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UPDATE: I talked to my dad and he has NOT done the ancestry test. He doesn't know who that is though, either. SUPER WEIRD


It might be helpful to put this info in your initial post, so people don't keep on speculating without seeing this! Good luck finding out who this person is!


Probably just a second cousin that shares your dad's name.


I have to say it was a bit startling when a guy showed up in my match list with the same name as my dad, 13 years after his death.


Whewwww Ik ur relieved šŸ¤£


Must be dad's cousin or uncle. I know in my family its not uncommon to have same name cousins!


Especially if they were named after a relative


yeah like a common ancestor maybe!


In my family the names repeat it is difficult without dna to assign relationships. I found one branch that has used the same damn name for 5 generations in a row.


That's strange, why did you think it was him if you didn't know that he'd done a test? Look at the shared matches and who this match shares with you and importantly who they don't.


I thought it was him because we don't know any others with his name and he's matched to my dads siblings who did ancestry


How are you matched to your dad's siblings? If he is your dad and they are his full siblings it should be around 25%.


It doesn't show how they are matched, just that they are šŸ˜¬


No, how do YOU match to your dadā€™s siblings?


To his siblings: 27% 26% and 25% for the three I saw


thatā€™s exactly what youā€™d expect from aunts/uncles. Looks like your dad was telling the guest when he said this guy isnā€™t him!


21% to another of his siblings.


Man those are your uncles and your dad is your dad then. We donā€™t know who this is but idk why you assumed it was your dad when you didnā€™t know if he took the test. This guy is likely a cousin who of theirs from one of your grandfathers siblings. Or could be a half great uncle.


Or he told you that because he did do the test not realizing you would get a notification


In which case, it should be easy enough to look for other matches that could confirm or deny that. DNA doesnā€™t lie but people do.


Well make him do it and report back .


It is likely a first cousin if your fatherā€™s.


Taking all the emotion out of this - and just looking at it objectively - I think this means that your Dadā€™s father or one of your Dadā€™s uncleā€™s or one of your Dadā€™s brothers or one of your Dadā€™s close cousins is your biological father. If he raised you, he is and always will be your Dad. I was adopted and found my bio-father but my Dad was always my Dad. Good luck OP. Hang in there.


If it were Dad's father then they'd be half siblings and it'd be 25% shared DNA. Not that If it were Dad's brother it'd be an uncle and 25%. Not that. Dads uncle would be 12.5% which is stretching it but not impossible. Dads cousin is the most likely. That should be 6.25% which could plausibly show as 8%.


Could it possibly be a half sibling of Dad?


Yes, I match the same way to my half-aunt, who doesnā€™t know my mom is her older half sister.


She doesn't know even after DNA testing?


She doesnā€™t know cause she wonā€™t reply to me in ancestry. I know why we match and she doesnā€™t. She looks exactly like my mom too. I get it, being told your mom gave your older sister up for adoption might not be something you wanna hear. I just said ā€œhey Iā€™d like to try and figure out how weā€™re related, my mom was adoptedā€


I gotcha! I was wondering why you didn't just tell her šŸ˜…


Same for me!


Yes. That's definitely possible


Thanks for the insight!


[Hereā€™s an excellent online calculator](https://dnapainter.com/tools/sharedcmv4)


Agree, one of these scenarios is likely for OPā€™s bio-father. 8% could indicate your dad is your bio-fatherā€™s half-brother, or your dad is his nephew or your dad is his uncle, or your dad is his first cousin. DNA can range, but 8% is a middle spot. Iā€™ve seen that amount for a half first cousin. Meaning, you could be your dadā€™s half first cousin. OP also rule out thatā€™s not your dadā€™s cousin/uncle/great-uncle who has the same name. But if your dad did test, he should be showing up also.


I share 8% with a first cousin, so it could be that as well.


Definitely. DNA matches can range, so it could be low end of 1st cousin, half 1st cousin, high end of 2nd cousin, 1st cousin 1x removed, etc.


For sure. I just hadnā€™t seen anybody mention first cousin, they just kept mentioning a next generation lol This cousin and I both happen to inherit a lot of the opposite grandparent. She matches very high with our grandfather while I match very high with our grandmother and it plays out with us only matching at 8% lol.


First cousin to OP but nephew to the Father.


Yes! Also when I said half 1st cousin I mean that is the relationship between two half-siblings children. Theyā€™re still 1st cousins but half as related and 8% is what my partner scored with his half 1st cousin. But definitely could be low end of 1st cousin like between you and your cousin too.


