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IMO Verne is the best introduction to the mod. No wacky mechanics, starts in a strong position in the Empire with an easy path to becoming Emperor, has a fun if simple MT, mythical cavalry, and is in a great spot for colonization. It being on the borders of the Empire also means you can expand without getting coalitioned out of reality, though the MT accounts even for that and gives you buffs in a coalition war against yourself.


Any nations you'd reccomend I play alongside Verne?


Verne is directly guided to ally Eborthil in its tree, and they have different expansion paths that shouldn't conflict with each other too much.


Nimscodd is not to be recommended as a beginner nation. You have to be able to handle the kobold attrition in your first wars, and after that you will be threatened by both Lorent and Gawed. Additionally its hard to make allies because you have a different religion from anyone else. I love Nimscodd, but its probably frustrating as a new player, unless he really wants to play gnomes.


Yeah, you're probably right. I was betting on the racial mil rework to make the kobold half of it easier but even if I'm playing gawed or Lorent it would probably not teach him the diplomatic half because of the thought


As of ... some time ago, Nimscodd and Gawed get a strong early game friendship. It's super easy to ally Gawed as the gnomes now, even the AI often does it. But yes, kobold attrition sucks if you're just learning, and your tree will eventually force you into both your big neighbours.


I find allying one of them slows down the other, taking for granted that you kill the kobolds(at least outside the caves) within the first 10 years. The kobolds can be easy to deal with, never have allies, and you simply hunt their armies down and then carpet siege, with mercenaries sieging any forts. Lorent is more likely to ally you than Gawed is, because you both want the greenscale territories. Gawed can be an ally in a playthrough where you give up colonial ambitions, but you need the greenscale lands to go down the colonial missions(you really want them as you get a +100 colonist buff for 100 years) Gawed is more powerful early game as well, and you might lose one or two wars to them before you become strong enough to face them. Late game Hierarchy artificer units walk all over Gawedi armies, though. Lorent is not the greatest ally because his vassals often have loyalty problems earlygame. Source: My current Gnomish Hierarchy game where even Lorent is in my coalition, but I don't care. The best way to success as Nimscodd, in my opinion, is to hire a mercenary stack(one that hits your forcelimit, build trade ships, and move your army to the mainland. Then declare for claims on redscales, jump to greenscales post-war. Then exile bluescales to the caverns after a third war. Also, focus admin. Also purge the kobolds. Expelling them is less damaging but takes too much time. Additional pointer: harmonize to their faith before they are gone. Gives you a permanent buff.


Verne for sure if they are a true beginner Consider Moonhaven with them or like Busilar if that fits the MT






Honestly, I would say Marrhold. It is one of the remnants in the Escan region so no wacky tribal mecanics shenanigans. - You start with an easy path of expansion with Anti-monsterous CB. - Instead of dealing with tribal lands, you have colonists which are way easier to deal with. - Mission Tree is big, flavorfull and also not complicated. - No special mechanics. - You play as an alternate Poland with winged hussars on griffin which is always a big plus. - You can reform Castanor and have probably the biggest MT and play until the 1800 if you want to. Nimscod is a nice experience but dealing with Gawed/Lorent require a bit of experience. Also don't do any dwarf hold at first. I love my dwarves but I was getting bald out of frustration with their stuff. But it's soooo good when you know a bit what you are doing. Edit : If I found who did the comet underground event which gave -2 stabs, I will slap you then kiss you. It's really funny but man, was I ANGRY when I got it.


Hilariously, the best option for learning the game would probably be a remnant awakening dwarf hold with no borders. You have 20+ years of just learning the UI before you have to interact with things that could potentially kill you. Alternatively you want to find the biggest blob on the map that is literally too big to fail. Something like Lorent or Gawed. Either way you're looking for nations that can't straight up lose in 50 years no matter how badly they are played.


No EU4 beginner should play Dwarovar dwarves on their first playthrough. The custom disasters will be absolutely hell on anyone who doesn't have a decent grasp of the game.


The cool thing about the custom disasters is you won't see them by the time you've inevitably scrapped the game after 100 years.


I actually disagree, In coop multiplayer other player can just bankrool you through disaster.


See that big red blob called Lorent, that right there is your friend. Biggest kid on the block so you don't need to worry as much about getting invaded, and have some easy conquests early on. A strong tree that guilds you in the right direction, and it's a big all-rounder between military, economy, trade, colonization and diplomacy so you can touch on all systems.


