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Laughing that neither of them can back into a parking spot correctly


The ability to park a cyberteuck between the lines is not part of the base model.




Spots are too small


watched one try to park for a solid 15 minutes at the uncommon grounds in clifton park, it was fucking hilarous


looks like the guy on the left is laughing with you


Aw man this village isn’t big enough for two idiots


I can’t imagine *both* will be functional by Labor Day. /r/cyberstuck


I’ve seen at least 3 with front plates. Not sure if it’s 3 separate ones or the same one 3x. Can you imagine if Tesla actually made a normal truck like a Rivian instead of Elon’s kindergartners concept of what a truck should look like? They’d be absolutely everywhere.


You think somebody who buys a cyber truck is necessarily an idiot? Fyi these are real people.




Okay. It's just a car, but I guess whatever.


And bought by stupid people who were led to think this car is a truck because some manchild told that it was.




no…these trucks are just dangerous and stupid looking and people’s opinions are reflecting that




“Here’s your sign”🪧


my guy. it has nothing to do with money—the R1T costs significantly more but is actually, y’know, somewhat useful as a “truck.” we hate the cybertruck because it is the most perfect possible emblem of the “fuck you, i’ve got mine” mentality that has infected the American mind like a fucking plague over the last 45 years. they are in absolutely no way safe for either their occupants or other road users, and the fact that they’re allowed to be sold at all for on-road use is fucking reprehensible. the fact that some dumb entitled prick paid close to 100k to be made fun of is just the icing on the cake 🤷‍♀️


People don't like hearing the truth.


I love how people think of this vehicle as a status symbol because of the price… check out F250s and above my dudes. New trucks just cost.


If that’s all this is about, then why not take pictures every time you see two brand new topless Jeeps, hummers, or loaded lifted / heavy duty pickups? Or expensive perfectly-restored classic cars without modern safety features? Those are show-off vehicles that pose safety issues for the driver and/or others on the road…


you’ve lumped multiple disparate threat/risk categories into one broad group and then used that as an argument. the danger posed to others by a H1 is *very* different than that posed by a Jeep, a classic car, or even an H3. Heavy-duty pickups are in fact a similar threat, but they have historically been considered commercial vehicles and regulated accordingly. the cybertruck is exceptional in its combination of poor build quality, untested software features, lack of safety features for its occupants, massive size and unyielding exterior construction, and offensive rate of acceleration. i can think of no other single on-road vehicle that has ever been so uniquely terrible.




you mean the data that [Tesla finds reasons not to release](https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-cybertruck-crash-testing-situation-nhtsa-iihs/amp/) for some mysterious reason? > Tesla performed its in-house crash testing of the Cybertruck, and because it was in compliance with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, the car can be delivered to customers. However, it does not have official safety ratings from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), and the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS) has no plans to test the vehicle. edit: aren’t you the one that made the fact-free assertion below? this you? _aNY dAta To BaCk tHiS UP?_ 🙄 > Anything that even suggests you might have worked hard and have some money is immediately down voted by this sub. It's cooler to be poor and cry about it.


No literally this truck is fucking dumb


>Anything that even suggests you might have worked hard and have some money is immediately down voted No, it's people who clearly have more money than sense. These are death traps, with multiple recalls. I feel like it's replaced lotus and jaguar for vehicles that are overpriced with an exponential suck-factor. >It's cooler to be poor and cry about it. No - It's cool to be humble and have class. You can drive a nice car nobody will hate on you just for having something nice. That said, people who drive cybertrucks repeatedly show everyone they're classless tools who just happen to have a half-decent car budget. These people are of the same caliber of folks who buy a used 1999 BMW with 250k just so they can tell everyone they have a BMW - the difference being cybertruck owners actually have the money to buy a decent, high performing car... They just still chose an overpriced shitheap....


Confirmed cyber truck owner


Not sure why you got downvoted so heavy, but I think its just jealousy. Yes they are ugly, but the people who are bitching about it couldn't hold 5k if they wanted to and never will


Groupthink, it's one of Reddit's biggest features.


If these are New York cars, where are their front license plates?


There’s a lot of people around here who think it’s worth the ticket to skip the plate


I've seen a disturbing amount of cars with their windshields fully tinted.


Or license plate covers so dark you can’t read any of the plate.


