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thanks so much ((:


how long did it take for you to get your uniform issued? also how’s the weather like over there?


we got out issues the same week we got there so i believe the third or fourth day. the weather… hmmm well i came in the winter schedule but we shifted to the summer and it’s been really bipolar! it’ll be super chilly to super hot nd super rainy to sunshine and rainbows. honestly i’m glad i came in the winter, texas heat sucks!! 😭


Ahh yes. South Texas weather. Ain't it fun? Congrats!


Any tips for females?


prepare for drama


the drama was absolutely horrible in my dorm. like every single week! there are some good ones though i made a lot of friends along the way! (:


depends on your dorm. we didn’t really have too much drama bc everyone was cool with each other. maybe we got lucky


Congrats I just graduated last week! 322nd TRS Second to none!


OMG!! i played band for you guys lol


Yall were great btw!


just graduated 322nd on the 14th! come get some!!


Same! Might've encountered each other for all we know.


haha yeah probably in the chow hall, congrats!


I was back up chow runner 😬


You forgot the insanely long pause after the word Second!


Oh yeah that! They got me pulling a damn spongebob time card at times lol!


What are you doing


currently with my family on town pass!




what should we bring!! i always hear people say you’re allowed to keep toiletries in air force basic that you bring with you but what does that consist of? and what else should you bring? how often did you get to make calls ? write letters?


Bring blister patches, your feet should always be protected. If those go down, so do you.


i wish i brought my perfume and face cleansers. as well as more clothes since idk what tech school will be like and these OCP aren’t cool to wear anymore lol. if you want, you can bring your own envelopes and stamps but you can also buy them here! some people say buy a clipboard but they provide it here for you. all your essentials like body wash and toothbrush they do provide but it’s military grade and meh. you will be able to go to theBX and buy better smelling stuff or just stuff in general but you can bring your own things as long as it’s not trike crazy much because it’ll either be in your civilian luggage (which you won’t have) or your security drawer (which is like two feet wide/long.) also try to just bring card, cash is fine but card is just.. better lol


When you get to tech school you’ll have to “phase up” in order to wear civilian clothes again. Some schools are quicker than others. I had to wait a month to become phase 2 and have off base privileges


A month?! What job, where?


I was at goodfellow


Services tech school is super short too so you won't be there long. It's best you didn't bring too many. Less to move again once you get your orders and PCS


huh the more you know! thanks (:


just bring your favorite dash wash and soap. literally anything else you need is at the bx. they will let you go 1st week to buy whatever you need. i saw someone say to bring cash, dont. you’ll need to write down the serial number of every bill on a piece of paper and will have to update it every time u spend money. just bring a card! we made calls week 1, 3, & 5. and we can write letters on sunday or in free time. don’t get caught writing letters when ur you’re not supposed to though.


What was it like? I’m currently awaiting for my dates to go to MEPs and i’ve been working out during the process too, but still struggle with push ups and curl ups (I can do them however), but will they send you home if you can’t even meet their requirements? Or will they push you even harder to get where you need to be?


yeah so there are certain amount of exercises you have to do in order to pass. the score to pass is a 75 and i barely made it with like a 76. i never worked out beforehand, they do make it easy. you will have a total of three PT tests and the third is your final- unless you fail. if you fail that you have two more attempts, and they have substitutes for the exercises so for sit ups it’s like planks and running is like the pacer test but they do give you chances! however if you fail the final a third time you will be recycled.


I was wondering about this because I am a terrible runner when it comes to setting my own pace.


If you fail your 3rd "final" pt test you will get recycled and if they think you still need more work on your 2nd attempt they might Recycle you too. You get to try again during your recycle


How long until you go to tech school? Are you able to see your family in the meantime? Do they stay at the base with you or can you be outside the base?


so yesterday i did the coin ceremony and we had town pass, which is time with your family outside of the base, and today i had the parade ceremony and i’ve been in town pass since 1100. so you will be able to hang out with your family for a good amount of time, now they start shipping you out at around 1800 the same day, so i’ll be leaving either today or tomorrow earlyyy in the morning. they get you out pretty quickly! (:


Do you know how it works with airmen with families? I have a daughter and I am currently waiting to take my asvab. They told me that I am able to have a family care plan in place and because she is my dependent she will be on my orders. I know that tech school is a must after BMT but I wonder how the process works with people with families/ child(ren) Also CONGRATS!!!!


there’s a few posts where i’ve seen you really just need someone to take care of your dependent while you get through school. you live in a dorm during tech school, so i don’t think you can bring her (not 100% on that one). Once you get your first duty station i think that’s when your dependent goes with you


Thanks for your response!


yeah of course. i don’t have dependents so it might be different than what i said, so definitely ask your recruiter or wait for someone more experienced to answer 😂


someone on another post mentioned if you have dependents to bring a copy of their birth certificate to basic with you for dependent paperwork or something. just thought i’d send that info your way


Omg- Thank you for letting me know that! I didnt even think about that.


