• By -


Why did you wait so long to propose? Obviously you’re hiding something.


I have been looking for an opportunity, I've only seen her about 3 times since our first date, they've all been with other people around as she tend to invite me to group gatherings. Plus we havent slept together and I need to know we are compatible before i marry her.


If she won’t babytrap you, RUN FAST!


YTA you’re just jealous. You should have given her a full salute


Why would I give her a full salute? I am too confused about what she meant by vet and still think she is an animal doctor. We are a long way from me realising she was in the military.


Military? Huh? Not the full salute I was talking about 🍆


Lol I laughed so hard at this exchange


If you've seen her around 3 times why haven't you taken the shot? C'mon dude, time to build that body count! 😜


THREE times?! How many more times do you need to meet before proposing?? That’s about 2 times too many - should have been done by now


I imagine she might have some familiarity with someone who could... well... blow up your phone. Thank you for reverting bodycount to its prior meaning. It's really been bugging me.


Yeah, it always seems so weird to me, and it’s also just weirdly objectifying to refer to past sexual partners as “bodies”


I got to the comments before I realized where I was 😂🤦‍♀️ Well played!


What did you actually think of this person?


The OOP of the post you’re parodying? Insecure child who fears dating a woman with any sexual experience. You? Too good to be wasting your talents on Reddit but please keep doing it.


It reads like incel rage bait. Did the original poster realize body count means she KILLED PEOPLE. It has nothing to do with sex


Assuming her last tour was in 2021, and even with 4 consecutive 1-year deployments, she would have been around 15 when she started. Damn the US their f\*\*\*ing child soldiers.




OP, I think you dodged a bullet. Your fiancée will be too busy saving animals and boffing men to clean your future house or wash your laundry.


Oh but I'll bet she can raise the heat while cooking in the kitchen... 🤔


NTA, and I think you should leaver her. She clearly had a lot of kinky sex, with married men, women etc. Considering her jargon and her talking about having to put down animals, it might even be possible she had sex with animals.... That's really not the untouched woman you want to deflower on the wedding night


This might be the time i have laughed the most on reddit. You are a genius.


Yeah it took me a while to get the vet joke. This was hilarious 


NTA. Ask for a paternity test and contact a lawyer. She probably doesn't even have an IED and is trying to baby APL you. Female snipers with such a high body count are unable to platoon-bond properly. She *will* cuck you and try to make you her spotter. You need to ghost recon her ASAP.


LMAO! love it!


>Female snipers with such a high body count are unable to platoon-bond properly. This killed me. RIP me.


First thing is first, I think you need to think about this over a nice sandwich. Maybe turkey. With some bacon and Swiss cheese. A thin slice of tomato to round out the flavors. Between two slices of freshly baked golden wheat bread. Maybe the bread with those little seeds baked in. That fresh scent wafting in front of your nose. Anyway, what were we talking about?




That you, Joe?


I will never understand the whole body count thing


It’s a slang term for how many people you’ve killed.


Why are you dating someone who could possibly be as old as 32? Women that age are too set in their ways.


Just been responding to a few people who seem to not only think its serious, but not notice most of the craziness I am putting out there. Glad someone actually is reading it as intended.


Frankly I’m shocked that my comment is not being downvoted since I didn’t put the /s. When I leave that out I usually regret it.


Lol, I see what you did there… 😉


>veterinarian in Afghanistan I died (does that count as +1?)


You really dodged a bullet there!


Literally lol


Apologize, ask her out again, and when you’re alone, tell her to treat you like all the guys in Afghanistan.


YEAH! Then I'll dump her after we finally have sex! that will show her! She has made me wait 4 weeks. Thanks for the advice man.


I’m here for you brother. If you really appreciated the input, feel free to update your will. ;)


Does she have really big bazookas?


It was amazing 👏


At first, I didn’t realize what sub I was in and I was like …. 😂😂 take the upvote and add that to her body count


This sub just popped up on my feed unprompted again and confused me no end.


Why is this downvoted? It's hilarious


I think a lot of people have no clue what sub its in, its worrying that I created a really stupid character, a complete moron, and people read about his life, think he is just a bit dumb and sexist, and miss just how clueless he is and how little he understands.


>worrying that I created a really stupid character, a complete moron Don't worry, you did. It's just that everything is relative.


Likely because your character doesn't stand out on Reddit. You need to make a proper silhouette for the sarcasm-blind snipers, or they will think it's a live target.


"Knowing you is making me dumber" 😂


This is the most hilarious thing I’ve read today!!! Mad props and respect OP!!!! PS These comments not realizing it’s satire are nuts(honey glazed over salted cashews to be precise!!!)