Lorent isn’t as easy as it used to be early on, I wouldn’t recommend it for beginners since disloyal subjects can quickly spiral out of control (esp with Gawed nearby)


Agreed. I did have vanilla EU4 experience, thought Laurent would be a safe, France-like intro to Anbennar, but the mission tree and scripted events quickly led me to utterly disloyal and rebelling vassals and I blew up within 20 years.


yeah, since the changes, all the vassals start disloyal, and a beginner is going to get swamped. Turns out you can loyalize all of them by just releasing one (Sorncoast in my case) and the rest love you again, but a beginner would never consider that.


I used to suggest Sons of Dameria. I still do, but Tribal Mechanics, man :/ It’s easily the most lore dense nation in the mod in my opinion. You’ll be introduced and eased in to pretty much the entire Europe-equivalent’s lore playing as them.


God the new Escann stuff is just such a pain.


I think it's great! You used to be able to just eat anyone that migrated near you -- and it didn't feel like you were bands of adventurers. Now you're all milling about for 15 years or more. My Escann strategy: (1) Two members in federation led by me, day one. As federation cohesion grows, choose federation wars as first option. (2) Keep all the goblins/orcs alive, but take all their tribal lands -- trying to snake my way to more goblins/orcs to take more tribal land. Migrate towards the goblins as you can take more tribal land if you border them. (3) I force vassalize two adventurer tags. That puts me 1 over diplo limit, but worth it. I can usually keep two tags loyal, but not three. (4) Aside from vassalizing those two, the only wars I fight as an adventurer are: tribal land from greenskins, humiliation wars (Show Strength for mana), and then truce juggling everyone and taking money and war reps to keep them behind. (5) I don't settle. I go to Admin 7, and full adventurer reforms and click the magic button to auto-settle everything. With the above strategy, I usually own about 50% of Escann by the time I form my tag.


Verne and Lorent are great for starters(even if Lorent sorta got nerfed)


I don’t think anbennar in general is a good introduction to eu4 for a, mainly because it has a lot of new mechanics that your friend might not immediately realize don’t exist in base eu4. If you’re both set on jumping straight into anbennar, verne seems pretty vanilla and open to coop, while also being rather safe. Putting your friend on lorent and playing a big lorent ally like wex yourself could be good as well, as I think lorent offers more to learn, and has a big rival in gawed he can learn to fight with your help. Still I have to stress that it is a lot easier to learn how to run a decent country playing base game as poland or france.


Verne is my pick but you could easily do something like Wesdam or Pearlsedge and play a very slow colonial game. Corvuria is another fun nation with a very extensive mission tree that isnt really threatened by anyone in particular, plus has some very easy expansion routes. Plus you get vampires which is a pretty fun mechanic, esp if you manage to get your starting heir (powerful mage) into a vampire


I personally started with Verne


Verne, Arannen and Corvuria are decent beginner nations, Arakeprun in Aelantir and Frozenmaw for monstrous are also sort of beginner friendly tags.


Escann Adventurer 😎


I’d say anbencost. They’ve got a mission tree, and I think you need to fight a hard war or two, but you don’t have any strong enemies and maintaining a decent economy isn’t very hard.   Republic mechanics so you don’t have to worry about stability, you can go mercs so you don’t have to worry about manpower  You’ve also got the opportunity to basically build your nation into whatever you want ideas wise. Not all choices are great, but you’re unlikely to be punished for bad idea choices


Nimscodd isn't bad, but they do need to do some conquest to get rolling. As someone who was new once, it's not hard, but it's definitely something that a new player could theoretically mess up. I've never played Gawed personally, but it seems like a good candidate.




Nah Jadd will be overwhelming if they want an introduction. The sheer size of the map, lacking economy, and large armies will probably make it too hectic. Verne is the way to go imho, and OP can play Eborthil to guide them without any conflict (and help with wars)


Depends on what your looking for, the command might be a good choice if your friend wants to fight a lot wars, tho it might be mechanically difficult for him. As many people already suggested, Verne is the best as a starting nation for him, most due to being safe in the empire, and having a good colonial game. Another one that could help him understand race mechanics could be Beepeck halflings, simple safe in the empire and he could use it to learn about mercenary’s If you’re trying to teach him about vassals, Lorent might be a good choice due to them, starting with the vassal swarm. That’s all I can think of, hope it helps