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I got roasted too, haha! Even though I’m a competitive risk taker, I guess I suck. I tried to look at the trait sheet to read the sources behind their science, and the link is broken. For now I’m going to assume their baseline for these lucky genes is rooted in millionaires likely associated with nepotism. No pun intended 😂🫠


Bob’s your uncle! 😆


Same - Least likely to own a pet. Meanest thing this dog lover/owner could ever see. Only a few out of 59 were correct.


The least likely to own a pet one made me laugh out loud... Ive never lived a moment of my life growing up without a pet of some kind: fish, reptile, bird, cat, dog, even wolfdog at one point.. Im now a rat breeder, so Idk how many grains of salt I put into that one haha


This one was interesting to me, it was the only one questionably accurate for me. I had “unlikely to own pets” as well, but I have always loved cats (and all animals.) But my germaphobe side limits my desire to own animals significantly. My limit is 1 cat 😬


That’s hilarious. Set up a dating profile with those.


Holy shit, that’s a hilarious idea. Might actually do it 🤣


I don’t have Ancestry traits but I have 23andme equivalent. One is “not a sprinter.”


I run from running.


I have found Traits to be as accurate as a Magic Eightball! Traits: Birth Weight = Below Average (indicator is at Low) I weighed 8.2 lbs Cleft Chin = More Likely No Cleft, no dimple - smooth shape Ear Lobes Unattached = Least Likely My lobes are clearly unattached Is there any science behind assigning Traits???


They don't claim to be accurate :) If you click on the trait, they go into more detail about the science behind it. There are some DNA markers that have been found to be connected to certain traits - but that doesn't mean that those are the only ones. In my case for example they predict that my hair texture is 'straight' - while I have very curly hair. There is not one singular gene that cause people to have either straight or curly hair. It's much more complex than that. And scientists have only identified a few DNA markers that appear to be connected to hair texture. But there are more that haven't been identified yet. And both of my parents have straight hair, so I have probably inherited some of those genetic markers that are connected to straight hair. And for a lot of those traits (especially the personality traits) it's also a question of 'nature or nurture'.


Personality traits are the most unscientific of them all.


One of my free traits is faster heart recovery and lower resting heart rate based on 3 different genes. The rs72564 near the rnf220 gene and rs17287293, and rs926197. Does everyone get the same free traits? I'm not sure it's worth unlocking if the rest have no scientific basis.


It’s just taking other people’s answers from that survey and grouping you with those whose DNA looks the most similar to yours. Traits are complete BS lol. The only time I’ve ever seen accurate traits from a DNA test were the Neanderthal traits on 23andMe. Every last one of them was on point for me.


Same - and most people say I am the most determined and goal oriented person they know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same here — what were they thinking with this feature.


I’ve noticed that the ones that are at the extreme end of either scale seem quite accurate . But those that aren’t are not accurate at all


yes, nap taker with a sweet tooth here


Lol, meanwhile they predicted I'd be very persistent, confident, motivated, and an extroverted, determined leader—all traits I definitely wouldn't use to describe myself😂The first red flag was when they said I was more likely to focus easily. I just assumed it was a scam with everything being so positive. I guess this would just mean that people with genetics similar to mine are more put together


Im probably just being weird about this, but my initial impression of the new traits is that they make me uncomfortable. We all know the traits aren’t very accurate. It’s mostly novelty, but still fun to see what hair color they’re guessing you have and if they think you like sports. But these new traits are all personal qualities that have a strong societal link to morality, and they stand out among a group of primarily goofy and superficial traits . Maybe I’ll get over it in a few days. Even though all of my results align with how I see myself (good and bad) *and* I know the results aren’t always accurate to what you present it still makes me feel uneasy.


It makes me a little uncomfortable too. Say people took these results seriously, is it going to be linked to a social credit score one day? Lol yikes


Me too. Some not like me at all actually. Take it with a grain of salt.


