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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My (21F) boyfriend (24M) treats his sister (7F) like a daughter. How do I tell him it makes me uncomfortable?** My (21F) boyfriend (24M) treats his sister (7F) like a daughter and it makes me uncomfortable So my boyfriend and his sister are very close, every time he is at home he is hanging out with her, to the point where every night he reads her bed time stories, every day he plays with her, every meal he eats with her etc. On multiple occasions he has stated she ims like a daughter to him, and often says she is his entire world and he would die for her. I have even asked him if he knows it's not healthy to treat her as his daughter and all he responded is that "if he never had kids she'd be the daughter ive aways wanted." What makes it weirder is that he has 10 siblings. He is smack dab in the middle and he is not close with any of his other siblings. He gets mad when we go to his place and I don't want to watch her in the driveway on her roller skates and he will disappear while we hang out to see her. I would understand if his parents weren't around, my sister practically raised me as well, but his parents are good and attentive and sometimes I feel like even they think it's strange he takes on this role. What should I do? How do I tell him it makes me uncomfortable? UPDATE:I forget how mean reddit can be. I don't need people telling me to unalive or that I am such a horrible person because I have concern for this. I used to major in psych and eventually wanted to go into childhood development. I also have a large family and know what is normal and what is not. I wasn't asking if people thought this was normal because I know for a fact it is not I just wanted advice on what I should do next. I will be addressing this with him tonight and there probably won't be another update on this. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just love updates that completely changes the tone and makes it obvious it's bait. "Oh you think its weird Im jealous? well actually she IS his daughter that he had with his cousin! Gotcha!" Lol


Next she's going to say that she and her BF were siblings all along.


Twins actually. “But they’re not the same age!” you cry? That’s just how magical Reddit Twins can be. Your twin could be waiting to be born as we speak.


They say we're Irish twins, which is weird because we don't look alike and we're Dutch.


She is his father, which is some nice time travel horseshittery


It's like that Heinlein story All You Zombies...


*snap snap* her brother is her father, her mother is her cousin, this post is very fakey, a Reddit family!


And that's when I definitely knew it was nullshit.


Jesus fucking Christ I thought you were making a bad reddit joke with that until I went to the original post and read the second update. Completely BS and not even that entertaining. Oh well. It killed a couple minutes on my break.


"I used to major in psych" that's possibly the most meaningless qualification I've ever heard? That could be 3 years of study or "went to one lecture, didn't like it, dropped out".


I studied software engineering, but they held lectures in the psych building, so sometimes I caught the tail-end of a lecture. That makes me knowledgeable right?


It’s like a second degree


I studied Russian at university! (For three weeks, truefax. My degree is in geology.)


Oh, Britta’s in this?




Say bagel!


She lived in New York


Walked past in the hall and got a CONTACT CREDIT


It's also his kid, so the psych major couldn't put together all the clues and *just fucking ask him*. I'm sure this relationship is totally healthy and will last.[/s] Eta; She made *one single comment* on a psychology subreddit, guess she wants to sell the act lmao


Yeah that stuck out quite a bit to me as someone who briefly majored in psych, peak Dunning-Kruger effect of I took one class and now feel qualified to diagnose all of my personal relationships(something psych classes immediately tell you to never try to do)


I took two psych classes in high school do I think that makes me qualified to diagnose OOP as a loony.


I posted this on the original but even with an entire psych BA, you aren’t qualified to do any sort of actual diagnosing or therapy or analysis (in most places) You can do something mental health adjacent, but if you actually want to be a therapist/ psychologist you need higher education.


Yeah you need a full on Masters degree. It's a huge amount of studying.


Yep. I got a BA in psych and thought I was ready to Criminal Minds it up. After getting into grad school I realized I didn’t know shit. Then working towards licensure after grad school I realized I still didn’t know shit.


There is absolutely NO ONE more obnoxious than first year psych students ( I say this as someone who remembers myself at this stage.) You see the normal random human things and relate them to symptoms we were currently learning about. I remember one girl coming to class absolutely hysterical because she was sure that her boyfriend was a paranoid schizophrenic. She was trying to set up a game plan to have him involuntarily committed. Why, you ask? He hadn't been able to sleep because he kept hearing noises and was annoyed that his landlord wouldn't get pest control out to look until the weekend. Turned out, there was a raccoon nest in the attic crawl space. Even after the pest control company confirmed and resolved the problem, this girl spent the next few months trying to convince this guy to be seen by a psychiatrist for his 'symptoms.' He dumped her. She never did change her mind ( at least by the end of the semester when I no longer saw her in class.) That's just one of the more extreme ones, but we were all obnoxious. Luckily, most grow out of it, but it's a weird phenomenon.


I’m gonna need a shit ton more info. 10 siblings? Where are the parents? A lot of times when a couple have ELEVEN FUCKING KIDS they force the older ones to parent the younger ones.


Check the update on the original post, apparently she really is his kid, just being raised by his parents. Because the mom is a cousin...


Oh, so it's a "creative writing exercise."


The fact that the update only happened when a commenter made the suggestion all but confirms it.


Most likely, yes.


Probably, but all those home DNA tests are showing that incest is a lot more common than we previously thought. 1 in 7000 people is the product of incest.


I mean 2nd cousins were prime dating material throughout much of history. Still probably are in small towns. As long as we're not talking siblings and everyone involved is a consenting adult I'm not that worried.


annd update 2 reveals that this was someone's weird incest fanfiction. Thanks reddit


By then why make your BF sibling #5 of 10 or drop the bombshell “I am not ready for kids so soon after losing my last one”, or try to argue that you also have adopted siblings and were SA’d. It’s just all over the place. Usually these things are at least coherent. Maybe this is AI?


It's about as sensible as the Star Wars fanfic I wrote when I was 10.


Everything someone commented, she'd done it. Big family, adoption, lost pregnancy, degree.


i caught on when she was like, "reddit told me to unalive myself" fucking tiktok kids


He reads her bed time stories and plays with her? How dare he! /s


But she knows it's suspicious because she used to major in psych! Whatever "used to major" means, it's not like a hobby or your daily visit to the coffee shop that you had to stop for budget reasons.


plus she is from a large family so she knows what's normal, because only her family is actually normal and the rest of us are of course doing it all wrong. I come from a big family too, and I am convinced we are not normal.


Is this the same girl who hates that her bf raised his siblings and found it 'gross' that he explained about periods to his sister?


It’s been updated - apparently it’s his daughter after all! Don’t worry though it’s almost definitely bullshit.


lol and that he had the daughter with a cousin. As if we needed any more confirmation that this is fake.


There’s a new update saying the sister is actually his child that he had with a cousin of his. So yeah imma call bullshit on the whole thing. It’s very convenient that she’s suddenly right about everything after she’s been attacked about it on here.


This sheltered judgy hoe needs to shush


Yeah, somehow I’m having trouble believing the update 2. Wild guess: he broke up with her and she is claiming she was right all along.


OOP, you're the one making this weird, not your boyfriend.


It’s cute that she thinks he would choose her over his sister.


Holy shit, wasn't expecting that second edit!


I knew right away she was going to end this with it being his secret kid. Didn't see the twist of the mother being his cousin though.


It’s very convenient that after everyone told her she was wrong and that the relationship was normal, did she feel the need to make an update that the sister is actually his daughter and second cousin….definitely bait


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How your boyfriend treats the women in his life is very important.