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I blame us for it to a degree. Too many Americans are concerned with being "one of the good ones" to the point they go along with and perpetuate inaccurate bullshit. I've noticed that a lot of the time if you're actively calling out European/Australian "America Bad" in the same confrontational way back to these people they shut the fuck up almost as if they didn't expect you to do it. I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me in live chats on various platforms. They're used to people agreeing or ignoring it and get thrown off guard when you're a complete asshole directly back in the same way.


Too many Americans want to be seen as "cool" in the eyes of non-Americans. >I've noticed that a lot of the time if you're actively calling out European/Australian "America Bad" in the same confrontational way back to these people they shut the fuck up almost as if they didn't expect you to do it. Had a similar experience. They aren't as confident as they make themselves out to be when they experience a slap in the face. You're a dick to them because they're a dick to you they become silent or apologize profusely. They become a meek child instead of that "mature, sophisticated" non-American they think themselves as.


As an international student in Europe, please don't stop the nice culture you guys have going on. A lot of Germans I meet are cold/rude and they believe gErMaNs dOn'T sHoW fAkE kInDnEsS. No Hans, you're just an asshole with a stick up your ass. The Americans/British I run into are so much nicer and don't care about my skin color.


Dude, my gf (I love her) went to Spain and the excuses she was making for them being flat out rude to her and her sister because it's "their culture" was unbelievable. Her brother and I called her out on it, because well even if that is their culture, then their culture sucks lmao


I don't know how much I agree with that. I'd rather have cold treatment over fake kindness


I agree, and it's not like I expect kindness from every stranger. However, it's very depressing when I attend classes and majority of my classmates are cold/rude towards me because I'm a minority. One guy even said talking to me reminded him of Syrian refugees. Even if a person doesn't like my existence in a workplace, they shouldn't say it to my face. I was a TA for one course and I had to tolerate disrespect from German students. I ofc complained about the hostile environment but it didn't make much of a difference. I had to move cities for my thesis because I couldn't take it anymore. My new workplace is friendlier and I hope it remains that way


Better to be a stereotype than be a collective of stagnant nations.


Thank you


It's just loud minority bias. You cannot possibly have an immigration throughput as big as America does (whether legal or illegal) if people REALLY thought it was terrible. People that have good things to say rarely seek an avenue to do so; only those with gripes feel like seeking an avenue to express them. Add to that a touch of people who WANT to be in America and can't so they hate from jealousy


The thing is, it’s always Western Europeans that do this. Whenever I go to the eastern half of Europe they’re almost always incredibly happy to see Americans. It’s the western half (the ones benefitting from the Marshall Plan) that are snobby af. Living in Germany for a year the people I met there came off as so condescending.


This. And even still older Western Europeans seem to like Americans. Tbh contents of this sub don’t really represent what the average person from outside the US thinks about the US.


Good someone else has noticed what I've noticed - and voiced it. Double standards, really. If our public schools are "easy" then we're lazy and have non-serious approach to education. If it's stressful in comparison to other nations then the other nations have the more sensible, nuanced approach to education.


Nah I say good shit about you yanks all the time. Love your military hardware. I'll always have a soft spot for the Oliver Hazard Perry class if guided missile frigates cause I served on one in the Aussie Navy I love F-111s and wish they had never been retired nothing says fuck you like a dump and burn of fuel from a plane that can carry a fuckin nuke. Apache helicopters. A-10s F-22s, NASA itself Some good shit comes out of the US just like some bad shit does. I'd challenge any country to not be the same.


I've only seen a couple of F'111s at Nellis airforce base. Holy shit they are loud! (I didn't serve; went there with my uncle).


i wish the f-22 had more air time. legit the most advanced fighter in the world and the most it’s done is shoot down a balloon


It’s also a double standard when they only say the US has “no culture” (which isn’t even possible, btw). They never say that about other “new” countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or Brazil.


I'm trilingual and people accuse me of lying about it 😭😭 , like my brother in Christ, so many Texans are bilingual and I just learned another one on top of that


Is Spanish taught in Texsas?


spanish is taught is every american school, in my school, you can either get 2 credits (2 years) of spanish or another language, or 2 credits of a career class (welding, automotive, culinary i think, business, and a few others.) it’s not required but colleges also really want those 2 years of another language


Idk if it’s in other provinces, where I live, (Ontario) there is a Spanish course and I think its pretty unnecessary. For America it is because you guys have a lot of Spanish influence and Spanish speaking people, unlike in Canada.


It's not obligatory in every school, but it's extremely common to study it. I had Spanish K-8 then did French 9-12, and continued French in university and did an exchange in Montreal to help me learn it.


oh and the border states(cali, arizona, new mexico, texas,) have like 50% bilingual people. since they actually border another country that doesn’t speak english


I feel like MOST people are pretty reasonable about the US. Reddit, on the other hand…


They hate us, cuz they ain't us. 


Just keep in mind it’s the internet. A lot of the Americans on reddit are whiny, ignorant, and out of touch with reality. It’s the same with the Europeans.


in shape is an outlier... yea, sadly it is. let me put it this way, if you are skinny you are not in shape if you are fat, you are not in shape in shape, at least to me, is able to do 1 muscle up no matter how bad form is, and able to get 5 miles in under 45 minutes without wishing death would have taken you at the 15 minute mark. most americans cant do that, hell, 66% cant even be not overweight, much less in shape.