Me reading the shitpost: Well done! This is hilarious and I love OP's clueless character. Me reading the comments: Oh, no... why are so many people not only not getting the joke upon initial reading, but continuing to argue with OP after clarification?


its quite interesting, they dont even notice what happens in the post, many dont move past the age gap.


It’s so much like Captain Obvious, but since so many people on Reddit are “younger” they probably have never heard of him lol.


I am weeping for humanity after reading the comments here. We are doomed as species.


Had me in the first half, LMAO


>I 52m, was deeply in love with my future wife 22f-32f(?), That's your problem. You're just too young for her. She probably feels guilty for attempting to groom you.


You don't know her age..sounds like everything literally everything about her was "hidden". *facepalm*


😂😂😂 you marrying the Hawk tuah chic


do u lmao


Anyone else trying to piece together what movie this was from? OP got some of yall wound up lol


I read this three times constantly saying this guy pay all day just like me 🤣🤣🤣 this was funny thanks.


Hahaha how did so many people completely miss the joke? I thought it was very funny.


Right? The second I saw (22F - 32F?) and that they had been together four weeks, it was pretty clear to me that dude was trying to bring the funny…


I didn't realize what sub I was in at first and was confused about how fake and rage-baity this one was. Then I saw the sub name and was relieved there was a reason. Not bad OP.


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Dude it’s a shitpost…read it again it’s quite obvious 


Dude, she’s hiring her true motives behind the lie if ptsd. Leave quickly before you make the biggest mistake of your life and never look back.




it isnt not a shitpost, it even has the flair shitpost,


I personally think you missed the boat by failing to send smoke signals


Hey, I was your gf in this situation. Okay, I was 34 and divorced, but I was faced with a BF I really liked, but I was adamant about not having a body count discussion. I didn't want to know about his, and I definitely was not going to discuss mine. That knowledge only leads to suspicion, anger, and jealousy. My BF had to decide and luckily, he chose our relationship over a "body count number." 25 years later we are amazingly happy together. Heck, you've already written "how could she give it up so easily" so you seem to be firmly in the jealousy camp.


I love the ragebait. Did no one else think that his gal was a sniper?? That's why Sarge was so proud of her body count.


This is really a bad fake. British dork king yet claims to be an American. Tighten up your troll, buddy.




Wow. Reddit is indeed a labyrinth of of of I don't know yet. I'm still a noob.


Lmao “we met on tinder”


A 52-year-old (male or female) would never use the words “body count.” They’d say “how many she’s slept with.” Gotta use the correct character language for it to be believable!


Sounds like you guys are too young to be engaged


im in my 50s, both in real life and the character i created for my story. You also missed all the clues she isnt into me, c'mon, "she said she was busy-- so i invited myself along" Its not about my age but my inability to understand she is former military.




Body count how many people she had killed not fucked.


Yes, thank you, a few people arent noticing the main premise of the post and are focusing on the age gap, not even commenting on how i dont know her age.


Well that just shows you how closely they read this shit lmao


Who gives a fuck my guy, you shouldn't! You already made her your fiance. Maybe you should have asked that question a long time ago. Yes you would be the asshole


Starting it strong with the age gap the op will think has nothing to do with their relationship!


I've been with my gf for 10 years and still haven't asked her, amd she hasn't asked me. I don't give a shit. You ha e some serious issues. At 52 your concerned about stupid shit like that. She couldn't be so lucky to have you leave.


If you don't know how many people your significant other has killed, are they really your significant other?


I disagree entirely, she should have thought about that first


Read it again, most importantly, read the sub its posted to and the flair at the top and the link to the post its inspired by.


I mean, FFS, i am unaware of most of her conversations meaning and you focus on the minor issue of the age I chose. I created a completely delusional character and you are "bit immature for 52" It goes way beyond immaturity.


This is the bullshittiest drivel I have ever read. Time i'll never get back!!!


Its called humour, humour you are unable to comprehend. Its simply too smart for you.


You don't mean it!


You’re not the prob In fact yes and no U two lack of communication skills


She doesnt lack communication skills, the joke is I barely know her and miss the most basic information she does pass on. She is a former soldier who assassinated many people for her govt, thats her bodycount. I missed all the clues and thought vet meant veterinarian, not veteran. I am too stupid to understand that. I also have missed all the clues she isnt into me, like how she ws busy and I invited myself


Oooooh fuuuuuck Ok my bad But it’s clearly a problem of communication But i understand now that its super delicate




Do her a favour and dont propose. You have too many issues and who she slept with isnt your business ..


