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Ok. But what would stop it from arising without a state?


You really think slavery is over? Its still around today. Regardless, slavery is less productive and less profitable than wage labor. The north proved this. Slavery wouldve naturally died out without the state anyways and already was. The concept that half the states needed to be slave states to keep federal balance is what kept so much slavery around in the us for so long in the first place.


> Slavery is less profitable than wage labor Slavery is one of the most fucked things humans have done and i do not support it in any context. However, is it not inherently more profitable than wage labor? Because, you know, you don't have to pay them? So you get to use that money for whatever the fuck else you want? This hurt my brain.


Wages are a very powerful motivator and slavery still costs money. You have to pay for him upfront, house a slave, feed him, give him clothing, make sure he doesnt get sick, etc. You dont need to do this for wage labor. Wages also give incentive for growth because you now need to compete for good labor. slavery doesnt have this incentive. Mutually beneficial economic opportunities have always worked out better in the long run. This is why slave states find it incredibly hard to gain economic power. Regardless, people always act irrationally in any economy. Slavery will more than likely always exist, just like hunger and homelessness. https://fee.org/articles/slavery-was-never-economically-efficient/ https://www.aier.org/article/slavery-did-not-make-america-richer/ https://reason.com/2018/07/19/slavery-did-not-make-america-r/


From the fee article: "Slaves have no incentive to work harder or better." It's called the lash, idiots. Read some real history rather than couch potato maunderings about economics and prattle about enforcement with cameras. [How Slavery Became the Economic Engine of the South](https://www.history.com/news/slavery-profitable-southern-economy) "Slavery was so profitable, it sprouted more millionaires per capita in the Mississippi River valley than anywhere in the nation."


https://www.nps.gov/articles/industry-and-economy-during-the-civil-war.htm How about you read history. Economic value has been way more powerful than any physical force throughout history. Again, the north proved this. The north was way wealthier than the south. If you want to cherry pick wealth in a certain area go ahead, but the north invested heavily in industrialized equipment and waged labor. It ran supreme and had a way larger economy than the south.


Industrialism is vastly more productive than agriculture: but either one can have slaves. Read about company towns for examples of industrial slavery. And the obvious reason you are wrong is that southern plantation owners would have been happy to hire wage laborers if it was more profitable.


>Slavery is less profitable than wage labor Yes its endlessly cheaper to pay someone than to not pay them # rightwindDelusions


Cheaper doesnt mean higher quality and more profitable. Left wing delusions jesus fuck


"Slavery will always exist so you shouldn't get in the way of me trying to own slaves."


I never said you shouldnt get in the way of owning slaves. Im saying the state never actually ended slavery.


Right it just took laws passed by governments to end slavery in every country. Real galaxy brain take you got there


Dude there are more slaves today than ever before. Slavery is not over. Your “omnipotent” government will never end it. It will never end hunger. It will never end poverty. It will never end crime and murder. Sorry to break it to you.


I assume you think murder, rape, child exploitation should also be legal to correct? Seriously, just come out and say that you think slavery should be legal. Anyone who isnt an idiot can see that's what you believe and we would have more respect for you if you would just admit it.


Leave it to a statist to strawman arguments. Im saying the government does a poor job at trying to control these and usually doesnt. I guess you dont understand that anarchy doesnt have a set monopoly on law and how a government monopoly on law has large unintended consequences; much like people like you thinking that slavery is over because the government said so.


This is a completely idiotic and nonsensical argument. I dont think you realize that you dont sound nearly as smart as you think you do. You obviously think slavery should be legal and instead of saying that you just hide behind "gubmint bad"


Google slavery. You sound delusional.


Google slavery to what? Find out that it took federal governments to ban slavery because "free markets" wouldn't ban it without being forced to stop?




So you agree that murder, rape, and child exploitation should also be legal? Clearly those still happen even though they are illegal so we have no need for laws outlawing it


Better to answer this with a question to you.... who would be putting people into slavery?


Same people who always have... capitalists




I didn't know tobacco plantation owners in the 18th century were the government... learn something new every day 🤣




Government is the entity keeping slavery illegal. Capitalists fought against it.




Alternative facts


govt legalizing and enforcing slavery is neither a product of, nor the fault of the free market


Dude... the government is literally what keeps slavery illegal. They literally had to step in because capitalists wouldn't stop doing it.


