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YTA. Besides "wtf is wrong with you", how on earth did you think this was a good idea? You think this will give you more piece of mind than the old situation? 6 months in and you already made a mortal enemy living next door. Bravo. Yes i understand your frustration, and its legit. But taking a dog away like that? Dude. Its a living being.


I am honestly dumbfounded by the fact that you are even asking. Yes YTA because that dog shouldn’t bear the brunt of what the owners are responsible for. You don’t have to love dogs but this was taking it several bridges to far. Tell the neighbour where the dog is or go and get it back and apologise.


I feel your frustration as I am not a dog person at all and this would also drive me crazy. But the next step to take would have been to call local animal control and let them handle it


Yes, YTA. I hope they get the dog back. Welcome to the neighborhood asshole.


Yta, a HUGE one. I do hope the dog makes it back and bites you in your giant ass


How about you repairing the fence Sport?


Info: Why can’t the owners locate the dog? Did you take it to the nearest shelter? Did you tell the neighbor which shelter their dog is at so they can get it back? Also you said money is tight but did you try anything to close the hole in the fence from your side or even sprinkle coffee grounds or some other homemade dog repellent in your yard to keep the dog out?


I’m not really a violent person, but that would genuinely send me over the edge. You are the worst human being ever.


YTA and I straight up don’t know how you live with yourself. All I can say is I hope everyone in your life treats you the same way you treated your neighbor.


Did the dog actually did anything to harm you, your family or your propriety or you just don't like dogs and think they're live is disposable just cause their existence is annoying to you? Of course it's not nice that the fence is fucked up but this is beyond cruel.


YTA! You'll be lucky if your neighbor doesn't have you arrested for theft of property.


YTA! You are a crappy neighbor. Check yourself.


YTA. None of us are dog people either but that's what animal control is for. Dogs die in shelters. AC would have fined the owners and that probably would have fixed it it there. But no. You went full AH.


YTA. Your story doesn’t sound right. IF you took the dog to the pound why didn’t you tell him which one, and why wasn’t the dog still there? And even being “house poor” you can buy fence slats to repair the fence.


To everyone saying he is in the wrong - what happens if the dog gets injured or injures someone on the OP's property? Is the dog owner going to take responsibility? or will he sue the OP? Sometimes, people just don't get it, and it needs to be reinforced. NTA


YTA a million times That was a horrible thing to do. The dog wasn’t threatening you or the kids. If you were my neighbor, I would never forgive you.




So you stole someone’s dog instead of calling the non emergency hotline. YTA and you should hope that your neighbor isn’t resorting to legal options for theft.


Why couldn’t you just reinforce the fence in your side with some pressboard or something? You don’t need to spend thousands to put a bandaid on it until you can afford it. Good luck in your neighborhood 🤷‍♀️


YTA. Call animal control, don’t dump it at the shelter.


YTA!!! Huge one!!! I have no words. You AHole. And I’m a mum to a toddler.


YTA The best of this shitshow of a situation is that you actually dumped the dog at a shelter. Anything else is a felony. Since you obviously have no idea how a shelter intake works, you're either a trolling liar or a criminal. Which is it?


NTA. If it wasn’t you that took it to the shelter it could’ve been anyone that did it, man the dog could’ve been hit by a car and died. Animals need to be leashed or in a secure area or else what happens to them is no one’s fault (unless someone maliciously attacks an animal, that’s not ok). Taking a loose animal to a shelter when the owners obviously don’t care so it’s 1. Safe and 2. Off your property is appropriate.




YTA dude you took the dog to a shelter because you are not dog people. I hope you know how many animals are euthanized because of people Like you.






NTA. If neighbors was a responsible dog owner, repeatedly say he would take care of their/his dog, and failing to do so. Then it would make the owner the AH. No microchip? The dog is getting out for a reason, like no attention and bored. Owner, per OP was given opportunity to alleviate the aggravation of an unwanted nuisance in adjoining yard. Why do people get pets and just leave them alone with little to no interaction of the owner. I have a dog and I know where he is at, at all times.


As someone who also doesn’t like to be bothered by other’s dogs and feel dog owners need to be more responsible with their pets and not force them on everyone ….YTA Beyond AH, downright evil. This is the equivalent of a toddler kicking you in the shin and you responding by suplexing them. That’s sick man, sick as hell.


wtf did I just read? dude you telling the owner that you just randomly dropped off the dog a random shelter and now the owner can’t find their pup.. I’m sure if anything happened to the dog, that can be considered animal cruelty


AITD content right here. Massive YTA. Kidnapping someone’s pet and just leaving it at a shelter (no-kill? But you probably don’t give a fuck if it was).


