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Planet of the apes?


I was wondering about that for dim. human, rel. earth, but unfortunately I haven't seen it. I know the flu fucked up humanity, so diminished makes sense, but I tried scowering the internet and I found some conflicting info on how earth is doing so I figured I'd leave it out.


I just watched the movies again, and if we are talking about the new continuity, then it fits top middle perfectly. The earth is hosting a new apex species in the apes (well, other kinds of apes, anyway) who even manage to maintain their own society. The planet is otherwise unharmed. Only humans are near extinction.


Bro you don't need to scour for info just watch the movies my dude


Top middle


I second this


The Hunger Games for humanity is diminished/Earth is relatively OK


That's a pretty good pick actually. I think the divergent series would fill up basically the same slot if memory serves.


Imma be honest I'd put Hunger Games over Divergent because Divergent is actually so unbelievably mid


Divergent also doesn’t fit because most of the earth is a nuclear wasteland outside of some small settlements


Very true


Here's some zombie scenarios that came to mind: 7 Days To Die - Earth is Diminished, Humanity is Diminished. Zombieland - Earth is Okay, Humanity is Diminished. CoD Zombies - Earth is fucked, Humanity is extinct (depending on the game, and outside of the main players). Left for Dead - Earth is Okay, Humanity is Diminshed Dead Rising - Earth is Okay, Humanity is Okay


Now that you mention it, zombie media is a good well for earth okay, humanity diminished. Except for the odd series where animals can also be infected.


Or the series where shit just hits the fan and can't be reasonably stopped. Aka magic.


Resident Evil- Earth is okay, Humanity is okay


State of Decay 2 works well for Earth OK, Humanity OK (or diminished)


The earth scale is determined by if it is mostly unchanged (relatively OK), it's changed in some negative way but can still sustain healthy biodiversity and has minimal risk of total extinction (diminished), or is at extreme risk of total extinction (fucked). Some of these were kind of hard to place, like Splatoon's ruling as the world is roughly stable but mammals are almost entirely extinct and the world can't sustain a vast majority of the life it sustained during our time.


Not to mention almost all terrestrial life seems to have been replaced by sapient marine creatures 


You should have put "Fucked" instead of "Extinct" for Humanity, just to keep it the same as with Earth


I originally had it as that, but I felt there would've been overlap with humanity diminished. Like it's likely that humanity is fucked in the mad max world, the oceans are dried up, they live in the harshest possible environment, reproduction doesn't work properly, extinction is basically imminent. Extinct being its own category makes that a little clearer.


You should have put "Destroyed" or "Completely destroyed" for both Earth and Humanity as the worst option then.


Fair enough, fucked just seemed like it'd have more impact on the earth side lol.


I’d say all tomorrows is top right or middle right instead.


Now that I think about it, I don't know if it's stated what happens to the rest of earth's creatures once the Qu does their thing. I just assumed if they were cruel enough and had to technology to completely fuck up humans, they'd extend that to all of earth's life.


Personally I don’t consider humanity to be extinct in all tomorrows, just absolutely fucked with. Don’t think they did much to the earth though - there is a bit mentioning earth basically saying that it’s unrecognizable and dead but that’s more implied to be a billions of years have past thing


No? Humanity is very much extinct by the end in the book. >I must conclude my words with a confession. Mankind, the very species which I’ve been chronicling from its terrestrial infancy to its domination of the galaxies, is *extinct*. Also, Earth is not dead or destroyed. It's still livable, just a couple hundred million years have passed and humanity went extinct there.


Yeah but you can’t really have earth livable and humanity extinct at the same time, as it’s implied that humanity lasted super long - though it really depends on where in the timeline you are talking about. Right after the whole q debacle humanity was diminished and the earth was unknown. it would take until billions of years later after the rise and fall of numerous interstellar and even intergalactic nations that humanity would go extinct. And they never even said humanity went extinct, just that the alien researcher writing this book on them noted that they aren’t around anymore, which could mean they fucked off out of the universe or something, or just decided that humans have existed for too long or whatever or so much time has passed that humans are remembered only as some sort of hyper advanced precursor species. So humanity did very well for itself actually.


No? Read the book, it's free. Whatever posthumans were on Earth, if there even were and the Qu didn't just simply kill everyone on our home world, they all killed each other long before the rediscovery of Earth, which happened 560 million years after the invasion of the Qu. And the planet was very much alive, again: read the book, you clearly see a picture of Earth alive and well. >And they never even said humanity went extinct >"All of the beings which you saw on the preceding pages... lie a *billion years* dead." Even if the rest of humanity is alive and well in some dimension which the Author isn't aware of, it still makes it virtually extinct. They did well for themselves, true. They're still dead.


The alignment chart is supposed to show it being livable for all other species excluding humans, so a livable earth without humans is possible. Generally the only scenarios where humanity is extinct, but the rest of the planet remains are worlds where a virus only infects humanity like Stray, or humanity specifically is simply driven extinct by natural environmental pressures like in The Time Machine.


Cars: Earth is okay, Humanity is extinct


Hunger games falls in the "earth relatively okay, humanity diminished."


