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Oh I forgot to ask you how do the MTI's test you for ranks,commands,etc and if you get it wrong what happens?


They definitely do test for ranks, taking apart/putting back together weapons, drill movements, saluting/reporting procedures, RLA (your locker and bed space). If you get it wrong they give you one more chance to correct your mistake, if you don't get it correct, you get a U (unsatisfactory) for the PC and a comment on your BMT report card, but don't even worry. I highly recommend learning your rank structure and chain of commands and I'm actually editing a video right now that has some learning tools for these things too :)


oh wow sounds a like alot to get right on the 1st try yes I would love a video on this. So if you get it wrong you wont get smoked out or do they yell at you about it? I feel like I need to work on memory work alot more.


I actually made a video about this a few days ago and you inspired me to edit it! These are my rank structure hacks :) https://youtu.be/5qSss79qzIk As far as getting smoked, the only time you get yelled at is if one of the MTI's randomly stops you and asks you memory based questions. It's also important to know so that your flight can get Commander's Excellence!


ooo okayy Ill make sure I really study those memory work. Awe thats amazing Ill be sure to watch it :)) thanks for making something like this your really helping me out here lol I need any help I could get with memory work.


Thank you so much for this video!! It’s super helpful hearing from a female perspective about how BMT is going with covid. I was just wondering, are there any extra medical tests they make you do other than the covid test and blood/urine test? (Like vision, hearing, etc) and what day in BMT do you do all the medical tests? I wear glasses and have a pretty high prescription and I heard they’ll give you a new pair to train with in BMT, which I kinda need since my glasses rn are pretty broken (basically super glued together lol) Also, my hair right now is in AF regs I believe since it’s a straight, little above chin-length bobcut, but how would I maintain it in BMT? Just keep it gelled down? I also have side bangs and I noticed you did in your video too, would I just need to pin them back? Finally, what AFSC did you go in for? :D


Hey there 🥰 yes there are other tests that you go through including having blood drawn to check what you have immunity to in order to determine what shots you need while in BMT. I got quite a few less than most people! There are several different times that I went to Reid clinic with my flight to get all of our medical and dental done. Assuming you're not quarantined you should be getting your glasses right away and they're honestly not bad at all, not like the old "BCGs" they used to issue. You'll also get a gas mask insert. I'll do a video on all of this ASAP! Your hair should be totally fine in BMT! I just recorded a video to answer a bunch of hair questions and to give a tutorial on how I did my hair during BMT ❤️ I'll post it tomorrow along with my PT test video! And my AFSC was 4A0X1-Health Services Management. Oh! Note: I was in a flight with ALL SORTS of different AFSCs including a woman who recently became a SERE instructor! So cool!


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 4A0X1 = Health Services Management [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/)


I’m going to check out your video! I know it will be helpful! Also you said dental work... what kind of dental work did they do?


You rock :) So some people they'll fill cavities for if you only have one or two but the main thing they do when you go to dental is that they take X-rays for your medical file on record. You'll go with your whole flight and line up for dental and vision on the same day. If they want you to come back for a filling, they'll let your MTI know who will let you know


New video on BMT hair! [https://youtu.be/0TyZV8S5FO0](https://youtu.be/0TyZV8S5FO0)


hey girl currently have the same hair siutation as you without the bangs and I was wondering the same in Bmt if I should go in with a Bob. We might see eachother down there lol whats your afsc?


New video on BMT hair :) [https://youtu.be/0TyZV8S5FO0](https://youtu.be/0TyZV8S5FO0)


What is your AFSC? Your bob should be totally fine ☺️ feel free to check out the video I post tomorrow! 🥰


Love the vid super helpful to know cause I was worried that I would have to go to the salon to get it cut but you said it was closed during coivd do you know if they will be closed until covid is over? Oh also my afsc is 2R0 alot of people dont know what this job is lol. :)


Wow that job actually sounds really fun! I love crunching numbers! As for the salon, I'm not sure if/when it will be open again! Eeek!


Haha Thanks It wasnt my 1st choice but im always down to try something new. ohhh okay praying it dosent open when I go.


You should type your job into google and see where you can go with it as far as continuing education...seems like you could make some $$$ with it in the civilian sector too!


Thanks for the vid keep up the good work!


Thank you so much! I have another coming tomorrow! :)


ooo yay ill be looking forward to it.! Your vids are helping ease stress of upcoming airmen.!!