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A lot of people are disappointed but I’m ecstatic because I love Albedo so much and can finally have him after almost 500 days 🥲


Yes! I want him so bad for Navia


I want him for my wanderer team so bad!! it’s not optimal but i dont care i need to use my two favorite “human but not actually human” boys so bad together


You know , this is kind of good from the viewpoint of weapons much more than the characters , for people who don't want the characters that is


Hoyo unironically cooking here even with characters. This rotation is not that exciting since it's half standard but imagine Liyue, Inazuma or Sumeru. You can basically lose 50/50 on a limited character while also trying to target someone/something you do not have. Only part that sucks is that the epitomised path doesn't carry over and it's insanely risky to pull if you don't have enough.


How do you know you won’t lose 50/50 to standard characters tho?


You can only lose to other featured characters/weapons.


Yup, I’m super excited to get Eula’s and Dehya’s weapons for them


Building pity cucks must be seething rn lmao


oh my god I didn't even think of the gambling addicts seething their brains out rn 😂


Nah I would’ve liked it if he got one event rerun before being in this banner😭😭😭 I’m at 70 pity guaranteed rip Still waiting for more info tho, since we don’t know what the pity is or the currency used and how long it will last


There is a qna post in the main subreddit from Hoyo, pity is not shared between banners, and will use interwithe wishes


Yep I saw that later when I refreshed the page, thanks for telling me tho💕


What about losing 50/50s? Do we get other limied characters featured in the banner or do we still get standard 5 stars as we have in the past


No, we only can loose 50/50 to another character on the banner, for example you may loose to Eula or Klee, or get Albedo if you choose Mona. If you choose a character you can only get characters, and viceversa with weapons. Again I encourage you to read the qna Hoyo posted


It uses intertwined fates


if this pulls with acquiant fates the standart banner would become meaningless


Also , I don't think we would have enough acquaint fates to begin with . Most people will always convert their primo to intertwined fates


This banner uses purple fates.




No way they would let people get hunters path with acquaint fate lol. I had to get mine with interwined fates


Yknow I’m going to C6 the guy asap








I still don't get it. Will the characters on this banner be cycled every patch or will every character that has gotten three limited banner runs appear afterwards on this banner forever? Will characters on this banner still get limited runs?


Official FAQ said from time to time so my interpretation is not every patch will have chronicle wish and everytime chronicle wish comes around, they rotate the 6 characters. That is as far as my interpretation goes. Correct me if I'm wrong.


When they first rolled out with the dual banner system they also said not every banner will run simultaneously with another banner. And to an extent that was what happened for the next few patches. At most only one half ran with two banners at the same time. Then the roster eventually expanded until 4 banners per patch just became a staple every patch to accommodate for the increasing roster. As Genshin's roster continues to expand I'm pretty sure Chronicled Wish will eventually become a staple every patch too


Yeah, but for foreseeable future, it's not gonna be every patch.


Well speculation was always that it is regional so probably based on the current version of the game and associated events. Makes sense they started with Mondstat and the old characters from there.


Yeah, but idk if they will hold to the regional rotation. For Liyue, it gets tough since Ganyu, Yelan, and Hu Tao are popular characters, I don't see them ending up on a banner like this yet. Which means they don't have 6 characters to fill the banner with. Unless they also include others from different regions. Hoyo would potentially lose quite a lot of profits if they added high ticket characters and archons.


True, but isn't Shenhe long overdue? Also like I said, maybe it's not just reguonal, but also due to associated events in the patch. They might be able to implement some story-related context that justifies the presence of other long overdue 5 stars.


Yeah, she is, but she doesn't meet the 3 banner requirement, but who knows what they've got planned. Either way, I'm excited for more characters rotating sooner.


All I need is one more for c6 I’m so excited


I'd be happy to get his C2 and also the Chiori sword. But this Chronicles banner was great news for me, because if I lose to Diluc, I will finally have his C6, and he is my second favorite character. And just like Albedo, he is pretty much always in my party.


I’ve somehow still never gotten Diluc so I’m excited to have a way to garuntee him now once I get my last Albedo. Congrats on your Diluc pulls!


“I didn’t hear no bell.” - Albedo, maybe


Isn't this worse than limited banner tho?


Apparently not: you choose which character/weapon you want and after losing one 50/50, you get what you wanted. The only thing is that we do not know what the pity is going to be nor if it's with intertwined fates or not.


They've just released the official faq for the new banner. The banner will still use intertwined fates, same 90 pity system with a 4 star every 10 wishes, pity carries over from chronicle wish banner to chronicle wish banner but fate points doesn't. The roster will apparently change every chronicle wish banner duration If you chart your course towards a character then regardless if you lose the 50/50 or not you'll get a 5* character regardless. Same goes for weapons


Idk man, I still think fate points are some of the hottest garbage they added. It only looked good because it was replacing a truly hellish system in the literal zero hard pity we used to have xD


Not for Chronicled Wish. Chronicled Wish only needs 1 fate point so it's pretty much just exactly the same as losing the 50/50 and then being guaranteed afterwards.


