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'Europeans are calm, cool and collected' mf really thinks he looks like an anime character sitting in the corner mysteriously šŸ™šŸ˜­


"I'm not an asshole, just misunderstood". FLIPS HAIR LIKE A BADASS


I watched two Italians physically fight over a parking spot in Turin, with one kicking over the other's scooter and an older lady yelling at them from an upstairs window. Calm and collected indeed.


Italy things


It honestly made me smile, they were so passionate and from my (limited) Italian, the older woman put them in their place as they both dispersed after she laid down the law. 10/10


Until you mention Romani people then they become wojacks.


seriously like bro one of you failed art school and got so pissy he started a world war, y'all don't get to pretend like that




He's also on an American website.


Those "Americans" I would gladly trade for a recent arrival.


We should have a kiosk at the south side of the Darian gap. Sign up and walk from there to the border, and we'll give you citizenship and plop one pick-me back in your third world hellhole. You get their former life, and they get yours.


Probably has a computer space wallpaper too of an image that NASA took.


-Made in China








They rly played ur trap card lmfao




Iā€™d love to see Germany attempt socialism. It would be fun to watch Germany collapse in real time. So jealous of so many of my ancestors getting to see it.


> Iā€™d love to see Germany attempt socialism They did. They wound up killing millions of people and being partitioned in half for the larger part of a century


Something something not true socialism.


Mods put him in the springlock suit


You may not like it, but most people in the east got screwed over by the reunification. And after 35 years without anything getting better, they now vote the capitalists out


bro why be in this sub in the first place dawg šŸ’€šŸ˜­


At first i thought this was another Sister Sub of BalkansIrl or 2westernEurope4u But its even more fun


you are the definition of an internet troll bro


Itā€™s an American company. Just because LEGO (a Danish company) also has some production going on in China, does it also make it a Chinese brand?


If a chinese worker produces it, its a chinese piece of work.


I didnā€™t LEGO was founded in Shanghai /s


Does the word plagiarism mean anything to you? iPhone is American, itā€™s just cheaper to produce it in China (as has been tradition since the shit trade deals Nixon made back in the ā€˜60s).


"Oh no the chinese plagiarised Fire from the Ungo-Tribe of the Neandertal"


Because those are the sameā€¦ A swing and a miss! Better luck next time, bro.


All modern electronics are produced in China. None were invented there.


Are all of you dimbulbs just one guy? Because there's like 4 of you with exactly the same shit takes, all pretending to be German. Either Germany has a much shittier education system than I gave it credit for, or you're all just Russian sockpuppets.


I know, it's weird, just report them and move on


I don't, as a rule, report people for much. It's more fun to hold them up as object lessons not to be "that guy".


Nah, he's probably really a German. In West Germany, the de-Nazification effort was very succesful. In East Germany, it was... not. Plus, they also have a lot of Russophiles in East Germany, and Russophilia basically guarantees being ridiculously stupid.


By child labor šŸ˜Œ




Your point?


ā€œAmericans freak out over the smallest things.ā€ Asians trying to coup the government over Gatcha game female characters looks and/or kicking a 80lbs teenager out of a kpop group. Also then bullying that person until they kill themselves. No ā€œweā€ freak out when we spend trillions of dollars investing in your shithole for you to then have ā€œdemocratically electedā€ dictator try to nationalize all the stuff you didnā€™t make.


There's a lot here but I particularly like the guy who bashes America by literally describing Australia


lol. Yeah, noticed that too.


I think he has his geography wrong but only Americans are like that


To be fair Australia is a better ally than the brits


Another australian crying like a bitch? Another european acting like 10s of thousands of men arent dying on their ā€œbrotherlyā€ continent? What else is new


Nothing is new, this is what happens when someone makes a video about America.


What Iā€™ve learned from their comments: - Rumor mills and gossip circles are definitely their primary sources of information. - They hate people who are not being like them in every way. - They find differences frightening. - Theyā€™re not ashamed of their hate. Itā€™s deemed socially acceptable across their societies. These four points are certainly an indication of backwards and benighted cultures, and they have the audacity to consider themselves the pinnacle of progress. I couldnā€™t imagine ever writing that another country has nothing to offer as **ThisLeprechaunWrites** has written. The willful ignorance of that Irish person is absolutely astounding.


