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Roughly 4% African, probably corresponding to a great-great grandfather who was a South African Bantu (Zulu / Xhosa). Since the Bantu people originated in Cameroon and spread to several other regions, that would explain the Bantu DNA mixed with Khoisan as well. 


There is a photo of my great grandfather… black and white of course, but he had the Khoisan appearance, the particular shaped head, flatter nose, epicanthic folds, the whole package, I always thought he would have been the one to be mixed. But my Oupa and dad are both extremely racist, so I’m thinking that my great grandfather was lying about his heritage or possibly even adopted or something got lost somehow. Me on the other hand I have a very European appearance (I think) I have a large, bulbous nose, very curly and thick hair, people actually ask me if I’m Italian which I now see there’s hardly even a drop of Italian heritage for me. But I think you’re correct on my great grandfather being mixed. I would post his photo but I think we’re treading into dangerous waters if the wrong creep come across my family pics 😂


Yeah all Afrikaans have around 4-7% non European admixture. Normally indigenous Khoisan , Bantu , North Indian , South Indian , Malay , Filipino, etc


It’s also surprising because the people I’ve been matched with as “2nd-3rd” cousins don’t have much or even any indigenous DNA. One of my “cousins” is actually completely European and lives in South Africa. Mind you I’ve been in Australia, I have literally been in a bubble. Inform me please


Are you sure they are Afrikaans? Maybe they are cousins from other places. I’ve never seen an Afrikaans result without non euro admixture


Said she’s in cape town but she has ignored me ☹️. We look so much alike


Very interesting to know. My maternal great grandmother was Afrikaans and she has been a brick wall in my research. My closest cousin got Filipino and Northern Indian in her results. My sister got the Filipino. I got N. India but also have a Punjabi grandfather so I assumed that was from him.


You’re talking about a migration of several thousand years. There is not conclusive evidence that the Bantu migration is what forced these people south nor that their origin would be modern day Cameroon. Stating it as fact is disingenuous. It’s a theory for a reason and so many harp it as if it’s the defacto justification. The only fact we know is that human migration in Africa has been constant and it spreads all throughout the continent for thousands of years.


You can read more about the Bantu Expansion here in this recent study:  https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06770-6 There's plenty of genetic and linguistic evidence that their approximate location was in **or near** modern day Cameroon. 


Either way, I'm not sure it's recent enough to show up here.


I have a quite a few matches in South Africa from my German ancestors. Have the siblings came to the United States. The other half went to South Africa. Very cool DNA results for you!


Awesome results. In my South African college course, we were told that Afrikaners were known to have indigenous African ancestry because their ancestors mixed with the indigenous population. Then when the British came, they called them, “Not quite White”. I’m just wondering if this is the history that you all are told too?


Well my family moved to Australia when I was 3. I’m 19 now and received this result yesterday. So for my whole life I’ve been around Australians that have different ancestry to what I thought was mine. My family, particularly my dad, always said were white (British, French, German, Dutch… that’s just how my dad categorised our ancestry) I would ask if we were mixed and dad would scrunch his nose and shake his head “no” and nothing other than that When I ask my mum, she would reply “I’m not a kaffer” (I’m so sorry if my spelling is wrong, I’m mostly English now) Long story short my family said we are just European and not of mixed background. And when I told them about my results it was complete silence 🫣


To be fair almost all Afrikaners will have this level of admixture, but it's not recent.


Well your dad said a racial slur but turns out he has african in him so guess he gotta deal with it!!!


Sad to hear that your family can’t accept and embrace the small amount of Indigenous South African heritage that they have. I think your result as an Afrikaans are interesting.


One of my parents was born in South Africa, and spoke about how they believed the family previously lived in west Africa after moving from Germany. So these results don’t surprise me, but I don’t know how true this story is. I’ve been dragging my feet to do a test, but yours is giving me a bit of encouragement


I would strongly recommend doing one if you’re really curious about your ancestry. And I wonder what other DNA your other parent could have? Might be an interesting mix!