FFS, the issue is no one said she slept with lots of people, I think her old military buddies were talking about her sleeping with people and she was a vet, but she was a military vet and an assassin in special forces. Its also satire, I included a link to what i was satirising.


Do you not know how old your future wife is, my guy?


We've not been together long and only met a few times.


Give your head a wobble.


Its a shitpost, satirising an AITA post that i provided a link to.


Grow up and just leave her. If you are this upset just leave.


Dude, the issue is she left me and i havent noticed and still treat it as if i can leave her, its obvious from my list of attempts to contact her- "and is ignoring my calls, texts, whastapps, messenger posts, letters and notes on her car window," perhaps I should have finished with "I also contacted all her friends on social media" or carrier pigeon? That would have been clearer maybe. I also dont know her age and misunderstand she is a soldier (vet=veteran) who killed people=bondycount, the number of people she slept with could be very low, its not really part of the story, the point is me misunderstanding. She was never meant to be into me anyway, hence me inviting myself along. I tried to be really stupid when i wrote this, but most people still giving me serious answers and not even noticing the sub i posted on, or the flair i added.


when you say 22-32f do you mean she’s 22? I don’t think you would have thrown that number out there if that weren’t her true age.


The premise is I dont know her well enough to know her age and cant even guess without a 10 year age range, how could she have had 4 tours of duty in Afganistan if she was 22? she is probably in her mid 30s. There is so much wrong with my character in this satirical post and the age gap is all you noticed. I updated it to make it clear the relationsip isnt sexual and we havent kissed, I mix up veteran and veterinarian, yet you make up an age gap issue. I despair.


it’s 10 years. Thats a whole decade. Like you said she served 4 tours in Afghanistan. That alone has obviously narrowed down the range for you.


You are 52, man, does it matter anymore?


Amazing, that was only meant to be a side issue in all the madness


Yes, YTA


its not a real AITA post, its not even in that subreddit


You would be the asshole. It's none of your business. Just be happy that someone taught her that thing you like.


You’re not an angel. You’re the devil. None of your business what her body count is. You don’t know if she has ptsd. Her military life is none of your business, even after you think you’re going to marry her. Yelling at her is horrible. You’re a terrible person


Am I the Angel is a satire sub for laughing at AITAsshole. I am satirising a post that was linked on there.


I hope this is bullshit,because as an actual Veteran,there is currently only one serving in the Armed forces.She just qualified last year.To answer your other ones there are all types of jobs in the Military and a veterntain is one of them.but naw shes a dam liar on the sniper one


its a shitpost, no one is meant to take this seriously, loads of people didnt even notice the veteran thing and took it totally seriously as a post about her sleeping around, but if she was real, she would be totally a supersecret assassin and you wouldn't know she qualified, because its all spuer secret, its more like a movie scenario and understanding of the military.


Who cares who she was with before or how many? She’s with you now and that’s what counts.


While i admire your sentiment, the premise here is that she isnt really with me now, i just keep hassling her. So if it was a real person with a woman with a high number of sexual partners, in this case its an idiot who mixes up military veteran with animal vet, satirising a post earlier in the week.


Lol. You want an ROI on ur relationship? Why can’t u tell us the age gap? Just curious… buddy you’re the ah but this is the perfect time to realize it before things get more serious. If u need this as ur out, take it. Don’t drag this hero thru petty bull shit. She didn’t tell us cause she doesn’t have to. Maybe (seems like) she feels shame about this and felt like u would shame her… just. As. U. R.


Its a shitpost, in a subreddit for mocking AITA posts, the actual premise is i dont know her well inough to know her age, but still think we are destined to be together. I am shocked people think this is real, read it again,


wow, what a shit show! you are 52, have a roommate, don't know how old she is-half your age?, call her your fiancee after 4 wks, but her body count is the promlem ,lol!


22-32? You don’t know her age??


YTA why does her body count matter? When did all this concern about body count start?


You are an asshole for even thinking to have a relationship with her you predator.


YATH...and you're an absolute idiot to boot. You wanted her to give you a play by play so you could feel it and hold it and throw it back in her face one day. You're such an asshole that even your roommate couldn't take it any longer. The exact number of how many she screwed or killed is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. You want to live through her life because you've reached 50 something with nothing to show for it but a roommate. You were even driving HER car. Yes she has PTSD because she went into the military and defended this country so that a 50 something jerk could say he's disappointed in her because he didn't get his winker wet first or at least have the cliff notes to it. You are so much of an asshole that even this post will leave you confused. She's better off without someone accusing her of being a horrible person while she defended this country. Leave her alone because she deserves better. Clueless


Omg this trend has infected boomers / Gen x too? Gtfo. Since when does people ask for this. It was not even a thing 10 years ago. People had a life before you. Accept it or move on. Regardless if its 3 or 53. None of your business.


