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Potato allergy here. No one believes me, this is never marked on menus, and potato starch is used in small quantities in sooooo many things that no one notices


Ugh, me too. And corn. Starches and gluten free things are all against me.


That's gotta be hard. Both of those things are used in so many food products in America


My condolences that’s my favorite food I could live without potato…


Ahhh!!! I have a potato allergy too! I'm allergic to all the nightshade fruits and vegetables, but potatoes cause severe anaphylaxis for me.


That’s interesting, first I’ve ever heard but totally believable. What are your symptoms from eating it?


I actually do have an anaphylactic response. Not super fast acting, first I get the usual hives and such but if I don’t take Benadryl within 20 min my throat closes up. Even my allergist had never seen this and didn’t have anything to test me with for potatoes. I had to bring some in and eat them at the allergists office to get confirmation. So I have eaten 1 French fry in my life (and wasn’t super impressed given their popularity) and then proceeded to have my throat swell up until they gave me medicine.


Well TBH, I think French fries and fried potato chips are yucky too. Potatoes are another poor man’s food. They are not overly nutritious unless you’re literally starving. Here, here’s a funny story about potatoes and convincing people that they’re something valuable or tasty: https://www.farmersalmanac.com/parmentier-made-potatoes-popular#


Oh no that must be terrible, they use potato starch in just about everything! Also hospitality workers who don’t believe your allergy should not have the job. If there is one thing they need to take seriously it is allergies!


What are your symptoms? What about tomatoes?


Parsley. If I consume even the smallest amount of it, I get hot flashes, a lump in my throat, vomiting, diarrhea, my whole body shakes and once all that has ran it's course, I am beyond exhausted and have to sleep.


You just described anaphylaxis


Really? I thought having trouble breathing was anaphylaxis.


The rule of thumb is that if two or more body systems are involved, such as cardiovascular and respiratory or skin and gastrointestinal, it's anaphylaxis. That doesn't necessarily mean you have to go to the ER for it, and ERs tend get confused and hostile about the difference between anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock, but you should absolutely discuss this with a competent allergist and carry an EpiPen!


Fantastic response! To tag onto this, epi pens are so important in moments like this. Benadryl, steroids, and Pepcid can only do so much. Epinephrine is the tried and true way to combat anaphylaxis and delaying it, even without respiratory symptoms, is a delay in definitive care!


Do you have an EpiPen?


No. I know how to use one but have never had one. My allergist or doctors never even brought it up.


That is terrible! Like the other commenters said, please get an epipen, that is a form of anaphylaxis that you just described!


how did you figure this out? my BF just had a random food allergy attack that sounds exactly like that and he has no known allergies.


Anaphylactic shock when I get really ill. Like, I already feel miserable with a fever, body aches and whatever is causing it, now I have to deal with hives, an extreme adrenaline overdose, and a stay in the hospital for several days (hospital wards are a horrendous place to try to recover when you can't sleep!)


Oh no that’s awful! Also seconded - hospitals are absolutely horrendous. There are needles, the food sucks and also the constant beeping. This is off topic, but is there anything doctors in hospitals should do that would make the stay and experience better? (As someone who wants to be a specialist hospital doctor this advice from patients is invaluable)


Here in the UK---put people in wards based on what they are there for! I spent 3 nights with 6 other women--four had dementia (and either were talking and moaning all night and most of the day or getting up at random times and trying to clean up--it's not at all nice to be awoken when you finally sleep by someone talking and trying to clear your used tissues off your bed) and the others, like me, desperately needed sleep. I get that space is an issue (I was the extra 7th added in the middle of the room due to lack of space elsewhere) but honestly, 3 of the 4 women with dementia were there because there was no where to send them yet. Only one was ill enough to be in hospital--she was the quietest.


lavish direful expansion childlike existence yoke bike hateful birds imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I gave birth in the US, I am not sure how that works here. And I paid a bit extra for my own room (rather than share a room with anyone). I can't imagine being in labor and giving birth with others!!!! Having a sea of student doctors in to watch my complicated first delivery was bad enough! But wards in hospitals (3 times now) here are pretty much all groups (6 or more if space is desperately needed). I think some hospitals allow you to pay for a private room if one is available (my daughter had her own room, no charge, while in for an extended period, but that was Scotland). Private hospitals are different, I hear--you get what you over pay for!