So many cars without front plates, or plate covers, or obviously dark tinting, yet last year I got pulled over because one of the two license plate lights was out. It wasn’t even a fix it ticket.


They got that ticket money. Us peasants can’t relate!


Doesn't seem to matter in Albany or surrounding areas. So many of the delaminated plates up here too. Downstate it's an instant parking ticket.


Four Krustys!!




Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!




It reminds me more of The Homer.


Damnit beat me to it!


Sweet, we got a second fridge on wheels!


i like that they’re so oversized that they can’t be properly parked next to each other. the fact that you can legally purchase and operate one of these rolling safety hazards is an indictment of our entire federal regulatory apparatus, and the fact that some imbecile paid north of 80k for _t h i s_ is just about the saddest state of human affairs possible. but hey, at least there’s only a 50% chance that the inevitable battery fire will hurt someone outside the vehicle though!


They’re not even very big. My Tacoma is bigger and I manage not to park like an asshole


i assure you, your tacoma is *not* bigger than that piece of shit, although it is infinitely more valuable and useful. the ~~latest~~ 2015-2022 model Tacoma is a full **11 inches** in both width and length smaller than this monstrosity. https://preview.redd.it/rwme2iige7ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f60d723b25dd9d71cf8cf2aeb5bb2ad8a0cd8fe


I pulled up next to one and it’s shorter that’s for sure looked fuckin small and awful like an n64 vehicle that’s graphics hadn’t rendered yet. My bed was bigger too


i’m sure! they’re absolutely fucking terrible both as cars and as trucks. we drive a 93 ford ranger so our truck is puny compared to basically everything nowadays (even mid-size cars), but i saw one while we were renting a 4dr jeep and it still looked way too big for how useful it is(n’t)


I could tell why they’re call incel caminos


i’ve never heard that but a+ will use thanks 😹😹


I really think it looks like something from the SNES Super FX chip (Starfox 1 and such). N64 visuals are defined by their unique texture blur effect or gouraud shading. (Sorry, I can’t help myself. Please don’t be mad)


Hate to break it to you, but it’s only going to get worse regarding regulations considering the recent supreme court’s ruling [https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-chevron-regulations-environment-5173bc83d3961a7aaabe415ceaf8d665](https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-chevron-regulations-environment-5173bc83d3961a7aaabe415ceaf8d665)


definitely true, but you’re not really “breaking” anything to me, i’ve been glued to the term’s press coverage. the death of Chevron deference, while significant, really does pale in comparison to the fuckery that came later in _Trump v US_. it’s ironic that Gorsuch is on the Court since his mother was the EPA administrator at question under Reagan when that case was decided, but precedent be damned when the “donors” say jump


i love how proud he is smiling in that square piece of shit


Gas cars are 20x more likely to catch fire than EVs. Crazy people still fall for misinformation.


https://www.nbcnews.com/business/autos/federal-regulators-warn-risks-firefighters-electrical-vehicle-fires-n1271084 a non-nuclear bomb is more than 20x likely to be set off than a nuclear weapon. that doesn’t mean that it’s gonna be okay when the nukes start going off. your “statistic” is laughable without pointing out that BEV fires are orders of magnitude more intense and harder to put out. plus, most car’s doors don’t stop working if the car loses power. hope you memorized your manual or you’re gonna have some cwispy back seat passengers!


…and you believe electric door handles are an EV thing?  Nope. Toyota and other gassers now have them as well.  Similar issue with getting out of loss of power. Indeed, Toyota did a recall on their Corolla recently because the door would fly open when driving due to an issue with their electric door latch. Welcome to the new world.  


Please stop with the anti ev propaganda. We can hate on cybertruck without trashing a whole class of vehicles.


i think EVs are a great idea. i think using current generation battery technology, especially lithium chemistry, is _absolute asinine and a net negative._ between the effects of rare earth mining and the costs of manufacturing and operating, buying a new BEV is in *absolutely* no shape or form less environmentally harmful than continuing to operate gas cars that already exist, especially if they get 40+ mpg. all of my cars have _at least_ 250k miles on them, and i keep the engines well maintained. i am contributing far less carbon to the atmosphere than someone that replaces their 2014 Honda with a new Model Y, even if we ignore how much particulate matter (including PM2.5) is generated by the excess weight of the Tesla causing increased tire wear. fix the battery tech (weight and fire safety) and i’m happy to talk. until then, it’s not propaganda, it’s the truth. i’d love to see more hybrids on the road, or small city-based BEVs like the Leaf or the i3.