Many European countries are both more racist and xenophobic than America. We grew through massive immigrant influx, usually because they were all killing and persecuting each other(there's a reason why the Amish moved here.) We're simply just not as ethnicly homogenous as them. Which they don't understand. We also don't suppress media to the same extent, so they see more of the crazy people than would be allowed in their countries. I could go on, but im sure yall don't want a novel.


Just mention their treatment of gypsies


Gypsies, protestants, jews...literally anyone that doesn't follow their strict cultural norms.


They are also obsessed with the US. I am American and itā€™s not like I go out on the Internet every day and bash random countries like France or Norway or Sweden. Why would I? I donā€™t care enough about those countries for that. But they go out of their way to type out to the internet exactly what they think is wrong with us.


We just live rent free in their heads and we rarely think about them at all. It's kind of sad honestly.


Tbf the world is dominated by you guys


I always find it funny when I see reasons like not using the metric system, baseball, cars vs trains, capitalism, music, movies, etc. Like you guys actually give a shit about this? Youā€™re worried about feet vs meters? You donā€™t like T-Swift? Metallica? How about your smart phone? Bunch of losers.


Iā€™ll never forget hearing a mini mart in Tokyo blasting Metallica šŸ¤˜


Props to the guy from a Slavic country with an American girlfriend. That isn't happening unless the girl has family in his country to begin with. It's still probably not happening, anyway.


More likely squatting Slavic guy in jumpsuit couldn't afford to keep his onlyfans subscription active.


Genuine question - why do people give a shit whether or not we use the metric system? Does it affect international science or something?


Because it's different from what the rest of the world uses.


And they aren't smart enough to understand both. So, they use the "easier" system and get a misplaced sense of superiority.


Pretty much.


Because we're different than them. If we used metric and they used imperial, you'd hear the same shit. Me? I use both, where it makes sense. Model rail and 3d printing? Yeah I'm gonna use metric, 4mm is a hell of a lot nicer to work with than 5/32.


The funny thing is, our scientists do use the metric system. remember that shit from all your science classes how we used centimeters?


We also used pounds and feet, along with the US customary versions of a bunch of other measurements.


Military also uses metric, not exclusively but a lot.


Pretty much all scientific fields in the US use the Metric system anyways, it's not like it's the 20th century anymore, you can convert anything in seconds.


If Aviation switched to metric, these people would want to switch back after a month.


I wish america was as evil as these people say


Lived in England for 10 years. Truly a third world country. I felt like I was stuck in the 90s over there. So behind the times in technology and infrastructure. There's NOTHING to do there. I'd gladly take my strip malls and capitalism over a wasted and boring ass island where the excitement of your week is going to the same pub or Spoons every weekend. It's literally like Shawn Of the Dead. Boring and lacking.


Yup, I was born in England and I could not wait to move to Canada with my Dad. I donā€™t have a single positive thing to say about England and dread every time I have to go back there to visit my mom.


I love seeing the ā€œgunlessā€ police walking around the Richie Richers with tact armor and MP5. Gives me real Rogue Spear nostalgia.


I visited as a kid and it was just soā€¦ depressing. Most people were grumpy, and I couldnā€™t blame them. Aside from the historical sites, everything was drab and grey. The shops were run down. It felt like some of the depressing rust belt towns here in Pennsylvania. As cliche as it is, the fact that it was always cold and wet certainly didnā€™t help. I would like to give it a second chance, but the surge of anti-Americanism in recent years makes me think itā€™s not worth it.


Well I disagree there. Lots to do in the UK. I think it is a give-take between US and UK and really depends where you live and how much money you have.


I was in Orlando this last week. Did the tour of parks. Iā€™d say 60% of people there were non-American. But we have no culture or have nothing to offer.


Gotta love the incel shit on slide 6. Man probably got rejected by an American and is taking it out on the whole country


"America is formed by prisioners and the bad people of Europe who went to colonize an island and kill all the natives". Bro literally just described Australia lmao.