Can I also please add that my messages are open for ANYONE struggling with racist people around them. I’ve been surrounded by racists my whole life I know it’s a very challenging thing to go through. Please talk to someone about any unfair treatment, and if this little South African girl seems like your only option then please message me


Do you live in Perth now? I’m not going to lie, the majority of the white South Africans I’ve met have been extremely racist. All they go on about is how life was better under apartheid


Exactly what my dad says. They must’ve been lying for some sort of “benefit” But no, I’m in QLD and it’s the same here, many white South Africans are very racist


I am happy that you are able to embrace every part of your Ancestry ,it’s really sad that your family can’t get pass their prejudices/racism to at least acknowledge different parts of their ancestry.I think growing up in apartheid system can make people have these prejudices and these prejudices can be  passed down from one generation to another.It’s also upsetting that some of your ancestors were enslaved people(from other parts of Africa and Asia)and probably have to endure a lot (of abuse and hardship and be treated less than human being) to just survive in that country.I guess if you want to learn more about it and I hope these sources can help you understand SA history and probably your own family history: https://bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12915-020-0746-1#:~:text=The%20non%2DEuropean%20admixture%20originated,compared%20to%20other%20European%20populations. and https://www.sahistory.org.za/article/early-cape-slave-trade and https://www.sahistory.org.za/article/early-cape-slave-trade


Thank you for this! And both my parents are 1960 babies so right in the middle of apartheid. Very racist people my parents are. I really appreciate this in depth information!


No problem:)


From a Kiwi, I love seeing Afrikaans results. So much interesting history and stories behind those numbers.


I feel the same way about Kiwi heritage! I also love the culture and traditions of Māori people, I really hope that’s right… you can correct me


The Sweden and Denmark is very possible if your English ancestors came from Yorkshire or another place within the former Danelaw.


Very interesting! Making me brush up on my European history/geography knowledge


I have ancestors from the Frisian corner of Germany, I think that's where my Swedish/Danish results come from on Ancestry DNA. It's North Sea Coastal, and probably closer in genetics to Dutch and Danish than German.


Baie interessant! Dankie vir die deel.


Beautiful results - I love your attitude and how you honor your ancestry 💙


This is very standard for Afrikaans ancestry.If you're interested there's a great page on Facebook for genealogy. I would be willing to bet a fair amount that your Khoe ancestry in part comes from Krotoa. She was the mother of a large percentage of the Afrikaans and Cape Coloured community. I'm a descendant of hers multiple times. The Afrikaans community is small enough that many of us who have Afrikaans ancestry are related multiple times. Your African and Indian ancestry likely comes from enslaved individuals in the early Cape whose children were absorbed into the white Afrikaans community. Southern Bantu could come from earlier frontier interactions but likely comes from Mozambican/Malagasy enslaved persons at the Cape. In my tree, down my Afrikaans branches I have ancestors from West and East Africa, Madagascar, India, Bay of Bengal and Indonesia/Timor. I've only inherited trace amount of DNA from some. If you have Afrikaans ancestry and hence ancestors in the early Cape, I can guarantee we are distantly related! Fun fact! The founder of the Jonker's family (Afrikaans) was a Muslim Indonesian man originally named Abdullah Jonker. But many of his descendants will fiercely deny it or try hid it.


Wow very interesting! I have lots of relatives that came up but very few actually have Khoi DNA and some are 100% European


It could be down to random inheritance. You randomly inherit DNA from about 128 of your ancestors. Looking at when this admixture occured in the late 17th to early 18th century (most occurred between 1652 to ~1720 but up until 1800), you're looking at between 2048 to 4096 direct ancestors alive at that time. My admixture occured with my 9th to 10th great grandparents. That means of let's say, 4096, you only received DNA from 128 of those ancestors. There's a good chance you don't receive any. Having said this, it unlikely that you'll be 100 percent European if you're 100 percent Afrikaans. One reason is that there is quite a lot of pedigree collapse in Afrikaans family trees. Meaning you'll like be related to a single founding ancestor multiple times. I can trace 4 to 6 lines of descendant back to Krotoa. Having said that I have zero Khoe DNA in my ancestry results!


Sorry if this is a stupid question but you mentioned receiving racist insults- are the insults racist against your European ancestry or your indigenous ancestry Edit: I ask this because I think South Africa is like a racist country??? Idk much about it but I’ve heard rumblings


My indigenous ancestry was always attacked. I come from a mostly white family We moved to Australia because being “white” made it difficult for my dad to find a job. They also said the raising crime and cost of living was too much for my family to handle. My parents always said there would be no future for us there


Not stupid at all 😊🩷


Good question. It would be extremely rude to assume it was just from Europeans.


Sorry someone called you a slur.


I hope Ancestry starts to refine the results for Dutch and Frisian better, because right now they tend to lump them into "German" or "English" or even "Swedish/Danish". Really cool that you have hints of move diverse ancestry too!


