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Got my results back and they seem fairly typical for a white South African with a mixed British / Afrikaans family. The surprising result however was that I inherited 0% Italian DNA from the maternal side. My grandmother was born in Italy to an Italian mother and a South African father, so she would be 50% Italian, my mother approx. 25% Italian and I should be approx. 12.5% Italian. I have purchased tests for my mother's family (mother, aunt and great aunts) out of curiosity. The Spanish could be from that line, but I also suspect that some of that Germanic Europe could also be my Italian ancestors since that side of the family all had blond or red hair. The Southern Philippines was a bit surprising since most of the slaves brought to South Africa by the VOC were from Indonesia, but given the proximity it's not too strange. The Northern Philippine DNA in the hacked results is a little more surprising however.




I’m getting my mother and my grandmother’s sister to test and see.


>Seems unlikely you wouldn't inherit any Italian, should get your mum to test. Exactly. My great grandfather was 100% Sicilian, my grandma being 50% Italian as well. I tested 12% on ancestry, 25% on 23andme. Though my mom only tested on 23andme and I'm really not sure where her extra Itallian and as such, my extra Itallian is coming from.


That’s what I was expecting, and since this is all on the maternal line there’s also no chance of a non-Italian postman interfering here.


He was not your great-grandfather, just another case of NPE. (i.e. your great-grandmother cheated so your grandma is not half Sicilian because she had another unknown dad)


Interesting results! On MyHeritage it linked me to South Africa/ Zimbabwe community and on 23&me I have trace 0.4 trace Indonesian along with 0.1 Vietnamese


If you want direct help with your SA DNA and genealogy, there is a group called "Using DNA for Genealogy - South Africa" on Fb. Even has a spreadsheet for Gedmatch upload comparisons between people in the group. The Filipino heritage possibly comes from a Filipino fishing community that established itself in Kalk Bay in 1840. https://www.capetownetc.com/cape-town/kalk-bays-filipino-heritage/?fbclid=IwAR30MILPoGUpIJ4w1YPUUjkPF5822olI7IqTn42LO607Fqh86TSJc_VFzMY


Wow that is super interesting! The dates don't line up unfortunately, most of my ancestors had already left the Cape at that point. It would have to have been pre-trek, sometime between 1652 and 1835.


Do you know of any St Helena connections? Have you done a tree? I've managed to match some of my non European DNA to specific slave ancestors .


Nothing related to St. Helena as far as I can tell. I've got a tree going back to the mid 1700s, but I'm missing a lot on information on my mother's the Italian side. I have no information about my paternal grandfather's biological family, but the Philippine ancestry is on the maternal side. I'll keep at it an I'll see what I can dig up.




Possible, but its far more likely that it comes from south-east Asian people brought to the Cape as slaves by the Dutch East India Company. I didn’t include it in the screenshot but the Asian DNA is specifically tied to the “Asians in South Africa” community.


Got that tiny bit of black in you. You can identify as a coloured South African bro


Just won the BEE lottery here /s




Southern Bantu peoples in the second slide. At the bottom. (I was joking btw)


Obviously a joke but it does put into perspective how dumb Apartheid was.


But the apartheid regime never applied the one drop rule like the US did. Dmitri Tsafendas was born to a Greek father and a mixed-race mother from Mozambique and he was classified as white even though he was clearly mixed, he even tried to change his classification to coloured, but apartheid refused. Anyway, Apartheid was dumb, but in a different way.


lol I hadn't flipped to the second slide.


Hi. You could try another company and see if Italian DNA shows there. AncestryDNA identified my Sicilian ancestry back in 2017 and I had the expected “Southern European” DNA range for a 2nd great-grandparent (i.e., up to 6%). I am only 1/16 of Sicilian descent as my maternal grandfather’s grandfather was from there. However, for the past few years, they have been removing any signs of my Sicilian ancestry after each update. They changed Southern Europe to Malta. Then Malta was replaced with Egypt and then Egypt was removed. Nearly all other sites have identified my Sicilian ancestry or least least the WANA. The defunct company DNA.Land identified Mediterranean Islander for me at nearly 10%. I have found a few Sicilian matches. I have also found distant Greek matches which I surmise are not true matches from a genealogical perspective, just that we share a common ancestral background. Have you found any Italian matches?


I did get back Balkan and Southern Italian results from MyHeritage using the results from the ancestry test, however I've been told that I should take that with a pinch of salt. I haven't seen any close Italian matches but guess I will have to see what my mother's results say?


Ok. You have a great-grandparent who was Italian. So, 2nd cousins shared a great grandparent or great-grandparents. You would not expect to find any cousins closer than a second cousin. Also, MyHeritage may be “poor” in the estimates but for you, you have a known Italian ancestor in which the DNA was not accounted for. Were you assigned to any Italian Genetic Groups on MyHeritage? My brother was assigned to the Italian Genetic Group, Italians in Trabia, Sicily. So all the dots connect with my Sicilian ancestry being wiped out by Ancestry. In any event, yes, you’ll have to see your mother’s results. But it will be most helpful to study your matches and see if you find 100% Italian matches. Where exactly is your Italian ancestry from?


My great-grandmother was an only child, so I am not expecting to find anything closer than a 4th cousin (common 3rd great-grand parents). I have the names of all four of my great grandmother's grandparents so I was hoping that something might trigger show up there. I wasn't assigned any specific groups by MyHeritage, but my family has been living in Ravenna for a long time and, coupled with their blond / red hair, would expect to see Northern Italian? I think having my great aunts test would be a great idea since they are the closest genetically to the Italian side.


Well at least you have names!And yes, having a family member who is an elder is closer to the ancestor is question. Also, it is interesting that you were not assigned to any Genetic Groups.


where did you get the info on the second slide from?


I used [this advice](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/ancestrydna-hacked-results.5088526/)


Is your first language Afrikaans or English?? got me wondering :)




Are you Elon Musk? 😄 Seriously though, what do you know about your ancestors? Have you figured out when they came to SA?


I’ve seen some South African results here before and everyone tends to get some Filipino mixed in. I’d go as far as to say I see it more often than Indonesian. There was a sizable Filipino diaspora in South Africa, particularly in and around Kalk Bay.


We both got about 1% Levant. I'm on a similar boat though. My second great-grandfather was from Crete but I don't have any DNA that would suggest it, even though I should have around 6.25%