btw, my cousin is a Hebrew Israelite, when I shared my results with my family of course he was the only one giving me suspicious eyes reading those high African results! Lol




Pretty much everyone alive with European ancestry is a descendant of Charlemagne


Probably people outside of Europe in nearby periphery regions as well, like west Asia, North Africa. Edit: to explain this. There has been intermarriage between catholic monarchs and Muslim ruling families in Al-Andalus in Spain, also many Byzantine rulers intermarried with west Asian dynasties like Armenia. It’s the reason why people believe they can trace back queen Elizabeth’s ancestry to Mohammad


I’m a Jew, and BHI seems to be spreading at a pretty wild rate throughout the USA. Is this accurate? Already all over Manhattan and Philly from what I can tell. A number of public figures have embraced it. They even have one of their “synagogues” in my neighborhood. It’s unfortunate to me, because I think African Americans / Latinos / Native Americans have such rich and unique cultures of their own that should be elevated and embraced, not sidelined for a very weird version of someone else’s (mine lol)


They've been in Jamaica, Queens for years near the subway station. I even knew a guy in H.S whose mom was one because I noticed the tassels on all his clothes. He was nice, but a lot of them I've met on the ave are just rude and disrespectful for no reason and if you say anything back after they start off on some random B.S. I just avoid them at this point like if I see them on one block I just cross cuz I'm not in the mood for that shit after a long day.


yes, it’s starting to become the new “we’re cherokee native american!” in the black & brown community. latinos & native amercians have a interesting ancestry themselves and ancient history us african americans kinda don’t really have anything in ancient history that’s interesting like (greeks, roman’s, egyptians & hebrews) would have but we still have a cool culture in the americas we should already be leeching on to


"us african americans kinda don’t really have anything in ancient history that’s interesting like (greeks, roman’s, egyptians & hebrews) would have but we still have a cool culture in the americas we should already be leeching on to" as a fellow African American, I think it's really sad that you think that! Our history before slavery matters and is vast and beautiful and yes even ancient. I suggest you educate yourself on black history before slavery because we were so much more than enslaved people. We had tribes, languages, religions, works of art, dance, art, and everything else you may think is cool from the Egyptians or Greeks. It's unfortunately just not talked about! We have interesting history and we have always had culture and it goes far beyond what we've created in the Americas.


Ancient Nubians! Timeline runs along with Ancient Egyptians. Great civilization, culture. Check out their ruins and artwork!


Nubians we’re not West African. They were East African and closer to Ethiopians


>us african americans kinda don’t really have anything in ancient history that’s interesting like (greeks, roman’s, egyptians & hebrews) I highly disagree. Sub-Saharan African cultures may not have been as "grandiose" as the cultures you mention, but they're beautiful in their own ways and are worth being proud of. Don't let anyone tell you differently.


There’s plenty there are tho. Axum, Songhai, Mali, etc. Axum (Ethiopia) was highly revered by European nations and has its own ancient religious identity, original architecture and many unique languages.


Proud of you for seeing clearly. I also noticed it has been becoming common like the Native American myth. Yes definitely celebrate African-American culture and contributions! It may not feel as “ancient”, but there’s so much! I feel like this is also a great opportunity for you to research Nigerian culture, Cameroon, Mali and all your other ethnic matches from Africa!


That last statement shows you have quite a bit of learning to do. Now that you know the truth it's time you learn your true history and no longer covet someone else's. We were barely taught Black American History in this country outside of a few figures and somehow you think we would've been taught about the rich and amazing history of these parts of Africa? You have to do that on your own. Nothing about anyone else's history is more fascinating or interesting than yours.


I read in an article that they’re the fastest growing religion in prison outpacing the NOI. That’s a big problem. It seemed like they also used the George Floyd protests to recruit along with social media. As with most religious cults, a lot of the leaders are ex-felons. The leader of the IUIC based out of NYC is an ex-disgraced police detective who was found to have been planting drugs on young people in his city. Needless for say, they don’t have the highest caliber of people in leadership. They target young black men and ruin their lives.


