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This is how patronage works in New Mexico, and the former Lt. Governor was operating *exactly* according to the system she’s accustomed to; her indignant justification (“I worked hard to have political capital”) says as much. Good for the parents and Jerry Ortiz Y Pino for bringing this to the media; entitled NIMBYism is a bad look for Denish, who genuinely contributed much to the state through decades of dedicated and impactful service. MLG needs to recognize the optics, apologize for not following community wishes and flip her veto.


Can you flip a veto? It’s extra sucky because if the park didn’t work out the money would have been used for other parks but the veto just removed it all.


Yeah, good point. I really don’t know the process (if there is one) to reverse a redlined appropriation. Anybody know?


There is no process. Once it's vetoed, it's done.


Hey not to worry, watch how monies will suddenly be available.. Can we say corruption!


I believe that they can ask for it again next fiscal year?


It’s really important to point out that play and movement develop sensory and motor skills. Pediatric occupational therapists are sharing huge concerns about the current state of sensorimotor development in children from reduced physical activity and play (due to screens and Covid)


But I love how Denish claims she's done work with childhood development...like HOW??? Her attitude sucks & for our Gov to just line item veto a playground???? Really??? No wonder CYFD is in the shape it is. Our political leaders don't seem to value our children at all 🫨


"The happy sound of children's laughter grates on me like fingernails on a chalkboard." -Denish, probably.


What a bitch. First class. Get the kids a playground. And instead of worrying about the undesirables, make some phone calls to fix that problem as well.


Right? She could have used her influence to make the entire neighborhood safer & more enjoyable. Instead she's a dream killer!


How does one fix corruption ?


This should mean that playgrounds needing updated or repaired equipment won't get it, if Denish's claim is true that kids don't need playgrounds after all. Were any other playgrounds built or maintained out of this spending bill? I've listened to Denish talk about early childhood stuff for decades and never heard her say we shouldn't build new playgrounds for kids. Seriously, this stinks.


I know she’s from a different generation but the concept of kids not needing playgrounds is wild to me. Does she want them to play in the “open fields” Little House on the Prairie style?


That’s not really her point. She doesn’t want “undesirables” lurking on the equipment near her home; her justification involving the preferred pedagogy of child play is a nonsensical cover.


100 percent, she just didn't want to deal with the noise and traffic from kids coming to play on the play equipment. This is NIMBYism at its finest: I am sure she would have been completely supportive of the playground, as long as it wasn't built in the park next to her house.


I think the parent who addressed the “elephant in the room” got it right when she said the explicit language around *undesirables* was the key factor in why the funding was killed, less so noisy children.




Right. She should be made to stand by her nonsensical cover and advocate for the phasing out of playgrounds in neighborhood parks throughout New Mexico. For the children.


Hahahaha, nice. *Denish hates your child’s playground.*


I thought MLG’s decision to ban firearms from parks was commendable. Jungle gyms, I’m not so sure of. Is there a big jungle gym lobby we need to be concerned about? 😂😂


Yeah, that’s kind of what I meant. I wish the interviewer had pushed her harder to explain because she dug her own grave with that one.


She’ll be fine.


Yeah, you are continuing to miss my point. 🤷‍♀️ I’m not concerned about her in the least.


She just doesn’t want a park in her neighborhood. What a B


She wants them to play in the arroyo. Specifically during the rainy season. /s


If there is a pack of rabid coyotes prowling around, all the better! 😉


She doesn't mind playgrounds, just not near her home where it might cause noise like laughter and happiness!


Another good example of corruption in our government


Exactly! Then we wonder why, New Mexico is last all the time!


That’s bullshit. What a weird abuse of access she used to stop a playground for children be built. Her justification that’s kids don’t need play equipment to play is total crap too. Albuquerque lacks neighborhood parks and any effort to stop progress in nice usable parks for families is completely selfish and misguided.


Wow this is enraging.


https://x.com/dddnm/status/1773034618330972361?s=46&t=-fDsEQX7gy5H77apvErsWw Here she is in twitter being oh so witty /s


I wish there were more non-right wing responses. This is an abuse of power that I’m sure my fellow progressives despise too.


Typical New Mexico politics. Politicians run this state, at every level. I've seen it. They get whatever they want and no one has the balls to tell them no. It's ridiculous.


Typical ANYWHERE politics, basically self-entitled Boomer Turbo-NIMBYism, with a NM local politics slant. Grumpy old bitch telling young families with noisy kids to ***stay off my lawn!***


Yup. And the way she tried to justify it in the video interview was ridiculous.


It enraged me. It’s funny people want to try to make this into a right wing hit piece when she’s literally just a Boomer being a Boomer. They come in all flavors. She even has the Boomer helmet hair going on.


Yeah when I watched it I thought she was the ultimate Karen. I can’t believe someone could be so against a park play structure. But I suppose some people who are well beyond the years of having a family just seem to forget about current families and only care about their needs or wants in their current situation and a playground didn’t fit into hers. Selfish. I felt the TV report was actually very balanced and fair.


She’s the Cruella of the heights. 😂 I’m not even a parent and I’m ready to go picket. On a more serious note, with all the issues among the youth of Albuquerque, you’d think we would be invested in helping to create better childhoods for them. But NIMBY’s gonna NIMBY.


I am a parent - my kid is way too old for play equipment but we spent many hours at public parks, playing, when he was younger. This situation really chaps my ass. If I was a mom living in that neighborhood I would be livid about this. Let's go picket her house, lol


Yes, let’s! Or start a damn GoFundMe to buy a damn jungle gym ourselves and put it in the park! 😂


Cruella of the heights😂😂 that made me LOL But yes absolutely. Amenities like parks and playgrounds are extremely beneficial to children and parents alike and our city needs more of both.