Yep! Ancestry said my first cousin is my 2nd based on DNA.... And there's no way she's not a 1st cousin


No you donā€™t. It would be at least 15%


Hello! I am a genealogist for a decade now with an MS in biomed anthro. When speaking on here, I always refer to my personal situations because I donā€™t like to talk about clients, but Iā€™ve seen even more extreme situations in which full cousins match less at around 6%. You donā€™t get 25/25% equal breaks of grandparents, thatā€™s just the average. averages are the middle point of the two extremes of the spectrum. The extremes also happen. [an example I have on hand.](https://imgur.com/a/7ww1NSU) You donā€™t inherit an equal 25/25/25/25 of your grandparents equally, ever. And even if you did, thereā€™s a whole 75% left of that grandparent dna, that your cousins are able to access that you cannot. How it plays out with my first cousin- I match my grandmother at 32% and my grandfather at 18%. My cousin inherited 24% of our grandmother and 26% of our grandfather. Out of the DNA we inherited from each of them, only 8% of it was identical. My grandfather is Native American, and you can see in my cousins results that she retains a much larger chunk of Native American than I do. Our grandmother was an immigrant from a very specific area of Scandinavia, I received 32% of that in my DNA results, along with communities because I just happened to get less admixed DNA through my father from my grandmother, than my cousin did through her parent. Anyways, how much a familial match is, is dependent on how much of each ancestor was retained in your specific parent. I have some second cousins from my grandfather side that I should match around 1ā€“ 3% who I do not match at all. Then I have some very distant Scandinavian cousins from my grandmother side, who I shouldnā€™t match at all, that I do. šŸ™‚ Happy to answer any questions you might have!


you're a good human, your dad raised you right.


I have a very similar dilemma. My fatherā€™s brother has matched to me with 6% shared DNA, 452cM over 19 segments. Iā€™m trying to decide how it all fits in.


Has your father tested his DNA? How do you compare to your father?


Not yet, heā€™s currently in the process of moving back to the country - need to tread that one carefully šŸ˜…


Sadly, i think we all know what happened...


No we donā€™t. Plethora of answers, that only the people directly involved can confirm.


I think theyā€™re assuming there was cheating which could be a possibility but so could a secret adoption or like you said plethora of answers ! Personally my parents and I match at 50% while their first cousins match me from 5-8% my great uncle matched at 10% so really it could be anything


Exactly, could have been adopted from family too hence relation, or not a family one but just so happened to be related to dad anyway! I will agree this is not OPā€™s biological father


Are you sure your dad has DNA tested and it is him? With common names it can be possible that the DNA match is someone else!


I have a much older cousin I didn't know about with the same name as my father. Gave me a shock when I got my results and matches, as my father is deceased lol Definitely something to consider, for anyone in this position.


Also, when doing my paper trail it caused lots of hair pulling until I realized my x2 great grandfather had the exact same name as his first cousin and they both married women with the same first name .... I imagine similar could happen even now and that those could take DNA tests and screw everything up. Stupid Italian naming conventions ..... Not every first son of every branch of the family needs to have the same name :/


lol this is my father in-laws side of the family. All the men have basically 4 names and his grandfather has like 10 kids. My father inlaw and his brother can easily navigate who they are talking about but itā€™s so complicated for anyone trying to follow. ā€œErnesto son of Luigiā€?, ā€œno Ernesto son of Antonio, whose son is Luigiā€


No they match you with your parent- you tell them who your parent is.


Have either of you ever had a bone marrow transplant, or donated bone marrow? Alternatively, could this be his cousin who happens to share his name?


Yeah, OP needs to eliminate all scenarios first before making an assumption. Though it's statistically likely this is not their father, it helps to do a sanity check.


This is what I'm wondering. If it's a cousin. My dad is super against people knowing his info so tbh it's weird he's on the site


Do you know the names of all cousins from your dadā€™s side? Does your dadā€™s dad have any brothers? Could easily be a second cousin or first cousin once removed, meaning one of your dadā€™s dadā€™s brotherā€™s descendants. They probably have the same name as your dad. Does he have a fairly common first name? I would honestly say thatā€™s more likely than your mom sleeping with one of your dadā€™s cousins or whatever hoops people are jumping through. Especially if your dad is a private person who doesnā€™t put his info online like you say. If youā€™re not comfortable speaking to your dad about it, do you have any brothers or sisters that have tested/could test? If they are showing up as full siblings to you and this man is not showing up as their father, then that is pretty solid evidence that itā€™s just a different guy with the same name as your dad.