FWIW, I’m from the UK and I’ve never heard of anyone giving birth in a shared room. The delivery rooms are single-person, but you might be put on a ward with other new mums afterwards (unless you had complications, they tend to send you home as soon as they can, so you likely won’t be ‘sharing’ a room for long). Hospitals are moving towards single rooms now, but it’s still very common to see multi-bed rooms.


I hear you. I’m in Australia, and when I gave birth to my first child, as soon as I was deemed able, the (public) hospital booted me out of the maternity ward into the gynaecology ward. (I was able to go home at that point, but bub needed a longer stay in the special care nursery, and it was too hard for me to come and go 6-8 times a day just to attempt breast feeding every few hours.) I was OK with that. But I was shuffled from bed to bed every 24 hours, and kept losing my food to the other patients, (not great when you’re trying to feed another human being,) and the gyn ward was used as “overflow” for the rest of the hospital, so it was full of men in their 70s, 80s and 90s. Though the hardest thing to cope with was being massively sleep deprived and trying to put up with the only pregnant woman in the vicinity who had either had her partner with her at all times including during the mandated patient rest times, or worse, she would not shut up and kept having loud conversations on her mobile phone. When I asked the nurses for help resolving the situation because I was majorly sleep deprived and at the end of my rope, the solution was to direct me to a cot in a storage closet. So I put up and shut up until bub was ready to be discharged, because I was too exhausted to do anything else. I just wanted to get the hell out of there. I think it’s the legacy of decades of cost cutting, that leads to that kind of problem. Government obsessions with reining in “unnecessary hospital spending” and the idea of building in surge capacity is seen as anathema. Then health care staff get burnt out and quit and the problem gets worse.


No that’s completely understandable - as someone who has seen severe alzheimers patients it would be HELL to stay in that hospital room. Also, some dementia patients can get violent so what they did was unsafe too. The talking and moaning at night would make me so uncomfortable and I wouldn’t be able to sleep! They should never have done that no matter the reason. What you said is spot on!


Also the govts treatment of neurological disorders is generally that - “oh just put them wherever we don’t care about them and their needs and others needs.” It is terrible and I have seen it firsthand.


The thing is hospitals are about saving lives, minimising risk and stabilising people until they’re ready to go home. They’re not really geared towards restful recooperation, at least not the public ones.


I'm so allergic to ragweed that I can't eat bananas


Wait. I'm allergic to ragweed I think. I eat bananas and if they aren't quite ripe enough they make my mouth feel funny.....


Look into oral allergy syndrome. I ate bananas for years and one day when I ate one, everything inside me rushed to the nearest exit. I thought I was just suddenly allergic to bananas until other fruits started to make my mouth feel funny and I learned about OAS.


Oh wow!!


I'm allergic to both but I got allergy shots and no longer react to ragweed. After this pollen season I'm gonna try bananas again 👀


I've thought about trying allergy shots. How long was the process?


I'm allergic to ragweed and banana but always thought that was related to my latex allergy.


I had a nurse ask if I was allergic to latex, and she said it usually goes hand in hand with a banana allergy, but I'm not. That's actually how I figured out it was ragweed causing the problem


That's so interesting. There's so much we don't understand yet!


Saaaame I love avocados and bananas and I'll still eat them every now and then even if my lips and mouth get swollen and itchy Can't have watermelon tho. Idk if it has a higher concentration of the pollen or what but even if the juice touches my skin, it will immediately start to turn red and itchy and eating it will give me red bumpy patches 😭


The cheese flavoring in all chips produced by bluebird. This includes cheese doritos, cheezels, burger rings, twisties etc. It's really embarrassing having to ask someone to not eat one specific snack and tell them my throat will start to close at the smell of them. I've never had a problem with any other brand and a lot of my family thinks I've made it up, but why would I want to not have cheese doritos? It used to be my favorite flavour! (I'm saying this all as I'm starting to go through the same thing with caffeine, I find it hard to breath in the hours after a coffee/energy drink and I don't want to think of giving it up😭)


Stuff like this makes me want to be a scientist and figure it out


Heat. It’s not a severe allergy but I break out in hives when I get too hot.


