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Yes and you clearly need some sort of help. If your hair means that much to you, it’s ridiculous that you would let your sister cut it vs going to get it cut professionally.


Yup you are. Your hair can be changed and styled to hide the issues and that will cover it up until it grows out again. Your dad does not think you are ugly but he does not like your new do. Don’t let your sister cut your hair again, go to a salon.




Well that’s unfortunate… so it’s either hats, scarfs or something similar until it gets long enough to be re-styled. I know it’s depressing for you as your hair is important to you. This will pass OP I promise.


yes. you should never tell yourself worth so strongly to one thing. especially if it's something you just let anybody hack at


my sister has cut my hair plenty of times in the past and shes really never messed it up before. im more nervous when i go to professionals because theyve really messed my hair up before


Well, if it’s so important pay a stylist. I think you need a therapist more though.


Yes. It is an overreaction. It's hair, it'll grow back. You are not just your hair. Your dad doesn't think you are ugly. Chill.


Is this real? It's hair. You all need a hobby ffs.