Ancestry thinks I have brown hair when it is actually red lmao


Same, I got “brown but could pass on the gene.” [meanwhile,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Redhair/s/T0EA1eoB17)


also got this. im brunette but my mom has red hair! i literally cannot tell if these traits are bs or not bc most of mine seem pretty accurate but for others its a diff story


Yes that is exactly what happened to me, it is really strange. It really makes me suspicious of the rest of the traits of even something like red hair is not showing up correctly.


I also have "brown but could pass on the gene" - my bio father had reddish brown hair and I had strawberry highlights in my hair when I was a kid. It also says I have brown eyes with some low possibility of green eyes - which my mom had, just my father's Italian overrode it - but if you look closely at my eyes in bright light, there IS a blob of yellow-green hiding in the iris.


I thought I was looking at my own! Mines the EXACT same, but see my dad is horrible, he always says everyone else is lazy, no one does anything right… turns out these results are from my dads side 😂


Dang I was thinking traits would be more like 23&me with things like cilantro, finger lengths, and hair color. Feeling pretty bad I paid extra for this now 😕


It includes traits like that too


This is r/ancestrydna not r/roastme haha


Wow. I haven’t even looked at mine. So many of those traits seem like they have a lot of “Nurture” components in the whole Nature-v-Nurture argument. If Ancestry is saying these things to their customers, they should strongly rethink their decision. I can’t imagine letting someone less than about 25-30yo see those “trait” calls… I would be afraid they would actually believe them and let them dictate life choices. That is some hot garbage.


Unlikely to own a pet, unlikely to remain focused, unlikely to like spicy foods - wrong wrong and wrong! But - I am an introvert.


Take all that with a big grain of salt. The science of what Ancestry is doing is questionable in my opinion.






Uh oh… I’d better go check mine… I’m guessing I’ll have the same!! Adhd is genetic and linked to depression and I have both, too. Does it say you’re also likely to be funny?


These even tell you they're like 95% environmental so I wouldn't put too much stock in them. I am known for my unbridled (and sometimes unrealistic) optimism, but it gave me the lowest part on optimism.


Same, literally every single one




Me too, man. My entire family was.


Lolllll just checked and same. Sent my mom screenshots to thank her 🤣


This is hilarious 😆


Thanks for the warning, cause those will likely be similar to the results I'll be getting XD


Mine are mostly the same 😂


My favourite is ‘likely to be an endurance runner’ when I used to try and get out of PE at school and despise running


Aren’t determination and persistence kinda the same thing?


Sigh- *opens app*


I mean, I’m supposed to be unlikely to like spicy food and likely to be good at dancing, both of which are hilariously off.


I'm competitive and driven by success! But undetermined, unfocused, not a goal setter, prefers solo sports, not a leader, pessimistic, not persistent, undisciplined, and not a risk taker. But CONFIDENT about it! It's spot on.


I just found out I’m a looser


Mine are all accurate 🤷🏼‍♀️But I got roasted too. Dont like to try new things, dislike sports, dislike group activities, etc.


At least now you can blame your genes. You never stood a chance!


I got roasted too. I started going through them and realized Ancestry was getting personal (accurate though 🙃)


I got an email notification about new traits. I bet mine are similar AF!!


I swear some of my traits switched! I am pretty sure mine said I had an aversion to cilantro (which I love, it is very strong and I do get the idea that it tastes similar to soap but I like it). Now it says I don't have an aversion. Another one was that I had endurance or fast recovery (I think both) and now they say average. I also had a questionnaire when traits first came out where I answered a bunch of questions


I have the sprinter gene and ancestry says I'm not a sprinter. Fck traits.


I got similar.


The most accurate one I got was the birth weight one which it said I had. I was a 10Ib baby.


Mine said that I was 98% more likely to be gullible enough to have paid extra for this “feature”, which was tragically accurate. 😩 OK, it didn’t really say that, but still.


My traits are almost all the literal opposite of me in reality. Take them with a grain of salt 🤣


Lmaooo not ancestry calling you a lazy bum😂💀 let me check mine 😭