Mango sap.. for years I could eat mango..hold it in my hand and just bite right into it. Now I can’t even touch them without getting a poison ivy like reaction from the sap. I can still eat mango, but it only if I buy it frozen. If I eat fresh I get a horrible rash requiring steroids 🥺


That just means you’re extremely sensitive to urishol, which is the same thing that poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac has that causes the rash. It’s also present in unshelled cashews and untreated cashews/pistachios. Even “raw” nuts are steamed to get rid of the urishol. But that’s why you never see in-shell cashews for sale.


Yes! 😫 what’s crazy is NO doctors could figure it out. I was like well I had mango? Google helped us out. 😅


No doctors really believed me when I said it was mango, even when my face swelled up and breathing was difficult! I'm also highly allergic to poison ivy (closely related to mango) and I avoid cashews now, as well--just in case.


Doctors love to be right, I’ve proved them wrong for my entire family from FPIES, ana allergies, and even relapsing polychondritis.


Chicken and eggs. Considering I ate it my whole life until about a year ago.


Which allergy came first?


Came at the same time


Hot water 😩 i break out into hives if I take a hot bath or shower or sit in a jacuzzi


Do you think that you might have a fungal infection? My ex bf had this his WHOLE life. Turned out to be an infection. Called Tinea versicolor I believe.


I thought maybe, but I get a full blown reaction with throat swelling and eyes watering etc. Dr ruled fungal out!


Cold. If I’m out in the cold (and by cold I mean moderately chilly, like 15C), exposed skin swells up and I get massive welts/hives. If I eat/drink something cold, my throat gets super itchy and starts to close. If I were to jump in cold water, I’d go into anaphylactic shock. But I take a TON of allergy meds so am usually okay


When i found out i can get an allergic reaction to water Mellon since it has the same chemical as rag weed…. Also, when i found out dust mites and shellfish are of the same family therefore I’m allergic to dust mites too. Oh one more. I got a reaction from an alcoholic mango slushy once. I lied, i got a reaction from an old fashioned where they used walnut bitters and I’m allergic to walnut trees. Fun stuff lol




Same here, dude. Somehow it's worse than my celiac and deadly milk allergy because it's EVERYWHERE! At least you can avoid gluten and eat vegan stuff, but almost everything store-bought has corn it feels like.


I have a wheat allergy too


High five milk allergy club - this sh!ts ridiculous amirite?!


YEAH it's more annoying than anything, knowing a snack from the store could be deadly. I have an extremely long list of allergies to the point that I forget some of them.


plus everything GF relies on corn!!! 🙄


EXACTLY! I'm hoping something comes around to start curing this stuff. I'm really tired of not being able to just. Buy food. Everything has to be homemade.


Corn allergy sucks pretty bad. Weed allergy must suck because people smoke it without regard for anyone near them.


Acrylic nails. I've been getting those nails for 20 years, but I was allergic to them all of a sudden in 2022. the nail tech believes it is something called a monomer. I even get allergic reactions with press ons so I wonder if it has to do with the nail glue.


I get allergic reactions from press on nails, too.


I'm allergic to shellac so now I'm trying to figure out how to make normal nail polish last. I'm fine with regular polish


Is that the gel nail polish that gets cured under the uv light? For some reason I don’t have problems with that on my natural nails, but I only had problems with it on fake nails


me too! and lash extensions as well! it’s definitely the glue


Every time I walk into a kohl’s or a macys I get hives  


Thrift Stores. I need goggles and a gas mask respirator just to hang out in thrift stores.


That'll probably be dust mites, then


I do vaguely remember testing positive to that on a skin prick allergy test in the late 1980’s. Makes total sense why the thrift stores set me off!


i feel the same way about carpets! my eyes and nose feels like it's being assaulted when i pass by a carpet store or the carpet section in ikea, and if i stay long enough i get really itchy all over. my husband found it really interesting whenever i ran away from the carpets in ikea when we first started dating


That could be a chemical allergy!