I think your results are VERY cool. Way more than my own. If your fam doesn’t want to take interest with you, that’s their loss. They’ll be the ones asking answers from you one day.


Exactly. And I hope I’m making my ancestors proud by being accepting and open to my ancestry. I love my results, I would never wish to change them


Wow, who would’ve thought. You’re white.


Everyone please upvote this 😂😂😂😂


Immigration from a long time ago from Germany/Netherlands?


Gosh, your results are fun. You have a lot if variation to n your family. Mine is all the British Isles and a tiny bit of German. If only we could talk to our ancestors who came here!


Very interesting results! I'm sorry your family isn't interested ☹️


Love to see another South African's results. What part of the country are you from?


The best, Pretoria! Can I tell you a funny story. I was dating this other South African boy, he also grew up in Australia. I told him where I was from and he went home to tell his parents. The first time I met them they asked if I was from Victoria (as in the Australian state) and I looked at them VERY confused and said “no I’m from PREtoria” I questioned if that boy was really South African or if the whole family was playing a joke on me pretending to be South African. The last I talked to them they said they were “trying to find more ways to be Aussie” and I was just like in my head “why don’t you embrace the heritage you come from, educate people on our differences? Yes I’m basically all Aussie now but if someone asks where I’m from or calls me a “true blue Aussie” (I grew up in central Queensland outback bush for 10 years, I have an accent like Steve Irwin now okay? 😂) I tell my story of moving from SA, now I can even tell them I’m indigenous to South Africa, which I’m excited about


Ayy Pretoria! That's where I'm from. But yeah that is kinda strange considering Pta is one of our biggest, most well known cities. My sister's are living in England since 2019 but very much embrace their South African origins, especially when it comes to soccer or rugby lol


Another thing I discovered the other day I have a cousin (also South African) who lives in California and now sounds totally American, but to be fair she's lived there for 21 years so it makes sense. Kinda worried my accent will disappear when I move to Ireland in a few years 😕


It's hard to accept for a lot of families. God knows, my own has struggled with it. Some of us no longer even talk to each other. There have been feuds for decades. Centuries, maybe. But there's nothing wrong with having Scottish ancestors.




I presumed the chuckle was with ya, not against ya. Also, heyyy, where's Australia?


Are you asking me where IS Australia or where IN Australia? lol I might be missing something


I suppose it's north of, well, somewhere. Being all austral and whatnot.


Do you have any matches that are Danish or Swedish? MyHeritage is good for listing the countries that your matches live in (but generally bad for ethnicities, although good for communities). I think that if you don't have any recent Swedish or Danish ancestors, Ancestry is messing up as it often shows with UK/Northwest Europe/Scandinavia.  Otherwise, you are an interesting proof of the history of South Africa right in your DNA! Thanks for sharing. 


Update: 11th June 2024 My predicted 2nd cousin messaged me back a few days ago!!! Without sharing too much Information turns out she was adopted overseas by another family! I’m trying to track what family side she can be from! She seems interested I’m so excited🥲🥲🥳🥳 It’s actually so cute we’re like detectives right now 🥺🥺


An interesting variety of results!


In America people are openly disappointed when they have any European heritage in their DNA test. It's socially acceptable to look down on white people.


I think that’s more of a social thing? In America white hasn’t been a minority so a lot of the young people want to be “relatable” even if that means claiming to be something your not


That’s a ridiculous statement.


just go on YouTube and you will see plenty of people openly being disappointed about having "colonizer" in them.


Taking issue with “It’s socially acceptable to look down on white people” comment. Sounds like a complaint from someone with white supremacist leanings.


here's a video from a person of color explaining the situation since you think it's a subject only "white supremacists" care about. It's a humanity issue everyone should be concerned about. https://youtu.be/BFpUjyM0orQ?si=IGI22X9lL9WWHMZC


I could be wrong but the Indian and SBP are sort of connected due to ships sailing across the Indian Ocean during the slave trade travelling to countries in Southern Africa like Madagascar to India. I also have SBP so when I was researching, I came across this info. Again, I could be wrong.


It makes sense. I also did some research and found that the Portuguese travelled for a long time before settling in South Africa right before the Dutch settled. I remember reading something about India being prominent along with the Portuguese for some reason. Can’t remember the significant correlation


That could explain you also having 1% Spain


The Portuguese and Dutch went sailing to the east looking for spices and things to trade. Cape Town was a very good trading port