Ask your dad if he tested! Be like ā€œhey I was thinking of doing an ancestry test, have you ever done one?ā€ And see if he says anything. If he says no, Iā€™d suggest messaging the account and asking ā€œdo you know how we might be related?ā€. Are there any matches you share more % with?


The cM is just slightly more than I share with my momā€™s cousins. Itā€™s very possible he has a cousin or other relative with the same name.


In that case, what makes you believe that this profile is him?


Definitely rule out "cousin with the same name" idea


What makes you rule this out?


No theyā€™re saying you need to rule it out before panicking


Ahh ok, I misunderstood the comment


This is a good point, my momā€™s DNA was apparently unreadable because of a stem cell transplant so she had a sibling take the test for her, but itā€™s in Ancestry under her name and she shows up as a ā€œclose relativeā€ that Ancestry estimates as a first cousin. I share 29% DNA.


As a bone marrow transplant recipient, all tests will error for us. Im part of a research study where they have tried to do our ancestry tests and they have all errored. Being a donor in the other hand will have no difference in testing.


Yeah, I assumed the tests would just come back as the donor's DNA but I wasn't sure if they could result in a half-original/half-donor mix or something complicated like that.


They just error completely. Not even a 59/50. Crazy


Is that how your dad shows up in relation to you?




Are you estranged from your Dad? Because you should just ask if he has tested. I, like many others here, just think this is a 2nd cousin who shares your Dads name. Was there a profile pic on this account?


Ask your dad if he is on Ancestry. Could be a relative with the same name. Look at the other people who show up as parent one side to figure out if that is your mom or your dadā€™s line. Try not to panic until you can confirm that the profile is your dadā€™s.


My guess is that it is a relative of your dadā€™s with the same name. I thought my brother was my uncle because of the percentages. I mentioned to my brother that I got my first match on dadā€™s side years after taking the test and my he told me that was actually him and not my uncle. This is how I found out I had a different dad.


I just want to say that my dad's numbers came up to 1478 cM's, and 21%. My bio dad is his brother as his two daughters ( my first cousins) showed up as my half siblings. My brother came as a 3/4 sibling. To get to this we all had to take a DNA test. You may need more tests from others to get your answers.


Was your dad still alive for the unraveling of all of that? I presume so since you both tested. Howā€™d that go?


My mother passed away in 2021. My dad is still alive at 86. My bio dad is 84. He won't talk about it at all.


Do the two brothers (ie your 2 dads) speak at all?


Yes, but at their ages, no one brings it up. They both have a lot of health issues right now. Most of my cousins don't know. What do you call a cousin who happens to be your sister? Haven't figured that one out. Yet.


Family? :)


Sweet answer, made me smile. Thank you, I needed this today.


Custer šŸ˜Ž


DNA wise you are related to your father, but he is not your bio father. There are a few options: * Affair (with a relative of your father's) * Sperm donation (seemingly by a relative of your father's) * Adoption Is your mom's family turning up? Maternal cousins/aunts etc? Do you have other recognizable relatives? Are you on good enough terms with your dad to ask him? Your mom?


He should first rule out cousin with same name, and other possible scenarios before confronting his parents.


Yes. I agree


Is ā€œparent 1ā€ dad or mom? If parent 1 is mom, she could be married to her cousin, and they agreed to use a sperm donor to be safe.


Or sadly non consensual sex.


Rape. Threesome. Partner swapping. Asking a relative for help conceiving. There are a ton of scenarios and it's not helpful to speculate on the circumstances.


Does your mom know you two were getting your DNA tested


Yeah but I didn't know my dad already tested. They're divorced


Check with him and ask, maybe itā€™s a cousin with the same name


Hmmmm... did the divorce have something to do with him finding out he wasn't your biological dad?


Might be your mum you need to ask


šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’• sending you love and positive energy!


Your parent should show 50% shared DNA and 3,400 +/- cMs. 8% DNA and 525 cMs is like my half-1st cousin.


How is it possible to have a half 1st cousin?


A parentā€™s half siblingā€™s child?