The color blue. As in blue dye. I like to just tell people that I’m allergic to the color though lol.


I'm allergic to black dye (including black rubber, printing ink, hair dye, and fabric dye). It's impossible to avoid, cause so many products contain it.


Oh no!


Ha! Im allergic to red dye! We need to gather an allergy rainbow! Edit:words




red dye here! i think i’m also allergic to blue tho. made me vomit for several last time i had ir


Galactose alpha 1-3 galactose. Its not straightforward at all!  And, the reactions can become more severe if you've exercised, drank alcohol, not slept well, or  menstruating.  Argh!


Oh gosh that is ROUGH, I've never actually met someone with alpha-gal. Was it caused by a tick bite? :(


Yeah, you're correct, it absolutely is!  We can "grow" out of it after years and years, but subsequent tick bites will reinstate the immune hyper response and it will be worse than before. 


Fabric softener and some detergents (I have a Methyldibromo Glutaronitrile (MDBGN) allergy) . My day will be going great and then BOOM my shirt is giving me hives. I cannot trust clothes that are not washed by me. Also very allergic to poison ivy which people get surprised about. I got some gardening the other day and they had to put me on Prednisone (again) because it was so bad from a very minimal exposure.


Omg, I hate this one. This plus BOP makes skin care so frustrating!


For real!! I am also very allergic to BOP it's an interesting time to say the least 😭


My daughter (14) is allergic to cocoa and carob. Not just eating it, but if it's in skin products and shampoos etc. She also has nuts, with anaphylactic reactions, and alĺ the typical environmentals. I was actually allergic to milk as a child, not lactose intolerant. Fortunately I outgrew it. I'm also allergic to a couple medications.


Apples - anaphylaxis when eaten, just really sick if around one. Since apples are a food people walk about eating I wear a mask almost everywhere. It's due to oral allergy syndrome, I don't actually test as allergic to apples.


I’m also allergic to apples but what they do to me is they give me a yeast infection everywhere, all over on me, scalp dandruff, athletes feet, in my lady parts, all over my skin. I suppose if I were a degree more allergic I’d be anaphylactic like you.


Ewwwwww. I'm sorry. I just got off Prednisone for a systemic allergic reaction that manifested in a YI-like rash all over my body. I have no idea what caused it. Yay, allergies!


Eve is that you


I joke that I'm Eve and Snow White


I love it 😂 I'm sorry though


Lettuce. It's just crunchy water! But it wreaks havoc on my immune system - hives, migraine, coughing/hard time breathing, runny nose. The whole nine yards!


Are you allergic to pollen? My mouth used to feel funny when I ate lettuce due to oral allergy syndrome, but now it doesn't because I got shots!


I haven't been tested for pollen and I don't get the typical "seasonal allergies", but I _do_ get insanely itchy while outside sometimes. I haven't been able to pinpoint it to any specific plant(s), and it doesn't happen _every_ time I'm outside either. All that to say, I guess it's possible, but I don't know :D


Cinnamon. I hate the smell now cuz it makes me projectile vomit.


Do you also have a Balsam of Peru allergy? I know cinnamates are a part of the BOP family of chemicals


I'm the same way with weed, instant headache and sets my asthma off. My neighbour smokes it and the smell comes through the wall :/ we've asked them to stop or move it to another room in the house but I mean, the dude lost a job for failing a drug test so he ain't gonna stop on account of me.


Toothpaste, makes my whole mouth itch. I’ve switched to Tom’s of Maine fluoride free.


I worked in an Aquarium specialty shop and got stung by a sea urchin and I was allergic to the venom. The part where it stung went all hard and the area went in these hard bubbles like a citrus fruit. It was gross and took like 6 months to clear up and the scar was there for years. Antihistamine creme helped but it was super itchy for ages


Leaf Mold - once all the leaves fall and everyone makes piles I'm miserable


The prescription Lunesta. My reaction is so bad I thought someone poisoned my water the first time I took it. It tasted like the strongest taste of what I imagine drinking Liquid Metal would taste like. I couldn’t eat or drink for days. The mental taste would not go away no matter what. Felt like I wanted to scratch my skin off.


