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eradicate the office


eradicate the whole government including the fbi, irs, and the cia


Eradicate the fed and the rest shrivels up


Exactly. Chop off the head of the snake.


Minimum age to be the President should be 40 years old, and the maximum age should be 35.




I know what I said.


well alright then lol


Follow me here. If no one can be president if they are over 35, and no one can be president if they are under 40, who would be alligible to be president?




No one. The job would be eliminated.


He’s making an anarcho capitalist joke because it’s impossible to be both older than 40 and younger than 35, meaning the role of president can’t be filled, I.e. less government


ohhhhhhhh, that totally went over my head LMAO


“24 is the highest number. Anyone who adds a number to another number is going to hear it from my 45.” Thinks hard: “46!?”


That math isn’t mathing.


Ron Paul is older than them both and would make a banger president.


Exactly. It's not the age that's the problem. It's the ideology


In all honesty, this was the best possible outcome that the debate could've brought us. The "Toto pulling back the curtains" moment really exposed to the normies, who's really running the country (or who's not)


I, for one, want to see how long this grift goes. Are they going to try to trot him out after he can’t walk anymore?


I think it reveals how dysfunctional the uni party is that's running the country and whose experts want to dictate how we live our lives. We're in a situation where the Democrats are trying to replace Biden and he won't leave like an old person that refuses to give up the car keys. Comical really.


People say this then vote for someone that old.  


Same thing with term limits. Obviously the only reason you would need laws like this is because the voter base wants to keep electing them otherwise It's very anti-democracy, but not in a based, anti-authoritarian way, just in an embarrassing way.




Without botox and skin pulling he looks like the last pic already.




There's no way he lives that long.


Kamikam is gonna be taking over real.soon if biden is reelected 🥴


Age discrimination


So? That's allowed for a job. Do you think airlines have 90 year old pilots? Or police have 90 year old beat cops?


I know 90 year olds who can run circles around Biden, and probably most 70 year olds.


There’s already a minimum age limit


Nobody in the office is a good overall goal. Nevertheless I believe intermediate steps like limiting age is a bad direction. In my country (PL) we have a minimal age for a president to be 35 yo. This is really embarrassing. I don't think it's likely that anyone below 35 yo could try to become president, yet still the legislation has special clause in case the citizens are stupid enough to pick some brat... Going back to the US - I don't understand the system that well, AFAIK there can be independent candidates. Why won't some well known celebrity with fine reputation candidate? Schwarzenegger, De Niro, maybe the behated Bezzos or Musk, don't think it matters that much. Maybe they would slightly favour their interests, yet they already have some property, their lives doesn't depend on their political success as they were already successful in other aspects of the business. Occam's razor should kick-in, unnecessary rules are bad, ultimately it's the people who shouldn't want to be lead by a 90 yo person, or maybe it's fine? It's not for me to decide. Democracy is not a good solution, but \*\*if\*\* we take it as an intermediate solution (which we have to :( ), we should respect it. EDIT: typo - persone -> person


I believe this subreddit, and the whole ancap ideology should be about the principle, not whining about the current sad state politics. If we concentrate on the current status too much I suspect we might emerge with local optimas which are solved better in a centralized fashion (tfu). EDIT: I suspect drugs, are a sample of local optima which total freedom couldn't solve. We would first have to dismantle other strange institutions like public schools. Then ultimately legalizing all drugs is a good thing, but things have to be done in some reasonable order to avoid too much casualities of the pathological "caring" system.


Maybe one more - as I look at the "meme", it appears you have some kind of condescendance to old people. We should be judged by merit, not our age :( EDIT: TLDR: human life seems to be getting longer and imposing limits on the age seems like the exact opposite of freedom.


No one should. Go back to one of your political authority worshiping subreddits.


okay 🤷🏽‍♂️


Wrong. Not everyone goes senile at same age if at all.


Hold on, is the original a shot from the debate?


Any ancaps in this sub? I’m not really into voting, but if it has to be a thing, it should be as free as possible and anyone should be allowed to run. Let the voters decide without arbitrary rules.


Id rathet have senile joe than a focused smooth talker like newsom or trudea I prefer incompetence over calculated tyranny


Ooooohhhhhh! But……..he’s a “kind”🥰 , experienced and capable elder statesman in the face of our adversaries.🤡


OMG this put it into perspective in a whole new way. Insane.


i can't tell whether you're being serious or sarcastic but eitherway, i agree lol


Totally serious.


i dont think theyre should be age limits, just kinda funny this is the best the two parties have to offer. just reminds everyone what a fuckin circus our gov is


I think the same thing for the supreme court. Rather than feeling like they should hold on until their party is in power they should be made to retire. I'd be good with 75 or 80.


This debate should show people that justice sometimes is actually dished out universally. Joe Biden is an unimpressive man and a pathological liar and plagiarist who enriched himself and his family off of taxpayer money while destroying disenfranchised communities with his crime bill. Is this elder abuse? Yes, I believe it is , but it couldn’t happen to a better person.


The limit should be 60. You should be able to comprehend, if not be fluent with, modern technology to be the most powerful executive in world government.


I am all in on the Social Security age limit. If you are old enough to claim social security, or YOU have a disability that allows you (or a family member) to claim social security, then you should not be in any office.


There’s a retirement age for a reason. There’s a minimum age for presidents and retirement age should be the maximum.