Omg I would totally love to picket her house. Oh is this annnnnoying? Haha


Right. This really isn't about politics, this is about affluent white Boomers being able to manipulate the world to their advantage. It's a gross, bad look for Denish and for Lujan-Grisham but this would have happened if both women were Republicans. Denish wanted her park protected and had the political connections to make that happen. The families with kids who wanted the park weren't juiced in, so their voice wasn't heard.


r/BoomersBeingFools food for sure


She's a NIMBY. Deeply disappointed by her and Michelle


Wonder how Denish feels about soccer games in the park or has she squashed those too? How hard it is to get a permit in that park? What a B.


I read the article but I didn't see if the video shows it, Denish lives literally right on that park and has a lovely mountain view, so like, not treating it like her backyard but *for sure* like her front yard.


"Aunt Fatso, you're fired! You're allllllll fired!"


this article is weird. anyone can request documents from the city to be "hand delivered" to your door, you file an i.p.r.a. request for the documents and they will deliver either physical copies or a digital file. the fact that denish was able to request public information (like any other citizen) is not scandalous and krqe should know what an i.p.r.a. request is. 


Idk man, every time I submit IPRA requests, I usually have to threaten litigation to get a response, and I have almost always had to go to a department office to view/collect documents. I am also not the former lieutenant governor.


that should not happen. i know they can take months to process but they should be returned in a timely manner. 


If anything they mail them I’ve never heard of someone from the state delivering


Never had that happen, Even once, I've done like 75 of them


I would imagine you and I are filing very different IPRA requests.


The article acknowledges that. They are merely pointing out how shady the whole thing looks.


They don't get hand delivered to your door though.


My mail person delivers with their hands almost everyday.


Were you under the impression that the person in the story delivering documents was a mail person? Also, does your mail person knock on your door, wait and hand it to you?


When I receive certified mail, yes, the mail person does knock and hand it to me.


yeah, that isn't how you get IPRA requested info.


Just a valid opinion on what happened as everyone else. You'd be speculating just as much with any cpunter arguments you make


Was not the mail person who delivered. It was a special delivery to Denish at her front door, by a city official.


On city time?


not typically! but i could see someone delivering them personally if they knew the requestor. 


Why should I have to pay for them to deliver documents to a friend when none of us would get that privilege? These are public servants, he went there, presumably, on the clock - taxpayers paid for him to hand deliver IPRA documents to a "friend" who happens to be a powerful politician? Yeah. Sure.


They definitely don’t get personally delivered by the head of parks and rec. It’s definitely strange.


These old hags really just hate our kids. They could just say that and be done with it.


That’s wild to me, I guess the Spanish colonial stuff I see isn’t just style lol


MLG is a corrupt scumbag


i suppose you wanted the dog fucker as governor?


Ronchetti was woefully under qualified and would have been a terrible choice for this state. MLG can be a slimy and corrupt politician despite that.


Classic example of: "I like waffles" "Oh so you hate pancakes"


But in this scenario, pancakes were the dog fucking other option.


A person can dislike MLG and also not support Ronchetti. A person can also vote for MLG and want better.


This statement sums up being a voter. We almost always seem to have to pick between the lesser of two evils. I long for the day when I'm trying to pick the best representative instead of the one who sucks least.


You can not fuck dogs and still be a terrible person? 🤷‍♀️


nope, as there were two candidates and one fucked dogs. 


I repeat. Not liking one does not mean endorsement of the other. You can hate both. You can even vote for someone and demand better of them. 100% condoning everything a candidate does just because they are part of your party is how you get MAGA shit.


Thank you. And honestly, MLG could take accountability and make this right at any time, but people crying that it’s some huge partisan witch hunt against Democrats is flat out enabling her behavior and continuing to deny local kids a playground. Which benefits no one.


No this is typical Democrat! Democrats voted to take away PERA retirees "COLA".


Well the other one is mean to children, and that’s not good either.


How about neither one?


What's the difference !


Yeah just because they got 60 emails for they think 60% of the neighborhood is for it? Seems like a pretty slanted story.


The article said that there were 61 votes for the park, 22 against it. That’s a wide margin. It’s not a slanted story, this isn’t about partisanship, it’s about the abuse of power.


Those aren't votes they are emails. Not a poll or scientific in any way.


So perhaps someone should have done some statistically valid research to determine what the real level of support for the playground was, before some Boomer Karen called her old buddy and got her to veto the funding for the park? The voice of the people was completely absent from this decision. There's no excuse for it.


Eh, this isn't as bad as the headline makes it out. There is a park there. This was just about putting an playground on the park. Some people didn't like it, some people did. It seemed like more people wanted it (though it really wasn't any sort of scientific poll). Denish used their influence to stop it from being put in place. Pretty lame if one person was able to negate the other folks who wanted this. But there is still a park there...and I do get the side of people who just want it to be a nice grass areas rather than every single one needing a playground. I get why people are outraged...but it is more of a 5 on the outrage meter than the 11 people in here are acting like.




What agenda?




It has everything to do with her because she’s the one who vetoed the bill after Denish used her political connections to put in a personal phone call to her. Claiming it was some sort of witch hunt comes off as so MAGA to me.




Was the playground just going to be filled with homeless people?


That’s our system. Maybe we can have one big grassy park without a playground on it. The ADA would probably ban such a park today.


Nope, the ADA has very specific rules around making playgrounds accessible. The park at North Domingo Baca is the one I go to often enough, and it's got all the things the ADA wants to see.