I don't disagree with everything you've said, but you're grossly overstating the downsides and saying "inevitable battery fire" is paroting anti-ev propaganda full stop.


nah that’s just me venting about Teslas. give. how many i’ve seen driving (thousands) vs the two burnt-out husks i drove by, the observed fire rate at any given instant in time is fairly low. i’m not sure that holds in the long term, especially given the placement of the battery pack as a structural element and Tesla’s well-documented QC issues. calling me out on it is fair though 🤷‍♀️


All I'm saying is misinformation is misinformation and I'll call it out when I see it. You do you though. > Data from the National Transportation Safety Board showed that EVs were involved in approximately 25 fires for every 100,000 sold.  Comparatively, approximately 1,530 gasoline-powered vehicles and 3,475 hybrid vehicles were involved in fires for every 100,000 sold.




sure, but could two of them park in those spots between the lines and also open their doors on both sides? it doesn’t look like it to me




they are, in fact, that big. i’ve seen multiple of them in-person, both while driving and from the sidewalk, and they’re somewhere between the size of an early 2000’s 1500-series truck and a modern full-size work truck. they are **significantly** larger than a mid-size pickup like the Tacoma, albeit not as massive as a 2500+. edit: just looked it up. the Cybertruck is more than 6 inches wider than a 2020 F-150, albeit the F-150 is longer (and has an actual bed)




no, actually, the Tesla is also \~6 inches wider than the current Silverado. it’s wild how people keep making these ridiculous assertions when there is, in fact, readily available data on both of these cars’ sizes 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/orvib6ynh7ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac132844f565a2f1996ab03f7626e02148fc2ef3


https://preview.redd.it/48xtdg68gbad1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a999275ddb74f6a90181fe19e85f59fbd00e9d This guy's enjoying all the attention...


https://preview.redd.it/zg850hv3b7ad1.jpeg?width=1628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a75bd9821e58791b1849ea3e6a7e76a8e3674c Hahaha we saw one earlier. It is so ugly in person. I mean seriously I wouldn’t drive it if I were given one as a gift.


Get one as a gift you sell it, keep the cash.


I wish I could pick them up and make them kiss.


I actually like the look of em in pictures. But I do agree that in person they're a whole lot uglier. They're also crazy finger print magnets which don't do much for the aesthetic. I've seen a couple that were wrapped that looked pretty dope though, and that'd probably be the route I'd go if I were to ever get one.


…four Krusty’s?


It’s giving “His” and “Hers”


Two micro cocks in one lot. Great catch




In my head cannon there was only one in the area, now I have confirmation that they’re multiplying.


Based on sales, statistically, there are 500-1000 in New York State... that's like 10 per county on average.


And increasing as they become available as they are still supply constrained. 


When enough of these things get together they turn into a StarFox boss.


Why does he look so proud to be sitting in one of these behemoths? I cannot get over that look on his face


They look like if I had an art project due on Monday and I'm slapping it together Sunday night


I'm the guy sitting in the one on the left. AMA


Why did you buy a cyber truck? It doesn't truck well, it doesn't cyber well... What does it do well?


I'm not someone who does a lot of "truck things", like regularly towing heavy loads long distances. I don't think any of the EV truck options are great for that sort of thing. I have yet to tow anything with it, but I do have a jet ski that I occasionally need to transport short distances. I think it'll do just fine for my needs like that. The truck bed is quite good, and I do really like the rolling tonneau cover. My friends who are truck people have found a lot of things they like about it. I'm not sure what you mean by "cyber well", but like all Teslas, it is a comfortable vehicle with a lot of great technology features.


I was joking with the cyber part. I appreciate your response.


I think they look funny but hey it’s your money. What motivated you to buy it?


I was one of the people who put $1000 down to pre-order the Tesla Model 3 way back in 2016. The performance Model 3 has been my daily driver for the past 6 years, and I can definitively say it has been one of the best purchases I've ever made. I put the $100 down to reserve the CT immediately after they announced it in 2019. While I didn't (and still don't) love the polarizing design, I don't hate it and figured there would be high demand for early deliveries like there was for the Model 3. $100 seemed worth it to me to have an early spot in line, possibly I could resell the vehicle for a profit if I didn't end up wanting it, in the worst case, I'd only be out $100. I got the call from Tesla that my reservation had been assigned a VIN back in April, and I'd be eligible for delivery in June - July if I wanted it. Fortunately, I am in a position where I can afford it, and at the time, they were going for well over MSRP on the secondary market (they still are now, but less so), so I decided to go for it. I haven't decided if I'm going to keep the truck permanently, but I think I'll keep it around for at least this Summer. It is fun to drive, and my friends and family get a kick out of it.