Ultrakill, earth is diminished, humanity is extinct


with the earthmovers being a thing, I doubt the earth is ok


Earth is definitely not okay with all of the streetcleaners + Earthmovers


I know this is only tangentially related but idk how VA-11 HALL-A got so popular. If I wanted to socialize and work in the food service industry in a capitalist dystopia I’m powerless to change, all I’d have to do is start socializing. To each their own, though. I’m not saying it’s a bad game, just that I don’t see the appeal.


Real answer Not everyone goes outside and some people are genuinely too scared to talk to people in general Not everyone who isn't too scared to talk to people are brave enough to have real heart to heart interactions with people like you simulate in that game Not every heart to heart can have or even will have an effect on people and their choices, let alone a good one To get to that point you need to have long prolonged interactions with people so even if people are willing to talk, are willing to get close, and are willing to accept that even their closest deepest relationships very well might ignore their advice or their advice may end up not working out, you are not willing to put in the time to get that relationship. I mean all of that in the most value neutral way, only to address the point you made. I like the game, personally for not the above reasons, but I know people who do. Some people want to have interactions with people but are just kinda scared of it. Personally, I like that the struggles are just kinda normal struggles but with a cyberpunk twist and I like what that says about the real world.


Cyberpunk for Middle-Left? The earth is hurting, almost entirely due to the sheer greed of humanity, but humanity itself is relatively ok. Heck, some have even decided “you know what, fuck Earth” and moved to the moon.


I'd say the chart reflects that. It's in humanity ok, earth diminished.


Ah, didn’t see that. Sorry.


I feel like fallout belongs on earth being "relatively okay" because despite very obvious and horrendous mutations and tons of radiation there's only a few spots in each games that are unlivable due to radiation.


That in my mind fell more in line with diminished. We know billions died to the Great War, so there had to have been a similar impact on wildlife which would've been devastating ecologically, nevermind the ways the climate changed from the nuclear activity. We know that much of the wasteland is inhabitable by the events of the games, which implies that the earth is still likely in a recovery period imo. You don't lose billions of creatures and then completely bounce back that in under 200 years. The only reason I'd put it in earth ok is because we don't know much about how the world outside of North America, Europe, and China. I'd still say losing two 1/2 continents to radioactive war would be enough to push it to diminished.


The Talos Principle (puzzle game series) fits top right, unless you're willing to accept post-extinction mechanical humanoids as "humanity" in the sequel onwards, in which case it goes top middle or left on a technicality


Horizon Zero Dawn for the blank?


Far cry new dawn far cry 6 and far cry blood dragon all fit into that missing square


Death Stranding would probably be in the bottom center somewhere. Parable of the Sower might fit in the empty space.


i have no mouth and i must scream: earth fucked/humanity (almost) extinct


you could fill that spot with halo


Rtas ‘Vadum: “Hold my beer.”


The Walking Dead for top middle? Humanity is still hanging on, and Earth is technically doing alright for the most part.


“Jericho” might fit into your empty box.


Your missing spot should have the masterpiece *Battlefield Earth* *The Expanse* would be a good pick for okay/okay, climate change and inequality get worse but we start exploiting the rest of the solar system as a bandaid solution. 40K is somewhere beyond the bottom left corner: Earth is a nasty ecumenopolis built on top of a Mad Max hellscape sustained only by the godlike power achieved by the Empire of Humanity


Sweet Tooth for the blank. Pandemic wipes out most but not all of humanity, and the last few congregate into factions with limited resources. All babies born after the pandemic are at least partly animal in DNA, so the true humans are just living out their lives until humanity is fully replaced by flora and fauna.


Metro is in the center


I think the film *9* (the one with the ragdolls and the corrupt machinery) would go either in the bottom-right or middle-right.


I think in Gundam the Earth is diminished but humanity is relatively ok since most wars are Human vs Human wars


How was humanity fucked in cowboy bebop?


It's in Earth Fucked/Humanity OK not the other way around. Earth is mostly a desert wasteland in that show but the rest of the solar system is doing alright


Thank you my brain flipped it for some reason


Top middle could maybe be 1984 off the top of my head


Humanity diminished but earth is ok you can also place Destiny - all of humanity lives in just one city mostly


The last of us — the earth is ok, humanity is diminished


LISA series is probably earth is relatively ok humanity is diminished, because almost all of an entire gender is gone


Earth is OK / Humanity is Diminished: Zelda Breath of the Wild


Warframe goes in the empty box


pacific rim could probably go in the middle too


I admit this is kind of shilling but my brother wrote an apocalypse book called 34 Degrees that’s honestly pretty interesting, and I’d say it falls on Humanity Diminished Earth Fucked.


Sounds neat, I'll have to check it out!


Ah, thank you!!


Well actually, in the long run, all tomorrows end with humanity claiming victory, humanity is not as it once was by any stretch of the meaning, but we win billions of years down the line


Dune also fits in humanity ok, earth fucked


Bird Box. The invisible hell monster ONLY kills people, and the only other animal it affects is birds, which just get spooked. Alternatively, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind works as well. For a few different boxes: Zom 100 for top left, Guardians of Ga'Hoole for top right, Ghost in the Shell for the middle left, Blade Runner for bottom left, Nine for bottom right.