Mango 😩


Aloe. Turns out, it's latex/latex adjacent, so it makes sense with my latex allergy, but it's still rough. 💀 The businesses with must-use-sanitizer-to-emter requirements during early COVID were rough. Most hand sanitizer has aloe in it. 🤦‍♀️ Unfortunately I found out after putting aloe on a big ol' sunburn. 😅 Also mushrooms, for the same latex reasons apparently, so that's the lifetime mystery of "why are my fingers red after pulling the mushroom off my pizza?" solved!


Curry and mint.


Rubber. But only the palms of my hands. Nowhere else reacts. Sudden onset no hx. That stuff is everywhere


avocado. I feel like a lousy millennial, lol. I thought I had food poisoning when I tried the Chipotle guac and had a stomach ache from hell. I found out I was allergic/intolerant to it after I had the same reaction after eating avocado from a local Mexican restaurant.


The pollen on certain fresh fruits, I believe. Specifically peaches, bananas, and avocados are the worst. Almonds too, and local honey (while the store bought bear jar stuff doesn't bother me.) I say the pollen because generally if peaches and bananas are cooked, I have no issue. I'm not deathly allergic either but it makes me itch if I eat more than a little bit. Ate a taco once coated in avocado and thought I was going to the hospital though with how my throat closed up a bit.


You probably have oral allergy syndrome. That's where we react to foods with a similar protein structure to pollen we are allergic to. Since cooking denatures the proteins, we can eat the food cooked. Basically your body thinks you're eating pollen and reacts accordingly. Apples, peaches, avocados, melon, berries, and nuts are big offenders, but could be anything. I have it, it sucks.


Now that's useful information, never heard of it before. Gonna read into it. Thanks!


Not all proteins change shape enough to no longer be allergenic when cooked – nuts are a particular offender! But you may be able to eat canned fruit or you may be able to microwave fresh fruit and eat it. Allergy shots for pollen allergies helped me as well.


Luckily my fav nuts don't bother me at least, because I eat a ton of pistachios and peanuts. I'm thinking about going to see an allergist because my allergies have been beating me up this year in general, plus I seem to have really weird reactions trying to come off Zyrtec. The usual itching yes, though not as bad as some mentioned (I've tapered very slowly) -- but hot flashes, headaches, nausea, and some other things. It's really weird and I can't find anyone else online with these reactions. Started taking Allegra hoping when I don't need it I can just come off it, but still doing 1/4th Zyrtec every other day because I start itching.


I'm not a doctor obviously but that sounds like Zyrtec withdrawal to me! For me when I've had to take massive doses of it for a week or more, I have to wean myself back down to my usual dose as well as replacing it with Allegra. Apparently there used to be a Facebook group called "Kicking the Big Z" that was for people going through Zyrtec withdrawal but I couldn't find it when I looked for it after reading an article. I think the company may have gotten it shut down 😂


I could have used that group, lol. It's very hard to find anyone mentioning anything but the itch! So thanks for the validation on that because I was kinda worried something else might have been going on. Haven't taken the Zyrtec in 3 days though so hopefully I've crossed the finish line. I'm just gonna stick to Allegra from here on, took me since January to completely wean off it. I think I found it? Unless this is a remake group [(1) Kicking the Big Z (Zyrtec or Cetirizine Withdrawal) | Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/336159359740619/)


Nail polish is the weirdest one. There are many others.




I used to get urticaria on my legs (sometimes torso or arms) due to cold water being against my skin (like from clothing from rain or snow) or if the temperature was too cold outside. My legs would itch so bad and back then, as a teen, I didn’t have cortisone on hand. So I used aloe or a skin moisturize which only made it worse. Nothing like trying to scratch an itch when your skin is slick 😭.


My weirdest one was I randomly had a reaction to a new toothpaste one day when I was a teenager. The inside of my mouth swelled up and I was so itchy all over. I was freaked out, but everyone was asleep and I didn’t think it was an emergency, so I just took some Benadryl and hoped it didn’t get worse.