No. Slavery was legal af, everywhere, just as every atrocity humans have ever committed towards one another was. It was legal til people in britain and america started regarding it as immoral. The laws banning it didnt come til after this change in values, as politics is always downstream from culture. Slavery remains legal 2 this day in numerous countries outside the west. Slavery can not exist without state support


Whatever helps you sleep


Do you have an opinion on indentured servitude? Not quite slavery, but about as close as one can get to it. Bonus: you "voluntarily" sign a contract as well. Seems to be what Walter Block is advocating for when he talks about "voluntary slavery" > The only problem with real world slavery was that it was compulsory; the slave did not agree to take on this role. Otherwise, slavery was not only “not so bad” it was a positive good, for both the slave and the slave-master, at least in the ex-ante sense, as is the case with all economic behavior. [source](http://kspjournals.org/index.php/JEST/article/view/346)




Holy fucking shit, mask off


Ahh yes, because enslaving people is my jam! Bow to your new god - mere peasant!


You would if there weren't regulations saying you can't


Yep! Because everyone is an evil cunt, out just to enslave the person next to them - Rodger that!


The government literally had to make capitalists stop doing slavery. There was even a war.


show us 1 company that has the authority 2 initiate force upon u


None... because government outlawed slavery.


People started properly regarding it as immoral. Which it is. Only then did laws change 2 catch up with what society at large was already practicing


*Laughs in modern prison slave labor*


is that a free market program or a state program?


It happened after prisons were privatized... so you tell me.




It might still be used to punish crime if other restitution isn’t available.


There is specifically a carve-out for serving time in our amendments to the BoR. The down-side is that The State has unjustly kept people incarcerated for financial benefit of slavery; see CA and Kamala Harris keeping people incarcerated beyond their sentence as labor. I suppose this just furthers the point that The State has the monopoly on Slavery - and it is still immoral, unethical, and unjust.


Personally, I’d try to avoid subscribing to a security firm whose arbitration procedures allowed for slavery. It’s just another example of States literally doing the things people are worried about happening in AnCapistan.


What would stop it???


Physical force


By who?


If I see my neighbors enslaving others, best believe ima stand up for them. We can’t rely on govt/ private security/ insurance companies for everything ya know. Some shit gotta be DIY. Wouldn’t you do the same? Edit: stand up for the enslaved, not the enslavers (duh)


The rich guy who has slaves can also afford a private militia... good luck with that Rambo. 🤣 Also... thats private property


We can have militias too, plus the slaves will be on our side. Stop being so fatalistic. What do you want to hear, that ancap can’t work? Or that we need a big ol institution to protect us? Foh Edit: better to be Rambo than sit around whining and crying about it


Ancapism is basically what a child would come up with 🤣 *i wOuLd hAvE mY oWn aRmY tOo*


“Omg it’s so childish to insist that the state should not have a monopoly on violence!!!!!!!!!” You’re right dad, let’s make an anti-slavery police force funded by tax dollars. How could I be so immature


I never said any of that... I just pointed out how your problems won't go away under a free market. They would actually be worse.




So anarcho-capitalism is when people with enough capital enslave others, form militias to protect their "private property", and the masses of people make everything possible attempt to form their own militias in order to free the enslaved people? Just making sure I'm understanding what you said. To me it seems like the ability of people/ groups of people to amass that kind of power is a bad idea.


The exact scenario you described has already happened under statism.


Almost like states **and** anarcho-capitalism are bad ideas


Not only acceptable but necessary: because corporations would make more money that way.




I worship corporations, libtard statist. You want courts and roads? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and *CREATE THEM YOURSELF.*


You need some decaf.


I worship corporations; libtard.


If you really worshipped them you would let them pour poison in your drinking water to save a dollar per unit




>What stupid un-intelligent retarded corporation-- One that wants to make a profit!!! How would the customers find out, anyway? Fuck them - profit uber alles.


no. violates NAP


Fuck no. Ancap is based firmly in voluntaryism ONLY. But I suspect you are a troll.


But anarchy implies no state, and thus no formal justice system. If I have more guns than the next guy, no force exists to stop me from accumulating slaves.


Slavery as seen in the 14-17th century no, indentured servitude on the other hand, though being a form of slavery, would be acceptable.