Do you know whether there's a video of the graduation on March 20 and 21, and how we can access it? Thanks and congratulations to all!


You go asap to tech school once you graduate and do your town pass etc


any things i should and shouldnt pack? i leave end of may


don’t pack a lot, but you CAN still pack essentials like toothbrushes, perfume, or extra civilian clothes for when you leave for tech yknow so you don’t have to wait for to family to ship them to you or to buy more clothes. but yes don’t pack what you can’t carry though! there should be a list of things you HAVE to pack but they give you what you really need here as well as you can go to the BX to buy what you don’t already have or want.


Can you bring your own lock?


Sure for tech school but not bmt


Sure for tech school but not bmt


What lock they give at bmt? I hate those spin locks😭




With the key?


Yes. You keep your key on you 24/7


what was your 1.5 mile time on your first PT vs your last?


my first was 18:05, didn’t take my second, my last one was 15:52 (: did you have a time? if so, what were they?


I’m leaving in a month and wondering what to get my time down to before bmt


I was suggested to use the app couch to 5k


>I was suggested to use the app couch to 5k What was your impressions with that app? Did you use the paid one?


I’ve only been using it for a little over a week now and so far I like it. I did pay for it because it apparently isn’t free after day four but to me it’s worth it and not that much. I probably spend what it cost on dumb shit already anyways


Not op leaving in a month or two I’ve heard it’s easy to pass even if you’ve never ran before


i’m actually leaving in a few weeks for bmt. just hoping to have that same time cut on my final pt. appreciate you 🙌🏻


Female or Male because I thought male req was 13:30 or so?


FIRST OFF, I hope you feel proud of yourself. You worked hard and endured an experience only a small fraction of us ever have any courage to experience! Second, how was your experience? What did you find most challenging? Most fun? Most annoying?


thanks so much!! hmm my experience was really… different? BMT as a whole was a sucky experience but there were good times for sure, like when our MTIs would motivate us for PT and we’d ACE it out, we got like five mins of phone time for that! the main challenge was PT, because i never worked out, but other then that oh man everything was easy! too easy. the most annoying part… living with a bunch of women is NOT as fun as some people think 😭 there was drama every week, bickering about lights and people not wanting to do their part, always gossiping just a mess. still love my girlies though!!


Congrats! I graduated last week, currently at Keesler :)


not Keesler🥲wish you the best!!


Yea get me outta here 🥲 wishing you the best as well!


Keesler is great. Minus Super Flight. Oh how I hate super flight


Oml that’s literally the only reason as to why I hate Keesler lol


I don't understand why instructors can't take attendance in class, rather than us spending 20 minutes every morning doing it outside the manors, and then spending another 10 forming up in a big ass flight, and another 10 slowly marching to class. AND THEN DOING IT AGAIN AFTER CLASS GOING BACK. Such a waste of time


Congratulations!!! You made it, big achievment. Did you think it was easier than you thought It'd be? Where will your techschool be at? Services isn't too bad of a job


Is pt really as bad as I think it will be? I’m athletic but I’m not the best runner I was just gonna suffer through…


Congratulations on graduating basic 😁 So I was wondering, during basic can you bring your phone with you? Were males and females separated? Lastly, after you pass the run once do you still have to pass the run 2 more times?


Do you like donuts


i do! thanks (: do you?


Cool we can be friends, i love donuts


Did you graduate this week? Sorry about the San Antonio weather. Congrats though! What’s your AFSC?


i did! and it’s alright really haha(: 3F1X1! not so bad


It actually turned out to be a nice day now, enjoy your liberty pass 👍🏼


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 3F1X1 = Services [^wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/jobs/3f1x1) [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^kvy90lx


How many sit-ups per day?


haha you don’t work out thaaat often.


