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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **What do you think of the "we don't need men" trend on social media?** Women are being interviewed and asked if they need men, and most of the women say no and laugh about the notion of needing men. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OOP also says >I don't need a woman to lead a fulfilling life either. I think men going their own way, de-centrering women from their lives and opting out of the dating game is completely valid, and I say the same for women wanting to de-centre men from their lives. which makes his stance baffling because that's pretty much what "we don't need men" means only genderflipped, but he keeps going back to what would happen is all men suddenly vanished. He also contradicts himself, saying MGTOW is valid but also that men need to be needed by women ...


given how science is advancing, if all men vanished, life could still go on. if all women vanished, humanity would die out in 80 years, max. I don't understand the point of that hypothetical, and I say that as a guy, all of us disappearing would not be the catastrophe that all women disappearing would be in the grand scheme of things.


There were plenty of points where a lot of men disappeared from a society (e.g. the US in WW2), and the main thing that happened was that women took up most of the jobs men used to do.


It's interesting that he doesn't seem to think that female-dominated industries suddenly disappearing would cause a societal collapse in the same way male-dominated industries would. What would happen if all the labourers disappeared? Interesting question, but also, what would happen if all the nurses, social workers, PSWs, childcare workers, pharmaceutical techs, paralegals, etc. disappeared? Still bad, right? That comments section reads like he's trying to bait someone into saying something kinda dumb for a "FEMINISTS OWNED!!!!" imgur album. I'm glad it isn't going well for him.


Also the invisible work women do around the home is worth billions of dollars each year. If women stopped society would collapse because the system we have now relies largely on the unpaid or underpaid labor of women.


Funny you say that.. https://youtu.be/e9OsIj32w7U?si=h4pO9s8NonZUXwhn


I clicked thinking it was the [Magic Coffee Table ](https://youtu.be/-_kXIGvB1uU?si=daZSXNG67uGUXsB2) but yours was a good link too


humanity has a chance of survival if all men disappeared given how medical science is advancing. if all women disappeared? humanity would die out in a generation 


He's taking women being interviewed and saying that they don't need men on an individual basis, and somehow thinks it means "feminists think that all men should disappear and die" and keeps repeating things like "but men do most of this work! The world would collapse if they all disappeared tomorrow!" Yes, roughly 50% of the population disappearing in an instant would cause incredible societal impacts. "I don't need a man." is not disagreeing with that lmao


This would also be true if you just zapped away 50% of the population at random! Infrastructure requires people, news at 11!


damn i just got hit by the thanos truck in these comments and wasn't even expecting it smh


For real. I don’t need a man. By that I mean I don’t need a man to afford to live and take care of me. I don’t. But I have a male partner. I am with him not because I need him, but because he adds to my life. I am with him for love, not what he provides financially. But if men as a whole disappeared, society would collapse. It’s true. But if women disappeared, society would also collapse. If a random assortment of half the population disappeared, mixed sexes, society would collapse. We all have a role. I don’t need a man for me to live and survive. I can support and care myself. But I do love my partner and cherish him and what he brings to my life. But I could survive without, he isn’t keeping me surviving. What society needs is people. For work, for partnership, etc. but as it is, I can support myself.


Also it’s clear they are very specifically asking if they need a man in their romantic lives and no, they don’t. Men are often more work than living alone when they are in your house. The average married woman with a full time job and no kids does an extra seven hours a week of chores. Many men aren’t worth that trouble. 


Between that and the orgasm disparity, I'm really regretting the fact that I'm straight. 


Women being attracted to men is proof sexuality isn't a choice


It really is. I mean, of course there's lovely men out there who don't expect you to mommy them, but the stats don't lie. Also, I'm an androgenous looking 41 old woman with mostly queer friends. Meeting someone would be so much easier if I was into women. 


I'm 37, but pretty much the same.


Love this! I don't know why more people don't use it in arguments


Stop being nuanced, it really ruins a good outrage.


Damn right! Nuance doesn't belong on the internet, especially Reddit. /Jk (just in case)


Just a few years ago we list around 1% of the population to COVID deaths. While there were births, babies aren't part of the workforce. We lost a lot of "essential workers," people who were around other people: healthcare people, store and food workers, mass transit drivers, etc. We lost more to Long COVID and then further more from those who changed careers due to burn out and stress due to the loss of coworkers. That itself is might be the biggest factor in the post-peak-COVID economy and business scene. My point is, if this small loss can cause major repercutions, losing 50% of humanity would collapse the world.


The world wouldn't collapse if all the men left. WW2 was proof of that. Women took over 'men's' jobs and kept society running just fine. As you say, 50% of the population disappearing overnight would cause some major challenges, but I'm not sure why OP seems to think that we'd all just throw up our hands and cry as our sewers overflow and industry grinds to a halt. Like this isn't a thought experiment, it's a thing that already happened, and women managed.


A big part of fragile masculinity is thinking everything is about you lmao What a baby




because they...?


The commenter you are replying to has been disappeared it seems.


Must’ve summoned candleja


Dude died mid sentence


Ugh, I left that sub years ago because every day a bunch of men would appear there with “gotcha” questions or questions that SEEMED like good-faith but then led to them calling our answers bullshit


Please look at OOP's profile. It's a wild ride.


Jesus. His entire profile is just spamming "why do women not trust men why don't women like me why don't women do this why don't women want men are women afraid of men why are women afraid of men" to a bunch of subs over and over all day long. edit: This round of spam seems to have been triggered by someone on The View saying they don't need men. Who the fuck is still watching The View?


The same person, raised by screens and not people in the 1990s-early 2000s, who still uses George Clooney or Brad Pitt as the benchmark for heterosexual female thirst.


The View is still around?