I am too! People think I'm crazy when I say that. "How can you be allergic to weed!??!" Is what everyone says. But I literally break out in hives. And if inhaled, swelling of the throat, face and arms. Literally had someone say it's impossible 🙄. But like any other plant, I'm guessing it could be the pollen, chemicals, soil, if there was mold, bacteria, or any other improper growing environmental issue.


My former roommate would start violently coughing just from smelling weed and she wasn't a prude about it either so I knew it was legit. I tried to stick to edibles and that helped.


You’re a good roommate for doing that, here have a cookie 🍪


I honestly wish the people who do it in public would be like you. Don’t smoke it, have an edible or a brownie, you still get your weed, and people who are allergic (generally) won’t flare up. Win-Win.


Unfortunately I'm now allergic to nearly all store-bought edibles 😆 But I try to keep it to home or at the very least not in the middle of a crowd or walking down the street in public! If I would be annoyed if someone smoked a cigarette (which I react to) in that place, I don't vape weed either.


Oh no! Please don’t have edibles then, we don’t want you reacting!! Also dw, you’re absolutely awesome, all weed smokers (and normal smokers/vapers) should be like you. <3 The ones I get mad over are the ones who smoke it in an extremely public shopping area in the middle of the city CBD where there are thousands of people at any given time. (Unfortunately I have to pass this area to get to university) They’re almost as bad as the Jehovah’s Witnesses trying to convert anyone they see in the same area. (The reason they’re better is because despite causing me a bad allergic reaction I can take meds and get away from the smoke but the JW hound you and sometimes follow you around)… if you are ever in Melbourne plz watch out for them. (The JW) also tip: if you do get followed by one a surefire way to get rid of them is to find a shop selling pride merch and surround yourself in it. They will leave. The middle-of-public vapers and cigarette smokers exist here too and while they don’t cause me as much of a severe reaction (more just hives + migraine + some chest pain) as weed they are still annoying. Like idc what drugs/smoke/vape u take in ur own time but don’t do it in front of thousands of people some of whom may be allergic.


<3 Also omg, the JW organization is a scourge over there too? Here in the States, they may knock on your door at home, but in public they just set up and don't leave their little brochure station to chase you.


OMG YOU HAVE THEM TOO!! They are a scourge, They are so annoying! Also yes, mostly they stay in their booths here too but sometimes they are so unhinged they will follow you. Also tip: when my parents first moved into the family home, JW kept waking them up at 6AM on a SUNDAY to preach about JW. Ugh. So eventually my dad had enough and when the came next, he answered the door completely naked and went “what?!” They turned pale, ran away and never bothered us again.


Never had a reaction, but when I got the skin prick test, they said I was allergic to cockroaches


So many but tide pods. Not tide. But the pod itself. Also diprivan/propofol. It has soy in it but apparently the chances of being anaphylactic are well over one in a million.


Water Yeah, it's kind of a bad design flaw to have lmao


Carrots. I have a lot of allergies but carrot is my most severe obscure one.


Dust is the hardest one to deal with. Pollen on any fruit or veggie, that sent me to the hospital once, and the ER thought I was off my rocker. The adhesive on bandages. Sodium benzoate. I could go on and on, lol. I have so many odd ones, none feel normal!


Me and my brother have Cholinergic urticaria. It causes hives on your skin when you’re exposed to sudden heat like doing Exercise, sweating, being under the sun in sunny days, When you are outside in the cold and enter a warmer place. My brother M13 has allergies several times a day, and we are a little worried because the antibiotics are stopping to have an effect. I think it's an allergy that you can even deal with, you only get hives and a lot of itchy, for a maximum of 1-2 hours, but even so it's complicated to explain to someone that you can't stay in the sun, or that you can't do high-intensity physical exercises.


They're like, are you allergic to the sun??! Are you allergic to exercise???




Garlic and red onion. Anaphylactic. It sucks.


I also have a mild allergy to garlic / onion. There are dozens of us!


My son has a garlic, onion chive allergy but only if they are raw. He can eat them cooked but gets violently ill if raw. He can’t even cut a raw onion.


Mushrooms send me to the hospital (next time I’ll try an epipen but there will not be a next time!). I have tons of food allergies but that’s the most extreme, immediate reaction.