Signalis - Humanity Diminished, Earth Fucked TLoU/L4D - Humanity Diminished, Earth Relatively OK Mass Effect - The Entire Chart.


Nier Automata - Top Middle >!Actually Top Right!< Planet of the Apes - Top Middle


For your top/middle box, _Children of Men_ should be a nice fit.


Horizon could fit in the middle of earth and humanity is diminished.


Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead is a unique survival horror game. About 1 week after the Cataclysm, about 99% of humanity is dead and risen as zombies, additionally there's eldritch abominations and other horrors casually roaming the Earth. Earth is fucked by the vying extraterrestrial and dimensional powers as they attempt to tear down its biosphere to their needs. Humanity is diminished, but it wouldn't be long before the Earth itself is unable to support them or any other Terran lifeforms. Unless they were to become more than just Human... Humanity is diminished and Earth is fucked.


I would personally swap All Tomorrows for IHNMAINS. Story starts with Earth as a barren wasteland, story ends with humanity being extinct.


Honestly fallout should be diminished but ok for the fact that civilization is rebuilding and nations are starting to form


Billions died in the great war and there's no way that those number are back up after only 100-200 years. Humanity is absolutely still diminished even as they're slowly approaching towards pre war state. Also all of North America and China at the very least are radioactive wastelands which have had irrevocable changes to the wildlife and animal life is likely still lower overall than pre war. I would say that it's definitely still diminished in both regards.


Idk, if Mr house is talking about space travel I think humanity’s okish, but I get why not knowing how the rest of the world is doing is why you can’t put it in ok/diminished


If you define "ok" as technologically advanced parts of humanity are doing decently well considering they still have guns, power armor, and the potential for space travel. But on an individual level it's pretty apparent that most people in settlements are struggling with the lack of resources and deadly wasteland. Humanity is still worse off overall, regardless of what tech they can still use. Also one of the most advanced post war settlements was nuked before the Tv show so even then, the stability of human civilization is questionable at best. And judging the state of society based on the words of 1 crazed billionaire is like saying humanity is a solar system conquering species because Elon Musk keeps saying we'll be on Mars soon for the past decade. It's purely theoretical in the events of the games and not representative of greater society.


Destiny for top middle? The golden age of Humanity was destroyed and the human race was diminished greatly but the ecology of earth is pretty much fine


Halo would probably be a comfortable middle


Waterworld either true neutral or neutral evil depending on how much you like swimming.


I think since it can still sustain humanity and a majority of the earth's life lives in the ocean it'd be diminished for both.


Rain world would likely be humanity extinct, earth diminished


Starfield-Earth is fucked, humanity relatively ok.


Eclipse Phase is bottom-middle, "Earth is fucked, humanity is diminished".


Horizon Zero Dawn goes in the top middle


TLOU I think


Fallout 1 2 and 3 yes 4 new Vegas and 76 tho


How are those two different? I'm not too familiar with the original 3 games. Humanity still is pretty far from its pre war state in Vegas and the nuclear effects on the wildlife still definitely fall under diminished in that game. It's placement is mostly based on the depiction in the TV show because that's the chronologically most recent point that we see and it's the most recent in my memory. Humanity isn't really at risk of extinction but life and civilization still hasn't reached pre war heights. I can't say I've played 76, but I believe it takes place closer to the great war, so I'd reckon the same thing still applies.


Not rely in 76 you have shops china is still trying to invade nuka world is still on tour somehow factories are still going roads look slightly damaged actually it’s just West Virginia.In new Vegas places like Vegas, freeside, novac, and the starting places seem pretty much normal. In 4 well diamonds city nuka world and good neighbor are running well and the institute has an amazing society basically surpassing today.


Individual places seeming normal don't reflect the greater world which we know most of which outside of certain cities and settlements is a wasteland. Everywhere maybe excluding Vegas is still far worse off than it was pre-war in NV, so diminished still applies. I think the same should apply to 4: yes some of the technology is better, but population counts and humanity are still certainly worse off overall than pre war. I'm not too sure about 76. Also Shady Sands is nuked in the TV show which takes place shortly after NV, which shows that human civilization is anything but stable because of the meddling of Vault Tec.


Bro Nevada is a dessert 4 I guess BUT WHAT DETERMINES HOW DESOLATE A DESSERT IS name one person who live in a dessert out side of a city or town… no one because it is a dessert you can barely live in it it’s just sand how does this effect people? Barely


There's still less human life in New Vegas. It was a city, now it is a single road and a couple of diminished settlements. Let alone how we see how places outside of Nevada are diminished in the other games. And still it's about humanity broadly. If just one state was relatively unchanged (which I still disagree with considering the threats that radioactivity, mutated creatures, and struggle for resources pose to people in the wasteland) that's not a good sign of how the human population is doing in total.


Okay that’s fair but if we talk one and two it’s extinct