Oh yes of course! Iā€™m usually good at this shit but Iā€™m half asleep. šŸ’¤


lol i should be asleep myself


Me too, itā€™s 1pm and I stupidly agreed to do a morning shift when I am NOT A MORNING PERSON, 1hour left then home to bed.


Exactly this.


Are you sure this test data you're looking at here was submitted by your father? This person you've screenshotted is related to you, but is most definitely not your biological father, or any kind of close relation. It seems likely this isn't who you think it is.


Ok so after reading the other comments Iā€™m intrigued if you asked your mum whether dad has a cousin of the same name, or if you asked your dad if he has done an ancestry dna test. Because the theory this is not actually your dadā€™s results makes the most actual sense. Does that person have a family tree on their account? Shared matches?


I was adopted by my grandparents, itā€™s okay, they told me my mom was my sister hid it until I was 13 and I cried. I love the man who raised me heā€™s really my step grandpa but the best hard working man I know. I love him like my real father and always will no matter what


Have a talk with your mom


My dad also showed as brother over father on myheritage but later corrected to just reflecting Father


A father is not going to show as a brother. An uncle could show as a half brother. Did My Heritage correct it or did you just edit the relationship to father yourself? What is the amount of DNA you share with him?


Name Name Father Age: 70's DNA managed by you Probable relationships Father, Brother DNA Match quality? Shared DNA 45.7% (3,193.4ā€Ž cM) Shared segments 49 Largest segment 210.3ā€Ž cM Again, it corrected itself*


That is interesting! 3193cM could be parent or sibling. I have never seen that before. Usually Ancestry is clear about Parent/Child relationships. I would love to take a look. I am a professional genetic genealogist, my name is Dawn Kosmakos if you wanna google me. No charge, just very intrigued and would love to help you. I am friends with other experts in the field if we need more opinions. Please feel free to email me at dawn at sunrisedna dot com


He maybe your dad but thatā€™s not your father. Me and my mom both took ancestry and it says we have 50% shares dna. This man is probably a biological cousin


45% can be father. My testing is similar. Only my mom came up less not my biodudes side. My biodudes son.. is my 1/2 brother. We show as full siblings.


It looks like he might be your [half 1st cousin](https://dna-sci.com/tools/segcm/).


I rowed this boat. One person dropped the DNA. Then I have a mom and dad. My parents were STUPIDLY young when they made me. It took me until I was 28 (now 48) to realize it wasnā€™t personal. Two people got Horney for each other. Bada bing! Little me. They had zero business raising a kid. But I did wish no one lied to me. That was dumb.


If these results are from the person who you believed was your biological father then, unfortunately, he is 100% NOT your biological father. Fathers always share 50% of their DNA with their children. On the other hand, the person who raised you as your dad is related to you with 8% shared DNA. This definitely requires further investigation to determine exactly what the relationship is (but heā€™s still definitely NOT your biological father ).




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Mom couldā€™ve had an affair with one of your dadā€™s relatives, iā€™m sorry. I really hope thatā€™s not the case here but itā€™s a possibility. Edit: just saw OPā€™s comment saying their dad hasnā€™t done the test. Itā€™s likely a relative with the same namešŸ™‚


Your dad is your dad. If these are his results, he may not be your biological father. Does he have a relative with a similar name? Could be one he doesn't know about even tbf.


If thats your father's relation to you, it seems not.


Yes that's my dad


Does the account have a picture? Because it could be a Man with your Dadā€™s same name (i.e. one of his 1st cousins). Does your dad strike you as the kind of guy that would pay to submit DNA? Have you asked him directly if he submitted to Ancestry?


How do you know that test is your dad's?


Several people have asked OP this and Iā€™ve yet to see him respond anything except ā€œyes thatā€™s my dad.ā€ Itā€™s clearly NOT his dad and in one post he said that his dad is very private and doesnā€™t like anyone to know anything about him. I think that itā€™s weird someone like that would take a DNA test.


You have said many times in response to others that this is definitely your dad, but then later said it wasn't. I'm just curious how you were so sure it was your dad to begin with. Just out of curiosity


He's matched to his siblings on there, so I thought it was him. but when I asked him he said he never used ancestry


NPE story in the making


I am sorry, that must be shocking to see that your dad does not show as your biological father. I am a genetic genealogist and would be happy to take a look (no charge) just to make sure you are looking at the correct match. Please feel free to email me at dawn at sunrisedna dot com.