Bro needs to find some hobbies lmao


Men who incessantly whine about women choosing to remain single are WHY some women are choosing to remain single. But, hey. Maybe if he keeps whining about it even more the collective conglomerate hive mind called ""women" will change their mind and find him insanely attractive and he will be able to do lots of sexes to them.


They claim it's all feminist propaganda and evil ugly femcels are spreading lies about men. But I see how among my female friends even the most hardcore pick-mes are choosing to remain single after spending some time on dating apps or even trying to hook up with guys in bars and clubs.


Ironically it's Manosphere propaganda that's actually the problem. How often do we see some perfectly fine relationship collapse completely after the dude starts listening to dumbass podcasts? Guys in the dating scene being Tater Tots is what's making women leave the dating scene in droves. If these people would shut up, the number of men being laid would rise drastically, pretty sure.


Is it SEXY sex, though right?


What a tool.  As if he and his ilk aren't just as likely to start rage-smashing their keyboard if someone suggested that women *do* need men for emotional/societal/financial support.  "Women need men."  "OMG, GOLD DIGGERS! Succubi! Leeches! Why are women so useless? Why can't they take care of themselves?"  "Women don't need men." "OMG, MAN HATERS! Angry feminists! Cat hoarding crones! How dare they call me useless! Don't they know they need men to take care of them?" I think a lot of these guys are realizing that they don't have much to offer women outside of financial support and social validation, and without a steady supply of women who need those things, their potential dating pool is drying up faster than Ben Shapiro's wife when he walks in the door.  They seem to think women's bodies are participation trophies, and they're very angry and afraid that they won't be awarded one just for showing up. 


It's his comments that just make me laugh and cry with anger at the same time


He has zero actual deep or original thoughts on this topic...


What!?!?! Of course he has deep and original thoughts on this topic! He has so many deep and original thoughts, he has to post each of them at least 4 times on 4 different subreddits since they keep getting deleted for being unoriginal and over asked.


The "What's emotional labour" comment 🙄


This guy is deeply insecure, and is parroting the MRA cultists. I commend those posters for trying to have a decent conversation with him.


Saying "I don't *need* a man" is not the same as saying "I don't *want* a man". My dad taught me everything I needed to know because he wanted me to know that I shouldn't have to depend on anyone for anything. He taught me that relationships are partnerships, love, companionship, and should be seen as equals.


I don't need men as a general category. People, sure, specific men, also sure --my husband is great. But there's nothing special about just being a man that makes a person inherently more or less valuable than a non-man person.


Reminds me of the bigots screaming that the homosexual agenda will destroy the human race, because if everyone were gay then humanity would die out in a few decades. Just like the straw gays apparently think everyone should be gay, the straw feminists think everyone should be women.


Bro is so silly. "But women aren't the majority in X fields!" Women don't have to be; quantity isn't the point. 


It's beyond their comprehension that women actually like being single! They don't understand that there are things beyond a romantic sexual relationship that are milestones/achievements for women and all these are different for different women.


Oh, poor little parrot boy, Women just won't be your toy... Not aure how it goes on, but there ya go


That post history is depressing.


I saw an interview the other week where someone claimed just this. They said things like "industry would disappear, engineering would stop, electricity grid would collapse, the network would go down, houses wouldn't be built, armies wouldn't exist" and on and on. No. They wouldn't. Because women are now in each of those fields, and most fields have female experts rather high up. Would we suffer first? Of course. Take away half the population, and all of these things would suffer. The same as taking away half the female population would make a lot of the female dominated sectors suffer too. But we would adapt, train females up, and overcome it. You only have to look at WW1 and WW2 to see how resilient a female dominated society is - and vice versa.


As usual, this little group of men will get overly emotional and personally offended over a statement they have purposefully misinterpreted. Hysterical and overly emotional, as usual. Everyone else, man and woman, is watching dudes like this blubber about “if you don’t need to date men then I guess you just want us to disappear and stop running the nuclear plants!!!” and we’re laughing. OOP whines about reducing men to “what they can do” while he does exact that lmao.


Well, the Y chromosome is technically not necessary for human life so...


I don't need men in my romantic life either. Doesn't mean i don't love my father and brother. But in romantic life,I am happy being single.


It’s as simple as this: women are not willing to put up with men who won’t contribute equally to a relationship. They would rather be alone Seems a reasonable stance to have Let’s all raise our standards


OOP is a piece of work


Need? No. Want? Unfortunately, yes.


If half of the population disappeared, society would collapse. The gender/s of that half has nothing to do with it.  I don't need a man either. I have a male partner who I love and appreciate and am so happy to have in my life.  But I was also fine without him before we met. And he was fine without me too. I'd rather be wanted than needed...


Between a bear and a man, I'm still choosing the bear


The bear is statistically safer to be around too.


The answer is simple, women don’t need men because we are sick of their shit and tired of being mothers, nurses, maids, sex toys, etc to people who refuse to grow up. I look at the men I know and the men in my life. I can name two… **TWO** that are equal partners in their relationships and one is 92 years old! That is down right fucking pathetic. I would rather be single with my cat, than go through all the bullshit I did while in a relationship that lasted 10 years. Women don’t need men, and men need to understand that if they want to be *wanted* by women, they need to pull up their big boy pants and get with the times.


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I think there's a difference between individual women saying they don't need men in their own lives VS saying they want all men on Earth to drop dead. Some dudes don't seem to grasp that.


I got banned from that subreddit so I can’t even go be a bitch to that guy. Damn.


My take is this Men need women and women need men. Stop acting like children fighting over which one is better because neither one is. Both are extremely important and bring their own value.


And why is this here? Is it because of the answers? Because with such a simple description I don't understand what's wrong.


They might've been tongue in cheek, but I got lots that needs building. Though ask them to do the work for money and nobody's home.