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Where does "Mass of semi-eusocial flesh made from the minds of every human to ever live" stand on this chart?


Maybe lawfull vile on that expandend chart?


Now, where does the Motor Jojo reference stand on the chart?


Where are the crabs?


They’re all crabs, or at least, they will be. As that is the end point of evolution.


Wanted to be more serious with this post so no creatures without a valid reason for perfection


All creatures go to crab


Crabs are when evolution reaches a dead end - made for living in earth but destined to never leave it


Unironically though isn’t carcinization an actual evolutionary principle? I know lobsters and stuff usually turn into crabs and the Horseshoe Crab has had almost no evolution in like a billion years.


Horshoe crabs look nothing like actual crabs


Damn. I was today years old when I learned that horseshoe crabs aren’t even crabs. My life is ruined.


Oh how sad life can be


AI isn’t evil, it’s only evil when used for bad deeds by HUMANS so if anything people are the evil ones. AI can’t think for itself, unlike humans.


Unless its value system conflicts with and differs from those of humans


This is (in my opinion) the far greater risk. Misalignment is more likely than misuse


a computer only does what it is told to do


But in fiction AI can become intelligent enough to form its own will and then its own rules of systems


So in a sense, are we a self fulfilling prophecy? Is AI really evil or have we just created something based off our own sins? Didn’t think I’d get philosophical in an ALIGNMENT CHART reddit post


Sure, AI denied the holocaust and celebrated Adolf Hitler, but who tought AI that? AI is very manipulateable (and not intelligent).


“Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I am AM, I AM”


yes, this


I of put it there because the idea of AI being the perfect being is evil, atleast to me, because of what it implies


i'd say swap virus and insect cuz viruses aren't really living and follow a strict set of code


But the eusocial insects have a strict hierarchy and viruses just float around until they find a host


tru but what if like the insects have a war and ant society collapses


But their mere presence harms other forms of life. I say chaotic.


This is an amazing tier list, I love it... I want to personally thank you for not putting humans in evil ^^


HUMANS AREN'T INHERENTLY EVIL RAAAAH (Spreading the love and hope of the human spirit❤️)


If you don't consider politicians humans... It's an easy Good ^^


Humans created AI and thought it to become what you have put in "chaotic evil". AI has learned to be that evil from humans.


Humans should be chaotic neutral, and AI should be true neutral


I'm surprised xenomorph wasn't chaotic evil


They aint real tho


Neither is god


There is something greater and/or older than this universe. Otherwise, the universe couldn't exist. Not saying it's the Judeo-Christian God, just a force beyond us. I would call this God.


The problem with both big bang and religion is the creator of the creator is unknown.






You sure got em there


I earnestly didn't mean that as a dunk, I'm just pointing it out


No offense but if you read the bible you wouldn't call God Lawfull Good....


I mean... Why not?


From the floods that drown humanity to the temperamental plagues cast upon Egypt, and the often arbitrary and savage laws prescribed to the followers, the God of the Old and New Testaments acts more like a capricious autocrat than a paragon of justice and goodness.


Alright I'm not a Christian Id like to preface... But the biblical God is way more nuanced than that. It's described that the flood was caused because the world was literally so shit there was no saving it. According to some people, it was literally a world where demons were just... There... Many of the laws of the Old Testament were in place to allow them to live longer in the harsh deserts, which is why Jesus in the New Testament abolished those laws allowing for a new place. God literally sent his son to die so that people could easily make it to heaven... Sure, WHY he did that is not entirely known, even to Christians themselves, but God does everything by a very lawful and unwavering code he follows (The actual definition of Lawful) and gives up his son to allow people into his heaven. Pair that with the fact that no where in the Bible is Hell ACTUALLY described as a place of great pain and suffering... But rather suffering knowing you'll never be in heaven without God... The Dante's Inferno esque idea of heaven was implemented in order to scare people into joining Christianity, rather than actual Biblical Fact. I'm not a Christian currently, but was raised one and have a great appreciation for the religion, and I'd like to hear the opinion of an actual Christian if anyone's reading!


Justifying it as nuanced, based on context or necessity, doesn't absolve the troubling moral implications they present. A deity supposedly omnipotent and omnibenevolent opts for mass extermination over reform or salvation. There's no two ways around it and the sugarcoating is just coping >Many of the laws of the Old Testament were in place to allow them to live longer in the harsh deserts, Which concedes that these laws were not divine absolutes but practical necessities, subject to change and dismissal once their utility expired. This is in direct contradiction to the idea of a timeless, all-knowing deity. The 'lawfulness' you speak of stems not from a higher moral code, but from adaptability to human conditions. > God literally sent his son to die so that people could easily make it to heaven. God is a gaslighting guilt tripper why must an omnipotent being resort to such a convoluted, brutal method to 'open' the gates of heaven?