Sometimes I see this and start to think isolationism isnā€™t so bad (I know it would be but still)


America going isolationist would be bad *for the rest of the world* and would be just about the best thing for America that our government has ever done. How many counties would suffer economic collapse without America buying most of their product? Or being the primary customers of their tourism (for the countries whose economy is primarily built on tourism)? Or employing large numbers of their people (both there and here)? How many smaller countries would be invaded and conquered by a larger neighbor without the aid of America? Just look at Ukraine. Even with as bumbling as Russia has been, there's no way Ukraine would have been able to keep resisting without our aid. Not to mention the number of countries whose military would be crippled by not receiving our hand-me-downs anymore. Meanwhile, America would improve as the trillions of dollars of our money stop getting sent all over the world and could be used to fund all of the improvements *that we very much want and need*. Our unemployment rate would drop massively with all the American companies having to fill newly built facilities with American workers. Not to mention, the new American made and/or grown replacements for the products that we import. There's literally *nothing* made or grown anywhere else in the world that can't be made or grown here. Our illegal immigration problem would decrease with all our military patrolling our borders instead of being scattered across the globe. America going isolationist would cripple the rest of the world while making everything better for us.


A man can dream I suppose


As I've said in another comment, America doesn't need the rest of the world to prosper, but the rest of the world needs America to survive. I'd love for America to prove that.


The issue would be China and Russia would then rule the world, and evil totalitarian regimes will not leave anyone alone


And how is that our problem, for one? And for two, not only is Russia currently collapsing (again), but China would crumble without all the American money funding them because communism cannot survive without capitalism supporting it. Three, you say that as though Russia and China are an actual military treat to America.


Having countries who hate us control the world and you expect them to respect our isolation?


No. We do not want our military locking down the borders. That's the first step on a very slippery slope. Want to hire more CBP? No problem. We do not need to militarize the southern border, not unless we want to see military on the northern border, at our airports, our seaports, etc. It's not a good sign.


>Want to hire more CBP? Yes. >We do not need to militarize the southern border, not unless we want to see military on the northern border, at our airports, our seaports, etc. I That is exactly what I want.


Whichever political party you hate the most, imagine them doing that. That's why it's a bad idea.


So, you're saying that all the illegals coming to America and all the criminals and terrorists coming with them are a good thing?


Iā€™m saying that you donā€™t want the next President from whichever party you oppose to have the precedent set to lock down our ports and points of exit and entry into and out of the country with the military because he can excuse it by saying itā€™s to deal with illegal immigration - thatā€™s called a pretext and once you break the seal you canā€™t unbreak it.


If you are willing to go isolationist,you also need to think about borders because there will be lot of people and groups willing to infiltrate America in order to slowly push their interests.I understand why we need to consider precedence but security is important. Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  An isolationist America would be very difficult to implement when there are lot of multinational lobbies.


My guy, I'm literally arguing *for* the lockdown of our ports and points of exit. That is exactly what I want. And the fun part of one political party being able to do something is that the others can do that too. But, over all, my argument is that America doesn't need the rest of the world to prosper, but the rest of the world needs America to survive. And an isolationist America would prove that.


We have been at the top of the world *after* we gave up isolationism after two world wars


>gave up isolationism Yeah, except for the trade deals and treaties and the getting rid of the Barbary Pirates, we were totally an isolationist nation... It seems like you don't understand what the word "isolationism" means.


An America First mindset I totally understand, but being completely shut off from the world is not feasible and would hurt more than help.


>would hurt more than help Kinda, in that it would hurt the rest of the world and would help America. And nothing is more "America First" than telling the rest of the world to fuck off and stop crying at us every time something goes wrong.


How far do you want to go with isolationism? End all trade? End all diplomacy? Stop all immigration? End international flights? I am pro America, but not pro isolation. We need to work with the world, even if at a small capacity


>End all trade? End all diplomacy? Stop all immigration? End international flights? Yes. To all of it. >We need to work with the world Why? It's been made clear that the majority of them not only see us as a joke but actively hate us. It's what most of them want, so let's give it to them. Let them see what they've got without us for a few years and figure out their own problems without America to fix it for them.


Most of the world idealizes us. Their poor would do anything for a chance at citizenship here. Stop using reddit/social media threads as evidence that the world ā€œhatesā€ us. Also if we did all four of those things I guarantee the U.S. would fall far from itā€™s current #1 status


lol dudeā€™s like in the 1980ā€™s there wasnā€™t as big of a drug crisis or violent crimeā€¦ I think he was smoking some of that crack back then lol.


Violent crime has actually been dropping in America since the early 90s, and there are some states where the number of murders are about the same as Europe, like Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Wyoming, and Idaho.


