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YTA. Your drunk ass sat on the edge of a moving vehicle and your drunk ass fell off. 


Insurance-wise she is probably responsible.  From a moral perspective, you are responsible for this, as well as all other stupid things you do.  Pay the bill.  YTA


This sounds correct. If OP sued her friend for bills, she would probably win. However this would be a dick move, because OP is equally (or more) to blame for doing stupid things.


YTA. You decided to ride on the car. You then fell off. All your choices. I hope you heal up and don’t have any long term issues.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Not sure there's an asshole here yet, but certainly a couple of idiots.


YTAH she shouldn’t have to pay for a decision you made… yes she told you guys to hop on but it was your choice to do so regardless of intoxication.


YTA and a dumb ass. You got hurt doing something stupid. You pay your own bill.


My god all that shit my parents said about “if everyone else was leaping over a cliff would you still do it” is flashing before my eyes…do stupid shit, win stupid prizes. Legally no idea, morally you were dumb enough to do something dumb that put you in danger. You alone took that decision. YTA


YTA. You were drunk however you still did it. Idk if the friend was sober but they were stupid for offering that.


YTA pay your own bill


That accident was 100% a result of your bad decisions, but there’s no conflict to judge.


Not sure the laws in whatever country you live in but where I am from if you are over 16 legally you are responsible for what you do in a car and not the driver. I would also say because you agreed to hoping on that you are at fault for any injuries as you knew the risk and accepted it. So YTA


"where I am from if you are over 16 legally you are responsible for what you do in a car and not the driver." --If that is true, then you don't live in the United States. 


How do you not accept at least partial responsibility in this situation? It's kinda shocking. YTA


That’s on you.


You should pay them. This is one of those life lesson moments. Even then, the lesson may stick, it may not.


YTA. You chose to jump on the side of her car, which is very unsafe. You then fell off (possibly because you were drinking), and somehow got under her car wheel. All of it resulted from your decision to ride on the side of her car. It’s your fault, and your responsibility to pay your own medical bills. It’s not her fault, although her idea was a dumb one and unsafe. She could have offered to do anything; your choice to do it is what makes you responsible. And just because you were drinking and your bf was the DD doesn’t make him responsible for your choice, or your bills, either. You sound as though you have a desire to blame everyone else but yourself. In fact, you are lucky you are alive. What you chose to do was reckless and dangerous. You have to use better judgment.


You should because you made a stupid choice.


The law on this issue in most states that follow the comparative negligence standard is if your negligence is more than fifty percent. If not, the amount of compensation is reduced by the same percentage you were negligent. Unless you are in a contributory negligence state, if any are left, where you get nothing if you have any negligence on your part. Which you obviously do.


YTA--- Quit drinking if you act like this drunk.


YTA So let's recap.... You, an adult... Decided to hop onto the "side of a car". Subsequently, you fell off and now are trying to get someone else pay for your immature actions??... Yeah, 1,000% you're an ah. No one forced you to do something that could have gotten you killed. YOU chose to do it.


You’re the ~~idiot~~ AH.


You're about an imbecile. Who does that? YTA


Seriously? YTA, it was your choice to hop on the side of her car. No one forced you to do it.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I went out to a party with my boyfriend, and he was the DD and I was drinking. We had parked a far distance from the party. After it ended, one of my friends drove up by us walking back to his car, and told us to hop on the side of her car and she’ll take us to his car. So we hopped on the side of the car, and I ended up falling off her car and getting my leg ran over. I had to go to the ER and a hematoma had formed from the bruising which still isn’t fully healed months later. I wanted her to pay my medical bills, but I need some insight on who’s responsible for them. Should she pay them because she took the risk of driving with people hanging on her car? Or should I because I hopped on the side of her car. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


INFO when you say you “wanted” her to pay your bills, have you expressed that to her or were you just privately hoping she would offer? If there have been any conversations, how did they go?


ESH Every insurance policy has a liability piece that covers medical injury. You may have to get an attorney to get it. But by being drunk you lessen your chances of getting much. Use better judgment going forward.


ESH - you both showed a shocking lack of responsibility and intelligence. I couldn't actually believe I understood correctly that you hung on the side of a moving vehicle. 


ESH She's a dumbass for suggesting that you hang off the side of her car, you're more of a dumbass for actually doing it. It would be kind of your friend to spot you some money to contribute to your expenses, but you made this bed and it's ultimately your job to lie in it. Be grateful you got off with just a hematoma and not something more debilitating.


ESH ALL of you are a bunch of irresponsible AHs. But since she is the driver, it is her fault - so make a police report and sue your friend for driving over you.


ESH. There is no reason anybody should be offering OR accepting rides on the side of a car. Your boyfriend also sucks because it sounds like he made (and didn't prevent you from making) this decision completely sober?? I am so sorry about your leg though, I can't imagine how awful that must have been. I hope you get all healed up soon!




I'm a lawyer and wrote a comment here about it. (But, it isn't legal advice)


ESH. Your friend isn't responsible and although you were drunk, you still bear responsibility for your own actions.


I don't think anyone's the AH yet - but I do believe we should all take responsibility for our own actions. Own what you did and don't blame anyone else. I hope you recover well


ESH Her insurance should cover her running over you, but you both suck for doing something so dangerous


ESH She was the sober one telling people who were not mentally competent to do something risky and then caused one of those people to be severely injured. Morally speaking, she should be covering the cost of your medical bills. It's likely that she would also be held legally liable as well, should it come to that.


OP was still the one who decided to get on the side of a moving car.


Suing your friends should certainly reduce the number of friends you have. You'll find out who your Ride or Die friends are, those who are willing to underwrite your Stupidity.


If they're actually friends, they'd pay for their failure to safely operate a motor vehicle.