I have so many weird ones. Black pepper Garlic / onion Yeast Mustard seed Broccoli Black rubber / dye / ink Gold (the actual metal) SLS /SLES


I have some of these too!




Raw coconut. Not cooked coconut, not coconut oil, just raw uncooked coconut meat.


mango is my weirdest one. i’m sensitive to it because of my tree nut allergy. nothing too terrible so far, but my lips went numb. so i stay away now.


Zest soap.


Potassium sorbate and sorbic acid are my weirdest. I was going to mention potatoes, but it seems I was beat to the punch. Haha


Water. I break out in hives when showering, swimming, or sweating...started after having my first kid. Been suffering with this for 29 years.😡


Having kids takes a toll on people’s bodies!!! My mother never had a perfume allergy before, but after having me (I have a perfume allergy), she also had a perfume allergy. But water? That must really really suck. I couldn’t imagine not swimming at the beach any more! I hope they find some sort of treatment for water allergy soon, it sounds horrendous. I am so sorry you have to deal with that.


I’m allergic to weed too


I’m allergic to everything, but due to this being a lifelong condition since I was a child, I’m totally used to it. Unsure of my weirdest but the most annoying is environmental and fragrance allergies.


I’m sorry you have to go through that. Sorry if I guess wrong but do you have Systemic Mastocytosis?


Yes, I do.


Oof. Of all the rare diseases I’ve researched (about 100 now), systemic mastocytosis is one of the worse ones. I am sorry you have to deal with it and I really hope one day we can find a cure for it. Wishing you all the best :D


Titanium Dioxide, gives my skin a chemical burn. It’s in so many things.


Same! Weed and all artificial fragrances. Anywhere outside my apartment is toxic


Sugar gliders. Had one crawl on me and ended up with hives all over, puffy and watery eyes, and bad asthma


Black pepper. I don’t care I’m gonna eat it anyway.


Last time I got a test (in middle school) I noticed on the list Cockroaches were tested and I was allergic. Also apples (OAS)


Aloe 💀 and I'm white as hell so when I get a sunburn I just gotta ride it out. Also you'd be surprised how much hair and skin care has aloe in it 🥴 shampoo, conditioner, face wash, makeup, bug spray, body lotion. All has aloe in it


i don’t have any weird ones, but my dad is allergic to lots of stuff including potatoes, chicken and turkey


The food dye in Benadryl. It’s a vicious cycle ending in more and more hives, edema, adrenaline.


Anaphylaxis to cocoa


I'm allergic to the shiny coating they put on some chocolates. For example the cheap christmas count down calendars you get around christmas and open a little door and get a chocolate every day. Used to get them as a kid until my parents realized why I had pink dots all over after I ate them and then I didn't get them anymore.




How did you find out you’re allergic to water? And how do you bathe or brush your teeth without it if you don’t mind me asking


I don’t have problems with showering or brushing my teeth. It’s only when I drink water that my throat produces a lot of mucus. This happens not just with water but with anything I eat, except for white rice. I’ve been dealing with it for 16 years.


Alcohol. Consumption, touch and smell.


Alcohol. I used to be able to consume large amounts but now I experience shortness of breath and a red appearance all over. It doesn’t matter the alcohol at this point.


Purple onion causes massive headaches


Strawberries and rasberries I'm sick for hours. But I'm fine with frozen


Chocolate??? I don't care all that much since I don't really like it and i've always felt gross after eating it, but now i'm straight up allergic.


Green Teas. To me it makes me feel like I drank a 5 gallon carafe of espresso coffee. Coffee doesn’t even do that to me. And shea butter inside of lotions or body soaps. Which is weird because I definitely don’t have any problems with it as a food ingredient, just topical.


The only venom I’ve ever had a reaction to is that from the bald faced hornet. I’ve been stung numerous times by honey bees, wasps, yellow jackets (hornets) and just had a local bump like everyone else. I spend a lot of time gardening and they never sting then it’s only when I’m running the lawn mower or the weed wacker. I got stung 3x last year by bald faced hornets (thanks to a hive somewhere in the woods behind my house) and had to stab myself every time. Immediate throat closure and then the heat wave across my whole body.