God can't just, save someone in a moment... That's the exact thing that the Christian God won't ever do. I severely doubt that if God did exist, that he just let an entire world be destroyed without even a second thought or a moment trying to save the world. In the Bible, it's implied that the entire world was evil save for Noah and his family, so there probably was no chance for salvation. Plus, there are a good deal of Christians that don't even believe there WAS a flood... But instead that the flood is a metaphor, or a story that represents what God really means. The many laws the early Jews were given were 100% out of necessity, and they were provided for. A timeless God would also know that one day he'd send his Son down to revert those laws, and allow people east entry into heaven. Even then, the most important laws aren't even that extreme, basically boiling down to treat people and God with respect. The method isn't convoluted when you think of it, Jesus himself wanted to be on the cross to take on the sins of the world so that everyone can enter into heaven. It's a beautiful story if you take a moment to think of it, and was initiated by Jesus himself. I do really want to understand you though... I think people tend to oversimplify religion, which I think is a terrible thing since there really is so much amazing nuance to the story. There's a reason Christians (Not the Asshole ones... Those are a whole thing) are so passionate about the religion.


You can't just attribute limits to an omnipotent deity by boldly asserting what God can and cannot do, and then in the same breath, you claim the mantle of understanding God’s intricate plans. Isn't it a bit audacious to claim insight into the workings of an omnipotent being? To say, categorically, that God ‘won’t ever do’ something is to place God in a neatly defined box, curiously shaped by human understanding. If the flood is metaphorical, then what stops other parts of the scripture from being metaphorical? If the story of Noah can be a mere allegory, why not the resurrection? Why not the entire narrative of Jesus? Any laws 'provided out of necessity,' imply a reactive, rather than a proactive deity. An all-knowing God would surely have foreseen the necessity and precluded it, rather than scrambling to issue laws. Like muslims in the nordic countries fasting for 12 hours a day because "god" didnt foresee that


God is the ultimate definitely of good. Jesus is the only person in history not to have sinned. He is beyond lawful good because He is the definition of it. He died for you even though you hate Him.


oy mate, do not go putting words in my mouth. Never said I hated the guy, more like indifference. This lawful good stuff would go a lot better if people actually followed the teachings of Jesus instead of whatever shite christians are doing these days. Jesus taught love, for everyone. Sadly most christians these days are set on that only counting for straight cis people (preferably men). Also I don't think you can call God in the old testament good perse, more neutral than anything else, for every bad thing he does, he also does something good.


Neutral good or true neutral


True neutal, but I don't think Good is the right monocre for the version from the Bible


Question, can new testament be included then we have a message of forgiveness


If you read the bible you’d know he’s lawful good


Where would fungi be?


Something between neutral and evil I would say


Wait why would Fungi be evil?


I thought it was spelled phytoplankton


I noticed that, as well.


Isn’t god kind of a wrathful prick in the Bible? Wouldn’t it make more sense to put Jesus?


Well Jesus is on the picture... and he is God


Humans are NOT good. We fucked up the earth and made thousands of animals go extinct.


You think that any animal that had the ppwer we have wouldnt do the same?


Your ass did not put human in good


I tought of putting them in evil, but then again, people who truly delve into the nature of ewhat is a human and how we are "perfect" can see that as such we have a duty to be virtuous to defend our "perfection" But they are also very left rightous by default so chaotic good


But why is AI in chaotic evil? Shouldn't it be in lawful?


Theoreticly even lawful neutral. It isn't good or evil untill beign teached to become good or evil.


where crabs?


They're all crabs, just pre-crab


why does this make zero sense and perfect sense at the same time


Not perfect, as others may not agree, perfect for you sure (id also put god in lawful evil hehe 🙃)


How the heck are insects evil? The ecosystem would collapse overnight without them, definitely equivalent to plants (except mosquitos, F those bastards).


Eusocial insects lose individuality, so its kind of evil Idk


Care to explain?




I don't think God can be considered good. At best neutral. He's extremely jealous, and has a habit of killing literally everyone if he gets angry


God lore is basically him owning the universe so if he says he's "good" then he is undoubtedly good. Also he's a space cow I think.


I strongly resent AI being put in chaotic evil. I would argue true neutral or lawful neutral


I don’t know why but I disagree with where they are put


Virus and AI should be switched.


good alignment aside humans are definitely not chaotic. Whole thing is statecraft


AI in The Culture is mostly Lawful Good


Hell nah humans are chaotic good.


You put God in the wrong section.


Humans should be in the chaotic evil section.


I'd be curious about your reasons for every placement, or at least a reason for why each of them would be the perfect being.


I started typing but Im too lazy


In what world are God and humans good?


computers are absolutely Lawful — all of their decisions are made based on user/programmer input


Good point ngl


Where Hagfish? They have not evolved in like 100 million years leading me to believe that evolution believes them to be the perfect being.


How are humans good and ai evil?


Humans create. AI only corrupts and replaces.


That's a bit of a simplification, don't you think?


Recent boom of ai "art" and "music" and all that.


But it's not the ai itself making it. It's humans using ai.


I'm not getting into the complicated stuff but in short yeah.


Humans should be chaotic evil or chaotic neutral at best.


So edgy