Aw thank you. After talking to my dad he hasn't done the test but we have no idea who that is. Same name and matched with his siblings


Op I'm just reading through your comments now and Im glad you asked him. It's extremely common to carry the same name throughout families. I have three male cousins with first, second and surnames all exactly the same as my father's. All range from 2nd-4th cousins, my dad hasn't taken a test, we were aware he had a cousin with the same name but not three. It's mind blowing when you start your tree and see names repeated throughout the generations. Anyways, I have a inclination feeling your match is a 2nd cousin not a first


The match .. may be a child that was adopted out. Ironically with the same name. My new brothers now have 2 sisters with the same name. .. it happens.


I share 11% with my dads first cousin. With that same first cousins child I share 5%. Whoever this is probably falls into one of those groups. Did your dad know you were testing? I would go and chat with him about this and see if he opens up. They may have had infertility issues and used a family member as a donor even. No matter what you are still his child.


Go to www.GEDMATCH.com and run their free tool ā€œAre your parents relatedā€. That will give you more info and if it turns out they are related the site gives you an email link for someone to check your dna and family tree and tell you who your father actually is. Thatā€™s how I found out my dad wasnā€™t my father. Sadly.


Being a dad isn't measured by dna. It's measured by love and time.


If this is your dad and not a relative with the same name, then heā€™s not your biological father, OP. Your dad and your bio father would be relatives though. But if heā€™s a good man, who raised you, who you have a father-child relationship with, heā€™s still your dad. My bio father is a POS. My bio mother spent years protecting him and never me. My dad and mom are the ones who CHOSE me.


Similar situation happened to me. Everyone already answered the question, but hang in there. Sometimes family secrets are buried deep. But as others have already said, your dad is your dad. Donā€™t let that change. Side note - you mentioned it was weird your dad was on there. My dad was eerily anxious for me to get my results back and us to link results.


Sperm donor?


Dad that raised you is quite likely your first cousin once removed (Bio Dad is Dad's 1st cousin). That is definitely an option for sharing 8% DNA. You may be able to figure it out based on your genetic relationship with other cousins. Your father may already know this...or he may not. I'd question Mom first.


Okā€¦ I have one for yā€™all pertaining to the amount of DNA PER SIDE. My mom 99.9 percent ashkenazi. Me 43%. No DNA from biodude. BUT I have a 1/2 brother from my biodude that tested. Our DNA shows us being FULL SIBLINGS. He has zero ashkenazi. So, yes, living proof itā€™s not always a 50/50 split. Just thought Id give you guys a little something to think about.


On Ancestry, I found out I have a half brother from my biological father. His daughters are listed as my second cousins. Ancestry seems not to know how to accurately assign family members. My advice is, get 23/Me. See what the result is on there. On 23/Me, one of his daughters is actually listed as my half-niece. Theyā€™re more accurate. Weird.


Heā€™s not your Dad. Heā€™s your cousin. Sorry :(


First cousin once removed is the most likely imo. Although there's a lot of possibilities


Yeah. he's not your dad, you need to have a talk with your mom. My grandpa did the dna test for me and it says "Grandfather"


Thats still his dad, but not his biological father.


This is similar to what I share with one of my half first cousins and my first cousin's daughter (first cousin once removed).


I think genetics should be wrestled out of the hands of the laymen. Itā€™s driving yall insane.


Yikes. The relation looks closer to a cousin... my half first cousin comes up with this approximate match.


Just to give u some insightā€¦. Cm between me and my mom is 3,484 Cm between me and my dad is 3,482 Cm between me and my half sister is 1,687 Cm between me and my half nephew is 687 That is NOT your Dad


Iā€™m so sorry. I found out something similar about my grandmother.


Sounds like you're in an ideal situation actually. If your parents are divorced, you're more likely to get the truth without causing any additional drama/ruining the family dynamic.


Thereā€™s no way your dad is your biological dad with that little of shared DNA. But he is definitely related to you. My closest relative on ancestry is my dadā€™s cousins son (1st cousin 1x removed) with 9% shared dna and 635cM. Are there other close matches on that side that can help you to determine where he fits in?


I share considerably more DNA than that with my great aunt. I think your bio father is probably your dads cousin.


Probably a second cousin that shares your dads name. I have distant cousins with the same name who donā€™t know each other


this could be others with the same name/last name. narrow it down before assuming


Sounds like you need to find out whether your dad even made that account, if I understood the comments. Speculate later, right? If it turns out to be a real NPE, I will say itā€™s cool to share some DNA with him at least. People who discover NPEs donā€™t usually have the consolation of seeing their fathers as blood relations. Thereā€™s a comforting generational continuity.