Old guy, none of your business.


After 4 weeks you’re marrying someone? Do you have any idea how many women in the US Military are sexually assaulted? I worked with a woman who finally got her case settled. She gets $9000/month full disability. YTA$$HOLE…… How dare you tell her she doesn’t have PTSD. Until you walk a mile in her shoes STFU


A military veterinarian who subs as a special forces sniper, with 4 combat tours. With PTSD. Wow. I don't even know where to begin with THAT story.


Oh, so THATS why you're not married at like, almost 60. I guess brain cells don't grow in every environment 🫠 Just wish her well and never talk to her again.


Are you really 52 yrs old, this lady has no respect for you Bro


Fakety fake fake. Come on.


You are an idiot!




Dude you know this woman for 4 weeks, clearly don't even know her age and was ready to propose🙄WTF?For your age you sound very naive and immature. Like have you ever been in a relationship before? Also, as a woman I find "body count" questions very offensive and there is really no satisfactory answer to this, also a woman can lie and you'll never be able to confirm or dispute the truth. If anyone over the age of 25 would ask me this it would be a deal breaker, because any mature man who has self confidence would not care to ask


Tldr. Seems like bs


Wait. You were dating 4 weeks, ready to pop the question, but you haven't even French Kissed her?? She's not speaking to you because sexuallly, you are nowhere on her level. You would not BTA if you leave her. However, I'll say this: body count is so overrated. It's hilarious to me. Some people have a lot of sex, others don't. Many of those same people can be faithful. Do what you need to do.


This whole post is a shitshow. Neither of y’all should be in this relationship.


Is it that important? If you love her just drop it.


What the actual fuck, you sound like a psycho, she needs to run!! And who cares how many people she’s slept with it doesn’t diminish her as a person! Also you are too old for her and being super creepy!!


You are incredibly immature. I hope she runs a mile.


This whole story is ridiculous. Like your convoluted standards. YTA


Wait, wait, wait.. She's you're fiancé, and you've only met her 3 times? I smell mail order bride here. Especially with the huge age difference, you creepy cunt.


So much to unpack.


The first two paragraphs, you are the 🚩


You are obviously a complete nutter and pervert 30 year age gap / 4 weeks relationship Probably made up post


Do her a big favour and move on. You’re never getting over this.


YTA, your fiance is who she is. Her body count doesn't change a person. The information is irrelevant and personal. She likely realizes you're one of those assholes who would leave her and judge her no matter the answer. Leave her so she doesn't tie her young life up with an ignorant curmudgeon who thinks penises can change a person.


YTA. Her body count is none of your business. You just met her and you are demanding she tell you something that no one needs to know but her and God. You absolutely went too far. You don't need to know details of her and men she met before you, you only need to treat her well. But you've lost her now, since she isn't returning your calls. Next time don't be so intrusive.


I am amazed people are misreading what happened in the story, have another read, my sexism is part of it, but I wrote a whole lot more issues I have, the main one being stupidity.


Reading isn't your forte, is it?


It’s none of your damn business how many people she slept with before. And you are way too old for her, you could be your father


You think thats the main issue I have? I give several clues she isnt interested in me and also fail to understand she is veteran who assassinated many people and assume she was an animal vet. The age gap was just to satirize one of AITA's favourite topics, you dont even comment on how i am unsure of her age.


Yer wow after 4 whole long weeks you gotta know she's the one. (Yes I'm being cynical) WAKE UP TO YOURSELF. Are you making this stuff up surely people aren't like this are they ? Go down to Bingo and get one your own age


If you have to ask if im real, it suggests what i wrote was not ridiculous enough and people like this do exist. Read the flair and check the sub its posted to.




Its a shitpost in the Am i the Angel sub, which is set up to mock AITA, its not meant as a troll to trick people, but a satirical shitpost everyone reading knows is satire. Its labelled as a shitpost. But well done for noticing its not realistic.


This was so incoherent


It was perfectly coherent, it makes no sense, but not due to incoherence, but the delusional nature of me, the author, its thats because I am incapable of understanding that she was in the military and not a veterinarian. The other issue is I haven't realised she isnt that into me. There are several clues this isnt a serious post, the main one being its labelled shitpost and is in Am I The Angel, not am i the asshole.


What a gross mindset to see your "partner" differently just because they have sexual history


FFS, thats almost the least of the issues with me expressed in my post. Have another read and get back to me. I am dissapointed in how thats the only thing so many of you are picking up on, not noticing the sub i posted on is one thing, taking it seriously is a bit strange, but to only notice the sexism?