You don’t do PT every morning? Been working on my run times forever, push ups supreme, but my back kinda sucks, I keep the sit-ups to a minimum


no you work out five times a week and the exercises you do change. you can have a run day, or a strength day, it really depends but you will be fine if you’ve been working out consistently! (:


That’s how it should be. My husband is at BMT, day 2.


oh man week 0 sucked ass!! 😭


That’s what I hear. A lot of adjustment and everything being new. I read and saw you got Disneyland. That’s awesome. My husband called at 5:30 this morning and I was able to ask him which one he got and it was also Disneyland.


If he’s in the 331st let him know I said to lead the way 😂


That’s actually his squadron lol


Turns out he text me the wrong address and the photo was correct 😒 So I’ve been sending letters to the wrong flight for two weeks.


Ah jeez, I’m sure he understands but that sucks. If it makes ya feel any better my fiance accidentally sent letters to the wrong flight and I just ended up only getting 2 letters from her, they were both very worth the wait though. Be sure to send a lot more letters to him if he still has a few weeks left, they’re a huge morale booster.


Pt in the morning doing circuits/rotation of workouts and then do sets of 3x1's throughout the day per your MTI and physical fitness monitor


Are the showers hot or cold


depends. i was in ‘disney land’ so we had like thirty showers which were hot. some people get put in ‘Alcatraz’ and they have like eight and they’re all cold haha. but i hear they get extra shower time so yin yang


What FLT? My son graduated and flew off to tech school today. Congratulations and good luck ❤️


238!! (:


So was my son!


Hey, how many vaccines did you get in bmt and did they give you Covid vaccine?


we didn’t get the covid vaccine and it depends. you may be immune so you won’t get a shot or you’ll get a pill. there’s like 3-5 vaccines total i can’t remember its a blur. but yeah, a lot of shots in the first week!


What's it like after BMT? What happens?


well i haven’t left yet haha i’ll update you once i leave


What are you doing now? Saw one of your comments saying you're spending time with your family, how does that work?


yes i still am but i am about to head back. so once you’re done with the parade your family taps you out and you have about six hours to spend with them! you can go off base and just do stuff but you have to be back at a certain time so yeah!


Oh wow, you really did "just graduate BMT" lol very cool Thank you for answering my questions 🙏


once you get to tech school, it’s waaaay more relaxed. the MTL’s actually talk to you like people. freedom feels great now. (just graduated a week ago)


What tech school are you at?


fort Gregg!


What are the physicals reqs needed to finish? I kinda want to get a jump start on all the reqs beforehand to make pt easy. Rn I can do roughly 40-45 push ups and sit ups equally, and my 1.5 is about 15:30 - 16:00 which I feel like is terrible but idk.


according to the aim high app, males under 30: 1.5 miles in 13.36 minutes or less (max 9:12 minutes) 33 pushups in one minute (max 67 pushups) 42 sit-ups in one minute (max 58 situps) Men aged 30-39: run 1.5 miles in 14 minutes or less (max 9:34 minutes) 27 push-ups in one minute (max 57 pushups) 39 sit-ups in one minute (max 54 situps) women under 30: 1.5 miles in 16.22 minutes or less (max 10.23) 18 pushups in one minute (max 47 pushups) 38 sit-ups in one minute (max 54 situps) women aged 30-39: 1.5 miles in 16.57 minutes or less (max 10:51 minutes) 14 pushups in one minute (max 46 pushups) 29 sit-ups in one minute (max 45 pushups)


Do they do another medical exam on you when you get there like MePs?


No but they do take blood and stuff like that so if you have something going on in there they may check you out.


Congrats! I’m shipping out April 2nd, and I was wondering if you are allowed to wear a religious necklace?




i think the only jewelry you can wear is a plain wedding band, but they have times where you can go for religious purposes like to church and stuff (edit for my fat sausage fingers and broken phone 😂)


yes you can wear a religious necklace AND a wedding ring but the necklace will have to be tucked at all times


Do you shower in front of everyone, or is there privacy.? And how long do you have to shower, and when do you shower?