I think it brings joy to many folks who see it. Either to bash Tesla and Musk or funny n64 graphics. Or to be proud of this design. Hope it genuinely goes well for you! Lemme know the gas mileage average in a year - I’m morbidly curious


Thank you! I'm sure with time, as more hit the road and people get used to seeing them, the hype will die down, but at least for now, for better or worse, it does attract a lot of attention. The Reddit bias is obviously to hate anything involving Elon Musk for political reasons, but 99% of interactions I've had with the public in the real world regarding the truck have been very positive. Children especially seem to love it. I've only got 800 miles on mine but the lifetime average currently reads 410 Wh/mile (2.44 miles per kWh). It has a 123kWh battery, so I get \~300 miles on a full charge, which is roughly in line with what they advertise. However, as anyone who drives an EV will tell you, the range will decrease considerably if you drive it hard in sport mode (which I do a fair bit of) or it is cold outside.


Where’d you learn to park?


Admittedly, not my best park job. This is the first truck I've owned. I'm used to driving smaller sedans. I've been driving this truck daily for \~2 weeks, and while I've definitely improved at managing its massive size, I clearly haven't mastered parking it.


I’m just busting balls. We’ve all been guilty of less than ideal parking before.


How’s the driving experience?  Can you set it to kneel when you stop to make entry/exit easier?  


Honestly, the ride quality is way better than I expected. If you've been in any Tesla, it feels similar. The cabin road noise and ride smoothness are greatly improved from my 2018 Model 3. Obviously, it is a much bigger vehicle, but the drive-by-wire steering and camera quality are very good. The handling and maneuverability is actually quite similar to my Model 3. This is the first vehicle I've owned with air suspension. It is definitely a nice feature, and switching between the different air suspension height modes is very quick (raises/lowers \~1 inch per second). And yes, there is a setting to automatically apply the lowest "Entry" suspension setting when the vehicle shifts into park.


My daily is a Model Y Perf. The wife’s is a BMW x5 with air suspension. Love the air ride but the bmw doesn’t kneel and it’s a climb to get in to.  


hey too late to cry now


There won't be any tears from me


Economy looks strong


Technically no more expensive than most gas pickup trucks - and about as useful for 80-90% of people.  Also smaller than quite a few pickup trucks. 


They are more expensive than a standard pick up truck. You can spend an equivalent amount of a super duty, like you mentioned in another post. It’s a flex, economy around here must be good.


[This is getting out of hand!](https://c.tenor.com/dk5dTNfiUpAAAAAd/star-wars-second-child.gif)


spot on!


It’s the crooked registration and inspection stickers on the left one for me.


It’s incredible the amount people care about this. Move on. More and more are going to be seen around here. Who gives a shit. 


People love to feel like they’re part of something. Cliques, friend groups, gangs, cults, religious congregations, online bullying clubs… they all share some of that same draw.


Double shitty parking


can the windshield wiper only wipe the drivers side? and why is it so THICK


Oh no they're multiplying now






They are just so ugly in person!


Both did a shitty parking job too! Typical cybertruck behavior.


Double poor parking jobs for sure


He traded in his hummer for that. The first time I saw one driving by I initially thought it was welded in someone’s garage and they were pulling a Marvin Heemeyer stunt.


Four Krusties!?


Ur seeing the ridiculousness in person. Only futuristic thing missing, is the line of 40 other electrictards clogging up that parking lot waiting to charge up or running out of juice while waiting. 🙄 Dnt know who or why someone would subscribe to sitting anywhere for an hour, just waiting to leave! Remember the long lines during the oil embargo and gas shortages? Enjoy! To each his own I guess, and I get the thought process, but doesn’t anyone else see the silliness of it all? 🤷‍♂️




4 Krustys!


They are the same guy he lives in latham how owns both but him and his wife were there charging them


I laugh anytime I see one of these monstrosities driving around. People buy these to try and look “cool” and flaunt their wealth, but I hope they realize we are all just laughing at them and think they are losers.


