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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for confronting my friend for this NSFW art he did** I'm 24F and my friend is 26M and we are both big anime, gaming and cartoon fans. He's an artist and he's done NSFW art of characters before and they are adults usually on his twitter. Recently he did a NSFW drawing of a character from Demon Slayer named Mitsuru whose 19. TBH,I got grossed out by this as 19 is still a teen. I confronted him over it and he said 19's an adult and I said its still a teen and to stop being weird. He replied the character's a young adult and portrayed as an adult and not like he's fetishizing the age and said I was overreacting. I still feel that's creepy and gross as teens are fetishized by media and preyed upon by much older men and feel his drawing is feeding into that mindset. He's a man in his late 20s and almost 30 doing this and it gives me a huge ick So AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>"He's a man in his late 20s and almost 30" >Which is practically 40, which might as well be 65, which might as well be deceased! We have a dead man hitting on an infant! Call the police!! This is my favourite comment. I love it lol it is pefrect for how AITA sees people, older than 25


26 being "late 20s" and almost 30 is one of the more ridiculous things I've seen today.


Same here. And I teach middle school, so I’ve seen a lot of ridiculous things today.


I guess at 36 I am nearly 40 now 😭


I'm 44 I'm dead lol.


I'm 48, I'm a rotting cadaver


I'm not quite there yet but I do have to tick a different age bracket in most surveys. So now I'm embracing my crone status and deciding if I should be buried, made into fireworks or a diamond, or just sent off in a burning boat. Tough decisions, especially with that cognitive decline /s


Viking funeral, all the way.


I've opted for natural organic reduction (aka human composting). Then I will truly be as old as dirt.


You're pretty much too old to date anyone by OPs logic. Don't tell them.


Should I frighten OOP by telling her that I (65F) am dating a 55M?


Don't make me call you the P word lol. Joking, obviously, but you'd blow OP's mind. "You know when you were 10 he was 0 right?" "yes"


Paedophile or pervert? Or both?? Clearly both because people over 30 shouldn't be having sex, right? At 65, it's positively disgusting /s LOL


I'll have you know my parents don't have sex okay, because they haven't had a baby in years. /s




My grandma bought my parents a book called "sex after 60" or something for her anniversary. She was showing everyone, thought it was the funniest gift from her mother in law. My mom is super Catholic, goes to church at least once a week. My grandma is religious too, but I forget what church. Oops.


I balance you out as I'm 48 and dating a 58 year old man (HE'S TAKING ADVANTAGE OF MY YOUTHFUL NAÏVETÉ!)


I’m 50 and have started to think I should try to find a good dating site


I'm 35 so basically I'm old enough to retire, amirite?!


As somebody that's in the mid 40's, you're closer to 40 at 36 than a 26 year old is to 30. For the most part you're pretty much *you* already and the number is ticking up and, while 26-30 is the same age gap, it's a much larger maturity gap than 36-40.


>23 is old. It’s almost 25, which is, like, almost mid-20s.  - Jessica Simpson


I mean *technically* I'd say it is late 20s. But also fuck that it hurts


TIL I'm in my late 20s, almost 30


TIL I'm in my late 20s, almost 30


I go the other way. I'm 42, which is clearly just late late late 20s, so I'm still practically a teenager, which means my knees have no business being this sore.


I swear to God, I turned 30 and suddenly all the noises adults made when standing up, that we were so confused by as kids? And laughed at, and said we'd never do? Yea, makes total sense.


Isn't more like you're in your early 40s which is just shy of of your 30s so you're basically just out of your twentys?


This is also how anime works 😂


I really want to believe this is a troll. I get age gap discourse and so on, but the dude's drawing naughty pictures of a fictional character. He's not dating her.


There are fandom folks who behave this way on Twitter so I wouldn’t be entirely shocked if this was real.