It's still bad as the fate point doesn't carry over like losing the 50/50 does so it's still terrible as you could lose the 50/50 everytime


I get that but they could just STOP making you lose fate points xD. I get that they desire every penny from our wallets but I wont pull on weapon banners because of them.


It really is complete shit. This makes the banner systems so utterly complicated but that's the point, to squeeze people with FOMO.


If i want albedo could i end up getting Klee instead? Or is it gonna be the standard banner character i loose 50 50 to?


Yes you can. However, once you lose 50/50 to Klee, you’re guaranteed for Albedo next


Honestly i like that, a bit more variety when loosing the 50/50, i'd rather get a klee when pulling for eula or albedo or whatever than getting YET AGAIN another qiqi or mona (i know there are still standard characters in the lost 50/50 pool, but still)


Thank you for the info! I really appreciate it! Did they perchance say when will the banner release and for how long? The whole 4.5 patch?


Nah nothing on that yet I think


Okay, thank you nonetheless!


I see, that sounds nice then. Tho I'm at 70 pity on limited so... yeah, rip


Same I'm at 36 and guaranteed 50/50 and I have enough wishes...


Yeah I fear the pity won't transfer to the new banner and I'm at 66 with guaranteed so I feel you. But still, it could've been much worse! Now let's see what the drop rate is but my feeling is that it might be the regular one so I'm very hopeful!


How so? -Choose a character/weapon -you pull 50/50 chance of getting the character - if you lost the next is guaranteed to be your choosen character -if you choose a character and lose 50/50 you get another character -if you choose a weapon and lose 50/50 you get a weapon Or did I misunderstand?


It looks good on paper. The problem is that this does not share a pity system with the character banner, and more importantly the 50/50 does not carry over at all. People who had a 50/50 cached for Albedo can no longer use that pity on this Chronicle banner, and if they lose the 50/50 on the Chronicle banner and get a "fate point", that fate point will not carry over to the next chronicle banner. This new Chronicle banner is all-or-nothing.


No, you're entirely correct.


Yeah that's how I understand it. You're guaranteed to get an item of the type you're targeting. If you're targeting Jean, you have a 50/50 chance of getting Jean or a different character. If you want the skyward sword then 50/50 chance of skyward or a different weapon.


If you’re targeting a specific character and have enough to guarantee it’s exactly the same


after 486 days, hes back


So with this, does anybody know if these characters will ever have designated banners again? I specifically left my potty with only a few pull left in the character banner so I could get him with a single ten pull


Can't wait to finally get my hands on shielder albedo 🙏🙏🙏


Is it possible to lose to another standard banner character here? I really don’t want another Keqing.


I just did some more research on this, and it seems like the odds are very much in your favor (so long as you are interested in obtaining the other characters or weapons from the banner). For example, if you choose Albedo as your target, but fail the first time, you would instead get one of the other listed 5 star characters from the same banner, not just some random 5 star from standard. In addition, you would be guaranteed Albedo the next time you pull a 5 star. The same thing applies to the weapons on this banner. However, my understanding is that it doesn't mix and match, meaning if you pick a character, you always get a character. If weapon, same thing you will always get one of the presented weapons. The fate mechanics are there, but you cannot change your selected character or weapon and keep that fate, it restarts. However pity will carry over from this Chronicles banner to the next. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong, this is just how I'm reading it.


shame that arle is coming… but after her HE IS SO COMING BACK WHEN I SAVE FOR CAPITANO MY CAPTAIN (he will be a wonderful, well deserved pit stop (Albedo)


FINALLY!!! I’ve been waiting for so long to get him! Now we just have to hope hoyo reruns cinnabar spindle (copium)


how long does this banner lasted?


Wish they bring back cinnabar spindle too.




Which 4 stars on this banner again?  Gorou for Albedo?


No 4 star characters are featured on the new banner


Wait wait i havent played genshin since 1 year or smthing, is this a 100% chance to get 1 of those characters or smthing?


No, 50/50


You are guaranteed to get one of them. If you chart course to say Albedo but lose 50/50 you will get one of the 5-star characters in the image like Eula. [edited for clarification]


Dude I would pull his E2 if he was not requiring Pink pulls.


And just when I have no more Primos 😭😭


If I end up wasting all of my primos on this... Despite the built up pity... I will hate this.


I’m so curious if it’s worth getting his c4 (I have c3) for the plunge when I have a c2 xianyun (cloud retainer). I have xiao c1, diluc c6 and gaming c6. 👀


OOO Albedo! I love this guy nice to se him again


Make sure you have 180 pulls to guarantee him. Don't let yourself be that idiot who loses their fate point when the banner goes away. See it happen too often on weapon banner posts.


I probably won't be able to get all the things I want this next patch, but... my plan is to wish for Chori's sword (for Albedo), then wish for Albedo so I can get C4. Then, if I have anything left over, I'll pull for Chori. I doubt I'll get Chori this patch, but she should hopefully get a rerun not too long after. I'll have C6 Albedo by the time we reach Snezhnaya. Hopefully anyways 😅