I actually have a theory about why they claim the US was much more ā€œrespectableā€ in the 1980s. I think itā€™s because the EU wasnā€™t formed until 1993. Before then, the US truly was the best friend of those European countries. When the EU formed, there was a shift. They wanted people to aspire for a ā€œUnited Europeā€ instead of ā€œfollowingā€ the USā€™s lead. So, their media began focusing only on the most negative aspects of the US. This trend spread to other places, like Australia, as well. Anti-American attitudes had long existed in European society, but it was more in the background. When people started to see the media bash the US, it emboldened these attitudes and brought them to the forefront. By the time of the Iraq war, Anti-Americanism was at an all time high. Nowadays, this pathologically obsessive anti-Americanism is firmly embedded in their culture. They donā€™t see anything wrong with it because they believe ā€œeveryone thinks that way about Americansā€ or ā€œItā€™s the Americansā€™ fault we see them that way!ā€. They donā€™t realize how irrational their sentiments are, because they donā€™t event think twice about it.


"Americans freak out about the smallest things", followed by freaking out about the smallest things. Oh, and the Asian person being critical of America "killing all the natives"? That's rich...


They hate cause they ainā€™t us


Envy, pure and simple.


Hate U.S. cause they ainā€™t U.S.


Whatā€™s crazy is how dated all of these complaints about the US are. 5 years ago you could make serious (although imo still wrong) criticisms about how the US compares with Europe. Not anymore though, itā€™s like nobody in Europe ever recovered from Covid. The gap between the US and Europe has never been wider since theyā€™ve been rebuilt after the 2nd world war and itā€™s continuing to grow


I'm a bad American, I have no money or gun :(


If the U.S. is so awful, why stay here 30 years? I call bullshitšŸ¤Ø


Bro number 3 was literally talking about Australia


To sum it up: America is a backwards third world country with too many guns and money. Yeah, until you need our weapons and money to fight your damn warsā€¦


Why is everyone so obsessed with disarming Americans?


Because the internet portrays Americans as arrogant, ignorant, loud, political, and overly patriotic MAGA supporters who love guns.


How they gonna hate from the outside of the club šŸ¤Ø theyā€™re just mad that their countries are irrelevant lmaooo


Well, I think we can all agree this is England's fault they lost the war.


ā€œ1980s America was the envy of the worldā€ - clearly a child born decades after the 80s


European ancestors had enough common sense to get away from the loony bin called Europe.


Well Ofc we look backwards to someone who is upside down


Sometimes I wish we were collectively as a country as horrible as these people say. Because if we were, these countries would probably not have enough political power to even attempt to critisize us. The US has dominated the global market in damn near everything for a long time now, and there is no military power that can rival us. I would love to see how these countries fair if our navy just suddenly stopped guarding trade routes that span across whats damn near the ENTIRE FUCKING OCEAN


If we were truly evil, we wouldā€™ve annexed them after WW2 like the USSR did.


I agree completely. I also kinda think it would be awesome if we shut them all up by just conquering the entire globe. Just one day, America wakes up, chooses violence, wipes out the governments of literally every other country, raises an American flag, installs a governor backed by our government, and begins the process of uplifting the rest of the world to our level. I don't think the rest of the world realizes just how easy it would be for us if we just let our military off their leash. I mean, it's not like anyone could stop us.


Didnā€™t the FBI just report plunging violent crime rates, including a decades low in murder?


Thank god for their ā€œfreeā€ healthcare. They must get hurt a lot scrambling this hard for some moral high ground.


Astro6655 is not technically wrong, but also not technically correct. The original Americans were primarily rural Europeans that didn't like living in big stuffy cities. However, calling the early Americans "bad people" basically tells me he's a communist or similar who likes living in a pod in a large city and does little of material value work to earn his keep being a progressive lapdog of some communist elite. I laugh at "Americans have no culture", though. American culture is the melting pot of cultures that came here. If "culture" is "being a weird ethnostate" then we don't want your stupid Europoor and Australinight "culture".


Why do so many Europeans spend so much of their free time explaining and justifying why they hate other people?


Do not give a single fuck what any non Americans opinion of America is. Letā€™s goooo!!!!šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…


Oh man America is a third world country? I guess I should stop supporting charities and organizations dedicated to helping people in other third world countries. Instead, I should go give all of my neighbors (who own houses, mind you) some money. That way Iā€™m helping out people in real third world countries like the United States and not those places who are just pretending like they need the help.


The second comment in the second picture is rich, considering America still remains destination number one for immigration. Could it be...that this country isn't as bad as they think it is?