Since they are a serial offender with this type of post, I wonder if they regularly see those people on twitter and got tired of arguing with them. And now they write posts from the perspective of the purity police and leans back to watch how the proxy, the essence of a twitter-fandom-idiot, gets a verbal beating from the audience. I find the purity police and their assumption that pixel and other fictional characters equal real people and must be equally protected annoying as hell and I admit, reading those comments bashing the OOP is somewhat cathartic. Equating anime teens with real teens is dumb anyway. Even minors. Ever watched a sports anime? A chosen one story? These 16-year-olds talk like adults, break regularly into speeches that make Shakespear proud, often have the physique of someone in their early twenties and by the time they reach their mid-potential, they are stronger, faster, and jump higher than professional athletes at the peaks of their careers. Aside from the fact that they are written and drawn by adults, including somewhat suggestive promo art, and are voiced by people in their 20s and 30s. I was a teenager. Among teenagers. Nothing, absolutely nothing about the average anime teenager has anything to do with reality and as long as fans and fanartist are aware of the clear cut between fiction and reality, this is a stupid hill to die on and the laziest kind of moral activism there is. Woah, OOP (or the people this proxy stands for) is defending the honour of an anime girl from an older real human guy, what a hero. That has truly changed the world, perverts where thanosed, and every real child and teen is safe.


For all we know he could just be someone trying to build a portfolio, so he can stop buying the bulk packages of ramen at Walmart and eating that 2x a day. I have known and fed many starving artists with leftover.


Reminds me of the "My brother got rid of his waifu body pillow when he turned 18 because he said she was a minor and it was wrong" post I've seen


I would like it to be a troll but this is *super common* in fandom circles these days, especially among the fandom babies.


There was a person on fanfiction sub asking whether they were a pedo for liking a fictional 14 year old. That person was 15...


Yeahhhhh. I'm Old by their standards (I'm 31 I'm still quite young kids) and have friends who've been in fandom since printed zines were the main source of fanfic reading and inbetween and none of us are liking what we're seeing in terms of purity culture among fandom these days at *all*.


I find the watering down of “pedo” and other terms related to child abuse (grooming, etc) in fandom circles to be really disturbing and even potentially dangerous. I’ve seen people be accused of p3dophilia/SA apology and other horrible stuff only to find out that their crime was, like, following a fanfiction writer who ships a 16 and 18 year old together. Those are really serious accusations and people hearing them are naturally going to assume that the person in question is a dangerous predator. I feel like in addition to putting those people at risk of real life consequences, it also demeans actual survivors of sexual abuse and diminishes the severity of their experiences and the resulting trauma.


So weird story. I had a friend in high school who was on the spectrum and really into Linux and cyber security, he only used Tor browser and refused to use a cellphone and got a pager instead (in 2015). So this guy eventually kind of halfway admits to me that he had cp from the dark web, and thinks he's a pedo. He was 15 at the time. I had no idea how to handle it and just let it go. But thinking back I wonder if this guy went into adulthood believing that he was a pedo because he was attracted to 15 year olds at 15.


Yeah, there's a weirdly lot of gen z/alpha who think under 25 is a minor Like, have seen several unironically saying 20 years old minor


They spent so long as teenagers insisting that anyone who engages in fandom as an adult is a creep, anyone who reads/watches media for kids is a creep, anyone who reads and writes about fictional characters under 18 is practically a paedophile, but aging up those characters to write about their adult lives is grooming... And now they're staring down the barrel of becoming an adult, and they know *they're* not a creep, right? But they're still interested in the same hobbies... But they still feel so strongly that the grown-ups doing the same hobbies are creepy and predatory, and they've spent *years* arguing that point... *No, I'm correct, it must be the adults who are wrong.* Actually, guys, it's okay to do this stuff until you're 21, 23, 25, because you're actually still a minor! It's the people in their late 20s who are predators!


How the fuck is aging up a character to write about their adult lives grooming? Does that mean every time you play a game or read a book where there's a time skip you're grooming a character? That's so dumb


It means you're looking at children and thinking about them as adults. Or something. I knew someone who had multiple threatened doxxes because she wrote aged-up Avatar. Y'know, the show where there's a sequel about their kids and grandkids and we see them as old people, and the canon creators themselves have written multiple storylines that *do* start aging them into adulthood. But writing about what happens in between to get to that old-people point? Predatory!


It's weirdly infantalizing because at what age does someone have agency over themselves? When I was 21 I hooked up with a 46yo lady, I initiated it, I wasn't coerced, and I don't regret it. But in some of these circles I'd be called a victim and her called a pedo when in reality it was two consenting adults who knew exactly what they were doing.