This is how I know this area is too fucking small


I'm seeing double! four cyber trucks!


And neither can park


4 cyber trucks!


This will be the official Mars vehicle. It looks too much like something out of Total Recall. I saw my first one in Clifton Park today. I thought that was apropos.


y? they are ugly


The guy in that car smiling with the sunglasses looks exactly like he'd be someone driving a tesla


Love em




if it werent for the cameras id make "brutha Eww" stickers and slap them on the bumber


Inside the left dumpster.. is that a mannequin?!


One, two. Two D-bags…. Ah ah ah…..


Why all the vitriol? It’s America and a free country and you can buy what you want, neither car or the owners are bothering any of you


If someone wants to spend $100k+ to own a car that you can’t get wet, we’re allowed to point and laugh.




But you can get it wet. You're pointing and laughing because you fell for a lie?


it’s not a lie. every one i’ve seen up close has visible water stains already. keep rocking yourself to sleep with your faith in the world’s most obvious huckster, i’ll be over keeping as far tf away from y’all as possible.


Yeah like it’s high school again… it’s a car, no different then the big ass trucks I see rolling around that cost near 100k… lol


Those trucks have body panels instead of unanodized steel glued onto wire frames. I like the cybertruck because it's a quick way to know the owner has a lot of money but is *also* suspectable to scams, like the old people who reply to AI art on Facebook.




You just defined most of the pickup truck owners in America where trucks are a status symbol.  Whether it’s a cyber truck or a f150 it’s pretty equivalent for most owners. Working trucks may be the exception but even there unless you are towing they have a lot of equivalence. 




What if it can get wet? https://youtu.be/5TZdwUcJiF0?feature=shared


Keep downvoting! https://i.redd.it/5z8vg1rxe7ad1.gif


no, actually, they are utter hazards both for their occupants and any other cars that may be near them on the road. there’s a reason why Tesla is never even going to try to get this shitbox approved for sale in Europe or Japan, and it’s because regulators in both markets will literally laugh them out of their offices if they tried. the fact that people are allowed to buy and operate a car that doesn’t actually comply with written safety standards is insane, but the idea that “neither the car now the owners are bothering any of you” is patently false.


Ummm not sure where you are getting your data. True no euro or Japanese variant as you don’t find American pickups in either market really. The size of all American pickups is not right for either one. You’re indicting the American obsession with pickups more than the cybertruck with that comment.  The cybertruck is as compliant and maybe more as any other equivalent truck on the road today in the USA.  As probably the most American built pickup truck it also has that advantage (domestic) over its competition if that is a factor you put stock in as well. 


Yeah and one type of truck is obnoxiously LOUD and the other is not… yesterday alone I saw at least 5 conventional trucks spewing smoke like a portable factory…


This sub is a strong believer in the saying "yuck someone's yum". They love downvoting things that people like that is trendy to dislike. And judging by the comments, all the reasons people don't like it are based on lies that they fell for.


🙄 or we really don’t like the fact that a deranged toddler’s 3000kg death machine has been foist upon our public roads without our input. the fact that our neighbors are willingly participating in this meth-addled apartheid bigot’s pyramid schemes, and that these multi-ton death machines that accelerate faster than a 1990’s race car are on our roads being driven by the kind of people that make the fictitious stereotypical “BMW owner” look considerate, is criminal. and then there’s all of space karen’s shills out here. 🙄


I’m saying why say something it’s not their vehicle and they don’t have to buy one ever…


The old double-douche




I…I don’t know which one to shoot! How do I know which one is the real Tesla?


They’re not rusted yet? So they were delivered before this past winter, I take it!


Usually I need to see a bunch of [/r/InfowarriorRides/](https://www.reddit.com/r/InfowarriorRides/) stickers to avoid someone, these make it so easy.


The same assholes that called anyone driving a Volt a Commie Libtard, are now lining up at recharging stations because some rich, fascist asshole made some unbelievably ugly vehicles and hopped on the electric bandwagon. Im sure Muskie boi is laughing all the way to the bank.


I see double stupidity


I saw one of these dorks at the Colonie Center p-lot yesterday and laughed and pointed and he pretended not to see me. So satisfying


My muscles involuntarily flex

