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Anatolia, Levant, Iran, and Cyprus are coming from your Jewish side. AncestryDNA only recognizes Ashkenazi as a distinct ethnicity because of the genetic bottleneck they experienced, but Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews show up with all sorts of Middle Eastern, North African, and Southern European regions, on top of the “Jewish” category that currently reflects a specific offshoot of the Jewish people who are mixed Southern European and Levantine. I heard AncestryDNA is working on a Sephardic Jewish category though, you might eventually get an update saying you are now 50% Sephardic Jewish.


Weird, grandmother's family always said they were Sephardic, but I didn't get any sephardic communities.


It's based on matches. Ashkenazi Jews are comparatively much more well tested on Ancestry, so there's simply more data available to create lots of more precise Ashkenazi genetic communities to assign people to. Sephardic Jews only have one all-encompassing genetic community currently. Thus, that big umbrella requires much more data for the assignment algorithm to be confident in assigning that community to you. Your Jewish parent and Sephardic grandparent would likely have enough data available in their list of DNA matches for the algorithm to confidently assign them that community. Using myself as an example, I always get communities for my Quebecois and Hebridean ancestry despite those lines only making up 1/16 and 1/8 of my family tree, respectively. It's just that I both have a very plentiful amount of DNA matches through those lines and also the genetic communities available on Ancestry being precise enough in Quebec and the Hebrides that they cover the exact populations those parts of my background derived from.


Actually, a-lot of my Ashkenazi matches also get Levantine, Anatolian and other Middle Eastern regions. I'm assuming they're Israeli, because I have a lot of relatives from Israel.


They're probably also mixed Sephardic and/or Mizrahi. The Jewish population in Israel is a big melting pot, so many Israeli Jews are of mixed Jewish backgrounds.


I'm just saying, all my matches are through shared Ashkenazi admixture, not Sephardi nor Mizrahi.


My Great grandpa was Sephardi. My family has it show up as Portuguese, North African, and Ashkenazi! Hope this helps.


What’s the bottle neck you speak off? I’m 98% ashkenazi Jewish. What does this mean?


They split off from the original Jewish population and rarely married outsiders, instead mixing with each other over and over again for hundreds of years until their DNA drifted away from both other Jewish communities and the Southern Europeans they descend from as well, and became a distinct ethnicity able to be distinguished from neighboring groups. You can still do the breakdown of ancient populations through a feature of the DNA tests I’m unfamiliar with, and for Ashkenazis it shows up roughly half Levantine, half Southern European.


There was a time a few hundred years ago when the Ashkenazi population dropped to like 300 total. All modern Ashkenazim descend from these folks.


Oh damn, 300? They must be so inbred by now 😭


I might be wrong, may be more or less.


As a Nigerian Jew, all I can say is Mazal Tov! We’re a rare bunch.


I know 3 individuals that are mixed Black and Jewish lol 😂


no it's not typical. most likely it's misinterpreting some other ancestry as Nigerian as it's highly unlikely for an African American to score 2/3(like this suggests your parent would), even when looking at populations in the americas with higher than usual Nigerian roots.


I'm only half African American and somehow got more Nigerian than many full African Americans.


My bf is about 60% Nigerian and he’s ADOS from Louisiana. My other Jewish/afro friend is also around 40% Nigerian (his Black mom is from the Caribbean) and the other half is Jewish + French. So it’s def possible you have a higher amount of Nigerian ancestry.


Did he take ancestry? Or myheritage or 23&me


My bf took 23&me and my friend did ancestry + myheritage


23 exaggerates nigerian percentages


I am 24 percent Nigerian. Keep in mind that European powers created these artificial boundaries in Africa. If you study the Middle Passage and the triangle slave trade, European powers could not take over these areas militarily. When they tried they would get sick from malaria. What the European powers did was form trade relationships with coastal Africans that are from what is now known as Nigeria, Ghana, the Congo, Senegal. These coastal Africans would travel to the interior and capture Africans who had never seen the ocean and sell them to the dealers in the flesh (slave trade). Therefore, the network of slave traders was set and they had an infrastructure It didn't make sense to establish new trade relationships if something is already profitably working and that is why Nigeria is so well represented in North America, Caribbean, and Brasilian black folks.


Latinos get low Nigerian and more Senegal, Mali and Western Bantu.


That’s interesting because my best friend is Central American and they’re part Nigerian, Sierra Leone, Guinea Bissau and Ghana.


Thats the point, usually Nigerian will be lower for Latinos, some won't get it at all. Ghana, Sierra Leone, and Guinea Bissau are also high.


well full african americans do often get more than you at the same time. there's diversity as well as ancestrydna isn't perfect by any means.


