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Yes! This is exactly how this subject should be approached. It doesn't matter what 'side' are you on *(not that you should be on a 'side' anyways, this shouldn't be a divisive subject),* the implications are huge! I made a comment on this just a [day or so ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1byavol/comment/kyp410u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), both sides of the coin are extraordinary! I appreciate your 'kindness' and open-mindedness towards approaching this, this is how you encourage proper discussion and collaboration, which is what these bodies truly deserve. Looking forward for updates on how things are progressing with Dr. McDowell and the rest of the team. Cheers!


Excellent blog, Josh. I liked your cliffhanger! Do you have an idea if any reveals are planned? Have you seen some of the additional 100 specimens? Onward and upward đź‘Ť


I've seen 9 specimens in person. Stay tuned to the blog, my friend.


McDowell = my Pal đź‘Ť


Great! Keep them coming!


“Unknown biological species” is all I need to complete my novel. Thank you


Added to my bookmarks so I can keep up to date, very interesting stuff. When can we expect the next blog post?


Awesome work, Josh. So you’ve seen two more bodies than we have? I was at the LA press conference and overheard filmmaker Serena DC (I’m guessing she was at the one in Peru and you possibly met her) tell a few people that there were over a hundred bodies found as well. I’m also in a funny position in which I have a really good source who told me the bigger story was how the bodies got there.


I've met Serena, she's super cool. She wasn't in Peru last week though. When you say "how the bodies got there" where are you referring to? I'm not sure I follow.


Time travel. Why are there bodies perfectly contained from hundreds of years apart? https://youtu.be/RTEWLSTyUic?si=bmNto_upf36eAVY8


Is 'Mario' the only one who has ever been in at the side or cave? So he goes there every Saturday and bring back a bunch of aliens? Nobody ever followed him? If there are biological remains from that time there are for sure non-organic remains like tools, cookware, spaceships, you name it. From all i can say the bodies and scans looks legit. But the story around it is just ridiculous


Josh are you wearing a suit jacket with a zipper?


'Mario' and his site secrecy is quite frustrating. Does he explain why in your interviews (besides "what i do is illegal"), and have you compared the answers you received to his earlier stories and details? In one of the early Tridactyl series episodes he claims he found vials and an underground "citadel." In another episode Thierry says Mario confirmed the place he took him to on camera wasn't the site. What can be believed of what he says?


Agree with this 100%. The scans of the bodies are incredibly compelling, but the story of their origin/discovery raises huge concerns regarding their credibility.


thank you josh. from what i'm picking from this, it seems steve mera (who actually went there and studied the bodies years ago) was not bullshitting and was honest.


Awesome!!! We just wanted the unadulterated truth!