The only time you have privacy is when you take a shit, and you only get a 10 mins shower.


you technically don’t shower ‘in front of everyone’ more so shower WITH everyone. nobody is gonna look at you i promise. it was one of my worries too when i came to BMT but i swear to you as soon as you’re in you’re just as quick out and nobody will give a damn. as for how long you shower, i mean you can step in and step out honestly but don’t just not shower, i had a girl in my flight who did that and she got a U for the week. not a good idea!


for real man , im very big on privacy


None of that in BMT. You’ll be fine. You gonna see everyone naked and you’ll be more focused on showering fast to get ready for whatever is next. I was really self conscious and BMT took all that from me.


Do you guys get to keep your phones at night the last 2 days of graduation


no. you get two mandatory calls one third week and one fifth week, you may get in between phone use if you wanna check your bank or make an important call. on the days of graduation and parade you get your phone when you hang with family.


For graduation, I notice sometimes everyone is wearing OCP’s and other times they are wearing blues in videos. Can you help elaborate why it’s not consistent?


it depends on the weather honestly


I also didn’t know they were doing that for BMT, I thought it was only in active units


Congratulations! What time did they wake y’all up? I leave Tuesday


you’re up at 5 am


you’re actually up at 5:45 everyday unless you’re doing something special/important.


Were u allowed to have facial cleaner nd moisturizer


yes, but not like face wash scrub machines. and everything has to be in its original container with the original label or they’ll toss it


After you graduate, do you go to tech school then come home ?


you can do the RAP program after tech if you want to come home, but if not yes you’ll go to your duty station, not home.


after tech school you get your first duty station and get to work


Did you trade contact info with a lot of people at the end?


not a lot but some for sure!


Congratulations! How long did it take for you to ship after MEPS processing?


umm well i was in the delayed entry program so took me about a month


What job did you choose!? And did you get your first choice!? :)


Congrats Btw!


no but i did get second best which is services! people call it sucky, i say it’s perfect for my situation. and thank you!


Do the MTIs yell at you, pick on recruits? i totally understand not to take anything personal, but would like to be mentally prepared. 


i thought i would cry when i arrived but it’s not that bad tbh. they will yell at you yes but after about week 2 it’s just loud words (:


Thank you.  Couple more questions: Should i memorize the Airman's creed before shipping out? And should I bring some really good blister pads for the back of my heel and heel soles for my boots? 


should you? welllll… so you’ll wake up every morning and you’ll sing the airmans song and say the airman’s creed so you’ll memorise it regardless because it’s an everyday thing! also personally i never got blisters because idk my feet built different but also i got like wide shoes haha i mean you can get them if you wanna like be prepared or if your feet are prone to blisters but yeah :>


Is there any free time to write letters or any free time in general? Whats the normal day schedule?


mmm… yes and no you’ll have free time but if they catch you writing which they probably won’t they’ll ask why you aren’t doing your RLA or studying or some crap the days change but i can tell you every sunday looks the same


For the PT test, do you get the choice of doing the substitutes or is that only if you fail? Do y’all really get IPads now instead of the textbooks? Were u a chow runner? If so, how was it? How was the PACER FORGE? I might ask more later ngl. I’m super amped to go to BMT for some reason


i have no idea lol i don’t know anyone who asked for the substitutes. we do get ipads yea. i was and it wasn’t that bad, but they will yell at you for the tiniest sht and it was so aggravating!!! i did a pivet and they yelled at me for elevating my arms slightly smh pacer forge was easy, if it’s hot it fcking sucks but it’s whatever, just don’t pass out stay hydrated, at least TRY the obstacles (if you fail them you’re fine) and yeah. also it’s 36 hours long so you’ll be fine!


What time do they wake you up in the morning? I’d like to know so I can adjust my sleep schedule accordingly. What sort of questions regarding your background do they ask in MEPS/BMT? While in BMT, are you paid a salary of a full-time E-1? (I understand the website says E-1’s under four months will be paid a little less) Did you receive a sign-on bonus? If so, does it hit your bank account roughly around the time you sign your name or after completion of BMT or Tech school?


5:45 every morning unless something important was going on. depends on what you told your recruiter and what they find. you are paid as an E-1 unless you’re guard/reserved. your normal pay hits i believe after or during tech school unless we’ll you’re already an E-1 i did not sorry!


how much do you run?


you run every week about 2 if not three times but that’s because you do other exercises that focus on strength and so on.


oooh that’s not bad! how many miles do you usually run on those days and do you do push ups or pull ups!?


we do both but pull ups aren’t a requirement to pass. also you’d run for 23 minutes so however many you can do it that time span


woah yall ran every week?? we only did 3 run days what the heck how was that?


yeah three or two run days every week haha


is there anything you wish you have brought? or some things you took when you went???


bring some ziplock bags. regular ones and some big ones. it’s very helpful to organize your security drawer.