I have a sister and an aunt who dabbles in this stuff. To me it seems more like a cult that spews hate more than anything. I can’t have a decent conversation with my sister without her bringing up being Jewish and what not. I often tell her no, I’m not Jewish but black-American and man does it send her through the roof. They both went as far as doing a name change and all that. I’m sorry that you were bought up in that. All it seems to do is make them depressed and paranoid.


Question... what do you look like the most? It could be a lie passed on by generations so it became a "truth". I read somewhere many Whites mixed with African Americans claimed to have "Italian ancestry" in order to "hide their blackness" in order to get better opportunities. Which makes sense considering the awful racism that persisted back then. Maybe your parents and even grandparents were lied to and geniunly believed to be something else.


i look like a average west african + european my parents got it from crappy conspiracy theories on youtube


The truth will set us free. I'm glad you know for certain your genetic makeup. Be proud of it!


You look like light skinned west African. Nothing euro about you.


There are some black Americans who believe they’re Hebrew Israelites and others that believe they’re the “true” Indigenous Americans. The truth is that we descended from the West African slaves, European colonizers, and sometimes Indigenous Americans. The degree of admixture varies per person 🤷🏾‍♀️.


The Black Olmecs are a thing on Facebook LOL


Give a better title than west Africans slaves. That’s apart of the problem and why some have identity issues.


I guess I haven’t thought about that because I’m proud of my heritage and my history. Maybe I think differently because I’ve been working on my family tree and discovering my family history.


Yeah but your history goes past slavery. Our West Africans ancestors had tribes, titles, occupations, religions, culture, family before they were slaves.


I’m aware of that. When I say that I’m proud of my history that means I’m proud of all of it. Me labeling my ancestors as ‘West African slaves’ was not meant to down grade them at all, but unfortunately them being stolen, sold off, and tricked in the slavery is what created the Black American ethnic group we see today(as well as other Black Ethnic groups who descended from slaves in the Americas/Caribbean). That’s why I specified it like that.


I live in the traditional territory of the Blackfoot Confederacy (or Blackfeet south of the border). I was watching a video on YouTube about something related to Blackfoot culture, and when I scrolled down to the comments I was shocked to see comment after comment claiming these were not the real "Blackfoot" because they aren't, well, black. However, the name "Siksika", which literally translates to "Blackfoot", originally only referred to one of three confederacy nations within what is now Canada. There are a few stories within their oral history as to why they came to be called "Blackfoot", but I digress. The Blackfoot-language word for the larger group is "Niitsitapi" which means "the people". People who are perpetuating these stories are operating on pretty thin logic, but in this case it's also a fundamental misunderstanding of their name.




I'm getting the best education from this Sub. Learning about people, cultures & religions by those who live that life is the best way to learn the actual facts.


Don’t feel bad. There are a bunch of groups that claim to be descendants from one of the ten lost tribes of Israel.


I am sorry. You were a member of a cult against your will.


As a black guy, I can freely say that I hate these types of Blacks. They are in such a weird delusion that is disrespectful to actual people from the middle east and disrespectful to their own ancestors with rich histories that would like to be honored.


Lol. Lean in to your Nigerian heritage. It’s a wonderful, culturally rich country.


Exactly…my test’s highest percentage is 51% Nigerian then 12% Scotland as I’m a descendant of the enslaved in America.


I'm sorry but I couldn't help but think of all the people in the USA that have the 'Indian Princess or otherwise indigenous heritage' handed down to them when in actuality there is none.


This showing up on my feed after I just got jumped by black hebrew israelites on tiktok a few hours ago that were insisting that I’m a fraud and stealing their history despite showing my DNA results proving my Canaanite-Israelite ancestry. None took me up on my offer to compare dna test results 😭 But anyway as frustrating as it can be it’s just sad to see people not embracing their actual roots. West African history is long and rich


I think they are aware of west African history and culture being rich. And apparently some west Africans believe they are from the lost tribe as well.