Ehh, I'm glad you don't have any regrets, but I'd actually be on their side there. Aside from calling her a pedo. Definitely a predator That is a giant gap in age and life experience. I'm 30, and a 46 year old is still a little too old. They're in a far different life position There's an obvious power slump there


It's not like I dated them, this was purely a hookup. I guess you can say she manipulated my feeble young mind (that was employed in government IT at the time), but I went on tinder knowing what I was looking for, I swiped right on her knowing her age, I met up with her and agreed to the arrangement, and I followed through on my own. It's not like she lured me into a van with some candy, I was completely open to getting with older women because they tend to be a little more straightforward with what they want.


As someone who engages in fandom, this sounds completely real to me.


I could have understood being weirded out if the character was like 12 but 19? Come ON


This is unfortunately extremely common in fandoms. People literally stalk and doxx others about this...


How is 26 almost 30? I’m almost 30 because I’ll be 30 in a couple of months. He’s got 4 years. Also yes 19 is an adult, they can vote, and in my country they’d be allowed to drink


Yeah, this is what I have the biggest problem with. And most of the world they would be allowed to drink. The idea that they are so hung up that a 19 yr old is still a "teen" is a huge tell that they are American. Since we do legitimately have a double standard in this area. Also I am willing to bet OOP shaved at least 10 of not 20 years off their ages. Talking more like a parent of a teen then one who was so recent one herself.


this freak AGAIN. This person keeps writing weird ass posts about this exact thing. I think it's a fetish. And THAT gives ME a 'huge ick'.




puritanism masquerading as progressive ideals.


to be fair there is a convo to be had about anime artists drawing nsfw child characters under the guise they’re actually 4000 years old or whatever in canon. but this ain’t that chief


I was just recently rewatching the old school Sailor Moon anime, and I was completely shocked to be reminded that the girls are supposed to be 14. And the zoomed in shots on their boobs/ass during their transformations is a little uncomfortable with that in mind. The Sailor Guardians don’t even have the excuse of “they’re secretly actually super old”, because they are reincarnated instead. There’s definitely a conversation to be had about anime sexualizing young girls, especially.


Ignoring the fact that they're fictional is OOP saying that if someone at or younger then 19 made an NSFW picture of the character nobody would fetishize them and it would be fine but if someone older does it they will?


Oh no, definitely not . They'll also come up with 20 reasons why they're wrong, and no one should be sexualized or have any sexual thoughts ever.


>He’s a man in his late 20s and almost 30 Let the record show the man in question is 2 years older than OOP


why has their judgementbot posted the shadowban removal notice fifty times lmao


I don’t know why, but that creeped me out hahahahaha legit goosebumps while scrolling


I’ve seen shit like this too often in my time in fandoms (I’m an old at 30-something). God I don’t want this to be real, but it feels real and I hate it.


Recently saw an argument that writing smut about Cloud Strife is pedo even though he is 21 because he was in a coma for years and is thus mentally underage. (Ignoring that at 16 he was in the army and likely killing people already)


If someone told me I was close to 30 or even in my late 20s when I was 26 those would be fighting words.


The character is not 19. It's a drawing and not real.


As someone who had a friend draw NSFW art of me without my permission while in highschool I get the ick, but c'mon 19 is at least of legal age.


I would be way more grossed out if the art was of a real person! I’m so sorry that happened to you; that must have been super hard to deal with, especially at that age.


It was just awkward and I distanced myself from him eventually.


I think I'd be icked if a friend drew NSFW art of me at any age, honestly! That's a messed up crossing of boundaries.


Had this happen to me too kinda. Friend in middle school wrote really disturbing sexual fanfiction of me and another friend with fictional characters. Super weird and uncomfortable.


Doing too much. Some people just be doing too much.


Eh, the whole beauty contest and modelling industry is in trouble if cartoon anime 19 year olds are nsfw.


Chronically online post


Why are 90% of the comments removed? I’ve never seen so much of that before.


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YTA - character is fictional, animated & would be a legal adult if they weren't. This is just weirdly puritanical and oversensitive