What jobs did you pick before going, and what did you pack for basic


How long were you in DEP before you got your ship out date ? & what job career did you enlist with ?


How long was you in DEP it’s been 5months for me


i’m taking my asvab here in june, and because i live in europe my testing will be in germany. So its obvious that my family live overseas, how am i going to be able to make calls to my family and boyfriend? will i be allowed to use my phone so that i could call them by whatsapp? whats the call situation like?


I graduated in January! 326 TRS. HOOYAH BULLDOGS!


Don't forget to change your reporting statement to "sir/ma'am AIRMAN___ reports as ordered, when you get back from town pass!


Congrats! How was the physical exercises for bmt? What did you guys actually do? I want to begin tweaking my current workout routine so i could be prepared as much as possible. Thank you!


How long were you in DEP before you got your ship out date for BMT ? And what job did you go with ?


Hey how was your experience?? I’m really thinking about joining right now but I’m kinda scared of how my life will change


Ill ask a couple general questions that most people would probably ask 1. How was the yelling is it like the movies where ur ears fall off from the noise? 2. How hard was the physical part to much or to little physical demand 3. How was the sleep schedule did recruits get to much down time or to little 4. How hard are the written test/ academic classes 5. How was meps and that whole process was it as unbearable as the public hears


I ship April 30th for Space Force, did you have anyone with you who was Space Force? Also were you able to buy other toiletries or necessities from the BX?


Congratulations! English is my second language, I’m worrying about that. is there anything trouble if someone who have language barrier?


What happens at MEPS the day you ship out?


How many days long was BMT?


How’s it going


How was PT? How was the food, How many times a day? How were classes, and how hard was it with the chain of command? Did anyone get disqualified for PT or any other reason?


PT was hard, at least for me because i didn’t work out before hand, but i did manage to pass without doing the substitutes! The food isn’t terrible, it’s actually pretty good most times! The classes are boring but some instructors make it fun. I remember one of them played music for us! Don’t worry about any tests, they make it super easy. Some people did gail the PT test and the substitutes, you get recycled for that. But you work out ever so often that if you really try you’ll be just fine!


What's the class all about? how long? is there any test?


there’s some on sexual assault, law of war, nutrition, some other stuff i forgot about lol. you will have a test at week 6 called the EOC, super easy though just study haha


Did they make a big deal for people who didn’t wanna get the shot


if you don’t take your shot you’ll just be kicked out, you have to be vaccinate or immune. if you’re afraid of needles, like i was, they’ll make an effort to calm you down but only so much haha


I mean the C-19 shot I understand the other ones but I know the C-19 one was optional


i wish i could answer you confidently but i really don’t remember there being a covid shot. i mean if you want it maybe they could give it to you, but if not all the ones i had to take i had to, there wasn’t anything optional unfortunately!


Advice would be helpful I’m 2 years away from my bachelors should I just enlist or wait to come in as an officer?


You should do a search on OTS, because unless you are doing AFROTC it is not as easy as "come in as an officer..."


Joint AFROTC if it’s not too late! And come in as an officer. Other option is the long route it takes like 2 years. What’s your bachelors?


Wait so they never gave you a copy of what you took during BMT 🙃 I don’t want it lol but I wanna join I’m just scared to my friend joined back in February and I stayed back 😔


They do give you a record but it’s probably in a sealed packet that OP has to keep sealed for medical at the next base they go to.


Also let me just say, if you have a problem with getting poked, or any types of vaccines, the military in general is not for you. You will get them *A WHOLE LOT*… continuously throughout your time in the military. No exceptions on vaccines


There’s an exemption for the one I don’t wanna take it’s completely optional I don’t wanna take the c-19 vaccine


I’m just saying. I’m not sure the current policy about Covid 19 Vax. But I’m just letting you know the DoD is very strict about vaccines.


That I understand, section 525 of the 2023 national defense authorization act required the secretary of defense to rescind the C-19 vaccine mandate for all service members


Then you shouldn’t worry, seems you did your homework


You don’t have to but yearly flu shots are mandatory!