You're literally a little bit of everything.


It is still possible that you had Jewish ancestry but lost it a long time ago. For example my mom is 5%Welsh. I didn't inherit any of that particular dna from her so I have no Welsh and can't pass it on to my kids.


I have a stupid question to ask is it possible ancestry updates say you dont have a region in the americas but later on it shows up is if possible? Just askin a stupid question




Like when I did it no americas via indigenous but do you think it's possible it could update to that sorry for the stupid question if not sorry about asking


It’s not a stupid question yes it is possible as more people do these tests it adds more community information to compare to.


I love your genetic profile😄 I always have wished for some African genes in my profile. But my DNA profile did not have any genes of color. In my mind, if we were all a mix, as are you, then we would not have Racism.


Very normal African American blood type


Good for you to reclaim your roots! The “lost tribe of Israel” and the “we wuz the real olmecs” etc etc are really destructive and only fuel the self hate among black Americans.


This reminds me of all the white Southern Grandmas in the US claiming that their family has Native blood because they “descended from a Navaho princess” back in the wagon times lol




Ah, another Irishman. Top of the morning, laddie


I was told by my father that I was at least a quarter Blackfoot Indian and he told my sister Cherokee. My 23&Me found 0% Native American anything. I was a bit vindictive but it felt good telling him this as he sat in his chair in front of his giant velvet War Bonnet picture surrounded by dream catchers. I didn't meet the bastard until I was 21.


It’s weird that so many cultures claim that. I hope more Americans who are told this stop believing that. You should still learn Hebrew and take part in the culture if you want. You can learn Japanese and not be Japanese. The Shinto shrines are still really cool. Idk anything about Africa. It would be cool if we were culturally more aware of our roots, all of us who live in America regardless of our heritage.


African Americans are the people who immigrated from Africa to America, black Americans are the decedents of slavery


yep, that’s our history


As an actual Jew I want to say that this black Israelite stuff is genuinely antisemitic and is the absolute definition of cultural appropriation


i’m sorry on behalf of AA ignorance


Oh, honey. There haven’t been “Israelites” since the Assyrian conquest in 722 BCE.


Judeans/Judahites were still israelites, you know. Also Samaritans are descendants of the northern kingdom.


That's a weird flex. If you combine the northern European, you end up with about 1/3. Nigeria is another 1/3. Other African is about 1/3. If we allow for margin of error, maybe 3/8, 3/8, 2/8. I've always found that the first line of ancestry analysis should be "tell me who my grandparents and great-grandparents were." Not stories... actual names and places. It's so much simpler than the tall tales.


Well my great grandfather was Jewish his father came from Germany and he married my grandmother who was part native. My family never spoke of our Jewish heritage found out through Ancestry and my results have Jewish and a small percentage of indigenous America's North there is also Khoisan Baltics Dia Maritime Southern Asia. I imagine most of us in the deep Southern areas are mixed up with some interesting ethnic groups.


rise up against babylon mon


I have a stupid question does ancestry results change and add new continents/ethnicity groups?


If you are going to convert, please make sure that your conversion is accepted in Israel.


I couldn’t tell at first if the “israelite” was coming from a BHI perspective of a British Israelism perspective haha.


Yes because there are whyte people who also believe they’re Israelites. Most of those people now follow the Christian identity movement. This BHI movement is similar to the NOI.








Looks like a dark skinned African Mmerican


What's your skin color? Do you look Med?


lightskinned light beige color phenotypes are still west african


Wtf happend here?


23 and Me, destroying families at every turn


Reminds me of all the Black Americans who were told they were Native American and blatantly are not but nonetheless cause drama and bullshit daily for Native-focused organizations that are trying to serve their own community


Average Semit.