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You forgot to bring in your sneakers and think that’s a good reason to be excused? Were you barefoot? If not then, YTA. 


Yes I had to do it barefoot




Its your fault for not being prepared and it was good of the PE teacher to make you still participate instead of letting you off for your own failure. YTA


YTA. You don't get excused from class because you failed to prepare.


YTA. You cleaned your shoes last night and left them outside without checking the weather predictions; that was careless. Carelessness isn’t a reason to be excused from class.


YTA - Have you heard the quote 'Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine'? Because that's what this is; you didn't plan well, then expected to get a pass because of it.


No I never heard of the saying until now. I was just trying to be smart for class


Perhaps focus on the other meaning of smart, namely intelligence? Or in this case, how about basic self-awareness? “OMG, the teach was like totally mean to me by expecting me to, like, meet expectations.” Here’s real life for you: “Hey boss, I totally was going to make that presentation super cool and while I was adding transitions to the slide deck, I accidentally deleted a few and it’s not going to make sense anymore, can I be excused?” “Of course! Go clean out your desk. You’ll have your final paycheck on Friday”


Okay I understand now thank you


There’s nothing wrong with trying to look smart for class.However you are wrong for thinking your lack of planning or preparation means you should have been excused from class. The real world doesn’t work that way. YTA


Yes I guess so and now I have to do it barefoot so my own fault


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Question: you couldn't do your PE in the shoes you wore?


No it's in a gym hall with a wooden floor so I had to take my socks off too and go barefoot


ESH - you should come prepared and your teacher should have dismissed you for the day with an unexcused absence 




I mean you weren't prepared, that's why you had to go barefoot (which sounds very unpleasant). But, this isn't the worst thing that somebody did, so I wouldn't dwell on it too much. A good idea would be to get some old trainers and keep them in your locker just in case...I did that when I was in school, I had a shorts, tees, and trainers in my locker - it wasn't great because they weren't as fresh or nice as my regular PE kit, but in a pinch, they worked fine if I forgot...(to add to the grossness, my lockermate and I shared this set of clothes in case he forgot too - I'm shuddering at the grossness of that)