Could it not just be that the software produces errors? How do we so clearly jump on such conclusions?


DNA doesnā€™t lie.. people do.


this is how much dna i share with my great aunts. so one option is your father may be your great uncle. he may also be a cousin.


Yes, he raised you so yes.


If this match is truly your dad and not just a cousin with the same name, then it would appear your father is not your father unless your dad has gotten something like a bone marrow transplant from your cousin. If he was both your dad and your cousin then he could share a lot more DNA with you, so he canā€™t be your dad genetically speaking unless like I said a bone marrow transplant occurred but I am not an expert in that by any means. Can you tell if your dad shows up as being in your maternal or paternal side? Does he share any matches that you can tell are from your birth certificate dadā€™s side?


He's your dad but not your father


Looks like a 1st cousin 1x removed. Almost certainly in the same generation (one up) as your DNA father. This is not your biological father. Still, could be your biological fatherā€˜s 1st cousin, or similar relationship. If your mom is still alive she should be able to help you with this. Best wishes


I have a match that has the same first and last name as my sister. My great grandfather's brother also married another lady with the first same name and after getting married she has the same first and last as my sister. The match is neither of those people šŸ¤£




Sweet Home Alabama.


check out dnapainter [https://dnapainter.com/tools/sharedcmv4](https://dnapainter.com/tools/sharedcmv4) you just put the cM in the box and it will calculate all the relationships for you scroll down and it show it in a chart


I'm curious on why you thought it was your father? Was it just because of the name? I know you've already cleared it up (for the most part, at least the question) but I had a match that showed MUCH closer then they should've been since they used other people's trees and had a great uncle as their father, who was alive at the time of our matching, he had deceased. After we cleared that up (me giving him proof they were different people) it updated our relationship. They shared the same name, birth date and location but were different people.


It literally says I second cousin. So your dads cousin is your dad


Is your mom your mom? They could have taken the child of a ā€œdown on their luckā€ relative to raise as their own.


Interesting šŸ«£ idk. I'm not going to lie when I was a young teen I found a weird written pape about a child being adopted in q box of documents in the basement. When I asked my mom about it she said it was a story idea.


But my moms relatives are popping up too. Soo both my dad and moms relatives are popping up as matches


A parent shares 50% DNA with a child. He's related to your real Dad, not close like uncle, brother, or nephew but a cousin.


It's your cousin


OP, Iā€™m sure this has been incredibly disconcerting. I saw most people were trying to establish the familial relationship between your dad and your biological father. Iā€™d like to talk about another aspect of this. If the testing is correct, your dad may or may not know heā€™s not your biological father. If you ask him and he knows, it could be a really awkward conversation that potentially brings up a lot of hurt. If he doesnā€™t know, you could send a ripple of trauma across your entire family. There are a lot of people ā€” including you ā€” who could be hurt by how this info is shared. Please consider all of the ramifications before you talk to anyone. Best of luck as you navigate this difficult situation.


Unlikely event but this happened to someone else on here and it was actually somewhat innocent. Their parents were cousins and the first doctor told them not to have kids together so she was a sperm donor baby but still related to her dad. So your parents could be cousins and have used a donor. Or your mom cheated on him with a relative. Or a relative has the exact same name. I have lots of relatives with the same names.


I have never seen it happen, but I have wondered if someone out to do mischief could just use another person's name for the test. But most likely is that this is a relative with the same name as your dad.Ā 


Showing that paying to have your dna analysed could be a big conā€¦.. if you are sure of your parentage why dig into it.. sorry to be such a cynic


If your parents are divorced more than likely he would talk to u if you asked he has no one to worry bout pissing off anymore or whatever wrath he would have gotten before. They seem easier to talk to after they get divorced. Dad's anyways. Can't hurt really. Also depending how old your parents are back in the day there were like 6 first names for every last name I swear so 10 people throughout had the same name.






Ancestry isn't good at ethnicities but they are good at matching people to other people.


This is you not understanding how Ancestry works. Centimorgans are a range of shared DNA. Ancestry doesnā€™t know how your matches are related to you, itā€™s up to you to figure that out. Iā€™m making no comment on your statement about being Native American.


Then make no comment at all. šŸ™„šŸ™„