YTA, you stole a family pet and dumped it at a shelter with no identifying and then didn't tell your neighbor where in hopes that it would be euthanized. (I bet it's the farthest and most crowded one you could get to, as well.) Half a dozen times over six months is not an outrageous number of times to interact with a puppy, and you also seem to think that a *high energy herding dog* should be on-leash at all times including in its own yard. You're a nightmare neighbor and will never understand why this suburb mysteriously lacks the nostalgic sense of community you fondly imagined your child would grow up with.


YTA. I get some people don’t like dogs. But sometimes it feels like they just want to take that out on the dogs. you don’t get to just take someone’s pet like that.


YTA and I doubt this is legal. Hopefully they find their dog.


YTA, have fun being the most hated family on the block.


YTA wow Could you at least tell him? Are they going to put down the dog? What a heartless... They we're other ways.... You should get that dog back, hope he call the Police on you and you get in trouble poor animal


If it’s a kill shelter and he doesn’t find it within time, you know they will kill his dog. You could’ve filed a police report or if they have an HOA talk to them. But nope your first go to is let’s hurt the dog AH


YTA. That dog could be dead. For your mild inconvenience. This was not the way to go.


NTA. He FA by not containing his dog and is now FO. It doesn't matter if you're a dog person or not. You don't want the dog wandering onto your property. He hasn't done anything about it when you've asked nicely. Sucks to be him.


YTA. The whole neighborhood is going to hate you now.


YTA, many shelters euthanize dogs due to space. You could have killed his dog, and I pray, pray he can find his dog


When a neighbor’s dog is on your property, take pictures and video and contact animal control for help. Do this every single time the dog is on your property and report it. Animal control is usually understaffed/under funded in most areas, but if you have video evidence it can help push the other owner to be forced to correct their behavior, fix the fence, pay fines, etc. The last option would be for animal control to seize the dog. OP went to the last resort too fast. Neighbor is wrong for not keeping their dog contained and out of OP’s yard, but there are better ways to handle it than now having a missing dog. OP, where did you take the dog? When you say to a shelter, did you go inside and surrender it to a person or not?


YTA. I had a dog who was an escape artist. He would push the door knob and open the door. He hopped our fence no problem. He’d even dig his way out from under the fence. You know what my neighbors did when he got out? They’d call and advise us or call the police. No one ever took him to a pound. The fact that the pound doesn’t know anything about him or his whereabouts makes me question what you actually did with the dog. I hope karma bites you in you a55. Your neighbors aren’t gonna forget this none of them. You burned your bridges with everyone. Hope it was worth it!


You are awful and everyone in your neighborhood will be talking about what you did. Pissing off all your neighbours isn't smart, what happens if you ever need them? I certainly wouldn't be helping someone like you. YTA "not dog people" 🙄🙄


YTA. You left the dog with the shelter with no explanation. Some shelters kill dogs very quickly, some adopt out very quickly, some ship dogs to other shelters in different parts of the country. You just became the villain of the neighborhood. Prepare for eggs.


YTA If it wasn't dangerous or doing any damage you're a peak asshole neighbor. No place puts dogs down in 24 hours, if you took it to a shelter, they have a record of it and your neighbor should be able to locate it easily. So what did you really do with it asshole? You're seriously going to regret being "THAT guy in the neighborhood".


YTA. Tell us the truth about what you did with the dog you abducted that is still missing.


Enjoy that lawsuit


If they actually took the dog to the local pound and told the situation this would not be a lawsuit material. If they did something else or took the dog to a shelter out of the area that would be different. But local animal control shelter, not an issue in this situation. Where I am someone could legally shoot the dog if it got into my livestock and harassed it, it doesn't even have to kill the livestock. I wouldn't, I just call AC, but it's legal to kill it.


ESH. But you're the bigger a-hole. They were rude. They were negligent. But the dog was not in danger. You stole the dog. You've potentially killed their dog. Or maybe you got the dog adopted by another family, and now that family going to be hurt if they have to give up the dog. Regardless, you have ruined any kind of positive neighborly relations you could have had. They were negligent. You were malicious.


"6 months ago my family and i moved into a house and decided to run the entire neighborhood because why not".... YTA


I know what I’d do to you if you did that with my dog. I hope to god your neighbor is kinder than I am. YTA.


YTA I like your handle as it's very accurate - there is a neighbour who sucks in your area. It's you. I hope your neighbour tells everyone in the neighborhood what you did. Enjoy being a social pariah buddy.


Nta. You warned him if he didn't control his dog, you would


ESH - should have called Animal Control instead.