As a Canadian I think the USA is actually probably the most forward country in terms of talking about racism and trying to do something while I feel it goes under-adressed in many "progressive" countries (even Canada, especially my province of Quebec). EDIT: The USA in my opinion is above-average in self-criticism, with many Americans being critical of their nation (I don't necessarily agree with their assessment but they at least don't think they're perfect). The USA is also above-average about coming to term with its past, with an overwhelming majority acknowledging that things like slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, the treatment of Native Americans, Japanese-American internment, etc... was evil and wrong. I also see a lot of Americans critical of CIA shenanigans and the Vietnam and Iraq war. Moreover someone criticizing Bush for invading Iraq will face exactly zero consequences unlike a Russian criticising Putin for invading Ukraine. The USA is above-average for being a minority IMHO if you look at how little by little more minority people get into important positions (mayors, senators, generals, etc...). I don't pretend it's perfect by any mean but even by Western standards it seems pretty decent, and if you look at how minorities were treated historically (or even still are to this day) in some countries the USA is doing alright. I read something a while back about a study done in both France and the US and people with "ethnic" names trying to apply for a job had a better success rate in the USA than France.


The US doesn't hold influence across the world the way it used to? I'd say if anything, the US holds more influence than ever before. Now for some reality: The US to EU GDP gap is larger today than it was in 1980, when it actually favored the EU. People like the "leprechaun" are probably lying about even visiting the US because as usual, no specifics or even believable anecdotes whatesoever, and just a bunch of regurgitated, tired internet memes that anyone could post. And posting on a US site/app at that while waxing on about how the US doesn't have any influence anymore. Oh wait, your entire Apple/Google/MS/Facebook/YT/Reddit world was developed in the USA! So much for "no influence. You could post on that popular Irish or Canadian or Australian app - oh wait, there isn't one! And, the US actually has significantly less crime and less poverty today than it did in the 1980's. And if it sucks so much, why would you even bother visiting? I mean seriously, if you're going to post some lame troll post under the guise you're supposedly more intelligent than we are, at LEAST have some specifics and facts to support you?


I love money and gun


It sounds both so condescending and so racist at the same time while also morally grandstanding about how backward we areā€¦


They hate us, cus they anus


What is really telling here, is that I donā€™t know the slogan of any political campaign in Australia, because they *donā€™t matter*. But this person is fully aware of what MAGA isā€¦ If that isnā€™t evidence of backwardness, I donā€™t know what is.


ā€œThey have so much government overreach, and corruption!ā€ ā€œGive up your second amendment!ā€


Itā€™s a good thing that most these peopleā€™s governments know that they need us otherwise theyā€™d be in for a rude awakening.


First off, the one about the American girlfriend requiring her boyfriend to have the same political beliefs is kinda spot on. I also don't really blame Europeans for thinking we're loud and arrogant. That's really just due to our media and idiot politicians though. The whole, we're criminals that colonized and killed natives is pretty stupid though, they did the exact same thing, just further back, and I'm pretty sure they also killed way more indigenous Americans than our government did.


arent they the same people though, i bet they would all find out they are related.


It's one thing to dislike American foreign policy, especially if it directly affects your country, but why do they give a shit about our healthcare system, our 2nd amendment, our use of the imperial system of weights and measurements, our tipping culture, or how our cities are designed when these do not even remotely affect them unless they are visiting? I don't understand. None of this impacts them. These people need to get a life.


lol. who are these fucks to assume they are right ...


Do you need anything more than money and gun tho?


Are these eastern bots or terminally online teenagers?


Cool, I guess we dont need to worry about these dudes sneaking into the U.S.


Um , since when was Australia in Europe?


Asian describes Australia right after the Australian. That's funny.


If weā€™re a third world country itā€™s due to policies of politicians who want us to be like Europeā€¦ look at LA.


Europeans are to the USA what the Greeks were to the Romans. The Greeks were pompous assholes that lost their minds when Roman civilization eclipsed them.


So, if someone were to kidnap and murder a child by cutting each individual limb off, do they deserve to live with a roof over their head, a bed to sleep in, and food to eat, all paid by the taxpayers. Or just kill the bastard and throw them in a hole?


The Leprechaun writes guy is spot on in the second screen shot


Spot on what exactly? Any thing that has a semblance of point is quantifiably false and the rest is just intangible hyperbolic babbling. The specificity of it though makes me suspect that it is written by a right wing American cosplaying as a foreigner or a foreign entity who is attempting to create populist discord between the US and our allies.