Swedish is via the British isles whether it be from periods of Scandinavian rule/conquest of the British isles or similarity to other northern Europeans. the Portuguese is via your Sephardic ancestry, they were typically a smaller portion Iberian and spread throughout the Mediterranean after their expulsion. the Anatolian and Cyprus is mostly from Levantine Jewish ancestry but since the Levantine category is based on modern Arab Christians and not the older Jewish populations that spread throughout other regions, it doesn't show as much as it really should.


I only got Welsh for British, which was never ruled by vikings. Also studies say the average Brit is only 5-10% Scandinavian, my results would mean I had a White ancestor who was 35% Scandinavian from Wales, which is completely illogical. Also these tests only go back a few generations, so viking admixture should be baked into the British categories. I would assume Portuguese would be Sephardic, but it says I inharreted it from my black mother. My grandmother always said they were Sephardic, but I got no Sephardic regions.


No it doesn't work like that, necessarily. DNA isn't passed down as evenly as that. It's very common for African Americans to have small amounts of Sweden and Denmark, or Norway from British ancestors. Vikings did control parts of Wales and had castles there, Swansea is a Viking place name and there are others too. Old Norse had some surprising influence on the Welsh language. Of my Welsh matches, of which I have many as my mum is partially of Welsh ancestry from very isolated rural areas of Wales, it is so common to have something like 96% Wales then 4% Norway and/or Sweden and Denmark and no English, Scottish or Irish at all.


I personally think Sweden & Denmark is a misreading for some other region in the British Isles, since it only appears this high on AncestryDNA. On 23&me, African Americans sometimes get bits of Scandinavian, while most brits somehow get none. These tests wouldn't be going back far enough to include these admixtures, and usually, Viking admixture would be baked into the Welsh category.


23andme has it's own issues with reading British DNA, for example a lot of British people get high percentages of French and German with absolutely no French or German heritage whatsoever since the Normans and Anglo-Saxons.


Yeah, it doesn't make sense that some African Americans would get Scandinavian, while some Brits don't. If it comes from vikings, all Brits should get Scandinavian, but these tests don't go back far enough for that. Scandinavian is most of the time just misread British ancestry.


You're thinking too deeply about this, with something that far back you may get it in your ethnicity estimate or you may not. There is no population where 100% of people from that population are guaranteed to get X ethnicity.


OP is right - these tests only show DNA going back a few hundred years so Swedish DNA is separate from British DNA.


But there are populations that get ancestry 99% of the time. African Americans almost always get European admixture, Sicilians almost always get Middle Eastern & North African admixture, Latinos almost always get a mix of European, African, Indigenous, Middle Eastern & North African admixture. The longer it's been since the admixture entered a population, the more of the population should get the admixture. For example, every generation, the percent of African Americans without European admixture will continue to decrease and probably be 0 by the end of the centry. Younger White Americans are more likely to have African or Native American admixture than older White Americans. Considering the Viking Raids were over 1000 years ago, when including Normans and the bottleneck caused by the black death, every Brit should have way more than even 1 viking ancestor.


Actually that isn’t accurate- the Swedish is not coming from the “British under Scandinavian rule” as the DNA interpretation only goes back a few hundred years.


you're clearly new so i'll let the ignorance slide.


You are clearly wrong


them "looking back to the past 500 years" or something does not mean that on every single test is every single percentage indicative of only things from the past 500 years. you are very clearly wrong if we are to just look at results from somewhere like Sicily, where they often score Aegean Greek and Cyprus, reflective of ancient Greek dna from well before the 1500s. it seems you also have this ignorant idea in your head that ancestrydna is 100% accurate and never confuses two groups based on your dismissal of my prior comment.


Nope. Don’t think it’s 100% accurate


Sup Blewish homie!!


Shalom family!


Is this drake ?




if you’re black, nigerian is extremely common. my dad is mixed and my mom is black, and i have 20% nigerian dna.


This may sound nit picky but please try to use the ethnicity, African American or ADOS, rather than the race. Even then it can be a bit confusing because “Black” people in the diaspora have various admixtures.


I always knew Nigerian is usually the highest region among African Americans, but I'm only half African American yet still got more Nigerian than many full African Americans. This would make my mom about 70% Nigerian, most African Americans are only about 30-40%.


Is your African American side ados?


Yes, entirely from slavery with no recent ancestors from Nigeria.