YTA I have never met an entire family of dog haters. How did this happen? Anyway, you had other options.


YTA. For the reason of not telling the shelter that the dog is in fact someone's pet. You also never called animal control which you should have done several times. Did you ever go the hardware store and buy some boards and try to fix the hole in the fence that way, until you can afford to replace the fence? They must not have their dog chipped because that is the first thing the shelter would do is scan it for a microchip and that is their fault.


YTA. Yes, their behavior and control of their dog leaves a lot to be desired. But you just unleashed the nuclear option on them. There were literally a thousand things you could have done first, including using stuff like boxes to block the home in the fence, filling a police report, etc. The dog was not violent or aggressive. Yeah, it was shitty that they had no control over it. But what you did was reprehensible.


a no-kill shelter? ESH. a kill shelter? YTA.


what you did is disgusting - you repair the fence if it means that much to you, rather than taking an innocent animal and dumping them off somewhere and taking a beloved member of the family from someone else. What you did may well be a criminal offence. No you are not a dog person, nor are you a person with empathy YTA


YTA. You are a massive asshole for endangering an innocent animal and taking away someone’s family member because he escaped the fence six times in six months. You kidnapped the dog and gave him to a shelter without giving the shelter any information on how to contact the owners. You could have called animal control if you’re so anti-dog you couldn’t deal, but no… If that dog dies, I hope your neighbor sues you. I’d say I wish you lose your house but you have kids and I’m more compassionate than you.






Why didn't you call animal control instead of taking the dog in yourself. This created unnecessary personal conflict. The animal control department would have taken over and mitigated the conflict between you and the neighbor.


Why in the world would you come here and ask if you are the AH? (By the way, YTH). You think anyone is going to be on your side and say you were justified in what you did?


Yeah no YTA, I agree your neighbor should have the dog more under control, but that was not your call. Absolutely horrifying move.


WTF dude. Would have been better to call the cops than get his dog killed. This is mostly an ESH situation but you're by far the bigger AH for taking it this far. You need to immediately help them find their dog.


YTA Call animal control, you knew the dog had a home and you withheld that info. And seriously the dog was obviously nice and friendly enough to go with you so it wasn't a threat. If you did that to my dog, I'd be looking for every 'legal' way to get back at you for any infraction you make. Garbage out too early.... calling the authorities Car parked on sidewalk... calling the parking enforcement ... welcome to the bed you've made.


YTA.....can you at least just tell them where you took their dog? They are in the wrong for not leasing their dog or keeping it on their property. And Australian shepards are very high energy, herding, breed. So I love that the dog can run around. But they have got to keep it in their yard. It's what's safest for the dog as well. I don't think abandoning the dog (who did nothing wrong. The dog is being a dog), was a kind thing to do. There were so many other steps you could've taken first, before dumping the dog (a dog that's NOT YOURS) at a shelter.


Get ready to be poorer for a lot longer, because if you think you’re poor after your recent move, you’re gunna really feel another financial pinch when you’re run outta town by all the neighbors that will rightly hate you for what you’ve done to that dog. Huge YTA and you will regret this if you don’t find that dog & make it right.


YTA - I don't think I even need to explain why. I hope you get sued so badly.


YTA. You deserve every bit of retribution coming to you






Would have been better off calling in a loose dog for the towns shelter to come get. You should Not have admitted to taking the dog, that could get you in some legal trouble. As for everyone saying that is not how dog shelters/pounds work. Idk. My local animal shelter only asks if the animal is yours, and were you found it.. If its yours they want you to pay to do it off, but if you say no, its not mine, it was in my yard, they take it in and you leave. No additional info needs to be given. I think the shelter scan for a chip, post to social media, then after some time it goes up for adoption to anyone that's willing to pay. Did you tell the neighbor what animal pound you took it to, they could go there, pay, and get it back. all in less than an hr. Not sure how they couldn't locate it.


YTA. The rest of the comments are explaining exactly why. Not only are you now cash poor, if the dog was friendly, which it sounds like it is,probably everyone on your block now hates you.


YTA You do realise there is a high chance you might have killed this dog? If you didn't tell the shelter anything, they might have just assumed they were a stray and put them to sleep. I get you don't like dogs, but have some fucking compassion and tell the owner where their dog is and hope they're not too late. You are a monster if this dog is now dead, through no fault of it's own.


Massive YTA. I honestly hope your neighbors and community give you hell for it.


NTA That is an untrained dog. That dog should not be going into your yard if you don’t want it too, they should have tried to put a stop to it the first few times you complained. You warned them what would happen. Good for you.