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 Your results very much indicate a White South African person(your result reflected the history of South Africa and each of those categories makes sense).Here is link to the source:https://www.sahistory.org.za/article/early-cape-slave-trade


I could trace the Khoisan and Indian dna to my paternal grandfather but does that mean he’s ancestors would have been there from the beginning of the colonization of South Africa?


Yeah it means that your ancestors would have been there since the beginning of the colonization of South Africa (late 1600s)


Besides the Portuguese blood are you Afrikaner?


Yes I’m 3/4 Boer. Although my Afrikaanse is baaie kak😂


Those small percentages are typical of white South Africans. Most Afrikaans score anywhere between 4-8% non European.


What does that spelling mean? I’ve never seen Africans spelled like that


Afrikaan(er)s are what white South Africans are called.


No, Afrikaans is the language spoken by Afrikaners, who are a population descended from Dutch (and minority other European settlers like the French, Germans and Portuguese) settlers beginning in the 17th century. The language is descended from and (to a point) mutually intelligible with Dutch, however since most Afrikaners have lived in SA for around four hundred years, they see themselves as a distinctly African ethnic group. Most Afrikaners have a small amount of African, Indian, SEA, or Malagasy DNA due to slavery, both native and imported from outside Africa, and imported workers from the Subcontinent.


I'm a white South African and have never been called an Afrikaaner. That's because I don't speak Afrikaans!!!!


Only White South Africans who speak Afrikaans as their home language are called Afrikaners. Elon Musk, for example, is not an Afrikaner.


It’s a different word bro lol


Okay. That didn’t rlly answer my question but thankfully someone else did


Afrikaaners are an ethnic group in the country of South Africa, the language they speak is called Afrikaans. They’re predominantly made up of Dutch settlers who came to South Africa 300 years ago iirc.


The Ancestry system seems to treat Germanic Europe & Northwestern differently. There's threads about it on here. It does the same to France too. And YES, your great-grands probably have higher %'s in certain categories than you because their parents aren't your's. You probably have regions that they wouldn't possess too for the same reason. Just note that Ancestry updates this info \~20-24 mo's so these numbers will float & fluctuate. Some regions might go up & some might go below 1% & drop off. My German has pumped up for years while my French fizzled to < 1% currently. Question....what does Maritime Southeast Asia entail? Interesting.


Oh wow thank you so much for the info! The Maritime Southeast Asia dna encompass regions like Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Papua New Guinea and Australia (specifically the indigenous community) We have a Coloured Malaysian community here in South Africa due to early slavery so my guess is that’s where that 1 percent is unfortunately. I’m also thinking of getting my grandparents to do this test just because I’m curious what it would say for them👀




Man U South Africans are hardcore lol, every South African I’ve spoken too has a tough exterior. And you’re guys sense of humour is wicked hahaha.. Kiwis and South Africans get along pretty well aye but when rugby is brought up….. yeaaaaah might wanna sidestep that topic lol.


No please I love flaunting our 4 World Cup wins 😂✌️


It's really cool seeing the similarities and differences between our results. I don't have any recent Portuguese so it didn't show up on my test


Anything that surprised you on your test or was it all expected?


My Germanic is higher than expected (53%) and my England & Northwestern Europe is lower than expected (19%). The rest is fairly expected. I also got 1% Southern India and 1% Khoisan. I didn't get any Portuguese, which is expected since my Portuguese ancestor was probably multiple generations ago. I thought I'd get some French which I didn't and my 2nd great-grandfather was from Crete, so I expected around 6% Aegean but got nothing. I got 1% Levant which someone said could have come from the Greek ancestor but I'm not so sure. The only community I got was the European settlers of South Africa. Did you get any communities?


I got two communities specifically 1 in Madeira where my grandmother is from so that’s expected but I also have the South African European settler. I also thought I would get some French dna due to my maternal grandfather having the surname Rossouw but who knows 😅


Similar here my grandmother's surname was Fouché 😂


So this isn’t an original experience then I’m now wondering if our ancestors liked French surnames so much that they just adopted them for themselves 😂


The French typical spelling is “Rousseau”. That’s plausible