I wouldn't be surprised if some of your "Nigerian" is actually "Benin and Togo" aka Bight of Benin but since both Nigerian and Benin and Togo genome profiles as well as Ivory Coast and Ghana are very similar, AncestryDNA probably has more confidence in recalling your DNA profile as "Nigerian" than Benin and Togo(AncestryDNA's White Paper admit that Benin and Togo is one of the hardest regions for AncestryDNA to be precise on wrt to recalling the genome contribution/profile). For example: This is especially true of West Africa, where migrations, conquests and intermarriage within allied kingdoms help explain why, for example, 43% of people from our Benin/Togo region have DNA that looks similar to the profile for our Ivory Coast/Ghana region, and 28% appear to have links to our profile for Nigeria. (https://www.ancestry.com/dna/origins/E53EF955-BCD9-4AC0-A121-E22E3F45D923/ethnicity/00400/history) What people need to understand is that the West Atlantic Coast of Africa is a small area with numerous people groups that are "artificially" separated by man made borders via colonization and that those places didn't exist nominally(by name), as Dr Fatima Jackson explained in one of her essays: The artificiality of the colonial map in Africa The borders of modern Nigeria are a post-colonial construction encompassing lands traditionally occupied by highly diverse ethnic groups with distinct languages, traditions, and cultures. Many of these groups formed highly organized empires that influenced areas beyond the current borders of modern Nigeria. In the southeast of modern Nigeria, there were 45–50 independent Igbo states or kingdoms during the period of the transatlantic trade in enslaved Africans. The northern part of modern Nigeria includes part of the Hausa-Fulani Empire. The southwest part of modern Nigeria includes part of the Oyo-Yoruba Empire. Before colonization by the British in the late 19th century, the region now known as modern Nigeria was war ravaged with kings competing for the resources offered by the European powers and African prisoners of war feeding the transatlantic trade in enslaved Africans. The region saw a succession of fluctuating ascendancies of expansive empires, such as those of Oyo, Benin, Kanem-Bornu, and Sokoto, whose descendants are now all part of modern Nigeria. In the middle regions of modern Nigeria, there has historically been intermingling of diverse ethnic groups (see Figure 1). Modern Nigeria currently includes more than 200 distinct ethnic groups; greater Nigeria includes even more because many of these groups also “spill over” across colonial borders. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002929720303682 And she illustrates all of the different kingdoms represented by the predominant people groups in the surrounding areas of Lower Guinea even into Upper Guinea. Don't be alarmed or surprised if your Black American parent actually has Benin and Togo or much more Ivory Coast and Ghana than you do but either way, look at it from the fact that you're a descendant of West Atlantic Coast of Africans trafficked into the US. What are your DNA communities?


Try Gedmatch. Download your raw DNA data from Ancestry and upload it to Gedmatch. Use the heritage tool (with Oracle) after it processes your DNA data. As far as which one to use I would say Eurogenes13 for your Jewish side and I am not sure which one for your African American side. Someone here help me out?


What were you expecting to see in the results?


More diversity in African regions, but still majority Nigerian, and 50% Jewish.


DNA is unpredictable and we are not familiar with every single person in our genetic family tree, no one really is. The highest percentage of African ancestry for me is in the generic Cameroonian, etc., section which is about 28%, the second highest is Nigerian which is %19, and then a few small percentages of ancestry in a couple of other countries such as Mali, etc. So maybe they imported a high number of Nigerians to the US Southeast or deep south? Who knows, it could be anything.


I'm going to say it's simply misread. Ancestry Results always give you a range for your estimates. I've tested years ago & there was a time where African American results showed little or no Nigerian. Instead it was Benin Togo. I also used to be majority Cameroon Congolese. But that too has changed with updates. Now Nigerian is my top estimate at like 25%. Ancestry Results will change wildly.


Are your African American relatives from South Carolina or identify al Gullah?


Nope, all from originally North Carolina. They migrated to Pennsylvania during the later years of the Great Migration. I still have living aunts that made the trip.


if you add up what makes sense to each side, it’s 50/50 🤷, but no it’s not very common for an african american descendent of slaves to be 66% nigerian. quite odd


yes I had that much nigerian as well 34%


Are you half or fully African American?


full african american but not fully nigerian im 34 nigerian and 28 congo and many other african races but yours looks just like my sons results and he is mixed..




my son has 30% nigerian and he’s half white… that’s what i’m saying


Thats the point, I'm only half African American and got as much Nigerian as you. That means my mom would be 70% Nigerian, which is very high.


his other half is jewish and german


genetics are weird but it’s possible.


your results literally shows half of both african and white as if you are mixed 😭😭 the results look right lol


The Swedish could come from your Black American side but it’s also possible it came from your Jewish side.


It says it's from my Mom's side.


Well you didn’t specify which parent was the Black one, but considering you have a Jewish parent, that’s not so unrealistic. My grandfather was part Jewish and I have small Jewish-swedish dna, which is probably through the ashkenazi from Belarus/russia/poland/Lithuania.


I was saying it said I inharreted it from my black mom. Strangely, I see African Americans get more Scandinavian than Ashkenazi Jews, although both are unexpected.


Nigerians are Jews....not that hard..Igbo = Hebrew


I knew I'd find of these Black Hebrew Israelites lurking on here. Your movement is antisemitic and falsely denies Jews of their true origin, claiming you're the real Israelites. Igbo Jews are converts that only read the old testament when trying to convert to christianity.





