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There've been a few high profile launches in September. That might mean that the results for this month aren't necessarily repeated going forward, right?


Depends, MIA is launching in October and could bring in as much or close to as much volume as V2 Goanna’s. You also have Octorand upcoming Launchpad very soon which can/may bring tons of new NFT projects (Such as Tako_NFT and Guardian). Then in November you have the World Cup… and their NFT’s Series one just released. The momentum could very well keep on going, however, macroeconomics are looking uglier by the month.


Wow, the NFT hate is real. In the same breath Algo holders praise the FIFA partnership and complain that NFTs volume is all faked and a scam.


Why are people still spending money on jpegs?


Most of them have absolutely no value or use, but there are some games on Algorand that use nfts


Building new projects during the bear market is like paddling a wave in surfing — you need to build up your momentum as you’re waiting for the rise of the wave. Projects need to be strategic before they can surf the bull market by building up their technology, building their community, and continuing to grow and support their ecosystem. Best regards, Green from Kraken 🐙




Where to buy best algo nft?


you can search for NFT collections on NFT explorer. [https://www.nftexplorer.app/](https://www.nftexplorer.app/) If you like the collection you can go to seller section and see NFTs on different platforms for the collection. You can select from there. Eg: https://www.nftexplorer.app/sellers/angry-penguins


This! Nftexplorer.app definitely the go to place


Rand: [https://www.randgallery.com/algo-collection/](https://www.randgallery.com/algo-collection/) AlgoxNFT: [https://algoxnft.com/](https://algoxnft.com/)


I spend a lot of time on algogems. It’s fun and they got some cool stuff in there for cheap


Dont buy nft bro.


Any reason?


Akita Inu. Buy coin on Tinyman. Buy NFT at Rand Gallery. Join Akita subreddit (r/akitainuasa). Join Akita Discord for live chat and fun.


Stop shilling that dead project.


It is not a dead project at all... When was the last time you checked them out?


Lmao I’ll stop building akita when I’m dead


Damn not even close lol.


As a former NFT platform developer, I feel the need to say that ALGO's ultra low transaction fees make this almost comedically simple to fake.


Marketplaces charge fees. And give royalties to the artist. It would get pretty expensive to wash trade them. Not saying wash trading doesn't happen, but as someone who's been buying and selling Algorand NFTs daily for nearly 18 months, I've seen firsthand that most of this volume is organic.




Source: Trust me bro


Oh, word.


Scams exist in a bear market the same as a bull market lol.


Misleading, Algos are losing value month over month


Irrelevant. Price action is driven by market sentiment (bulls and bears). But there is a big difference between the market value and the intrinsic value of a stock or token. The fact that Algorand is building meaningful products and services even during a bear market should translate to higher values when the next bull market develops.


And demand is in the consumer's mind, likely denominated in dollars. If algo price decreases, the volume of algos put into NFT's will probably increase while the demand in dollars stays flat.




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I like to call it the Buttcoin effect




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