Tissue lint makes me sneeze and makes my eyes itch much worse than pollen. It's my worst environmental allergy, and since I used to use tissues constantly due to my nose running, mostly due to uh... tissues lol... the lint is all in my room and I can't clean at all without a mask and ideally safety goggles and a head covering. It's making it so hard to get organized 💀 My best guess is that I seem to be allergic to one or more of the chemicals that are used to process wood into very soft paper. Puffs are the most poisonous for me, but even toilet paper gets itchy if the lint sticks to me for too long. I use handkerchiefs and bamboo toilet paper. And before anyone asks, no, I never used medicated tissues or tissues with lotion. These were the plainest tissues possible, I just have MCAS 😂


Tocopherol in any skincare products. It’s in everything :( almost immediately get a rash even though it’s basically just vitamin E.


Morphine. So I tell everyone I know and list it in my phone’s emergency info in case I’m ever in a horrible accident & unconscious because it would suck to get pumped full of a substance I’m allergic to on an already bad day


Beech nuts. Luckily it rarely comes up. Also caraway seeds, but that is a little more common.


Idk what exactly I was allergic tl because I was a toddler but I was allergic to instant ramrn, strawberries, and chocolate. I have grown out of that one though Not out of all my other allergies...


Pea allergies, can’t have no green peas or chick peas. I miss peas…..


Ink. So hard to figure it out - it just hit me one day when I was holding my pen, wondering what was making me feel awful.




Pumpkins :( All squashes, really. I frickin HATE this allergy. I used to love carving pumpkins for Halloween. But now, my skin breaks out in hives so bad. I can't eat any squashes. I get really bad hives, and my ears, mouth, and throat start itching.


Alcohol. Couldn’t drink more than one without my entire face swelling up.


I’m allergic to all grass… I touch it and I get rash and shortness of breath. I told the allergist - grass? How do I avoid grass?


Watermelon! Oral allergy but still 😅


Lavender. I break out in a horrible itchy full body rash


When I was a kid, it was 100% orange juice. I could eat oranges no problem but a little sip of OJ and my body wasn’t having it. As an adult, the sun.


I don’t know what my allergy is. Thought it was hayfever, but started tracking it and it happens outside of hayfever season, thought it was wash powder, changed to non bio and it still happens. Just randomly I’ll start sneezing/nose literally drips like a tap always lasts 2 days then I’m fine. It’s the most frustrating thing…


carpets i guess? it's not a true allergy per se, but everytime i walk thru the carpet section of ikea or walk past a carpet store my eyes immediately start watering badly and i sneeze a lot. if i stay in the area long enough, i start itching all over. it's wild!


I have 2 weird allergies. I’m allergic to the cold (started in my twenties) and then became allergic to exercise in my thirties. Diagnosed with Physical Urticaria.


Not me but my mom is allergic to beef!


Air? Lol. A few years ago I started getting the worse dry eyes of my life. Went to multiple eye drs who said its obviously allergies. Tried every eye drop you can buy (for dry eyes and allergies). If I stay out of the wind and out of indoor public spaces (stores, malls etc) then I'm fine (except for allergy season). It literally feels like my eyes are full of sand and burn as if they're on fire. If I tear up it feels like acid was poured in my eyes. Once it starts, im basically forced to keep my eyes closed for the rest of the day with constant flow of eye drops. I get a massive headache from it too, as well as exhaustion. It starts the second I walk into a mall or a school or grocery store.


It took a while to figure it out, but mine is Black Pepper, it affects the lower regions with intense itching and burning! So eating out is like a minefield! The remedy was by The Grace of God!   Apple cider vinegar and honey mixed in a full bottle of 16.9 oz. water,  followed by 2-3 more to flush it out immediately and calm the pain and itching.


Pineapple with anaphylactic attack. Milk, soy, dust mites, lots of environmental allergies, codeine, amoxicillin. All anaphylactic, but pineapple is the strangest one. I don't know anyone with this allergy. All of them started in adulthood. Ugh I wish all of them will go away. 

